"Partisan" reserves of the Russian army

"Partisan" reserves of the Russian army
"Partisan" reserves of the Russian army

The call for military service of mobreservs will take place according to a new scheme - like in the USA

Yesterday, President Dmitry Medvedev's Decree No. 72 came into force, on the basis of which this year, upon the proposal of the country's power structures, military enlistment offices will call citizens for military training. The head of state signs such documents annually. However, according to sources in the Kremlin, unlike in past years, the so-called partisans will now be called up for military service according to a new scheme - as is the case in the United States. At the same time, a large-scale experiment will be carried out to staff with reservists "one formation formed for wartime."

Until recently, the preparation of the mobilization reserve was carried out in Russia on the basis of the conscription of reserve servicemen into military units.

Reservists underwent military training as part of full-time equipment maintenance specialists or training in scarce military specialties. These events were obligatory for everyone who in the military registration and enlistment office considered it necessary to be called up for military training. The maximum duration of such a call was 60 days. The new mobsystem is based on the fact that a citizen who wants to defend the Fatherland will do so on a voluntary basis. Here, the principle of assigning citizens in reserve to specific military units (storage bases) is in effect by concluding contracts with them on a voluntary basis for staying in reserve. This principle of preparing mobreserves exists in the United States. The state will pay reservists for the performance of such duties, presumably from 5,000 to 7,000 rubles. per month. Of course, their participation in improving military training will be more intense than it was with a simple call of the "partisans". Reservists will have to visit military units on a monthly basis to master military affairs, participate in exercises and trainings conducted in the troops.

As noted in the materials prepared for the closed speech of Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov to the State Duma deputies in December last year, a new type of military service - in reserve - will be introduced in the army and other power structures of the country after the president signs the corresponding law. The head of the military department claims that "the draft federal law" On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Creation of a Human Mobilization Reserve "is being approved in the prescribed manner by the interested federal executive bodies." Anatoly Serdyukov does not specify which bodies these are, but judging by Presidential Decree No. 72, this year a contingent of reservists can be formed in the Armed Forces, in the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as in federal state security bodies and the Federal Security Service. It is in them in 2011 that the call of "partisans" for military training is planned.

Chairman of the Board of the Association of Association of Reserve Officers, Colonel General Yuri Bukreev, who once headed the Main Directorate of the Ground Forces in the rank of Deputy Chief of the General Staff, told NG: “There has never been a war in history that has been won by the regular army. The course and outcome of a war was always decided by the availability of prepared reserves. Including this is the example of our Great Patriotic War. Before the war, we maintained an army and navy of 3–3.5 million people, and ended it with 10 million 660 thousand servicemen. The buildup of troops took place precisely due to the preparation of mobrezerv. In Russia, the largest country in the world in terms of territory, this must be taken into account. Continuously improve this system. The formation of a mobilization human reserve (MLR) is given very important attention in all civilized countries, including the United States. And it’s not a sin to learn from them”.

As a source in the military department told NG, "the formation of the MLR in Russia is not a purely American model." He noted that the creation of a new system for the preparation of mobility resources in the country "will be carried out in stages, systematically, taking into account domestic and foreign experience, adapted to Russian conditions in conjunction with the plans for the construction of the Armed Forces." According to the officer, in 2010 the procedure for organizing mobilization work in the country was changed. Mobilization work is excluded from brigades and armies. Previously, as you know, they had parts of a reduced composition, there were parts of the frame, storage bases, etc. “Partisans” were called up to these units, with whom the officers conducted training sessions, classes, tactical exercises, etc. And in 2010, the General Staff abandoned this model. From now on, military units are not burdened with mobile work. According to NG's interlocutor, "they are ready to start carrying it out without additional mobilization measures within an hour after receiving the task." But this is a regular army. Another question is who and how will deal with the mobilization reserve, which should form the basis of the troops in wartime.

“In the conditions when the so-called new look is given to the Russian army and all military units have become permanent readiness units, there is nowhere to prepare mobilization resources. The situation is very serious,”General Bukreev concludes. In his opinion, “reservists can be trained in reduced-strength units, as it was in the days of the USSR. But we refused such parts. And now, judging by the statements of the heads of the Ministry of Defense, it is not clear who will train the reservists. If brigades are formed from them, where the officers will also be reservists, then the combat training of such units will be low. These officers must be trained themselves. The system of training reservists must be thoroughly spelled out, stipulated by some conditions. This is not visible yet."

According to Lieutenant General Yuri Netkachev, who at one time trained reserve servicemen in the army for more than 10 years, “in the new system of forming a mobilization human reserve, not only organizational problems, which General Bukreev spoke about, but also purely material ones, are visible”. The basis of this new mobsystem is "the principle of securing citizens in reserve for specific military units (storage bases) by concluding contracts with them on a voluntary basis for being in reserve." The state must pay the reservists. But will there be enough money for this?

General Netkachev points to the fact that in the military budget for 2011 funds for mobilization and non-military training will be increased by almost one and a half times - from 4.6 billion rubles. - up to 6, 7 billion rubles. “But this is a drop in the bucket, taking into account that part of this money will be given to DOSAAF and an experiment will be conducted to recruit reservists for the Russian army. A rough estimate shows that just the formation of a motorized rifle brigade, consisting of reservists (about 3 thousand people), their monetary allowance, training and coordination will require at least 1–2 billion rubles a year. But in Russia it is necessary to have tens of times more such brigades. This means that the costs of mobilization work should be ten times higher,”the expert believes.
