Will the Strategic Missile Forces of Russia be able to maintain their power?

Will the Strategic Missile Forces of Russia be able to maintain their power?
Will the Strategic Missile Forces of Russia be able to maintain their power?

Today, Russia's security largely depends on the functionality of the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces). As a rule, the presence of modern anti-missile defense systems is the main argument in negotiations concerning vital topics, for example, the deployment of US and NATO missile defense systems in Europe. But today more than 80% of the missile systems in service with the Russian army have served their initial warranty periods. This was reported to Interfax-AVN by the Deputy Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces for logistics, Colonel I. Denisov. In particular, the officer said: "They are on constant combat duty with significantly extended service life, which is 2, 5-3 times higher than the guarantee."


The commander of the Strategic Missile Forces of Russia, Lieutenant General S. Karakaev emphasized that the modern tasks of the competent operation of weapons systems in the Strategic Missile Forces are among the main priorities, without which it is impossible to further advance in terms of the formation of the grouping of the Missile Forces.

At the same time, according to S. Shorin, the official representative of the information department and the press service of the RF Ministry of Defense for the Strategic Missile Forces, the number of modern launchers and new missile systems in the Russian troops is significantly increasing every year. In particular, in 2011, in the Teikovo missile division, which is stationed in the Ivanovo region, the first missile regiment was brought up to full state and took up combat duty, the main armament of which is modern mobile ground missile systems "Yars". Work continues on the modernization and rearmament of the stationary Topol-M missile system, which will enter service with a new missile regiment in a separate Tatishchevskaya missile division stationed in the Saratov region.


Finally, in 2010, the Strategic Missile Forces of Russia had 375 separate missile systems that are capable of carrying 1259 nuclear warheads. Of this number: 171 Topol mobile ground complex (SS-25), 58 R-36MUTTKh and R-36M2 (SS-18) heavy missiles, 18 Topol-M mobile complexes (SS-27), 70 missiles class UR-100NUTTH (SS-19), 52 stationary silo-based Topol-M complexes (SS-27), 6 mobile Yars complexes armed with RS-24 missiles.
