This is the final article from the series "Unclassified Materials", the three previous articles "The Truth Is Somewhere Nearby", "The Mystery of the Investigation" and "The Dead Don't Lie" were devoted to the analysis of individual moments of the events of fifty years ago at the Dyatlov Pass. It's time to summarize.
Hypothetical weapon
In previous articles in the series, it was assumed that all the tourists were killed by high-speed miniature bullets. While this is a hypothesis.
The hypothesis was born on the basis of the analysis of posthumous body postures and the nature of injuries on the bodies of tourists. Specific injuries to the bodies of tourists correspond to the signs of a lesion called by professionals "water hammer", which is, by its physical nature, a shock wave inside the human body. This is a rather exotic type of injury, it is caused by hitting the body with high-speed small-caliber bullets.
An additional characteristic feature of the killing of tourists by high-speed miniature bullets is the stopping of a mechanical wristwatch at the moment the body is hit by a shock wave. The clock stops from a banal "shake-up", and this effect is well known.
The miniature size of high-speed bullets can be said on the basis of the absence of visible damage on the bodies, real-life bullets with a diameter of about a millimeter at a speed of 1.5 km / s leave barely distinguishable punctures on the body.
Only the exit channel can become visible, provided that the bullet is decelerated and stability is lost in the body. This is documented in a photograph of Dubinina's body:

A photograph from the investigation materials, this injury on the back was also recorded in the protocol of the examination of the body at the place of discovery, but it was not mentioned in the autopsy report.
While we were talking about "wound ballistics", but flight in the atmosphere of a high-speed bullet also has specific features, the main one of which is the appearance of an air shock wave. Usually, when talking about a shock wave, they mean an explosion, but the passage of high-speed objects through the atmosphere also creates shock waves.
Here is a photograph of the movement of a ball with a diameter of 5 mm at a speed of 3 km / s, it clearly shows the structure of the shock wave from the passage of a high-speed object:

A recent clear example of this type of shock wave was the Chelyabinsk meteorite, which flew at an altitude of about 20 km and at a speed of 30 km / sec. Along the entire route of the flight, numerous destruction of buildings and injuries to people from the shock wave were recorded, while no explosion was observed.
Miniature bullets, when moving in the air, also create a shock wave, but, naturally, not on such a global scale, the traces of this shock wave were recorded at the scene:

A series of breaks in the crust cannot be footprints of a person or an animal, their elongation is oriented across the route of movement, and there is no “checker” order of the tracks that occurs when alternately rearranging the right-left leg.
These tracks can give an estimated speed of miniature bullets, assuming that the break in the crust was caused by a shockwave. A rough calculation shows that a pointed bullet with a diameter of one millimeter should move at a speed of about 15-20 km / sec. so that the shock wave from its movement could break out the crust on an area of 800 square centimeters.
This speed is exactly ten times higher than that of the most advanced of the known modern shooting systems, and at the muzzle, and not at the point of hitting the target. There are no such shooting systems now, especially since they were not in the 50s …
Bullets at such speeds, in addition to the main damaging factor, also have a side, non-lethal effect of destruction. Flying in close proximity to a person, such a bullet can cause injury through an air shock wave that occurs along the entire path of the bullet's flight. This damaging factor has a special name for specialists - "barotrauma".
In contrast to explosive barotraumas, such specific barotraumas have a unique feature, they cannot be heard. The human ear does not perceive sounds with a duration of less than 0.1 sec., No matter what frequency and intensity this sound is. And the bullet has a flight time of less than 0.1 second of its entire shot distance. In fact, a person will not hear anything, but he will receive barotrauma.
Now about the energy (destructive power) of such a bullet. With a diameter of one millimeter and a sweep of 1 in 30, it turns out that the weight of the bullet will be about one gram, if we assume that it is made of steel. At a speed of 20 km / s, this will roughly correspond to the projectile energy of a 22 mm rapid-fire cannon. Its shells tear the human body to pieces, but in our case there are not even visual marks …
But this is an apparent discrepancy, from wound ballistics it is known that pointed bullets of small diameter (4.5 mm) "pierce" the human body through and through while losing no more than 1/10 of their energy, and with a decrease in the diameter of the bullet, the loss of energy in the human body is even less and proportional to the square of the cross-sectional area of such a bullet.
So the injuries on the bodies of the dead tourists correspond to the energy of the shot, and in the case of complete absorption of the energy of the shot, there will be something like this:

