People always crowded near the Tactical Missile Armament Corporation exposition at MAKS-2011. Spectators were literally mesmerized by the perfection of forms and beauty of aircraft and ship missiles. And experts were intrigued by the data of the tactical and technical characteristics of the new products on display.
The current 10th International Aviation and Space Salon has become the fifth for the Tactical Missiles Corporation. But if we start counting from the predecessor of the corporation - the state research and production center "Zvezda-Strela", then the rocket scientists have participated in all MAKS since the very first in 1993.
The first MAKS of 1993 turned out to be successful for SSCC Zvezda-Strela. Experts from different countries were interested in the first demonstrated Kh-35E anti-ship missile (the letter E in the names of all types of weapons means “export”) for the Uran-E shipborne missile system (KRK). The new promising complex immediately attracted the attention of Indian sailors. And an amazing thing: usually negotiations with the Indians drag on for several years, and here already in the next, 1994, a contract was signed for the supply of the Uran-E missile system for the Indian Navy. This testifies to the high combat qualities and effectiveness of the ship complex, its relevance and relevance.
The first half of the 1990s was a disaster for the Russian defense industry. The contract with India helped the State Scientific and Production Center “Zvezda-Strela” not only to hold out, to retain the enterprise and personnel, but to organize the serial production of new products. The money received was used prudently and for the future - they were used to prepare the serial production of the KRK. In 1996, the first Uran-E complex was installed on the Indian Navy destroyer Delhi. Then they began to equip other ships with it. And after India and other countries have paid attention to this weapon.
So the Tactical Missiles Corporation has no doubts about the need to participate in the air show. Always and very actively participates. As an integrated structure, the corporation declared itself at MAKS-2003. Then it included six enterprises that had long-standing industrial ties. And at the 2005 show, 14 enterprises have already presented their products within the framework of the general exposition. Including such recognized suppliers of high-precision weapons (WTO), such as MKB Vympel, MKB Raduga, GNPP Region, who stood at the origins of new directions in the creation of modern weapons. These three pillars, together with the parent enterprise, reinforced by the power of the united intelligence, have brought the Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation to a fundamentally new level, corresponding to the world's largest industry leaders. And it is not surprising that the corporation is consistently included in the top hundred of the world's leading arms companies.
Now the corporation has 18 large enterprises. This is a single technological complex formed by a system of design bureaus, pilot and serial plants that provide a closed production, technological and operational cycle for the development, production, testing, after-sales service, repair, modernization, and disposal of the supplied samples. And it is based on the traditions of design and production, which have been developing for more than a dozen years.
State Scientific and Production Center "ZVEZDA-STRELA"
On March 13, 2002, the Government of the Russian Federation issued Decree No. 149 “On the establishment of the open joint stock company“Corporation Tactical Missile Weapons”. In addition to the State Scientific and Production Center Zvezda-Strela, it included the state-owned enterprises Omsk Plant Avtomatika, Machine-Building Design Bureau Iskra, Ural Design Bureau Detal, Plant Krasny Gidropress, as well as OJSC Turaevskoye Machine-Building design bureau "Soyuz". Subsequently, the composition of the corporation was significantly expanded in accordance with the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation No. 591 of May 9, 2004 and No. 930 of July 20, 2007.
But taking into account that the foundation of the corporation was the State Scientific and Production Center “Zvezda-Strela”, the history of the enterprise should begin from June 3, 1942, when by the decree of the State Defense Committee in the Moscow region, Union Plant No. 455 of the Second Main Directorate of the People's Commissariat of the Aviation Industry was formed.
In 1955, the plant received a task to create air-to-air missile systems. In 1956, the enterprise mastered serial production of the first domestic guided air-to-air missile RS-1-U to equip the MiG-17PFU and Yak-25P fighters.
On May 17, 1957, a design bureau was formed on the basis of the serial design department of plant No. 455. In the 1960s, the plant produced an anti-aircraft guided missile for the Kub air defense system and air-to-air missiles R-8M, R-8M1R, R-8M1T, K-98, K-98MR, K-98MT, R- 4, P-40. Simultaneously with combat missiles, the plant produced small target missiles ITs-59 ("Olen"), ITs-60 ("Hare"), which were intended to train flight personnel of combat units in the use of air-to-air missiles.
On April 30, 1966, plant No. 455 was renamed into the Kaliningrad Machine-Building Plant (KMZ). The name of Kaliningrad was borne by the city of Korolev until 1996. In November 1976 the plant became the Kaliningrad Production and Design Association Strela. On December 26, 1994, the merger of the State Unitary Enterprise “KMZ“Strela”and OKB“Zvezda”took place. In 1995, the name of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “State Research and Production Center“Zvezda-Strela”(FSUE“GNPTs “Zvezda-Strela”) was approved for this industrial formation. And since March 2003, the center has been reorganized into the Tactical Missile Armament Corporation.
