As I wrote in my previous article "History of Paintball", the first states in which paintball equipment was used for tactical training of special forces soldiers were the USA and Israel.
The Israel Defense Forces (Tsahal) adopted a small number of paintball markers in the mid-1990s. The case helped. It so happened that in 1995 a paintball club was closed. This club was the first to promote the idea of paintball in Israel. But at that time, the game did not gain popularity among citizens, the club went bankrupt, and its property was sold out. The leadership of the Counter-Terror School showed interest and bought everything at a very attractive price. They supplemented their arsenal. Since then, the school has been using paintball markers to train its cadets in the art of close combat (CQB). Making the process of training fighters more realistic, markers also allow cadets to conduct training, including at sites where the use of firearms is not possible. At first, markers were used as a tool for simulating real combat, and later as non-lethal weapons.
In 1998, Tsakhal founded the Counter Guerrilla School. The Israeli armed forces arrive at this school for training before the deployment of their units along the Israeli-Lebanese border. Among other things, a large number of paintball markers were ordered to equip the school.
Most of the paintball markers used by the IDF are simulated M16 rifles, although “civilian” paintball markers are also not uncommon. If we talk about the M16 simulators, they are called CAR 68. They were developed and produced by the American company Gun F / X. This system is developed on the basis of paintball technology. This is probably why the number 68 appears in the name of the model: the model uses balls of 17, 27 mm (0, 68 inches). Even before the Israeli Army, CAR 68 simulators entered the US Armed Forces: the Army, the Marine Corps, the Navy Special Forces (Navy Seals), the US Secret Service. Also, CAR 68 markers are used to train soldiers of the Latvian special forces unit.

Operation Sea Breeze. Not always a paintball marker (even a tactical one) is enough to settle the situation. Oleg Sokolov ("The Professor") reminded me of one of these cases. On the night of May 30-31, 2010, the Israel Defense Forces conducted Operation Sea Breeze. It was a reaction to the provocation of Turkish radicals, who tried to break the blockade of the Gaza Strip on a flotilla of ships ("Freedom Flotilla"). Israeli naval special forces boarded the Mavi Marmara ferry with paintball guns to disperse people if aggression was shown. But after they opened fire on the special forces, they, in turn, used firearms.
In addition to the M16 rifle simulator, the Gun F / X company has developed other samples, for example, training modifications of the Heckler and Koch MP5 PPs, the Beretta 92 pistol, the M203 40-mm grenade launcher and even the M72 LAW grenade launcher (the successor to the Superbazuki). But these products, with the exception of the MP5, did not receive distribution and were produced in limited quantities.

Gun F / X, without unnecessary modesty, claims that the world's most elite counter-terrorism units use their models for the tactical training of their fighters.
Looking ahead, I will say that for a long time, the Gun F / X specialists collected and analyzed the feedback from the operators of their markers. Taking into account the suggestions and wishes of the soldiers that arose as a result of many years of operation of these products, the company's specialists began to develop an improved model of the tactical marker. And in 2005, the company offered its potential customers a new series of markers under the designation MX.

The manufacturer claims that the MX series markers are the most realistic training weapon ever created. They, they say, create a situation as close as possible to a combat (live fire). That is why tactical exercises using the MX series markers have proven to be the most effective means of training spetsnaz fighters. The ability of combatants to operate in such an environment is critical to the survival of soldiers in combat and the successful completion of their missions.
Non-lethal weapon. After the tactical marker CAR68 managed to establish itself as an effective training weapon, representatives of the Monterey Bay Corporation turned to its manufacturer (Gun F / X). The Monterey Bay folks said the military and law enforcement are interested in developing new non-lethal weapons. The specialists of the Gun F / X company are asked to think about this topic, and after ideas appear, to propose their concept. Since it was a government order, the guys from Airgun Designs USA Inc. were also invited to brainstorm. The project received the name UTPBS (Under-barrel Tactical PaintBall System), which loosely translates as “an under-barrel system for tactical paintball”. The author does not know for certain the technical specifications for the new product, but the name of the project speaks for itself.
Non-lethal ammunition. Simultaneously with the development of weapons, work began on the design of "humane ammunition" for non-lethal weapons within the framework of the same project. The customer made specific requirements to him.
First: all-weather. The customer wanted a projectile that would retain its characteristics in any weather. My reader gladcu2 was right when he said that in humid weather, gelatinous balls deform literally before our eyes. On my own behalf, I will add that in the summer heat and winter cold the balls also change their properties, and their filler changes its consistency. To preserve the quality of the shells, “winter balls” with a reinforced shell and fluorescent filler have been developed and produced. But the "winter balls" appeared relatively recently, and it is unlikely that the security officials were satisfied with the option with "winter and summer tires".
Second: efficiency. In other words, the customer was not satisfied with a ball weighing 3-4 grams. The police representatives probably asked for a heavier projectile with increased stopping power. After all, angry demonstrators or criminals "high" - they are like this: you cannot reason with them with a fly swatter.
Third: a different type of action. That is, the customer wanted a wide range of shells of various types of action and purpose. It was at least 3 types of shells: traumatic, marking and tear action.
Fourth: effective range and hit accuracy. I think that a guaranteed defeat of a growth figure from a distance of 50-60 meters was required. Some paintball players glue a thin strip of sandpaper to the inside of the gun barrel to improve the accuracy of their guns. As a result, the ball, flying out of the barrel, rubbed against the abrasive strip and received a rotational motion. This added stability to the projectile and improved accuracy. But such an option would hardly suit the customer. Therefore, it was required either to use a rifled barrel, or somehow stabilize the projectile. And, perhaps, both.
Fifth: environmental friendliness. The customer considered it important that the new ammunition was chemically safe for both the human body and the environment. In general, "beat me gently" …
For the development of the special purpose ammunition, Perfect Circle Paintballs was involved. This company was already then considered a leader and pioneer in the design and manufacture of paintball balls. By that time, Perfect Circle had already abandoned the production of gelatin balls in favor of plastic ones. Balls made of plastic were obtained with an almost perfect round shape and the same diameter, but they did not shine with increased characteristics. On the other hand, the plastic balls from Perfect Circle were weather resistant and could be filled with liquids that dissolve gelatin. And, most importantly, the process of producing plastic balls from 2 hemispheres was simpler and cheaper than encapsulating gelatin.

