"Centauro" Italian heavy armament combat vehicle

"Centauro" Italian heavy armament combat vehicle
"Centauro" Italian heavy armament combat vehicle

This machine was created by the IVECO-OTO Melara consortium in the 1980s, and its production began in 1991. The body of the machine is all-welded steel, provides protection against small arms fire and fragments of artillery shells (along the front arc - from shells of caliber up to 20 mm, and the rest of the projections - from 12, 7-mm bullets).

The driver's seat is located in the front left, and on the right is the engine compartment. The rest of the hull is protected from it by a firewall. The driver has three viewing devices, the middle of which can be replaced with a night vision device. The hull tower mounted on the roof is displaced somewhat backward from its central transverse plane.


This model has a 120mm smoothbore cannon (pictured below is a BMTV with a 105mm cannon). The turret provides space for the commander (left), gunner (right) and loader (right in front and below the gunner). Its roof in the middle part has a domed shape to give the gun a declination angle (elevation / declination angle from + 15 to -6 °). The commander has four observation devices. The turret and gun are driven by electro-hydraulic, with the possibility of manual guidance. The main performance characteristics of the BMTV: non-floating, the wheel formula of the chassis is 8x8, the combat weight is 25 tons, the crew is four people, the length with the cannon forward is 8, 55 m, the width of the hull is 3.05 m, the maximum height is 2, 735 m, the ground clearance is 0, 417 m, diesel engine, turbocharged 520 hp s, the maximum speed on the highway is 105 km / h, the fuel range is 800 km; overcomes a ford up to 1.5 m deep; additional booking possible. In addition to the cannon, the BMTV is equipped with two 7.62 mm machine guns (coaxial and anti-aircraft), two quad grenade launchers for setting smoke screens. Ammunition 40 artillery rounds. 1,400 machine gun rounds and 16 smoke grenades.
