Today, Israel's missile shield is recognized as a unique multifunctional system for intercepting various types of guided and unguided missiles and mines. In most cases, the Israeli missile defense is based on mobile complexes, easily transferred from one area to another and intercepting any targets.

The Israeli missile defense system is characterized not only by its multifunctionality and several levels of defense, but also by its multi-vector nature, as well as a certain degree of duplication. Indeed, the country's leadership must take into account the likelihood of a simultaneous strike by all potential adversaries and, above all, by the armies of such states as Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey. The creation of a coalition of Iran with militants of Hamas and Hezbollah cannot be ruled out either. Moreover, Jerusalem cannot be sure that in the event of a major Middle East war, Cairo and Amman will remain adherents of peace treaties.
According to the calculations of foreign military experts, in the event of joint missile attacks by opposing states and terrorist groups, Israeli missile defense systems will show their maximum effectiveness only within two weeks. Further, the defensive capabilities of the IDF's anti-missile shield, while remaining powerful enough, can still decline. Therefore, the Israeli missile defense system combines strategic and tactical tasks in terms of the country's defense.
Jerusalem needs to build its missile defense in such a way that from the very first day of the war, almost 100% of the missiles aimed at the territory of the country are shot down.
Nevertheless, until recently, the Israeli multilevel missile defense system lacked a "zero line" of defense. Theoretically, "zero" eliminates the threat of rocket and mortar attacks at a distance of up to 4 km. In the conditions of a tiny area of the state, it is especially difficult to ensure complete security of the border territory from shelling from rocket launchers and mortars located almost a few meters from the border. And these difficulties to a certain extent were eliminated in 2015, when the tactical Israeli missile defense system "Iron Ray" ("Keren barzel," ZhL ") was put on duty. It is designed to intercept and destroy ultra-short-range missiles at ranges up to 7 km. Military expert Amir Rapoport wrote in the local newspaper Maariv: "ZhL", which shoots down missiles with a high-energy laser, was the response of the Israeli concern Rafael to a request from the Israeli Ministry of Defense to create a tactical system to protect areas in which the Iron Dome battery is powerless (" Kipat barzel "," ZhK ") is a missile defense system, also developed by the Rafael concern, which proved to be excellent in protection against unguided tactical missiles with a flight range of 4 to 70 kilometers."
The ZhL system, using a powerful laser beam acting for 4-5 seconds as a damaging factor, is designed to destroy artillery shells, mines and short-range missiles too small to be effectively intercepted by ZhK. In addition, "ZhL" can destroy drones belonging to the category of "small" ones.
The main advantages of a laser "shot" over interceptor missiles are lower cost and unlimited ammunition. The complex includes a radar, two laser installations mounted inside standard cargo containers, and a control point.
Better in the sense that "ZhK", although it does not sparkle, but protects. The functions of the first level of the national missile defense system (and to a certain extent duplication of zero) are performed by the “ZhK” batteries. The authoritative Israeli military expert David Sharp in the article "Missile Shield of Israel", published in the Russian-language newspaper "News of the Week" on January 26, 2017, points out: ".
Each LCD battery protects an area of more than 150 square meters. km. Sharp also notes that this complex is quite suitable for use as an air defense system for the close range. The first ZhK battery took up combat duty in March 2011, and by the end of 2014 this complex had 1,200 downed missiles. The Israelis managed to significantly reduce the operating costs of the ZhK: if earlier the complex “fired” two Tamir interceptor missiles worth $ 50,000 each towards each missile launched by terrorists, now only one missile is being produced. The LCD batteries, which have shown their high efficiency, were purchased by the USA, South Korea, Azerbaijan and, probably, Singapore.
