Today, there is a tendency for wealthy parents to send their sons, who have reached draft age, into the army. It should be noted that this is far from the growth of consciousness and absolutely not a thought about the duty to the Motherland. For the most part, "majors" are sent to the army because of their parents' dissatisfaction with their behavior.
The army, with its discipline and Charter, is capable of re-educating even difficult teenagers and putting them on the right path. In the Russian army, there are units in which the servicemen do not know such a thing as "bullying" or "compatriotism", natives of the Caucasian republics or young people with a dubious past do not serve in these units, these are elite units, and serving in them is a matter of honor, and not everyone is given such a right.
The story of a fairly wealthy 49-year-old woman from Arkhangelsk can serve as an example of the beneficial influence of the army on difficult adolescents. Her son was gradually turning into a waste of society. Spree, booze, night festivities - this was the way of life of a young guy. Despite the fact that his mother had a significant amount of money, he was kicked out of the university, and the future of the young man looked bleak. The advice of friends helped to rectify the situation, who advised his mother not to "excuse" her son from the army, but, on the contrary, to send him there. As an example, they told their story when their son gradually turned into nothing, but the army returned him to a human form, and now he is a completely different person. The woman took advice on how to properly drive up to the military commissar, so that her son got to serve in the same, in their opinion, "normal" regiment near St. Petersburg. A few years later, the woman could not get enough of her son. He became a completely different person, a loving son and an exemplary member of society. One thing is not clear why the regiment in Kamenka was so recommended, are the military units really different, because they represent the same army - the Russian one.
An interesting opinion was expressed in an interview with Pravda. Ru by Igor Yanushev, a psychologist, candidate of medical sciences, who has repeatedly taken part in the work of draft commissions: “At the moment, of course, there is no such negative attitude towards the army, as, for example, back in the USSR: it was believed that if a young man did not serve in the army at the time due to his age, it means that he is seriously ill with something … The current reality is somewhat different: the prestige of military service has fallen, one might say, "below the plinth." The number of those dodging service is estimated, only according to official data, in tens of thousands."
It must be recognized that the army is a kind of lifeline for many people. Some are fleeing criminal prosecution for a committed offense, others are fleeing from creditors, but there is also a category of young people who go to the army only with the hope that they will be fed and clothed there.
Young people, getting into the army, become real soldiers, defenders of the fatherland, this is due to the fact that in civilian life they have experienced deprivation and poverty, but they value their homeland and are ready to defend it to the last drop of blood.
But these are young people from poor families who go to the army to serve. "Majors" enter the army only at the behest of their parents, who are trying to influence their offspring in this way. The army, with its discipline, is capable of making a person out of the most difficult teenager, but their behavior during service leaves much to be desired.
They are a kind of successors to the "bullying", but if in the old days it was necessary to serve a decent period to receive the proud title "grandfather", then the "majors" take power into their own hands immediately upon arrival in the unit. They are accustomed to the fact that in civilian life they can push people around as they please, because the ranks and capital of their parents stand behind them as a reliable shield. The situation is the same in the army, from the first days they are trying to control colleagues who do not have rich parents and whom there is no one to protect.
The good news is that times are changing and the Russian army is taking on a completely different look. The officers were able to find an approach to the soldiers who were sent by wealthy parents for re-education. In the training of modern officers, considerable emphasis is placed on the so-called psychological factor, when a future commander can not only give orders, but also apply special methods of education to his complex subordinates. Thanks to this, our army is assuming an increasingly civilized form, and military service is gradually regaining its lost positions in terms of prestige.
In the event that this tendency continues in the future, then they will not shy away from serving, but, on the contrary, there will be a desire to serve and proudly declare - I have paid my debt to the Motherland!
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