Currently, the Russian defense industry, fulfilling a number of existing orders, is carrying out the repair and modernization of existing armored vehicles of several types. One of the results of such work should be a noticeable renewal of the T-72 family of tanks, a significant part of which must now correspond to the new T-72B3 project. At the same time, until recently, the purchase of new tanks of existing models or their updated versions was not planned. However, according to the latest reports, the Russian military department has again expressed its desire to receive tanks of a new build.
The Army-2017 international military-technical forum, which took place last week, became a platform not only for demonstrating the latest developments in the defense industry. During this event, important statements were also made and new contracts of one kind or another signed. So, on August 24, the Ministry of Defense and the scientific and production corporation Uralvagonzavod signed several agreements on carrying out certain works, or on building and supplying the required equipment. The total value of five contracts exceeded 24 billion rubles.
According to the statements of officials, in the foreseeable future NPK Uralvagonzavod will have to continue the repair and modernization of the available armored vehicles. At the same time, she will have to re-launch the production of some types of equipment, as well as master the serial production of other samples. According to the results of the implementation of all new contracts, the army will have to receive a significant number of tanks and other armored vehicles of a number of modern types.

Tank T-72B3 version 2016
In accordance with the new contracts, Uralvagonzavod specialists will again be engaged in the repair and renewal of armored vehicles used by the troops. Serial main tanks of the T-72B, T-80BV and T-90 types will go for overhaul. Similar work had already been carried out earlier within the framework of previous contracts, and one of their results was the emergence of a significant number of modernized combat vehicles, which differ from the base tanks in higher technical, operational and combat characteristics.
It is reported that the existing tanks of three types will undergo restoration procedures. The number of cars that will have to go for repairs has not yet been specified. Available information about previous similar contracts suggests that in the foreseeable future Uralvagonzavod will repair up to several hundred armored vehicles.
Another contract, signed during Army-2017, is intended to renew the fleet of T-90 tanks. It should be noted that this is the first such agreement since 2011, when a decision was made to abandon the procurement of T-90s and upgrade the armored forces by upgrading the existing T-72s. Since then, the specialists of NPK Uralvagonzavod have developed new projects of armored vehicles, and one of the latest developments has now become the subject of a contract.
The new agreement provides for the production of the main T-90M tank. It represents a deep modernization of the previous machines of its family and therefore has a number of noticeable differences. According to previous reports on this score, in the foreseeable future, all existing tanks of old modifications can be upgraded according to the new project. In addition, according to some reports, the possibility of building new T-90Ms from scratch is not excluded.
The project for the modernization of T-90A tanks with the symbol T-90M was developed by the Ural Design Bureau of Transport Engineering, which is part of the Uralvagonzavod corporation. It was created as part of the development work "Breakthrough-3" and implies a major upgrade of the existing armored vehicle. To obtain the maximum possible characteristics and improved capabilities, it was decided to use some units and systems previously created for the T-14 tank based on the Armata platform.
The new modernization project provides for the most serious restructuring of the existing fighting compartment and a cardinal update of the onboard equipment. According to reports, the T-90M should carry a 125-mm smoothbore gun of the 2A82-1M type, similar to that used in the T-14 project. Control over the complex of weapons is proposed to be carried out using the Kalina fire control system. The protection of the armored vehicle has undergone a noticeable revision in the new project. The updated T-90 gets enhanced reactive armor and cutting lattice screens. It is proposed to equip it with the Afghanit and Malakhit complexes, which were created for the next generation tanks.
The available information about the new contract and information about the promising tank make it possible to imagine the consequences of the production of such equipment. First of all, the modernization of the existing T-90A according to the T-90M project will lead to a noticeable increase in the combat effectiveness of armored units and formations. In addition, the unification with the T-14 tank in terms of armament and protection systems will to some extent reduce the cost of production and operation of both the modernized T-90M and the completely new T-14. Finally, the release of tanks with the letter "M" through the repair and modernization of existing equipment will allow you to get some savings. In light of the high cost of any modern military equipment, such an advantage will not look superfluous.
During the Army-2017 forum, the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Defense also announced part of their plans for the new Armata project. As it turned out, such equipment can already be produced in significant quantities, but the command does not yet see the point in large orders. Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov said that by 2020 the army will purchase and receive 100 serial T-14 tanks. However, so far the military department is in no hurry with the start of larger deliveries.
The reasons for this decision lie in the potential of the existing technology. According to the Deputy Minister of Defense, the existing tanks of the T-72, T-80 and T-90 families are not inferior to the leading models of armored vehicles in terms of their modernization potential. In this regard, until 2020-22, the armed forces intend to focus on the existing technology. At the same time, the promising T-14 tank, built on the basis of the unified Armata platform, will be a “trump card” that the army can “play” at any moment. Also, Yuri Borisov noted that together with the latest tanks, the ground forces will receive a noticeable advantage over a potential enemy.

