The mobile missile system "Caliber-M" (export designation Club-M) is designed to organize anti-ship defense and provide combat stability to coastal zone objects, as well as defeat a wide range of stationary (sedentary) ground targets at any time of the day in simple and difficult weather conditions. Developed at OJSC "OKB" Novator "(Yekaterinburg).
The complex "Caliber-M" includes:
self-propelled launcher (SPU), transport-charging machines (TZM), cruise missiles 3M-54E, 3M-54E1 and 3M14E in transport and launch containers (TPK), technical support machine, communication and control machine, missile support and storage equipment.
The SPU and TZM of the complex can be placed on the chassis of the Bryansk automobile plant BAZ-6909 (for the armed forces of the Russian Federation) or the Belarusian MAZ-7930. SPU includes from four to six transport and launch containers with missiles (see photo) for various purposes. The maximum speed of the SPU on the highway is 70 km / h, off-road - 30 km / h. The power reserve without refueling is at least 800 km.

The presence of a complex of anti-ship missiles 3M-54E1 / 3M-54E and a high-precision cruise missile ZM14E intended for striking ground targets, in conjunction with a unified control system of the complex, provides exceptional flexibility, efficiency and versatility, incl. in a purely land theater of operations.
With the help of its own radar station installed on the communications and control vehicle, the Kalibr-M complex is capable of independently detecting and tracking surface targets, targeting and destroying tracked targets with 3M-54E1 / 3M-54E anti-ship missiles. The presence of active and passive radar detection channels allows for a flexible detection strategy, including covert detection. The complex can receive operational information from higher command posts and external reconnaissance and target designation means.
Some information about the missiles included in the complex:
Anti-ship missiles 3M-54E and 3M-54E1 have almost identical basic configuration and are maximally unified. The missiles are made according to the normal aerodynamic configuration with a drop-down trapezoidal wing, a span of 3.1m. The 3M-54E missile consists of a launch stage, a subsonic sustainer stage and a supersonic solid-propellant combat stage. The warhead is of a penetrating type with detonation at the optimum depth. The 3M54E1 rocket has two stages. The refusal to use the third supersonic stage made it possible to equip the 3M54E1 missile with a more powerful warhead and to increase the missile's flight range. Due to its shorter length, the 3M54E1 can be placed in shortened torpedo tubes.

Rocket 3M-54E
The launch stage provides the launch and acceleration of the rocket, it is equipped with a solid-propellant single-chamber rocket engine, similar to the engine of the 3M-10 Granat cruise missile. Lattice stabilizers are located in the tail section of the launch stage.
Marching stage - provides flight in the main section of the trajectory with a transonic speed, equipped with a small-sized turbojet engine TRDD-50B ("product 37-01E"). TRDD-50B was developed by the Omsk Motor-Building Design Bureau (OJSC "OMKB") and unified for all missiles of the "Kalibr" complexes. TRDD-50B is a two-circuit twin-shaft turbojet engine with coaxial shafts of low and high pressure circuits, equipped with an annular semi-loop combustion chamber. High pressure circuit - axial flow compressor (one axial stage and one diagonal) and a single stage axial turbine. Low pressure circuit - single stage wide chord fan and single stage axial turbine. Reliable engine start is provided in the entire range of external operating conditions from -50 ° C to + 60 ° C. Length of TRDD-50B - 800mm, diameter - 300mm, thrust - 270kgf.

Rocket 3M-54E1
The on-board missile control system 3M-54E / 3M-54E1 is based on the AB-40E autonomous inertial navigation system (developed by the State Research Institute of Instrument Engineering). Guidance on the final section of the trajectory is carried out using the ARGS-54 anti-jamming active radar homing head. ARGS-54 was developed by the company "Radar-MMS" (St. Petersburg) and has a maximum range of up to 65 km. Head length - 70cm, diameter - 42cm and weight - 40kg. ARGS-54 can function at sea state up to 6 points.
The cruise missile 3M-14E of the Kalibr-PLE, Kalibr-NKE, and Caliber-M complexes is equipped with a starting solid-propellant engine in the tail of which lattice stabilizers are placed. The main engine TRDD-50B ("Product 37") is a small-sized double-circuit turbojet, unified for all missiles of the "Caliber" complexes, developed by the Omsk Motor-Building Design Bureau (OJSC "OMKB").

Rocket 3M-14E equipped with a combined guidance system. Rocket control in flight is completely autonomous. The on-board control system is based on the AB-40E autonomous inertial navigation system (developed by the State Research Institute of Instrument Engineering). The missile control system includes a radio altimeter of the RVE-B type (developed by UPKB "Detal") and a satellite navigation system signal receiver (GLONASS or GPS). The radio altimeter ensures flight in the terrain enveloping mode due to the precise keeping of the flight altitude: over the sea - no more than 20 m, over land - from 50 to 150 m (when approaching the target - a decrease to 20 m).
The missiles fly along a predetermined route, in accordance with intelligence data regarding the position of the target and the availability of air defense means. The missiles are capable of penetrating the zones of the enemy's developed air defense system, which is ensured by extremely low flight altitudes (with rounding the terrain) and guidance autonomy in the "silence" mode in the main sector. Correction of the trajectory of the missile flight on the cruising section is carried out according to the data of the satellite navigation subsystem and the subsystem of correction for the terrain. The principle of operation of the latter is based on comparing the terrain of a specific area of the missile's location with reference maps of the terrain along the route of its flight, previously stored in the memory of the on-board control system. Navigation is carried out along a complex trajectory, the missile has the ability to bypass strong enemy air defense / missile defense zones or difficult terrain areas by entering the coordinates of the so-called route turn points (up to 15 control points) into the flight task (see the trajectory diagram).
Guidance in the final section of the trajectory is carried out using the ARGS-14E anti-jamming active radar homing head, which effectively distinguishes subtle small-sized targets against the background of the underlying surface. The ARGS-14E head with a diameter of 514 mm and a weight of 40 kg was developed by JSC NPP Radar MMS (St. Petersburg), has a viewing angle in azimuth (bearing) ± 45 °, in elevation - from + 10 ° to -20 ° … The detection range of a typical target is about 20 km. Exceptional maneuverability allows you to bring the missile to the target with high precision.
The 3M-14E missile is equipped with a powerful 450-kilogram high-explosive warhead with an air blast option. A variant of a missile with a cluster warhead equipped with fragmentation, high-explosive or cumulative submunitions for striking area and extended targets has been developed.
For the first time the complex "Caliber-M" / "Club-M" was demonstrated at the exhibition of weapons and military equipment in Nizhny Tagil in 2006.