During its existence, specialists of the parent enterprise have created 9 and mastered the production of 19 samples of guided missiles of various classes, many of which are considered among the best in the world in terms of their performance characteristics. Their main advantages include:
compactness and low mass of missiles with a sufficiently high power of the warhead;
modular design principle;
stealth, the ability to overcome enemy fire and radar countermeasures;
unification (Kh-35E) by carriers - aircraft, helicopters, shipborne and coastal missile systems;
simplicity and ease of use.
All these qualities form the "corporate identity" of the developers and production workers of the State Scientific and Production Center "Zvezda-Strela", preserved and developed within the framework of the "Tactical Missile Armament" corporation. It is vividly reflected in the most famous examples of the Soviet-era air-to-surface guided missiles. These are multipurpose modular missile launchers of the Kh-25M type, high-speed missile launchers of the Kh-31 type in the anti-radar version of the Kh-31P (Kh-31PK), the Kh-31A anti-ship missile and the MA-31 target, as well as unified (by carriers) anti-ship missile launchers Kh- 35E (3M-24E is a sea-based version included in the Uran-E spacecraft and the Bal-E spacecraft).
JSC "State Machine-Building Design Bureau" Vympel "named after II Toropov”was founded in 1949 and was deployed at the aircraft plant № 134 in Tushino (Moscow). The plant was the base for the design bureau of Pavel Sukhoi. But the then not yet famous designer crashed the first sample of the Su-15 fighter, and the OKB was disbanded. Sukhoi was offered to deal with aircraft missiles, but he refused. The Bureau was headed by Ivan Toropov, who actually became the founder of the Soviet school of designing air-to-air missiles.
The new design bureau literally in a matter of months created the first domestic integrated fire protection system PV-20 for the Tu-4 strategic bomber, consisting of sighting stations, machine-gun armament and remote control units. For this development, Ivan Toropov and a number of specialists were awarded the Stalin Prize for 1950.
Design Bureau began to work on missile armament of aviation equipment in 1954. Then the assignment was received for the design of the K-7 rocket for the T-3 supersonic interceptor developed by Pavel Sukhoi. The design was based on the principles of modularity, which have become a distinctive feature of domestic missiles of this class. But the first completed development of Vympel was the K-13 air-to-air missile. The assignment was received in 1958. A test launch was carried out on October 21, 1959, and already on December 1, the first combat launch at the target aircraft was made. In 1960, the rocket went into mass production under the designation R-3S. It was included in the ammunition load of the MiG-19PG, MiG-21, MiG-23, Su-20, Yak-28P fighters. Modifications R-13R, R-13M, R-13M1 were produced in India, China, Czechoslovakia, Poland.
GosMKB "Vympel" until now remains the head design bureau of Russia for the development of aviation missile launchers of the "air-to-air" class of all types. In addition, it creates guided missiles for land and sea anti-aircraft systems and targets based on them, as well as air-to-surface missiles (Kh-29T (L), Kh-29TE). Within the framework of the right to foreign economic activity, the enterprise offers its customers the modernization of the previously delivered air-to-surface missiles X-29T (L) to the level of extended-range missiles X-29TE.
JSC "State Machine-Building Design Bureau" Raduga "named after A. Ya. Bereznyak is located in the Dubna technopolis (Moscow region). Initially, the bureau was formed at the plant number 1 in connection with the resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 1951-01-09 to master the subject "B" - cruise missiles. Organizationally, the design bureau was a branch of OKB-155 Artem Mikoyan. The order of the Minister of the Aviation Industry Mikhail Khrunichev outlined the direction of the new division: "… to entrust it with the work to ensure serial production, fine-tuning and testing, as well as further modification of the unmanned aircraft KS." In addition, the branch was entrusted with the solution of issues related to the creation of the first domestic samples of guided missile weapons - “projectile aircraft”, “air-to-surface”, “ship-to-ship” and “surface-to-surface” missiles. The talented designer Alexander Yakovlevich Bereznyak became the head of this design bureau, named OKB-155-1.
The first task was the revision and transfer to serial production of the KS projectile jet, designed at OKB-155. Alexander Bereznyak organized a clear interaction of designers with production and the serial design department of the plant, and as a result, already in 1953, state tests were completed and the Kometa system was adopted (Tu-4K, Tu-16 carriers with a KS rocket).