The first published image of the T-90M tank
Also on August 24, another contract was signed for the supply of armored combat vehicles of a new model. After many years of controversy and waiting, it was decided to adopt the Terminator BMPT tank support combat vehicle. The first project of this family appeared a long time ago, but for certain reasons, the Russian army did not accept such equipment for service. At the same time, several foreign countries showed interest in such technology, after which an agreement was signed for the supply of serial machines. With a significant delay, such equipment was ordered by the Russian Ministry of Defense.
For some reason, the military department decided not to disclose the details of the new order. The number of ordered tank support vehicles has not been reported. Also, the military did not specify which of the BMPT modifications would have to go into service. According to various estimates and according to data from unofficial sources published by the media, the first batch of Terminators may include at least a dozen armored vehicles. This may be a vehicle built on a modified chassis of the T-90A main battle tank. However, official data on this matter were not disclosed, and therefore production vehicles for the Russian army may have a different configuration.
To date, enterprises from the Uralvagonzavod corporation have developed several variants of a tank support combat vehicle based on different tracked chassis and differing in the composition of weapons. This allows you to build equipment that most fully meets the requirements of the customer. At the same time, despite all the differences, the existing modifications of the BMPT carry similar weapons. All of them are equipped with a full-revolving turret with two 30-mm automatic cannons and launchers for four Ataka guided missiles. It also provides for the installation of a machine gun and automatic grenade launchers. How exactly the BMPT "Terminator" will look for the Russian ground forces is not specified yet.
Recent reports on plans to develop the fleet of armored vehicles, modernize existing vehicles and purchase new samples can show what will happen over the next few years. Contracts for the construction of completely new equipment, including the latest models, are present in the plans of the Ministry of Defense, but great attention is paid to updating the equipment already available. What is important, it is the modernization of existing combat vehicles that will become the main way to update the fleet.
Over the past few years, the defense industry has completed several contracts, repairing and updating existing tanks according to new projects. To date, more than 1000 existing armored vehicles have been modernized according to the T-72B3 project. According to the latest reports, the upgrade of combatant T-72s and other types of tanks will continue for the foreseeable future. Thanks to this, the number of modernized armored vehicles will increase significantly, making it possible to increase the potential of the troops without the need for the relatively expensive construction of new vehicles.
According to the estimates of domestic military leaders, tanks of the T-72, T-80 and T-90 families have not yet realized their full potential in the context of modernization, and therefore can be updated to obtain new results. According to current plans, the modernization of existing equipment will continue until the beginning of the next decade. It can be assumed that the contracts signed last week will not be the last. After their fulfillment, the industry will be able to receive new similar orders.
In parallel with the modernization of old tanks, it is planned to prepare for the full-scale production of armored vehicles of new models. At the same time, proceeding from considerations of economy and expediency, while the military department does not see the point in the mass production of the latest T-14 tanks. Until the end of the decade, only a hundred of these machines will be received. Probably, the pace of assembly of "Armat" will increase only at the beginning of the next decade, after the completion of the planned modernization of older tanks.
Of particular interest is the contract for the production of tank support combat vehicles. The first example of the BMPT family - "Object 199" or "Frame" - was created at the beginning of the last decade and then regularly demonstrated to potential customers or the general public. Nevertheless, the Russian army was not interested in such equipment, and Kazakhstan became its first customer. Not so long ago, the Syrian army showed interest in tank support vehicles.

Tank T-14 of the "Armata" family
To date, it is known about the existence of three BMPT projects. The first provides for the construction of an armored vehicle based on the chassis of the T-90 tank, the second uses the T-72 hull, and the third is proposed to be built on the basis of the Armata platform. Which of these options was the subject of the order is still unknown. The Russian army could be interested in any of the proposed modifications. In all three cases, a high degree of unification with armored vehicles of other models, including serial ones, will be ensured, which gives well-known advantages.
At the recent military-technical forum "Army-2017", the military department and the defense industry signed several new contracts, the purpose of which is to update the fleet of armored vehicles. The main features of these agreements show that the military leaders intend to retain some of the approaches to the implementation of such plans, but at the same time wish to supplement them with new principles. As in the recent past, the main way to update the fleet will be repair and modernization according to current projects. At the same time, unlike in previous years, now there is the possibility of building completely new machines, although not too many.
Such plans will be implemented at least until the beginning of the next decade. The result of the work will be the emergence of a fairly numerous grouping of updated and modernized tanks with extended service lives, supplemented by completely new BMPT and T-14 vehicles. This will lead to a noticeable increase in the combat capability of the ground forces with a certain impact on the overall defense capability of the country. It can be assumed that in the future, the military and industry will begin to implement new projects and contracts, but at the moment the issue of fulfilling existing plans is relevant.