Germany launches state-of-the-art hydrogen fuel cell submarine

Germany launches state-of-the-art hydrogen fuel cell submarine
Germany launches state-of-the-art hydrogen fuel cell submarine
Germany launches state-of-the-art hydrogen fuel cell submarine
Germany launches state-of-the-art hydrogen fuel cell submarine

This state-of-the-art submarine, regardless of its combat mission, uses the most advanced green technology. The submarine, type U212A, hull number U-35 (S185), is, in fact, the very first submarine to use only hydrogen fuel cells as propelling power.

The German company Howaldtswerke Deutsche Werft (HDW) began work on the 212 project in 1988. The submarine has a three-section hull. The bow section houses the firing systems, torpedo tubes, the submarine's crew, the central post, and batteries. In the aft part there are the power plant modules themselves. Themselves the blocks of fuel cells are located in the connecting conical section. One of the design features of the German submarine is the location of horizontal rudders and X-shaped rudders at the stern on the railing, which ensures better controllability of the boat in a submerged position.


A special hydrogen energy cell, which was developed by the German naval shipyard HDW, gives the submarine independence from the nuclear power and diesel-electric engines that are used in modern submarines. The use of a hydrogen fuel cell has made it possible to reduce harmful emissions to the environment to almost zero and make highly efficient use of the energy and fuel that is on board the submarine.


But, in addition to the above, the submarine has a number of "strategic" advantages in comparison with other submarines.

So, thanks to hydrogen fuel cells, the U212A submarine can be submerged for much longer than nuclear submarines. In addition, due to the high efficiency of the installed hydrogen engine and the use of special screens made of non-magnetic alloys and ceramics, the submarine does not generate heat or make noise.


Representatives of the Bundeswehr believe that the new submarine, armed with 12 guided heavy torpedoes, is the pinnacle of excellence in Germany's new underwater technology.

The main performance characteristics of the submarine:

The submarine is 56 meters long and 7 meters wide.

Displacement submerged 1830 tons, surface 1450 tons.

The speed of the submarine in the submerged position is 20 knots, on the surface - 12 knots.

The power reserve is 8 thousand miles.

The maximum diving depth is 700 meters.

The crew of the submarine is 27 people.

The submarine is armed with 12 guided heavy torpedoes and 24 mines.

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