In 1955, a branch of OKB-155 was entrusted with the development of a fundamentally new sea-based cruise missile P-15. A year later, the design bureau completed work on the technical documentation and transferred it to production. Seven months later, on October 16, the first launch of the P-15 from the 183E boat took place on the Black Sea. In 1960, the rocket was put into service. For the creation of the P-15 in 1961, the team was awarded the Lenin Prize. And the missile itself entered the world rocket history on October 21, 1967, when the Israeli destroyer Eilat was sunk by it during the Arab-Israeli conflict. This was the first time that homing cruise missiles with a liquid-jet engine were used in combat.
In 1966, a branch of OKB-155-1 was transformed into an independent organization - the Machine-Building Design Bureau "Raduga". By that time, the development of the team had been awarded several Lenin and State prizes. The highest level of designers from Dubna is evidenced by the fact that in 1970 they transferred from Artem Mikoyan's design bureau all the work on the creation of an experimental manned orbital aircraft within the framework of the Spiral project. Although the work was successful, the project was closed in 1979, but the developments of the "Raduga" were widely used in the creation of the universal rocket and space system "Energia-Buran".
For 60 years of activity as the lead developer of missile systems, the collective of the enterprise has accumulated a unique scientific, technical and design potential for the entire cycle of development, production, operation and modernization of guided missile weapons. In the last five years alone, five high-precision weapon systems have been developed and put into service for the Air Force and the Russian Navy. Over the entire period of its existence, the enterprise has put into service more than 50 missile weapon systems. Most of them were of a breakthrough nature, opening up new directions for the development and use of missile weapons. In particular:
the development of anti-ship strike systems with P-15 and Termit missiles became the basis for the creation of a new class of warships that had no analogues in the world - missile boats;
the development of the airborne Kh-20, K-10S, KSR-5 and Kh-22 strike missiles turned the domestic bomber and naval aviation into a missile-carrying one;
"Unmanned torpedo bombers" - 85P cruise missiles have become the main anti-submarine and strike weapons of anti-submarine ships;
the development of missiles such as Kh-28, Kh-58, Kh-59, Kh-59M turned front-line aviation into a missile-carrying strike aircraft;
anti-ship anti-ship missiles of the Mosquito family in terms of their characteristics have overtaken the developments of the world's leading aerospace companies for more than decades;
the creation of the Kh-55 missile family has imparted a fundamentally new quality to domestic long-range aviation, and recent developments in the class of autonomous high-precision long- and medium-range weapons have provided the country's top military-political leadership with the argument of strategic non-nuclear deterrence;
accumulated scientific, technical and practical groundwork for the creation of missiles with hypersonic flight speeds.
OJSC State Research and Production Enterprise Region is a leading developer and supplier of corrected and guided aerial bombs for frontal aviation, which are one of the most promising classes of precision weapons. It was founded in 1969 as the Research Institute of Applied Hydromechanics, the main task of which was the development of guided anti-submarine weapons.
Priority areas of activity related to the creation and supply of:
corrected and guided aerial bombs (KAB and UAB) for front-line and naval aviation;
naval underwater weapons to destroy submarines and surface ships, including those based on high-speed submarine missiles;
anti-torpedo and anti-mine weapons.
Possessing the appropriate laboratory and testing facilities, Region State Research and Production Enterprise pays great attention to research and development in the field of aerodynamics and hydrodynamics of high-speed underwater objects, rocket engines for underwater weapons.
Guided aerial bombs (KAB), created by the State Scientific and Production Enterprise "Region", belong to the class of high-precision weapons and are distinguished by high combat effectiveness, noise immunity and reliability, which is confirmed by their operation in the Russian Air Force. A distinctive feature of the KAB is a combination of high accuracy, commensurate in some cases with the accuracy of guided missiles, and the high power of warheads.
Today, corrected aerial bombs are equipped with a variety of guidance systems - television-correlation, laser-gyro-stabilized, satellite, which are capable of ensuring hitting accuracy within 3-10 meters over the entire range of altitudes and drop rates. According to the criterion "efficiency-cost", they are 10-30 times superior to unguided bombs. In a number of conditions, they are comparable by this criterion with guided missiles, but many times exceed them in power and cost dozens of times less.
The corrected aerial bombs currently developed by the State Research and Production Enterprise "Region" have a caliber of 250, 500 and 1500 kg. They are characterized by a wide range of used warheads (concrete-piercing, penetrating and volume-detonating). Specially designed warheads are designed to destroy high-strength and buried targets, as well as targets hidden in the folds of the terrain.
The further development of the KAB is mainly associated with an increase in the guidance accuracy and range of use, which ensures the discharge of ammunition outside the enemy's air defense reach. Obviously, in the near future, reconnaissance-strike and strike unmanned aerial vehicles will occupy a significant place in military aviation. Therefore, there has been a tendency for the development of small-caliber corrected aerial bombs - up to 100 kg.
