In response to a request from journalists to compare the PAK FA fighter with the American F-22 Raptor, created ten years ago, the chief designer of the aircraft, Alexander Davydenko, said: "The main functions remained the same, but we tried to make them better."
Davydenko said that during the development of the aircraft, the Sukhoi Design Bureau simulated an air battle between the T-50 and the F-22.
“I think we will have competitive prices. As for the cost / efficiency criterion, our aircraft is much better,”added the designer.
The head of the OKB Mikhail Pogosyan demonstrated to Putin the work of a special stand, where the functioning of the electric hydraulic drive of the aircraft is simulated in conjunction with the operation of the control system of the combat vehicle.
According to Poghosyan, the aircraft's drive system is highly reliable and even in the event of a failure of one or another equipment, it allows shifting the control function of the aircraft to other controls. There is no mechanical control in the plane itself - all the work for the pilots is done by a "smart" integrated control system, ITAR-TASS reports.
At the same time, Poghosyan noted, due to new technologies, the weight of the system has been reduced by 30 percent compared to previous samples.
Poghosyan introduced to Putin the honored test pilot of Russia Sergei Bogdan, who was the first to fly a fifth-generation aircraft. Putin congratulated the pilot and asked him about his feelings during the flight. The tester said that he had already lifted the combat vehicle into the air three times, and the results obtained during testing at the stand at the Sukhoi Design Bureau made it possible to avoid surprises during real flights.
The Prime Minister was also shown footage of the development of various aircraft systems, including the engine, as well as flights of a promising aviation complex of front-line aviation. Poghosyan stressed that already during the first flights, the roll angles were checked and an angle of attack of 27 degrees was reached. When testing the Su-27, such results could be achieved only a few months after the aircraft first took to the air.

In stat. the hall, where 50-0 stands, drove only VVP and a couple of TV cameras + a regular cameraman of Sukhovsky (but his photos, which got 50-0, are not yet given, like "nizzy", although everyone has already seen freeze frames from RTR and NTV) …
1. 50-2 we are waiting towards the end of the year. 3 and 4 - in 2011.
2. Radar stations for 1 and 2 were naturally not planned (MAP was very angry at the fools-journalist who made far-reaching conclusions on the basis of this). We are waiting for her on board in 2011. Behind and do not wait, tk. "we don't need it"
3. The second stage engine is not waiting for a year until 2020. "The engine of the first stage satisfies all TTT, including cruising supersonic", and will go serial with it in 2015-2016. Again, I was very angry with the journalist, who consider the engine of the first stage "old" (because a completely new FADEK, new turbine, thrust "+2500 kgf", weight and consumption are less, etc., etc.).
4. EPR. It was said this way: the 4th generation ("aircraft of the Su-27 type") - about 12 meters, the F-22 - about 0.3 … 0, 4. And we will have "no worse than the F-22 or so"

Analysis of the T-50-1
Side view 31.9 sq.m.
Top view 129.3 sq.m.
Front view 10.13 sq.m.
Airframe volume 34.73 cubic meters
Bearing area 90 sq.m.
The size of the air intake corresponds to the compressor of the engine with a diameter of 1.14 m. It is likely that the "second stage" engine known as "edition 127" will have an afterburner thrust in the region of 17,500 kgf and a maximum thrust of 11,000 kgf.
Maximum takeoff weight 35080 kg
Normal weight, 63% fuel 26510 kg
Normal weight, 100% fuel 30610 kg
Empty weight 17500 kg
Fuel weight 11100 kg (100%) / 7000 kg (63%)
Load weight 1310 kg - 10000 kg
External load nodes - 6 pieces, internal - 8 pieces.
The total volume of the compartments is 7 cubic meters
Relative volume - 20%
The weight of the UVKU-50L universal intra-fuselage ejection unit is 100 kg, the weight of the UVKU-50U is 200 kg.
Takeoff weight calculation:
Normal weight No. 1 (63% fuel)
17500 (empty) + 100 (pilot) + 7000 kg (fuel) + 1140 kg (6 SD SD) + 600 kg (AKU) + 170 kg (2 SD SD) = 26510 kg, wing load 295 kg / kV.m, thrust-to-weight ratio 1.13 kgf / kg
Normal weight No. 2 (100% fuel)
17500 (empty) + 100 (pilot) + 11100 kg (fuel) + 1140 kg (6 SD SD) + 600 kg (AKU) + 170 kg (2 SD SD) = 30610 kg
wing loading 340 kg / kV.m, thrust-to-weight ratio 0.98 kgf / kg
Maximum weight with internal suspension (63% fuel)
17500 (empty) + 100 (pilot) + 7000 kg (fuel) + 4000 kg (8 AB-500) + 800 kg (4 BD) + 380 kg (2 SD SD) + 200 kg (2 AKU) = 29980 kg
Maximum weight with internal suspension (100% fuel)
17500 (empty) + 100 (pilot) + 11100 kg (fuel) + 4000 kg (8 AB-500) + 800 kg (4 BD) + 380 kg (2 SD SD) + 200 kg (2 AKU) = 34080 kg
Fuel weight 11100 kg (full), 7000 kg (normal)
2 PTB-2000, 2 x 1570 kg = 3140 kg of fuel, total weight 11100 kg + 3140 kg = 14240 kg
Kilometer fuel consumption 2.59 kg / km
with "normal" gas station 2700 km
with "maximum" filling 4300 km
with PTB-2000 5500 km
supersonic 2000 km
Maximum speed 2200 - 2500 km / h
Speed in non-afterburner mode 1850 - 2100 km / h
The aircraft uses a hydraulic system with a working pressure of 350 kg / cm2