Success in the global military-technical confrontation is ensured only for those countries that adhere to a strategy of technological advancement of competitors. An indispensable condition for an effective response to the challenges of potential adversaries is the prompt implementation of breakthrough ideas as a key element of the defense scientific and technical reserve (NTZ) in the creation of promising and unconventional weapons.
The level of defense research and related technologies has been and remains the most important factor determining the development of weapons of warfare in the long term. In this regard, it is of practical interest to analyze the US innovation policy aimed at implementing a new strategy for ensuring military superiority.
Strategic agility
In November 2014, the Pentagon launched a set of measures called the Defense Innovation Initiative (DII) to counter the growing threats to national security in the military sphere and ensure technological superiority. The main goal is to identify unique ways and directions of advancing equipping the US Armed Forces in the 21st century and to form a system of sustainable funding for research support. DII assumes a complex of works in six main areas.
The first is associated with the formation of a long-term research plan aimed at identifying promising areas for the creation of new weapons and military equipment, that is, new military technologies and effective ways of using them - the Long-Range Research and Development Plan (LRRDP). From December 2014 to August 2015, proposals were collected in such scientific and technological areas as space, operations under water, strike operations and air superiority, air defense (air defense) and missile defense (ABM), and some others. The first results of examinations of the information received were reflected in the draft R&D budget of the US military department for the 2017 financial year.
The second direction is devoted to the reform of the Reliance XXI system - the procedure for complex (interspecific) planning of applied research (budgetary R&D category of the US Defense Ministry - BA2) and technological developments (budgetary category - BA3) of the Pentagon. One of the results of the reform of Reliance XXI was the identification of 17 areas (Communities of Interest), in which the consolidated planning of research and development programs of the US Department of Defense is conducted.
The third area - “Ensuring global leadership in innovation for defense needs” involves promoting the development of the scientific community engaged in work in the interests of defense, training qualified personnel for the system of planning, acquiring and managing the life cycle of weapons and military equipment, as well as stimulating the influx of young specialists. A set of relevant measures is in the stage of formation.
Three more areas include the development of approaches to conducting exercises and command-and-staff training (war-gaming), which ensure a reduction in the time for approbation of innovative technologies, improvement of military art (tactics and strategies for the use of the US Armed Forces, taking into account technological innovations), identification, adaptation and implementation of effective business -models in the processes of planning, development and procurement of weapons and military equipment (Innovative Business Practices). Within the framework of the latter, the next, third program for improving the system of defense acquisitions, R&D and life cycle management of weapons and military equipment, Better Buying Power 3.0, was formed.

The results of the activities of the US Department of Defense on DII were reflected in the formation of a new (third) strategy for ensuring US military superiority - the Third Offset Strategy. This refers to potential adversaries with modern means of countering (blocking) access to their own or controlled territories (Anti-access / Area Denial - A2 / AD). A2 / AD includes a complex of weapons, including precision weapons (WTO), defense systems (anti-space, anti-aircraft, anti-missile, anti-ship and anti-submarine) and electronic warfare (EW). Absolute superiority is understood as the unconditional achievement of military success in all areas - space, air, on land and sea, in cyberspace.
According to military experts, previous US military superiority strategies were successfully implemented in the Cold War. The first was based on nuclear weapons and their means of delivery. The second is based on the synergistic effect of the use of military equipment, information and reconnaissance systems, missile defense / air defense systems and technologies for reducing the visibility of weapons and military equipment. It is believed that the first theoretical underpinning of technology for military superiority was provided by William J. Perry when he was US Undersecretary of Defense for R&D. Note that strategies like Offset are based on ensuring the US global technological leadership in the military-technical sphere and are a kind of invitation to eventual opponents to participate in the arms race.
According to the plan of the American military, the new strategy under the symbol "Swiftness" should concentrate on the following tasks: large-scale and complex use of the capabilities of robotic systems, operations with the use of long-range unobtrusive aircraft, submarine warfare using autonomous complexes of various technical means, the design of weapons and military equipment with their accelerated integration into a single system.
There are five directions of R&D: autonomous machines and systems capable of continuous self-learning; technologies of interaction "man-machine", providing effective support for decision-making; new technical means to improve the efficiency of human activity; technologies of interaction between groups of weapons and military equipment crews and robots; semi-autonomous weapons systems that effectively operate in conditions of large-scale use of electronic warfare by the enemy.
In fiscal 2016, a one-year project was launched to accelerate the deployment of technologies supporting the new Defense Technology Offset, with funding of $ 75 million. The key areas of the project included directed energy weapons (laser weapons and high-power microwave), hypersonic weapons and high-speed projectiles, technologies for conducting operations in cyberspace, autonomous complexes of heterogeneous technical means intended for conducting submarine warfare, technologies for analyzing large amounts of data (Big Data).
