Not so long ago, in the framework of raising the prestige of our army, another event was held, launched with the light hand of our valiant presidents - the release of new clothes in which the soldiers would be comfortable to fight. It was decided to abandon natural materials (cotton, linen and others) in favor of synthetic ones. Many “specialists” from the presidential and defense minister’s staff unanimously shouted that the new synthetic clothes would be much more beautiful and more comfortable than all the “junk” that was worn before. And in the desert a soldier will not be hot in such uniforms, and in Antarctica it is not cold. Well, the soldiers did get new uniforms. Quite quickly he was named Yudashkin's uniform. As the great genius himself, who created this form, said: "The new form uses unique materials - fabrics with a membrane, created using the most modern nanotechnologies."
Already after this phrase, many people who are well versed in military equipment hiccuped nervously and went to the market, to buy an antediluvian and completely useless form - until it became a rarity that cannot be bought for any money.
The new form has been tested for ten months. According to reports, several dozen improvements were made to it so that the Russian soldier always felt comfortable and cozy, defeating any enemy with his appearance alone. Well, the first "baptism of fire" of the new uniform took place at the parade held in 2009 on Red Square. Of course, standing for several hours in the square and marching for several minutes is not at all like freezing in the trenches for months. But what did this "baptism" show?
The servicemen complained that during those few hours they were severely frozen. As it turned out, the sides on the new tunics were lowered, which is why the frosty wind hits the chest, freezing the entire body. Well, apparently Mr. Yudashkin forgot that he was creating a uniform for the army, and not for … girls of the appropriate behavior, for whom he was used to sewing outfits.
In the very first teachings, the new "nanoform" also showed itself not very well. As reported by a squad that went on reconnaissance to keep an eye on the conditional enemy, the camouflage crumbled after a hundred meters of crawling through the grass and bushes. Well, this is quite justified - does a modern soldier have to crawl? Fu, let the ancient fools, who did not know how to fight and only miraculously won wars, crawl. And the proud soldier of Putin-Medvedev's Russian Federation will not demean himself to such a thing.
Could it be just one bad piece of gear? After all, winter uniforms, created with nanotechnology by the great Yudashkin, will be able to save a soldier from the most severe frosts! As it turns out - not really. At -15 degrees, the soldier begins to tremble and jump in order to somehow warm up. Well, at -20, he will just happily wait for the enemy to shoot him, saving him from the pangs of freezing to death.
How did this happen? It's amazing! Why didn't the latest technologies and the best synthetics help?
Indeed, amazing. But these are trifles! The main thing is how beautiful these heroes look at the parade! But this is the most important thing. Already during the hostilities, they will somehow equip themselves. In extreme cases, they will remove the uniform from the killed enemy. And most importantly, the new uniform was surprisingly inexpensive! If the equipment of a soldier with an old wretched uniform cost as much as 40 thousand rubles, then a new one costs only 95-100 thousand rubles. Well, isn't it a trifle?
But the soldiers do not understand that the state, the President personally, and even Yudashkin himself take care of them! They manage to get sick and even die.
Not so long ago in the Voronezh region, pneumonia was recorded in a number of soldiers. And here the data are seriously at variance. The Committee of Soldiers' Mothers and the soldiers themselves claim that SIX HUNDRED people fell ill with pneumonia. Generals reassure - but only forty people.
But the fact remains - for many, the inflammation gave a complication, as a result of which two people died.
Where did the inflammation come from? Hello, low sides on the form, unable to properly cover the chest.
What's the matter? Even if the number of soldiers who received a reward in the form of pneumonia for fulfilling their sacred duty is not six hundred, but only forty people. Someone can only grin - well, what is it, forty people. A little more platoon. A trifle! However, one must take into account that this happened in peacetime. When a soldier can warm up in the barracks and get hot meals three times a day. But what happens if the same soldier puts on a uniform from the great Yudashkin and goes to the front? At least from December to February. Moreover, for two or three weeks the temperature will drop to -40 degrees. What's going to happen? Parents will receive a short letter - he died defending the Motherland. But in fact, the guy will simply freeze from the cold, turning into a frozen corpse in a few hours.
The question arises - what genius entrusted the production of uniforms for the RUSSIAN ARMY to a person who is accustomed to creating evening dresses for "secular lionesses"? And who accepted the results of his labor? Already these names can be safely added to the lists of traitors to the Motherland in order to sentence them to capital punishment.