Until recently, all ZhK batteries covering the territory of Israel were part of the 947th Air Defense Battalion. In September of this year, the commander of the IDF air defense and missile defense forces, Brigadier General Tsvika Haimovich, announced, firstly, an increase in the number of batteries in this division and, secondly, at the same time the formation of an additional 137th ZhK division. I note that Haimovich, who was appointed to a high military position in 2015, is considered one of the most educated Israeli military. He received his BA in Middle Eastern Studies from the Hebrew (Hebrew) University in Jerusalem, a graduate from the US Air Force School and an MA from the National College of Security in Jerusalem and the University of Haifa.
The main task of the new 137th division is to defend the north of the country. In addition, according to his commander, Lieutenant Colonel Yoni Greenboim, it was his unit that was entrusted with the installation of "ZhK" on the corvettes of the Navy. In fact, within the framework of this division, a "plow ha - yamit" ("naval unit") was created, which, if necessary, can become a floating battery "ZhK", protecting the sea coast and offshore gas production platforms.
Interestingly, the design bureau of Mordechai (Moti) Schaefer, one of the country's leading experts in missile ballistics, proposed the Paamon (Kolokol) missile defense system as an alternative to the ZhK, which was not put into service. And this despite the fact that Schaefer, who developed and improved the Hetz (Arrow) missile, was awarded the Israel Prize for the development of the air-to-air missile guidance system for the Python-3 missile, designed to engage targets in close air combat. …
"And David put his hand into the bag and took from there a stone, and threw it out of the sling, and struck the Philistine … so that the stone pierced his forehead, and he fell face down to the ground." Thanks to this very victory over Goliath, the strongest warrior of the enemies of the Israelites, it is said in the "First Book of Kingdoms" of the Old Testament, David became the second king of the Israelite people, and later two kingdoms - Judah and Israel. But this is an ancient story.
Today, the IDF is equipped with the "Sling of David" (in Hebrew "Kela David", "PD"), also called the "Magic Wand" ("Sharvit Ksamim"). This missile defense system represents the second level of the country's missile defense. It is designed to intercept short-range ballistic missiles and large-caliber unguided missiles with a launch range of 70–300 km and subsonic cruise missiles."PD" is also being developed by the Israeli company Rafael together with the American company Raytheon, the developer of the Patriot air defense system. Raytheon also manufactures Tomahawks, a family of multipurpose, high-precision, long-range, strategic and tactical subsonic cruise missiles. "PD", unlike "ZhK", intercepts from significant distances. Therefore, it is possible not to install it close to the protected objects.
It is assumed that the "PD" will be able to intercept aircraft and helicopters, as well as low-flying cruise missiles. The ability of the "PD" to perform air defense functions is very important, since air, land and sea-based cruise missiles are widely used in modern armies. 12 missiles are loaded into the PD vertical launch unit. There is no data yet on the price of one interceptor missile. Basically, figures are voiced in the range from 800 thousand to 1 million dollars per rocket. For comparison: the ZhK interceptor costs, according to most sources, about $ 50,000. The high price is, of course, a serious problem: for example, to create a conditional stock of a thousand goals for "PD") will require, if the indicated figures are correct, about 1 billion dollars. And this is not to mention the time required for their production.
Undoubtedly Israel will export PD. But probably not very soon. The fact is that for the Americans, and specifically for the same company Raytheon, as noted above, the manufacturer of the Patriot air defense system, in a special anti-missile version PAC-3 (Patriot Advanced Capability - 3), which forms the basis of the tactical air defense of the US Army and their allies, the new Israeli system is a serious competitor. At the same time, due to the direct participation of the Americans in the project, they have something like a veto right. It is clear that the Israelis will nevertheless be wary of stepping on their favorite overseas calluses. Moreover, the PAC-3 is one of the latest variants of the Patriot air defense system modernization, designed to intercept aircraft, tactical ballistic and cruise missiles. We also note that the PAC-3, like the Russian S-400 complex, operating in conditions of active electronic countermeasures, is designed to solve the problems of protecting military and civilian objects from the air, as well as intercepting ballistic missile warheads. A variation of the American Patriot air defense system PAC-2 can be considered insurance for the second-level system.