Residency in Silicon Valley
To support the activities provided for by DII and accelerate the processes of forming a scientific and technological reserve for the implementation of the third strategy of military superiority in the structure of the US Department of Defense, new divisions have been formed: the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental (DIUx), the Strategic Capabilities Office) and the Defense Innovation Board (DIB).
DIUx was formed in 2015 as a separate structural unit of the US military, based in Silicon Valley. Its main tasks are: strengthening ties with the scientific community and attracting new high-tech companies to participate in defense research and development projects; monitoring the results of the activities of innovative companies located in Silicon Valley, and promptly identifying the prospects for the achievements in the interests of the US Armed Forces; the implementation of representative functions of the US Department of Defense in this territory. George Duchak, who previously headed the Information Systems Directorate at the US Air Force Research Laboratory (ARL), has been appointed head of the unit. Organizationally, DIUx is part of the office of the US Assistant Secretary of Defense for R&D.
DIUx is positioned as an innovative hub designed to fully realize the potential of high-tech companies to ensure US military superiority. The expediency of finding this unit in Silicon Valley is due to the following. First, it is one of the three largest technology centers in the United States (together with centers in New York and Washington). From San Francisco to San Jose, there are several thousand institutions (headquarters and representative offices of companies, development centers, etc.) engaged in world-class projects.
Secondly, the system of ordering research and development created by the Pentagon previously did not allow to promptly identify innovative breakthroughs arising in the main technological centers of the country. In this regard, it is noteworthy that in the summer of 2016, a representative office of DIUx was opened in Boston (on the territory that received the code name Eastern Silicon Valley).
There were no budgetary allocations for FY15-16 work commissioned by the DIUx Pilot Division. But already in the cycle from 2017 to 2021, it is planned to allocate approximately $ 30 million annually for applied research (BA2 work category).
To implement successful business practices, it is envisaged to expand the cooperation of the Pentagon with the venture capital company I-Q-Tel. In fiscal 2017, approximately $ 40 million will be allocated to fund its pilot program. Initially, the company, created in 1999 on the initiative of the US CIA, was presented as an NPO. Now its main task is to serve the interests of the country's intelligence community in the development and implementation of advanced technologies (mainly information and computing) using a variety of mechanisms (approaches, principles, methods, models, etc.) of venture investment. The I-Q-Tel company has established itself as an extremely successful highly profitable organization that implements innovative public-private partnership projects in the field of national security.
In March 2016, the Defense Innovation Board (DIB) was formed in the office of the US Deputy Secretary of Defense for Technology, Armaments Acquisitions and Logistics (USD AT&L), the main task of which is to find organizational mechanisms and best business practices. ensuring the effective development of the US Armed Forces based on technological innovation. In fact, there was transferred part of the functions of the Committee for the Study of Business Processes in the Interests of the US Defense Department (DBB), concerning the development of recommendations for improving the organization, planning and financing of R&D based on best commercial practices.
The Strategic Capabilities Office (SCO) was formed in the summer of 2012. The main task is to accelerate the implementation of the scientific and technical groundwork of the US military department in breakthrough areas of AME development. Officially, SCO was presented as an institution ordering innovative developments of a secret nature. The office is in the organizational structure of the USD AT&L apparatus and is subordinate to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for R&D (ASD R&E). William Roper, who previously served as MDA chief designer for systems integration, has been appointed director of the new division. Since its inception, SCO has funded 15 R&D projects (project categories BA3 and BA4) aimed at solving 23 priority tasks of AME development. The Pentagon leadership recognized the activity as successful. Therefore, it is planned to allocate almost $ 902 million for the implementation of projects in the 2017 financial year. About 36 percent of the total budget allocation is planned to be used to support developments for the US Navy.
When coyotes fly
The main activity of SCO is concentrated on three priority areas for the creation of prototypes of weapons and military equipment: the modernization of existing products to solve new problems, the integration of systems to enhance synergy, the integration of commercially available technologies and innovative developments.
In the first area, SCO's activities are focused on the following.
1. Participation in the development of an anti-ship supersonic missile based on the SM-6 SAM (RIM-174 ERAM, Raytheon) with a range of more than 370 kilometers (maximum speed - about 3.7 M). The test results of this version of the SM-6 were recognized by the leadership of the military department as successful. It is expected that this year will begin placing the sample on warships.
2. Execution of work (according to the Strike-Ex project) to create an anti-ship version of the Tomahawk missile system based on the TLAM Block IV E modification. onboard rescheduling of a route assignment in flight) and transmit overview photographs to the command post.
