About the basic platforms of the Northern PKB

About the basic platforms of the Northern PKB
About the basic platforms of the Northern PKB

The International Maritime Salon of the city of St. Petersburg is located alongside the world's leading forums of the naval technology, weapons and equipment market. It has rightfully earned its rightful place: its participants present the latest developments in the field of naval weapons and equipment, which contributes to the exchange of experience, stimulates the innovative development of the numerical branches of production and science.

The salon was held for the fifth time this year. It never ceases to attract the special attention of foreign specialists and, of course, potential partners of Russia in the field of military-technical cooperation. It is not strange that the Open Joint Stock Company Northern Design Bureau (SPKB) is a permanent participant of the show.

Over the past ten years, in most countries, especially in the Asia-Pacific region, which purchased ships of large displacement, there has been a certain reorientation in the programs for building fleets.

Relatively inexpensive, small in displacement, saturated with professional weapons and electronic means, corvettes, as well as patrol ships of the open sea, can solve many problems. Therefore, they turned out to be the most demanded in the current market.

Today, the best selling is the naval equipment that has been able to establish itself in the arsenal of the exporting country or third countries. One of the numerical projects of the OPV of the Northern PKB, which refers to them, is the project 22460E border patrol ship. In June 2009, the Rubin, the main OPV of this type, was launched. Due to the excellent composition of weapons and technical means, this ship has a high export potential. In addition, during the construction process, the ship was equipped with a huge number of the latest technologies.


With the help of stealth technology, the appearance of the "Rubin" was developed. For the first time, the OPV has a landing site for unmanned aerial vehicles and light helicopters. In the aft part there is a hangar, as well as an inclined slip, on which a high-speed boat can be installed.

"Rubin" is armed with one 30-mm automatic six-barreled artillery mount and two 12, 7-mm machine guns.

In the ships of this project, if necessary, you can expand the composition of shock and anti-submarine weapons. In "Rubin", namely in its wheelhouse, several crew members are on constant watch and at the same time control of the ship's systems and mechanisms is carried out, which makes it possible to reduce the number of the crew.

SPKB offers two more ships of the OPV classes and a corvette of projects such as 22160 and 22500, in the layout and design of which there is a huge potential, which is achieved through the use of innovative principles in the construction of the ship's weapons system. In addition, instead of weapons, special means can be installed on the ship that will help find and rescue those in distress at sea, extinguish a fire, conduct environmental monitoring of the water area, and deliver cargo to drilling platforms.

About the basic platforms of the Northern PKB
About the basic platforms of the Northern PKB

On all projects of ships of the OPV and corvette classes, you can install a set of weapons and component equipment of foreign production. The bureau has vast experience in working with foreign companies, which makes it possible to take into account all the wishes of the customer and quickly provide support in the technical sphere of the construction of ships at the shipyards of Russian and foreign customers.

Severny PKB also offers a novelty designed on the basis of design and technological innovations - a multipurpose frigate of project 22356. The novelty was tested on the main ship of project 22350 "Admiral of the Soviet Union Fleet Gorshkov".


Multifunctional frigate of project 22356 provides a solution to many combat missions, as it is equipped with the latest weapons systems. During the design of the ship, the specialists paid special attention to the placement of personnel. Multipurpose frigates of project 22356 are capable of strengthening the grouping of surface ships of the naval forces of each potential buyer.

Open Joint Stock Company "Northern Design Bureau" has a powerful scientific and technical potential, a modern production base, as well as excellent links with advanced scientific and technical centers and companies that are engaged in the construction of ships. All these qualities make it possible to create a full-fledged, high-tech, science-intensive and competitive naval military equipment, as well as to respond with instant speed to the modern requirements and requests of the Russian Navy and not only! After all, such a potential cannot fail to attract the attention of the fleets of foreign countries.
