Russian anti-aircraft missile systems are distinguished by their high characteristics and, thanks to this, are very popular on the international arms market. As it became known a few days ago, another name has been added to the list of export complexes. The organization "Rosoboronexport" has officially announced the start of promotion on the world market of the promising export air defense system "Tor-E2", developed by the concern of aerospace defense "Almaz-Antey".
On August 9, Rosoboronexport issued a new press release describing the organization's plans for the future. According to this document, the organization is launching a program to promote a new development of domestic designers in the field of air defense. It is planned to offer foreign clients the promising Tor-E2 anti-aircraft system. It is a further development of the already well-known "Thor" line, but at the same time it has certain differences from its predecessors. In addition, the complex with the letters "E2" was originally created taking into account supplies to third countries.

The promising complex is called a long-awaited novelty in the segment of short-range air defense systems. In the course of the latest modernization, the complex retained all the best features of its family, but at the same time it became even more formidable. In terms of technical characteristics and combat capabilities, "Tor-E2" surpasses foreign systems of its class. The same goes for mobility and survivability.
According to its purpose, the new representative of the "Tor" family is no different from its predecessors. The task of this complex is to cover units and troops on the march and during the battle. The complex is designed to protect troops from various air attack weapons: manned and unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as various weapons, primarily controlled. The possibility of combat work at any time of the day and in various meteorological conditions is preserved. The solution of tasks with active fire and electronic countermeasures from the enemy is provided.
The first real step in promoting the new air defense system on the international market should be its demonstration at the next exhibition. On August 21, the next international military-technical forum "Army-2018" opens in Kubinka, which will become a platform for the first public demonstration of the "Tor-E2" product. Rosoboronexport and the VKO Almaz-Antey concern expect that the new anti-aircraft complex will attract the attention of potential customers and the public. In addition, along with the new system, some already known samples will be on display.
According to published data, the promising export complex "Tor-E2" is another version of an anti-aircraft weapon from its family. The designers managed to preserve all the main positive features of the family, but at the same time to increase the characteristics, providing an advantage over previous models and foreign developments. Unfortunately, some of the technical characteristics have not yet been specified. There is reason to believe that such data will appear in the very near future - as part of the "premiere show" of the complex.
The modernization proposed and implemented in the new project had almost no effect on the overall architecture and appearance of the complex. As before, the Tor-E2 is based on a high-performance tracked chassis. Such a platform provides the required mobility and allows anti-aircraft gunners to work in the same battle formations with other armored vehicles. The characteristic feature of the family has also been preserved - the new combat vehicle, like its predecessors, is capable of attacking targets both from a short stop and on the move.
A set of special equipment is installed on the tracked chassis, including a large rotary turret with a launcher and radar equipment. Two radars are used again. One station is designed to search for targets, the second is used to guide missiles. The complex is also equipped with a block of optoelectronic equipment. An enlarged launcher with an ammunition load of 16 missiles was borrowed from the later projects of the family. Transport and launch containers with missiles are placed vertically and collected in packages.
The anti-aircraft complex with 16 missiles on board has 4 target channels, allowing you to simultaneously fire at several air targets. Thus, a battery of four combat vehicles is capable of simultaneously firing and hitting up to 16 targets. Such a compound is capable of repelling an air attack from any direction. The defeat of dangerous objects is carried out at ranges up to 15 km and heights up to 12 km.
The equipment of the complex is made taking into account the maximum automation of all main processes. The participation of the crew is reduced to the minimum necessary, which leads to an increase in a number of operational and combat characteristics. In particular, the reaction time is drastically reduced.
"Tor-E2" retains the architecture of its predecessors, and with it gets unique combat capabilities. All the main components of the anti-aircraft complex responsible for the search, detection, identification and destruction of air targets are located on one machine. This ensures high autonomy of combat work, and in addition, to a certain extent increases combat stability and survivability. As noted in a recent press release, to disable a complex of a different architecture, the enemy only needs to hit a command post or a radar station. The "Thors" battery, in turn, stops working only if all of its machines are destroyed.