3. The program of the next modernization of the torpedo Mk 48 Mod 7AT (FMS). It is planned to create two versions of the APB-6 / TI-1 and APB-7 / TI-2 torpedo Mk 48 of the new modification Mod 8.
4. Participation in the modernization of the ATACMS operational-tactical missile system with a unitary warhead (ATACMS SLEP warranty extension program). Presumably, part of this work, as in the Strike-Ex project, is focused on replacing the onboard electronics of the rocket, control systems, including the inertial navigation system and error correction tools, as well as updating the automation (including the blast point support system) of the warhead.
5. The project of accelerated creation of prototypes based on the use of ultra-high-speed body throwing technologies - Hypervelocity Gun Weapon System - HGWS (the former name of the project - Land-and-Sea-Based Powder Guns). Until 2022, it is planned to work jointly with the ordering agencies of the Navy and the ground forces on prototypes of gun mounts for firing high-speed, high-speed corrected projectiles (High Velocity Projectile - HVP) of the ship's 127-mm Mk45 in modifications Mod 2 (barrel length - 6858 mm) and Mod 4 (barrel length - 7874 mm), shipborne 155-mm Mk51 AGS (Advanced Gun System), self-propelled guns M109A6 PIM and towed 155-mm howitzers M777A2. The project provides support for the development of an experimental model of a stationary ground complex with an electrodynamic system of ultra-high-speed projectile throwing HyperVP (HyperVelocity Projectile) of a rail type (Land-Based Rail Gun - LBRG). In fiscal 2014-2015, SCO funded preparations for experimental research on the LBRG complex located at the Naval Test Center on Wallops Island, Virginia. The HGWS project is based on the scientific and technical groundwork formed during the implementation of an extensive complex of fundamental, applied research and development focused on the development of ultra-high-speed body throwing technologies (projects HyperVP, EMRG, LBRG, etc.).
An example of the integration of systems to enhance the synergistic effect is the SCO Sea Mob project, focused on increasing the autonomy of the operation of unmanned surface boats (BNC) and ensuring their group actions in mine and anti-submarine defense. The base platform, apparently, was the BNK of the CUSV (Common USV) project, created under the program for the acquisition of target modules for LCS-class ships. According to the Americans, the BNK CUSV autonomous navigation system will be able, with minimal operator involvement, to ensure the navigational safety of the vessel (at speeds up to 25-30 knots) in accordance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) … It is understood that collision risk assessment methods, control algorithms that provide collision avoidance maneuvering and safe traffic planning methods are in accordance with COLREGS requirements.
The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Payloads project is an example of SCO's third priority area of business - “Integrating Commercially Available Technologies and Innovative Solutions”. It is focused on finding "mature" technical solutions aimed at accelerating the implementation of the results of the Low-Cost UAV Swarming Technology (LOCUST) program. It, ordered by the US Navy ONR (Office Naval Research - ONR), provides for the development of technologies for performing combat missions by groups of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with a low life cycle cost. Under the LOCUST program, in particular, the technologies of group synchronized launch of UAVs of the Coyote project from containers and ensuring their interaction in flight were improved. One of the practiced tasks for the grouping of such devices is the search, detection and tracking of mobile targets (ground and sea), as well as the issuance of target designations for corrected ammunition or anti-ship missiles. The UAV of the Coyote project was developed by Advanced Ceramics Research (now renamed Sensitel and part of BAE Systems). Coyote belongs to the class of single-use throwable vehicles and, due to its design (wings and rudders open in flight), it is launched from containers accepted for supply to the US Armed Forces, for example, from a 127-mm TPK sonar buoy installed from an aircraft (Orion P3, P-8A Poseidon) or submarines. The device takes payload modules with a total mass of up to 2.2 kilograms. To detect submarines, an option has been developed to equip it with a miniature magnetic anomaly detector. The average cost of one Coyote UAV without a payload module does not exceed 15 thousand dollars. Now BAE Systems (Sensitel) offers a version that provides the possibility of repeated use of UAVs. It should be noted that the drones of this project were purchased by the command of the naval aviation of the US Navy to develop technologies for the use of robotic systems.
The American Defense Innovation Initiative focuses primarily on achieving qualitative changes in the technical equipment of the US Armed Forces in the coming years. The new structural units created in the office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for R&D should speed up the processes of forming the NTR to implement the third strategy of American military superiority.
We can say that the innovation policy of the Pentagon in the military-technical sphere is characterized by the following: “the first to identify a new scientific direction (scientific idea)” - “the first to initiate research” - “the first to receive results” - “the first to assess the feasibility of implementing the results obtained during modernization existing and creation of promising and unconventional weapons and military equipment”.
This should initiate retaliatory actions to improve the domestic scientific and technical reserve, which under no circumstances should become a "stepchild" of the state defense order. There is no shortage of new ideas in our country yet.