The main purpose of the Luna-M TRK is to destroy manpower, equipment, weapons and fortified structures located in the enemy's tactical defense zone.

In 61, the Soviet army adopted the RK "Luna". The composition of the new missile system:
- SPU 2P16;
- rocket 3R9 - 3R10;
- Crane K-51 for loading missiles;
- Transport vehicle 2U663 with 2 missiles.
Main characteristics:
- nuclear warhead 3N14;
- SPU 2P16 tracked version based on the PT-76B tank;
- missile range 32-45 kilometers;
- KVO 800-2000 meters;
- weight of SPU 18 tons;
- rocket weight 2150-2300 kilograms;
- travel speed up to 40 km / h.
During the tests and further use, a number of shortcomings were identified, the complex was constantly being improved. In 1961, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a decree on the beginning of work on the modernization of the complex, with the elimination of the identified shortcomings and an increased range of the missile complex.

Modernization work led the designers to create a new complex:
- a new missile 9M21 was created;
- created a new launcher on a wheeled chassis;
- a new transport vehicle has been created.
The modernized complex is named Luna-M.
The first test of the 9M21 rocket of the modernized tactical complex "Luna" took place at the end of 1961, and the complex entered mass production in 64. Production was carried out by the "Barricades" plant.
The tactical RK "Luna-M" in the Soviet Union has become one of the most massive in its segment. For 86 years, these complexes were produced about 750 units.
The export version of this 9K52TS complex, without missiles with a nuclear warhead, was developed in 68. Major foreign users: Iraq, North Korea, Cuba, Egypt. In total, about 15 states have adopted this complex.
The first baptism of fire of the complex took place abroad, in the Arab-Israeli military conflict in 73 years. The complex took part in the hostilities in Afghanistan, the Iranian-Iraqi conflict in the 80s, in the hostilities in the Gulf for 91 years.
One of the disadvantages of the Luna-M TRK is its low firing accuracy, even using nuclear weapons there was no guarantee of destroying armored and well-fortified enemy command posts.
This led in 66 to the release of the USSR Council of Ministers decree on the beginning of work on the creation of a missile with a KVO no more than 0.5 kilometers. But the very first tests of the "Luna-3" showed an even greater CEP.
The work is considered unsatisfactory, and further development is stopped.
Another modernization of "Luna-MV", begun by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 62, reached the process of creating prototypes. However, the difficulties experienced during the implementation of the project in 65 lead to the termination of work on the "Luna-MV".
TRK "Luna-M" in foreign sources is called "FROG-7".

TRK "Luna-M" consists of:
- ballistic missile 9M21;
- launcher 9P113, chassis ZIL-135LM;
- vehicles for transporting missiles 9T29, chassis ZIL-135LTM.
The first advantage of "Luna-M" over "Luna" - a crane for loading missile ammunition was made on the launcher. This made it possible to abandon a separate tap.
The lifting capacity of our own hydromechanical crane is 3000 kilograms.
The speed of movement of the complex increased, it was 60 km / h, due to the wheeled chassis and more stable execution of the PU. The whole complex has a very high cross-country ability.
The Luna-M launcher is designed to carry out 200 launches of ballistic missiles. Fixation of the launcher for launching missiles is provided by four supports with screw jacks. Launcher 9P113 is equipped with a hydraulic drive device to control the guiding rocket and is provided with prelaunch equipment.

The PU equipment includes:
- communication equipment;
- equipment for orientation and navigation;
- equipment for providing life support;
- equipment for the supply of electricity;
The rocket for use in the complex was created in various versions:
- 9M12B having a nuclear warhead 9N32;
- 9M21F having high-explosive fragmentation warhead 9N18F;
- 9M21G having a chemical warhead 9N18G;
- 9M21D having a propaganda warhead 9N18A.
Warhead 9N18F had 200 kilograms of TGA-40/60 and provided the formation of 15 thousand fragments during detonation. In 69, the complex entered service with a new warhead 9N18K of the cassette type. Warhead weight 420 kilograms, 42 submunitions weighing 7.5 kilograms each. The striking efficiency of the enemy's manpower was provided not for several hectares.
Missiles with a nuclear warhead did not have equipment to maintain the temperature storage parameters, so the complex had special thermal covers. The covers were electrically heated, with a temperature sensor that turned on or off the electric heating when certain temperatures were reached. The number of covers was equal to the number of missiles.
To warm up the warhead, the complex had a gasoline unit, which was located on the left side of the PU between the 3rd and 4th bridges.
The 9M21 has three solid-propellant engines: starting, sustainer and cranking.
Various flight ranges are achieved with the help of brake flaps and the angle of the guide when launching the rocket.
The engine for launching the rocket is located along the diameter of the main engine nozzle. Provides the movement of the rocket along the guide of the launcher. The start of operation of the starting engine is provided by penetrating gases from the main engine passing through special openings. The starting engine has a charge of RSI-60 powder bombs. Checkers are arranged three in a row, around a circle.
The main engine ensures the achievement of the specified flight range. It operates on an active flight path; the rocket passes the final flight path by inertia.
The main engine has a charge of checkers with a special gunpowder NMF-2. The ends of the checkers are armored, which supports the combustion process throughout the charge and additionally aligns the rocket.
The MD charge is divided into two parts. Each of them is held in solid propellant rocket motor by its own diaphragms. This placement of the charge almost halves the load on the mounts.
The operation of the main engine is affected by the initial temperature characteristics of the charge. They also affect the thrust of the main engine. One way to eliminate these influences is to make appropriate adjustments to the angle of ascent of the guide rocket.
In addition, there are sleeves for different temperature characteristics: with an increased cross-section for high temperatures and with a reduced cross-section for low ones.
The rotary engine provides compensation for the moment that occurs when the thrust vector deviates, located at the equilibrium point of the rocket. As well as the starting engine, it has a powder charge RSI-60. The running time of the cranking engine is 0.4 seconds. The beginning of work is the descent of the rocket from the guide.
The tail section of the 9M21 is equipped with stabilizers to ensure flight stability.
When carrying out calculations for launching a rocket, it is necessary to take into account field meteorological conditions: wind direction and wind speed at altitudes. To obtain this data, a vertical shot is fired from a ballistic weapon. The direction and speed of the wind is determined by the fall of the ballistic bullets.

The main characteristics of the TRK "Luna-M":
- operating range up to 70 kilometers;
- dead zone up to 15 kilometers;
- PU weight 16400 kg;
- rocket weight - 2500 kilograms;
- rocket speed 1.2 km / s;
- PU team of 5 people;
- the team of the transport vehicle is 2 people.
- cross-country ability: rise up to 30 degrees, ford up to 1.2 meters deep.
Additional Information
There were means to ensure the safety of the use of nuclear missiles. TRK "Luna-M", capable of using these missiles, was provided with code blocking devices.