The Russian army by 2020 (an optimist's perspective)

The Russian army by 2020 (an optimist's perspective)
The Russian army by 2020 (an optimist's perspective)

At present, Russia, which retained its army in the dashing 90s, is the second country in the world in terms of military potential. It's no secret that Russia needs the army like air. The huge territory, which contains large reserves of all kinds of natural resources, is a tasty morsel for many states. The country needs an army to protect its territories and defend its geopolitical interests. Until 2020, 23 trillion will be spent on re-equipping the army and conducting all kinds of scientific military research. rubles. In a situation where our country is surrounded by "bosom friends" - this is more than relevant and necessary.

Naturally, such a large amount of funds cannot leave anyone indifferent. And the Internet is already replete with messages about all kinds of theft, fraud and other interesting facts from the life of our defense industry. On the one hand, this is sad, but on the other, it does not mean at all that all 23 trillion rubles will be stolen and let in for no one knows what. Information noise on this matter makes it clear that, first of all, there is media in the country, and secondly, the situation is under the control of senior government officials, who are ready to fire everyone who is guilty of disruptions to the defense order.

The current state defense order in terms of its funding is comparable to the expenses of the USSR during the Cold War, so there is nothing strange in the fact that rather close control is exercised over the spending of funds. Thanks to these funds, the Russian army should be significantly updated by 2020. The share of modern military equipment should be 70%. The main emphasis will be placed on the development and improvement of the country's air force and air defense. In light of the events of the last two decades, when much was decided in the air, this is the right way.

The Russian army by 2020 (an optimist's perspective)
The Russian army by 2020 (an optimist's perspective)

Combat training aircraft Yak-130

By 2020, 600 new aircraft, about 1000 helicopters, 56 S-400 divisions (28 regiments of two-division composition), as well as 10 divisions of the promising S-500 air defense / missile defense complex should be delivered to the troops. It is expected that due to the S-400 Triumph air defense systems, 50% of the S-300 Favorit air defense systems available in the troops will be replaced. Another 50%, most likely, will be replaced by the new Vityaz air defense system, which, according to experts, is several times superior to the S-300 systems in service. One launcher of the Vityaz complex will carry up to 16 missiles, and the complex itself will be capable of detecting, tracking and firing at a greater number of targets. In addition to the Vityaz complex, it is planned to adopt the Morpheus short-range air defense system. All these air defense systems: S-400 Triumph, S-500 Triumfator-M, Vityaz and Morpheus will be part of the aerospace defense system (VKO), the creation of which began in the country this year. According to the Chief of the General Staff, General of the Army Nikolai Makarov, the system being created will make it possible to cover Russia from attacks by ballistic missiles, medium-range missiles and cruise missiles of various bases.

Also, by 2020, work on the creation of a 5th generation nuclear submarine should be completed in the country. It is assumed that it will be multifunctional and will be armed with both ballistic and cruise missiles. At present, all of Russia's strategic submarines on alert are of the 3rd generation. Two ships of the 4th generation of nuclear submarines "Yuri Dolgoruky" and "Severodvinsk" are being tested and will soon be accepted into the fleet. The main striking force of the submarine fleet for the coming decades will be the Project 955 Borey nuclear submarine. By 2017, 8 of them should be built. At present, the Yuri Dolgoruky nuclear submarine is being tested, the Alexander Nevsky nuclear submarine has been launched, and one more submarine of this class is under construction. Project 955 submarines are capable of diving to a depth of 500 meters and are in autonomous navigation for 3 months. In terms of their characteristics, these boats are superior to their direct competitor American Virginia class nuclear submarines.


Nuclear submarine of project "Borey"

Their main striking force should be a new intercontinental solid-propellant missile Bulava. This missile is capable of hitting targets at a range of 8,000 km and carrying up to 6 warheads with a capacity of 150 kilotons (for comparison, the range from the Barents Sea to Chicago is about 8,300 km). The missile can be launched in an inclined plane in a submerged position, which makes it possible to launch the missile from a moving submarine.

The completion of the Bulava tests is planned to be completed this year. Yes, not all of her launches were successful. At the initial stage of testing, successful launches were interspersed with unsuccessful ones, but now the situation has begun to improve, the last three missile launches were recognized as successful. It is definitely not worth sprinkling ashes on your head about a large number of unsuccessful launches. In Soviet times, tests also did not always end well, the only difference is that then they did not talk about it on television and in newspapers. Of the 15 rocket launches, 7 were declared unsuccessful. The missile can be put into service this year, if 5 more of its test launches are recognized as successful.