Also, to increase survivability, a "link" mode of operation is proposed, in which two combat vehicles act together and solve different tasks. In this case, one of the air defense systems monitors the air situation and carries out target designation to the second. He, in turn, is in ambush and does not unmask himself with the radiation of the available radar. In fact, he remains invisible to the enemy until the moment of the attack. The missiles are launched on target designation from the second complex.
Like the previous models of the family, the new Tor-E2 can be integrated into any existing air defense system of various armed forces. Compatibility with communication and control systems built according to different standards is provided. Depending on the customer's requirements, it is possible to integrate the complex into systems built according to Soviet / Russian standards, or into the structures of NATO standards. This feature of the anti-aircraft complex is associated with its export purpose and should, to a certain extent, increase its potential.

The first demonstration of the promising export complex and materials on it will take place in the very near future at the future international military-technical forum "Army-2018". The Rosoboronexport organization expects that the latest development of the Almaz-Antey VKO concern will attract attention. In addition, foreign guests and potential buyers during the exhibition may be interested in other domestic air defense systems presented by the VKO concern and Rosoboronexport.
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The Tor-E2 anti-aircraft missile system presented a few days ago is a new representative of a fairly large and well-known family of systems of its class. The first representatives of this family entered mass production and entered the army in the mid-eighties. The new design of the air defense missile system was based on successful and promising ideas, which led to the emergence of a number of modifications with various differences. Not so long ago, the next samples of the family entered service. Moreover, it is with this line that the further modernization of the military air defense of the near zone is associated.
The basic concept underlying the first project "Thor" provided for the construction of a self-propelled combat vehicle with a full set of necessary equipment. On board were a target detection station and a guidance station, as well as a vertical launcher with eight missiles. In the future, this architecture was repeatedly revised, but its main provisions did not change.
In accordance with the wishes of potential customers, primarily the Russian army, options for the construction of "Torov" on alternative chassis were being worked out. Several modifications of the complex on wheeled chassis of different types were announced and shown. In addition, some of these projects included the placement of equipment on towed trailers. Of particular interest is the Tor-M2DT modification designed for operation in the North. In this case, the target equipment is placed on a two-link tracked chassis DT-30. Also noteworthy are the tests of 2016, when a module of the "Tor-M2KM" type was placed on the deck of a warship.
As the family developed, much attention was paid to the electronic equipment of equipment. Over time, in the course of the appearance of new modifications, radar stations and on-board equipment designed for signal processing were replaced. All this led to a noticeable increase in the main characteristics. In addition, in the 9K331 Tor-M1 project, the crew of the combat vehicle was reduced to three people.
In parallel, the development of the 9M330 anti-aircraft guided missile proceeded. This product is built according to the "duck" scheme and has a single-stage architecture using a solid propellant engine. The release of the rocket from the transport and launch container is carried out using an ejection device. After exiting the TPK, the rocket opens the planes, and a special gas generator performs its declination at a given angle before reaching the required trajectory.
The latest complexes of the "Tor" family, using modern versions of guided missiles, are capable of hitting targets at ranges up to 15-16 km and altitudes up to 10-12 km. The maximum speed of an intercepted target is 1 km / s. The missile can maneuver with an overload of up to 30 units. Interference-protected radio command control system provides simultaneous firing of 4 different targets.
The promising Tor-E2 anti-aircraft complex, now offered for export, is another representative of an already fairly large family of air defense systems. It is based on already known and proven solutions, but at the same time there are certain features associated with deliveries to third countries. In particular, both high combat characteristics and compatibility with foreign communication and control systems are provided.
During the next Army-2018 forum, representatives of foreign armies will be able to get acquainted with the latest Russian development and make a decision. It should be expected that "Tor-E2" will really be able to interest potential buyers. Previous air defense systems of the family enjoy a certain popularity in the international market, and their reputation should have a positive effect on the prospects for the next modification.
The Russian defense industry deservedly occupies a leading position in the international air defense market. To maintain this situation, it is necessary to regularly submit new samples with improved capabilities. Another example of this approach is the Tor-E2 complex. There is every reason to believe that a promising air defense system of an already well-known family will fulfill the tasks assigned to it and take its place in the world market.