An integral indicator of the innovative activity of any company is the rate of product renewal and its competitiveness against the background of the best world analogues. If over the past two decades, the production of new or modernized models by the enterprises of the Tactical Missile Armament Corporation was counted in units, at present 15 new types of high-precision weapons (WTO) are being prepared for serial production. In particular, the entire line of aviation SDs is being updated.
In the class of export air-to-surface SDs, the following are created:
in a number of general purposes (multipurpose):
a) missiles of the Kh-38ME type (development of the parent enterprise). The modular design principle implies the possibility of equipping with various combined guidance systems, including an inertial system and options for final precision guidance based on laser, thermal imaging, radar or satellite navigation systems;
b) the complex of missile weapons "Gadfly-ME" with the UR Kh-59M2E (GosMKB "Raduga") is capable of hitting ground and surface targets, recognized by the operator on a multifunctional indicator. The complex can be used around the clock and in conditions of limited visibility;
c) the Kh-59MK2 rocket (GosMKB "Raduga") with an optoelectronic correction and final guidance system, designed to destroy a wide range of ground targets with known location coordinates, including those that do not emit radio waves and do not have radar, infrared and optical contrast to the surrounding background.
in a number of specialized (by types of targets) SD:
a) anti-radar missiles:
Kh-31PD (parent company);
X-58USHKE (GosMKB "Raduga").
Both missiles are equipped with wide-range passive radar homing heads, as well as a navigation and automatic control system based on a strapdown navigation system (SINS). A number of performance characteristics have been significantly improved (guidance accuracy, range of application, effectiveness of warheads, etc.);
b) airborne anti-ship missiles:
high-speed Kh-31AD with an improved ramjet engine (headquarters);
low-altitude (flight altitude in the final section - 4 m) Kh-35UE (parent enterprise) - further development of the well-proven Kh-35E aircraft missile.
The Kh-59MK is an extended-range missile (GosMKB "Raduga") designed to engage a wide range of surface-to-water radar-contrast targets with an effective reflective surface (EOC) from 300 sq. m (including targets of the "cruiser" type) on the principle of "let it go - forget it" at any time of the day in any weather conditions. Adapted to all Russian front-line aircraft.
New developments (GNPP "Region") of corrected bombs include:
KAB-500S-E with satellite guidance equipment and a high-explosive warhead, to engage targets with previously known coordinates, which are entered before the drop zone. Correction by signals from the navigation system from the carrier is possible. The hitting accuracy is 7–2 meters, the drop height is 500–5000 m. It works according to the principle "dropped - forgot" and can be used at any time of the day and in any weather.
KAB-1500LG-F-E with a high-explosive warhead and a semi-active laser gyro-stabilized homing system to engage stationary ground and surface targets such as railway and highway bridges, military-industrial facilities, ships, strongholds, including those hidden in the folds of the terrain. They are used singly or in salvo from front-line aircraft equipped with a laser target illumination system or simple collimator sights for issuing preliminary target designation (when using a ground illuminator). The targeting accuracy is 4–7 meters, the drop height is 1000–8000 km.
In the class of export air-to-air missile systems (GosMKB Vympel) are being created:
RVV-MD for short-range and short-range highly maneuverable air combat for arming modern and advanced fighters, attack aircraft and combat helicopters. Compared to the previous version (R-73E), the range of use, maneuverability characteristics, target designation angles have been increased, and noise immunity has been increased (including against optical interference). The missile guidance system includes all-aspect passive infrared homing (dual-band GCI) with combined aerogasdynamic control;
Medium-range missile launcher RVV-SD for arming modern and advanced fighters. With a launch range of up to 110 km, it is capable of hitting targets with an overload of up to 12 g at any time of the day, at all angles, under REB conditions, against the background of the earth and water surfaces, including with multichannel shelling according to the “let it go and forget it” principle. Missile guidance system - inertial with radio correction and active radar homing;
Long-range missile launcher RVV-BD. It was first shown at MAKS-2011. Compared to the previous long-range missile R-33E, the new missile has significantly improved characteristics. The high aerodynamic properties of the RVV-BD rocket and the use of a dual-mode solid-propellant rocket engine with a starting weight of up to 510 kg allow a launch range of up to 200 km (for R-33E - 120 km) and the ability to hit targets with an overload of 8 g (for R-33E - 4 g) at heights from 15 m to 25 km.
It should be noted that, despite the fact that some of the above developments retain the names of previous products, these are practically new WTO samples. All of them are made at a new engineering and design level, based on the widespread use of digital technologies, the latest principles and guidance systems, which made it possible to significantly expand the combat capabilities.
Samples of a new generation of tactical WTO, demonstrated at MAKS-2011, objectively strengthen the brand of the Tactical Missile Armament Corporation as a large multi-disciplinary efficiently functioning company capable of supplying world-class products.