Perfect Circle plastic balls are widely used. Depending on their purpose and the wishes of the customer, they were filled with different fillings. They marked trees for felling and livestock for sale, marked “on the fly” the deformed wheels of wagons or problem sections of the railway track, used for special effects when shooting movies (90% of balls in Hollywood are products from Perfect Circle). I also found a very exotic area of application of balls with an unknown filler: they stimulate wasps to hunt bark beetles.
The development of a high-precision, non-lethal, and even in the bargain and environmentally friendly ammunition took a lot of time. The guys at Perfect Circle experimented with the shape of the projectile, materials and fillers. Experts from Gun F / X and Airgun Designs worked on the layout of a promising system, on individual nodes. We checked with our subcontractors and tested the next samples of their shells.
Polystyrene was chosen as the material for the projectile, and bismuth was chosen as the filler. Bismuth is a fairly safe element. Therefore, he found application in the most unexpected areas. Bismuth compounds are used for the production of cosmetics as a brightening agent in nail polish, lipstick, and eye shadows. In medicine - in the production of Vishnevsky ointment, medicines for stomach diseases and antiseptics. Bismuth is used to make shot and sinkers for hunters and fishermen: it is less toxic than traditional lead.

Over time, the optimal shape of the projectile was also experimentally derived. The caliber of the projectile remained the same as that of paintballs: 0, 68. Its front part (hemisphere) contained bismuth granules.

The rear of the projectile was in the form of a slightly tapered cylinder, on which the tail was provided for stabilization. Passing the bore, the stabilizers gave the projectile a rotational movement, and this made it possible to use a smooth barrel in the weapon. Inside the cylinder was a container that could be filled with water, paint, or a hot pepper-based tear-release irritant.

UTPBS device presentation. Finally the day came when the development team showed the customer the result of their work. The weapon was a removable device that could be mounted under the barrel of an individual weapon of the M16 type instead of the standard M203 grenade launcher. The mounts were identical, so the UTPBS system could be installed on any rifle on which the M203 grenade launcher could be installed. According to the requirements, the system was multi-charged and could fire in a semi-automatic mode. In addition, the weapon provided for the ability to quickly select a projectile by type of action. This was possible thanks to a clever revolver-type ammunition system.

The shells were fed from tubular containers, which the shooter could turn manually around the barrel. With this movement, the shooter could quickly feed a container with the desired type of ammunition, or simply carry out a “quick reload”. Judging by the photo, there were 4 or 5 such containers for shells. And based on the length of the container, it can be assumed that each could hold up to 10 shells. That is, the total number of shells in the UTPBS device could reach 40-50 pieces. Each tank was provided with holes that helped the shooter control the type and amount of ammunition remaining. A gas cylinder was attached to the system on the right side. I think that the gas should have been enough for 80-90 shots. The trigger was located in the usual place for a grenade launcher. The hook was protected from accidental shots by a trigger guard. For the same purposes, a flag safety device was provided above the descent.

At the request of the customer, a pistol grip stock was developed for the UTPBS launcher. This upgrade allowed the UTPBS to be used as a stand alone weapon. For easy storage and carrying, the buttstock is foldable. The same idea was used by the FAB Defense company, having developed a stock for the M203 grenade launcher under the designation FD-203 (M203 Standalone Conversion Kit).
About the participants of the project. At the end of the article there are links to the sites of most of the project participants. But there are 2 organizations that I want to talk about separately.
Monterey Bay Company. The American company Monterey Bay Corporation is considered to be the author of the concept. A very inconspicuous organization from the small town of Ellicott City, Maryland. No website, no profile on social networks, minimal data on the Internet. The company was founded in 2000 and is on the list of government contractors. Formally, the main activity of the company is “shooting facilities”, that is, shooting ranges for target shooting from firearms, bows and crossbows (Shooting Facilities And Archery Lanes). Since 2000, this contractor has completed 8 contracts for the US government totaling $ 65.6 million.
Dismounted Battlespace Lab. Also a very modest organization with a "residence permit" at the military base of Fort Benning, Georgia. Participated in the proof of concept of UTPBS and its testing at this military base. There is practically no information, except that the company lit up in history with the purchase of a large number of doors for the needs of the army. The story is connected with the training of American special forces in the art of knocking down doors. For these purposes, within 10 months, 84 contracts were concluded for the amount of USD 111, 721, 00 for the purchase of these very doors. Dismounted Battlespace Lab was the intermediary in buying the doors for 100 thousand dollars.
The further fate of the UTPBS launcher is unknown to me. A photo of the device was posted on the Internet by an American who allegedly entered a pawnshop and found this rarity in one of the windows. A pawnshop employee told an interesting story to a potential buyer. If the story is true, then the pawnshop guy was involved in the development of UTPBS. A potential buyer turned around an interesting device, took a picture of it, but did not buy it. But in the same place I looked after and bought the FN 303. But I will tell you about this weapon next time …
That's all! Thank you for the attention!
The author would like to thank Bongo and Professor for the advice.