Last year it became known about the intentions of the Izhmash concern and the Italian company Beretta to create a joint venture. Italians were the initiators of the creation. As the then general director of Izhmash V. Gorodetsky said, Beretta is interested in cooperation on the topic of small-caliber carbines. In turn, the Russian company could benefit from the joint venture in the form of promising automatic pistols.
Over the past year and a half, a huge number of consultations were held between enterprises, the exchange of documentation, and their representatives visited each other's production in order to study technological possibilities. At the moment, preparations are in full swing for the direct creation of a joint venture and the signing of all the necessary agreements.
In the meantime, Izhevsk and Italian gunsmiths are preparing for full-scale cooperation, let's consider what it will give the parties.
Beretta, as already mentioned, wants to expand its range of hunting rifles. At the same time, the Italian company pays special attention to small-caliber weapons. Izhmash has long established serial production of 223 series Saiga carbines, designed for the 5, 56x45 mm NATO cartridge. Perhaps even licensed production of Saiga at the Beretta factories, especially since hunting weapons of this class are in demand in the West. And hardly any gunsmith will give up the opportunity to get know-how, which has proven itself over the years of use. Even if the "Saiga" was created "only" on the basis of a Kalashnikov assault rifle.
How is cooperation useful for Izhmash? Technologies. Moreover, the exchange of technologies will be bilateral. Something that we use is missing from Italians and vice versa. If the Izhevsk plant launches licensed production of pistols, for example, Beretta 92, then the plant will directly increase its model range, and the main consumers of its products - the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs - will have the opportunity to expand their range of weapons. In addition, the notorious "Beretta-92" is designed to use the 9x19 Luger cartridge, the production of which has long been mastered in our country.
It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the 9x18 PM cartridge has long been causing complaints from law enforcement agencies. In the early 90s, with the growth of crime, Interior Ministry officials discovered that under some circumstances, the Makarov pistol could not give what was required of him. Due to the lack of available submachine guns at that time, the police, if possible, began to use the Stechkin automatic pistol. Its longer barrel, combined with the automatic fire mode, provided more "comfortable" shooting characteristics. The APS service, production of which ended in the mid-70s, thus continued, albeit as a police pistol.
Recall that the APS was developed at the end of the 40s of the last century as a personal weapon of officers and other military personnel who, for whatever reason, are not entitled to a machine gun. However, this pistol quickly proved itself not in the best way. Good firing characteristics were compensated by the inconvenience of use. The standard wooden butt holster was too bulky to be carried permanently or to be placed in a combat vehicle. Subsequently, the APS was removed from service and sent for storage. Its place was taken by a shortened Kalashnikov assault rifle model AKS74U. Already from the storage warehouses, the mothballed APS were transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs - to OMON detachments, SOBR, etc. At the moment, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is armed with several models of submachine guns that surpass the APS in a number of characteristics, but no one is in a hurry to say goodbye to Stechkin.
The Italian attempt to create its own automatic pistol did not end in triumph either. Their Beretta 93R automatic pistol, developed in the mid-70s, never really served. His early retirement was not due to insufficient rate of fire (1100 rounds per minute, bursts of 3) and not a small magazine (20 rounds), but to the full-fledged submachine guns with similar data and approximately the same price, which had “proliferated” by that time. In addition, these PPs, for example the H&K MP5, were much more ergonomic. Now "Beret-93R" is used by only a few security forces, amateur shooters and filmmakers.
As already mentioned, the police, riot police, etc. love APS for sufficient destructive power and stopping effect. But the PM cartridge is slightly weaker than the Luger. Therefore, it is believed that law enforcement agencies need a pistol specifically for this cartridge. Of the existing and proven models, the Beretta 92 is best suited for this "post". Although this pistol does not have an automatic fire mode, it can be more than useful in gunfights with criminals at "urban" distances. In addition, "Beret-92" is already in service with the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and has earned positive reviews.
So the "exchange of experience" between Beretta and Izhmash should benefit not only the companies themselves, but also their countries.