Not so long ago, anti-ufologists P. Poluyan (physicist from Krasnoyarsk) and A. Anfalov (coordinator of the society of observers of anomalous manifestations of the environment) conducted their own investigation. With this investigation, scientists tried to answer the question of where in the USSR and the CIS were created man-made UFOs, "flying saucers" and whether they were created at all.
Anton Aleksandrovich Anfalov tells about the results obtained.
Anton Aleksandrovich, you mentioned the Saratov aircraft plant, where Soviet "UFOs" began to be made, in particular the so-called non-aerodrome multifunctional aircraft "EKIP". Was this the only plant where such developments were carried out?
- No, I know for sure that the "saucers" were developed, created and repeatedly tested in flight back in the USSR, but - all information is still classified! They did not go into mass production. The main problem is that it has not yet been possible to create sufficiently compact and at the same time powerful power plants.
Under the famous MiG design bureau, a special department worked, which was engaged in the development of unconventional aircraft.
This department, as it was possible to establish quite accurately, has developed at least two working prototypes of experimental aircraft (LA). It seems that a great impetus in the work on these devices was given by information obtained through the GRU about the development of "plates" abroad, in the United States. Active work was carried out in the period 1960-1979.
We also managed to establish with reliable accuracy that the special laboratory "Vladimirovka", which was located on the territory of the "Kapustin Yar" landfill, was engaged in similar studies.
Was the work carried out in the stagnant 1980s and the dashing 1990s?
- Yes, it did not go on so steadily, but nevertheless such work was carried out. So, for example, I have accurate information about an unusual flying machine in the shape of an ellipse, manufactured in 1982 at the Moscow machine-building plant "Strela" to Zhukovsky for testing.
In 1996, during a visit by Boris Yeltsin to Novosibirsk, where he was visiting a local aircraft plant, a flying disc hovering on the floor was captured by the reporter accompanying the president. It was flown by an ordinary NAPO test pilot. Chkalov (Novosibirsk Aviation Production Association), and not at all an alien.
I also have strong suspicions about another Strela aircraft plant in Orenburg. UFOs of various types were repeatedly seen at night, just over the territory of the plant they were observed, both in Soviet and post-perestroika times. It is possible that other aviation enterprises of Russia in Voronezh, Ulan-Ude, Chelyabinsk are also engaged in such developments.
In your opinion. What are the main difficulties in the construction of "UFO"?
- The main task at the initial stages of development was to learn how to protect the crew from radiation. That is why the first "saucers" were unmanned vehicles.
Why are "plates" so dangerous for humans?
- Such devices, during flights at full power, are capable of causing real harm to humans and burning electronics at fairly large distances with their radiation. But, now the pilots are reliably protected (shielded from radiation).
The pilots are in the cockpit, usually made in the form of a sphere-dome with a 360-degree view, one or two chairs are suspended in the middle in front of which the control panel is located. Later models of cymbals received more advanced control systems, such as intuitive helmet-mounted indication and response to the movement of the pilot's head and eyes.
And where do they fly to?
- I think the saucers are mainly used for local flights, to simulate an alien visit, maybe sometimes for reconnaissance missions.
Have you seen a UFO yourself?
- Since 1995, I have seen UFOs many times, and all the times it was in the Crimea. The first time I saw a UFO during the day it looked like a barrel, the second time it was a diamond shape and it was in the dark. These devices are quite often surrounded by a layer of highly ionized plasma. But I drew attention to the fact that these devices have little resemblance to alien ships, especially the ship lights located on the bodies of the vehicles, which I managed to see quite well, they are very similar to ordinary earth lamps that illuminate, for example, night streets.
A little later, in the same 1995, information reached me that exactly the same devices were seen in the Stavropol Territory. And six years later, in 2001, at the same place in Crimea, I saw a diamond-shaped UFO flying at low altitude along the same route. I think the saucer flew so low that it was not detected by the air defense of Ukraine. It is noteworthy that a "saucer" appeared from the Turkish side, where, as you know, the US Air Force bases are located.
In 2005, interesting information came from Texas, USA, where one of the local hunters also observed an object similar in description. But he watched it through the telescopic sight of his rifle, which allowed him to see the details of the apparatus and …. English inscriptions "Danger - High Voltage" and "Emergency Exit"!
It seems that the Americans flew over the Crimea, taking advantage of the deplorable state of affairs in the army, after the collapse of the USSR.
I believe that in our investigation we are on the right track about further results, I will also tell everyone who wants to b I invite all people who know or saw something to cooperate.