During the war in Afghanistan (1979-1989), the mujahideen constantly attacked Soviet transport convoys with civilian and military supplies. For obvious reasons, the greatest losses were incurred by tankers, without which all actions of a limited contingent would simply be paralyzed. Taking into account the combat experience, mainly negative, the leadership of the USSR Ministry of Defense set before the scientific research institute of the Ministry of Defense and industry the task of developing and building special tankers with increased protection. However, in the future, the special commission of the Ministry did not draw conclusions in favor of such funds. She proved that the number of tankers disabled is not that great. In addition, the military presence of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan gradually began to curtail. Full-scale work on armored vehicles for the delivery of fuels and lubricants was not started, only draft designs were developed.
They returned to the issue of creating armored tankers in the first Chechen campaign of 1994-1996, when Russian troops began to suffer significant losses in various vehicles, including tankers. The Russian Ministry of Defense decided to start developing armored tankers for the troops. The design of the machine was entrusted to A. V. Panteleev, chief designer of the St. Petersburg Design Bureau of Special Machine Building (KBSM). While working on the topic, several projects appeared that were significantly different from each other. Completely unique designs of armored tankers were developed. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as a result of considering the proposed options for projects, chose one. Only the outdated BMP-1 were allocated for the alteration. According to the KBSM documentation, their re-equipment was carried out at the repair plant of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

During the conversion, the turret installation and armament were removed from the BMP, as well as other systems, the presence of which was not required on the tanker. Fuel tanks were installed in the hull, as well as other related equipment. As a result of the alteration, two prototypes were manufactured. refuelers were given the designation BTZ-3.
Tracked amphibious armored tanker BTZ-3 is intended for transportation, refueling with fuel (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel) and oils of various equipment in areas with difficult terrain and water obstacles. The tanker's equipment consists of: special containers (for fuel - 3000, for oils - 100 kg); main pumping unit; backup pumping unit; refueling system; dispensing system with a flow rate of 150 liters per minute (9-meter dispensing hose, dispensing valve RK-32); filtering unit; fire extinguishing systems; radio stations.

The BTZ-3 tanker is capable of performing the following operations: closed (under pressure) filling; open refueling; filling containers with external pumping means or with your own pump from outside containers; emptying containers with external or own pumps; delivery of fuel to cans or cans. The time to transfer the vehicle between the stowed and combat positions and back is no more than 3 minutes. BTZ-3 is capable of operating at temperatures of -30.. + 30 ° С.
One copy of the BTZ-3 tanker was tested at proving grounds, the second was sent to Chechnya, where it was tested in combat conditions. Both cars performed well and were ready for mass production.
Main tactical and technical characteristics:
Base - tracked chassis BMP-1;
Maximum speed - 65 km / h;
Afloat speed - not less than 7 km / h;
The transition time from the traveling position to the combat position and back is no more than 7 minutes;
Fuel tanks capacity - 3000 l;
The volume of transported oils - 100 kg;
Dispensing system consumption - not less than 150 l / min;
Nominal filtration fineness of fuel - not less than 20 microns;
Dispensing crane - RK-32;
Dispensing sleeve length - 9 m;
Accuracy of accounting for the issued fuel - no more than 0.5%;
Fuel types for refueling - gasoline, kerosene, D / T;
Power supply of the units - from the mains;
Type of current, voltage - constant, 27V;
Operating temperature range - from -30 to +30;
Overcoming obstacles:
- slope - 30 degrees;
- the width of the ditch - 2.5 m;
- wall height - 0.7 m;
- the maximum angle of entry / exit from the water - 25 degrees;
- length - 6380 mm;
- width - 2940 mm;
- height - 1700 mm;
Crew - 2 people.