Overcoming water and dry land obstacles should not slow down the pace of the offensive of the troops. Crossings for their intended purpose, depending on the availability of crossing means of various types, can be landing, ferry, bridge, and also be carried out on ice or the bottom of a water obstacle. Here is a brief overview of such equipment, presented at the forum "Army-2016".
The first three developments (PDP, PTS-4 and MMK) were presented by OmskTransmash JSC.

The PDP landing ferry is designed for ferry crossing water barriers of artillery systems, armored personnel carriers, tractors, infantry fighting vehicles, vehicles, personnel and other cargo, or, more simply, everything that in total weighs no more than 60 tons. This ferry is afloat, and the draft is only 65 cm. The movement afloat is carried out with the help of a propeller at a speed of up to 10 km / h.

In the unfolded state, the PDP has a length of 16.5 m and a width of 10.3 m and can be docked with the links of floating bridges and ferries collected from pontoon parks.

As a chassis, a tracked conveyor was used, developed on the nodes and assemblies of the T-80 and T-90 tanks, capable of moving along the highway with a maximum speed of 60 km / h. The time of readiness of the PDP landing ferry for the crossing is 5 minutes with a crew of two.

Floating tracked transporter PTS-4 is designed for amphibious crossing of water obstacles of military equipment, personnel and cargo. The cargo platform of the conveyor with dimensions of 8, 28 by 3, 3 m is capable of accommodating 72 paratroopers in full gear, or one vehicle of the Ural-4320 type, or two vehicles of the UAZ-469 type. Loading of troops and self-propelled vehicles is carried out through a hinged tailgate, which has hinged ramps. In the front part of the cargo platform of the conveyor, a winch is mounted for pulling in non-self-propelled equipment and cargo. The carrying capacity on the water is 18 tons. The maximum speed of movement on the water is 15 km / h due to the use of two propellers.

In the design of the PTS-4 amphibious tracked conveyor, the aggregates of the T-80 and T-72 tanks were used. On the armored cockpit of the crew, consisting of two people, a 12, 7-mm machine gun is mounted on a remotely controlled installation. The machine also has a self-entrenching device.

The third development of OmskTransmash JSC, presented at the Army-2016 forum, is a mechanized bridge complex of MMK, intended for the construction of bridges with high throughput through water and dry land obstacles on army and front-line troop routes. The product has been developed as an auxiliary means of overcoming narrow obstacles, which allows equipping an unsupported bridge crossing with a length of 14 to 41 m and a carrying capacity of 60 tons.

The complex includes two bridge assembly and six transport vehicles based on the Ural-53236 four-axle chassis. A crew of 11 people is capable of assembling a bridge 41 m long in 45 minutes.

The USM-1 bridge-building unit was created on a four-axle all-wheel drive chassis of the Ural-53236 automobile and is intended for mechanization of work during the construction of low-water bridges (overpasses) over water, swampy and dry land obstacles.

For the production of work, the chassis of the installation is equipped with a mechanical blocking of the undercarriage. The platform is extended by one hydraulic cylinder, and the transfer of the pile block from the transport position to the working position is carried out by two hydraulic cylinders. The crane with a lifting capacity of 3 tons can also be used in the unloading and loading of bridge structures.

The productivity of the bridge-building plant USM-1 during the construction of bridges from ready-made bridge structures is 10-18 m / h, with a span of 5 m bridges. The carrying capacity of the bridges being built is 60 tons. Calculation is 11 people.


The heavy mechanized bridge TMM-3M2 is intended for the construction of bridge crossings over narrow obstacles (up to 9.5 m wide with unlimited depth) on the routes of troops movement. A set of four machines of a heavy mechanized bridge is capable of constructing a bridge crossing over obstacles up to 40 m wide, but the depth of the obstacle should not exceed 3 m. This bridge is a prototype of the Galich Truck Crane Plant.

The single-span folding structure is located on a three-axle KamAZ-53501 chassis. The installation time of one span by the calculation of two people is 45 minutes. Assembly and disassembly of the bridge is carried out using a hydraulic winch. To ensure observation of the place of laying the support brackets of the block to be installed on the crossbar of the intermediate support, the machine is equipped with a rear-view camera. The unfolded single-span structure has a length of 10.5 m and is designed for a load of up to 60 tons.

The pontoon vehicle is designed to transport the components of the PP-2005 pontoon fleet and auxiliary operations with its elements when equipping the ferries. A pontoon vehicle with a river link consists of a 4-axle KamAZ-63501 chassis and a river link of the PP-2005 fleet. The pontoon car of the park is equipped with a double-drum winch with a total tractive effort of 10 tons.

The river link of the PP-2005 pontoon fleet is made with a swivel fairing located on the extreme pontoon link, which makes it possible to assemble bridges and ferries of double and one-and-a-half width. The carrying capacity of one link is 22.5 tons.

The time for unloading onto the water by self-rolling is 1 min, on the ropes - 1, 5 min. Calculation - 3 people.

The BMK-15 tugboat is designed for motorization of the pontoon fleets PMP, PMP-M, PPS-84, PP-91 and PP-2005. This boat is an initiative development of the Volzhsky shipbuilding and repair plant. The steel trimaran boat is equipped with a 500 hp DRR-550 marine diesel engine powered by two reversible propellers in rotary nozzles. The thrust on the mooring lines at the forward speed is 7 tf, in the reverse gear - 3, 7 tf, and can be changed due to the use of a ballast tank. The universal coupling device allows to motorize all types of pontoon parks at a rate of up to 4 m / s. The boat is also adapted to work in winter conditions in the presence of ice sludge. Weight - 11.62 tons. Maximum speed - 20.5 km / h. Crew - 2 people.

The BMK-15 tugboat can also be used for landing mobile groups. On land it is transported by a 4-axle KamAZ vehicle.

The tugboat BMK-MT of project 02630 developed by KAMPO is also intended for motorization of pontoon fleets PMP, PMP-M, PPS-84, PP-91 and PP-2005, and is also an initiative development.

For comparison with the previous model, I will give its description in the same sequence. As a power unit, two in-line diesel engines DRA6ChPN10 with a capacity of 320 hp are used. each. The thrust on the mooring lines in the forward direction is 6, 2 tf, on the reverse - 3, 2 tf. The universal coupling device allows motorizing all types of pontoon parks at a rate of up to 3 m / s. Weight - 11, 26 tons. Maximum speed - 23 km / h. Crew - 2 people.

The BMK-MT tugboat can also be used to transport personnel and patrol water obstacles. On land it is transported by a 4-axle KamAZ vehicle.

The engineering reconnaissance amphibious hovercraft is designed for round-the-clock engineering reconnaissance of the terrain and water obstacles. The boat (specifically for engineering reconnaissance) was developed for the first time and has no analogues in the world.

Engineering reconnaissance of both the water barrier itself and the approaches to it, coastal areas, ice crossings is carried out using a built-in hydroacoustic complex and a set of portable engineering reconnaissance means. The lifting height above the surface is 0.6 m, the maximum speed on land and water is 60 km / h. For self-defense, the boat is armed with a 7.62 mm machine gun.

Transportation is carried out on a cargo platform of the Multilift type by a 4-axle KamAZ truck equipped with a hook grip.