And even if the Bulava for some reason is not accepted into service, our military has a backup option in the form of the Liner missile, information about which appeared only in August 2011. It turns out that, in parallel with the Bualva, the Liner rocket was developed in Russia for many years, which is a further development of the Sineva. The Liner liquid-fuel rocket, according to the available information, surpasses all the available solid-fuel missiles of Great Britain, China, the USA, France and Russia in its power-to-weight ratio, and in terms of its combat equipment (4 medium-power warheads or 12 small ones) this rocket is not inferior to the four-unit (in terms of terms of the START-3 treaty) "Trident-2".

It is assumed that the "Liner", being put into service, will be able to extend the life of Russian nuclear submarines of project 667BDRM "Dolphin" until 2025-2030.


RS-24 "Yars"

In the most extreme case, if the Bulava never gets into service with this missile, both Project 941 Akula nuclear submarines and the new Project 955 Borey nuclear submarine can be armed. The only thing about the possibility of an underwater start in motion can be forgotten. This rocket is designed to be launched "dry" from pressurized submarine silos.

Renewal is also taking place in the land component of the domestic strategic nuclear forces. The Topol-M monoblock missiles are gradually being replaced by the new RS-24 Yars ballistic missiles, each carrying 3 nuclear warheads with a capacity of 150 kilotons. The first regiment, armed with new mobile missile systems, went on alert in 2010. Those who are not impressed by the figure of 150 kilotons can be reminded that the bomb dropped by the United States on Hiroshima was 8-10 times inferior in power to one such warhead. At the same time, since 2013, the production of missile systems in Russia should double. Strategic nuclear forces, like the Air Force and Air Defense, are one of the priority areas for the development of the country's armed forces.

Equipment for the ground forces will also be purchased. So, according to the director of the Federal Service of the Rosoboronzakaz Sergey Mayev, by 2020 the fleet of Russian armored forces will consist of half of T-90 tanks and half of new-type tanks. The name of the new cars is still kept secret. At the same time, the official mentioned the combat characteristics of the new vehicles. The new tank will receive higher firepower, more powerful ammunition and firing range. Work is underway to create missiles with a firing range of 7 km. (now in service with the Russian army there are tank missiles with a firing range of 5 km). The controllability of the tank will be increased through the use of various automatic control systems. The average speed of a car on rough terrain should be 50-60 km / h, against today's 30-50 km / h. In addition, one of the main requirements for a tank will be the ability of the crew to conduct combat operations for 24 hours without leaving the vehicle.

The T-90 is justifiably criticized, but this machine is quite suitable for the role of a "workhorse" and is capable of remaining in service for many years to come. This tank is capable of withstanding the explosion of a 30 kiloton nuclear bomb at a distance of 700 meters and can move under water. But its main advantages are maintainability, unpretentiousness, the ability to use in the most difficult climatic conditions and, of course, a low price (about $ 1.8 million for export options).


MBT T-90

Of particular note is the purchase of foreign weapons systems. Their purchase is necessary to revive normal market competition. The acquisition of drones in Israel brought our companies out of suspended animation, and today they presented to the military a whole scattering of modified models, some of them will be presented at the MAKS-2011 air show that opened today. A similar situation happened with armored vehicles. After Russia signed a contract for the assembly of Iveco armored vehicles on its territory, domestic manufacturers stepped up and presented the Wolf armored car to the military. The creators of the "Wolf" are the same as those of the "Tiger", only this time they took into account all the world trends and developments and successfully implemented them in their new car.

The second positive moment when buying foreign equipment is the acquisition of new technologies. So together with the Mistral helicopter carrier, the purchase of which was not criticized only by the lazy, we will receive the Zenit-9 system we need and all the technologies and licenses attached to it. Zenith-9 is one of the most advanced NATO combat information systems that allows you to control different types of troops. It is needed primarily for the successful interaction of the fleet and aviation with ground waxes. This system has long been a stumbling block in this transaction. The French did not want to transfer the license for its production to Russia.

At present, Russia ranks 7th in the world in terms of arms expenditures. Over the past 10 years, our military budget has increased by almost 10 times. All this gives grounds to believe that by 2020 our army will only increase in power and will continue to be the second most powerful in the world, after the US Army. A strong army is a guarantee of Russia's independence and stability.