Israeli missile defense systems "Hetz" can be considered universal and at the same time providing insurance. In 1988, the Israeli state company Israel Aviation Industry (Ha-Taasiya Ha-Avirith Le Yisrael, TAI) received an order to create a prototype missile defense system capable of intercepting missiles launched from a distance of up to 3,000 km and flying at speeds up to 4.5 km / s. Initially, at the Institute of Technology in Haifa, they created mock-ups - prototypes of the rocket, called "Hetz-1". By 1994, "Hets-1" successfully passed tests and immediately began to modernize. The IDF received modified Hets-2 anti-missile missiles. This system is capable of detecting and tracking up to 12 targets simultaneously, as well as directing up to two interceptor missiles to one of them. The first battery "Hets-2" was deployed on March 14, 2000 at an airbase near the city of Rishon LeZion, south of Tel Aviv. In October 2002, in the north of Israel, near the city of Hadera, the second battery "Hetz-2" was put on duty.
David Sharp writes in the aforementioned article: "In fact, the Hetz-2, even before the Sling of David was put into service, acquired the ability to intercept some of the targets related to the second echelon of defense." In this case, we mean the possibility of using "Hets-2" against the family of Iranian missiles "Zilsal-2" (translated from Persian - "Earthquake") and "Fateh-110" ("Conqueror") with a range of 20-300 km, with which the Syrian army and Hezbollah are equipped.
According to information coming from various sources, the Israeli military has already received Hetz-3 interceptors, which intercept at altitudes beyond the atmosphere, in fact in space. "Hets-3" is significantly different from the previous versions: they do not have a "warhead" ("warhead") - explosives. This type of missile is aimed at hitting an object with a direct hit. As for the "Hets-2", this model of an anti-missile missile hits the target with an explosion and fragments when flying near it. The absence of "warheads" in the "Hets-3" reduces weight and, accordingly, increases the speed, range and flight altitude of this version of the rocket, capable of intercepting targets fired in the range of 400-3000 km, and according to some sources, even more.
At present, the TAI concern is developing a version of the Hets-4 anti-missile. Technical information about this missile is classified, but Moshe Patel, head of the weapons and technological infrastructure development department at the Israeli Defense Ministry, told reporters: “There is no doubt about the reliability of Israel's missile defense system. However, we must always be one step ahead in relation to the enemy."
The above-mentioned military expert Amir Rapoport wrote on the NRG website on July 12, 2016: “Most likely, Hezbollah will start the war with a massive rocket attack of such power, which the Israeli rear did not know before. Hezbollah can send 1,500 missiles a day (up from 250 in the darkest days of the second Lebanese war). At the same time, attacks on the rear will be carried out with the help of drones stuffed with explosives.
Rapoport appreciates the capabilities of Israel's layered missile defense. But, in his opinion, anti-missile defense systems will primarily cover strategic objects and "such systems will not be enough for every settlement." Nevertheless, Hezbollah must think hard before launching an attack on Israel, for the power of the IDF's retaliation will be exceptional. “A real hell will happen on the Lebanese side,” continues Amir Rapoport. - In the ten years that have passed since the end of the second Lebanese war, the Israeli military industry has developed the latest systems for the IDF, capable of tracking everything that happens in Lebanon with the utmost accuracy. Within a matter of seconds, a powerful fire strike will be inflicted on any object in the Lebanese territory, any part of the territory of a neighboring country will be taken into a ring of fire in a matter of seconds. The firepower of the Israeli army exceeds the capabilities of the enemy by thousands of percent - both from the ground and from the air. Mostly from the air."
For all that, it should be remembered that, despite the enormous scientific achievements and military-technical capabilities, no army in the world will be able to provide one hundred percent protection in the event of a conflict from enemy missiles. Even the one who will certainly be the winner in this conflict.