This is a photo of a cedar tree, from which tourists watched the summit of height 1079, two extreme branches are broken in the middle, the other three are at the very base. This means that the impact of the bullet, which completely transferred the energy into the barrel, fell somewhere in the center of symmetry, in the middle.
By the way, no one else saw this cedar, the area of height 1079 was opened to the public in 1963 and the expedition to the site of the tragedy did not find this cedar, it was cut down. There are many shots of cedars similar to this ill-fated cedar, but they just look the same. In reality, there is not a single later photograph of a cedar with such a characteristic break of branches on the north side.
So, if we assume that the hypothesis of the use of high-speed miniature bullets is correct, then we must immediately take into account that neither the USSR nor the United States, at that time, and even now, do not have such a perfect weapon.
Hence, it was used by some third force.
Third Power
We have to switch to a conspiracy topic, and for objective reasons, the facts themselves, and not speculation, are pushing to these arguments.
In addition to the hypothesis about the use of an unknown type of weapon, about participation in the events of the "third force" indirectly but eloquently speak the facts preceding the campaign, the facts of the events during the search operation and the materials of the investigation.
At first, about organizing the campaign, everything was simple and ordinary, until at the last stage of preparation for the campaign one very remarkable person joined the participants - Semyon Zolotarev, who asked to call him “just Sasha” when meeting him.
It is noteworthy, in connection with this, that the wording “a group of amateur tourists” is constantly used in the materials of the investigation; it did not appear there by chance. Zolotarev was officially a tourism instructor, his professional activity was to accompany tourist groups. But he went on this trip as a private person, having already quit the camp site at which he worked. So the campaign did not formally have any official status.
Zolotarev, neither by age, nor by life experience, nor by circle of acquaintances, could accidentally be in this group. Judging by his frontline and post-war biography, he was an undercover KGB officer. At the time of his last campaign, Zolotarev spent less than a year in the Urals, and after the campaign with Dyatlov's group, he had to return to his native Krasnodar Territory again.
If Zolotarev was really from the KGB, then sending an employee to another region of the country, working on the ground under ideal cover (tourism instructor), overgrown with "contacts", is an extraordinary event.
Taking into account the situation at this moment in the Krasnodar Territory, when there was a process of mass return of Chechens and Ingush there, such a movement is possible only when planning an event, as it was previously said of the "Union scale".
So there is good reason to believe that this "hobbyist" hike was a planned activity with a very high level of importance.
If this is true, then the group of tourists went with a clear goal, it is clear that in the group only Zolotarev knew about this goal, the rest of the tourists were just extras and were used what is called "in the dark." It is more than likely that the tourists were secretly accompanied by a group of KGB officers with special training.
What kind of event it was is unknown, but apparently the meeting with the "Factor" in this scenario was planned. It is unlikely that this contact, according to the plans, should have ended so sadly, something went wrong as planned, and the tourists died.
And here the most interesting thing is that the state “washed its hands”. The type of event has nothing to do with it, that it is a "showdown" between a "group of amateur tourists" and "Factor".
In the versions of the events at the Dyatlov Pass, the term "staging" is often flickered, but it was, but the staging was not in the events themselves, but in consequence, the state staged its complete non-participation in the events. Although during the search operation and investigation there was a mass of facts testifying to the tacit participation of the state in the events themselves and in the parallel investigation, the second article of the cycle was devoted to this, so I will not repeat myself.
This can only happen in one case. "Factor" also did not leave alive from the height of 1079, and he could not tell his masters anything. But this is what is called a delusional hypothesis, it could not be so at all….
But back to the facts, it's time to reconstruct the events at the Dyatlov pass, the main thing in the reconstruction will be linking the clock readings to the time of the tourists' death and taking into account the specifics of the use of high-speed miniature bullets.
Eh search engines.., search engines
The beginning of the events at the pass is difficult to restore, the reason is banal, the events developed near the tent, but there is no documentary materials from the investigation about the initial state of the scene. At first, there were search engines (in the literal sense of the word). The investigation had to record the circumstances significantly distorted by the actions of the search engines and record their largely contradictory testimony. Subsequently, the memories of the search engines further confused the picture of what happened.
For example, the search engines found a tent covered with snow, only the edge of the tent peeped out of the snow on an intact pole, but here is the tent as it was recorded by the investigation:

This is not at all what the search engines from the Slobtsov group saw, who discovered it first. This can be asserted with absolute certainty for one reason, in the materials of the investigation there is an inventory of things from the tent, which were transferred by the search engines to the investigation, here is this inventory:
The following are attached to the protocol:
1. "Sharp" camera with a tripod and a broken light filter. Camera No. 488797. 34 frames were filmed.
2. Camera "Sharp" No. 486963. 27 frames were filmed. There are deep scratches on the case. The belt is torn.
3. Camera "Sharp" No. 55149239. 27 frames were filmed.
4. Wrist compass.
5. Train and bus tickets.
6. Field bag.
7. The flashlight is electric.
8. Two iron cans with threads, etc.
nine. Money Slobodin's notebook money and a letter from the trade union committee to the city trade department.
10. Money in the amount of nine hundred seventy-five rubles.
11. Diary of Kolmogorova. The last recording date is January 30th.
12. Protocol of the route commission.
13. Letter addressed to Dyatlov.
14. Route book number 5 in the amount of three copies.
15. The bank is sealed. It contains 10 photographic films, a roll of film and money in the amount of seven hundred rubles.
16 Business trip addressed to Dyatlov.
17. Maps, tracing paper and photocopies in the amount of 9 pieces
18. Project of the hike
19. Covering letter from the trade union committee of the institute.
12. Passport in the name of Dyatlov
Prosecutor of Ivdel Ml. Counselor of Justice Tempalov (signature)
Search team leader E. Maslennikov - signature / Maslennikov /
Imagine how much it was necessary to stir up the tent in order to get all this from its bowels. It remains to believe only the words of the search engines, and they were cunning, this is obvious. Here is an example related to drinking alcohol from an abandoned tent.
One of the search engines, Slobtsov, recalls that in the evening after finding the tent, they drank a flask of alcohol taken from the tent. But in the transferred things there is no mention of the flask, but in the act of inspection of the tent by the investigation there is a record about the flask with the "smell of alcohol" …
Comments, I think, are superfluous, they not only distorted the state of the scene, but also falsified the actual picture of events …..
But that's okay, later we figured out that the tourists were sober at the time of the tragedy. But the discrepancies in the readings on the account of a pair of skis are of a fundamental nature, here you already have to guess, as they say "on the coffee grounds".
The fact is that one pair of skis was not laid under the floor of the tent, this was not done by chance, tourists used them as racks for the central stretching of a long tent (picture below in the text). But we do not know what condition these skis were in at the time of discovery. The two searchers who were the first to find the tent give conflicting testimonies. Slobtsov says that they were in the same form as in the photo from the investigation file, and Sharavin claims that they were lying in the snow in front of the tent entrance (his diagram is below in the text). So figure it out here, and this is a fundamental moment in the reconstruction of events.
So there are few indisputable facts, but we already have an understanding of what killed them and how, we will proceed from the assumption that the same unknown weapon drove them out of the tent.
How It All Started
First, about the known facts, which is indisputable for us:
- The tent is not completely set up, without a central ski brace, otherwise the long four-meter tent will sag in the middle. A pair of skis for these stretch marks were prepared, but they remained lying in the snow in front of the tent entrance (according to the search engines, but in the photo taken from the investigation materials above, they are stuck in the snow). This is what this tent was supposed to look like:

This is a snapshot from another trip, but it bears the names of this ill-fated tent, set up according to all the rules.
In order to prevent the tent from sagging, a support was made from a ski pole, cutting it off at the handle. This cropped ski pole was found by hunters inside the tent. They did not have spare ski poles…. So, after all, they were returning to the storage shed, there was a spare set of skis, only in this case it was possible to donate a ski pole, without which you would not go far along the snow-capped mountains.
- Two people at the time of escape from the tent were fully dressed, one of them had a camera and a compass with him (Zolotarev).
- Two pairs of tracks at the initial stage of departure from the tent did not start from the tent, but a little to the side, only then, after 40-80 meters, their tracks converged with the rest. Apparently, two people at the time of escape from the tent of the main group were on the mountainside, outside the tent.
- Immediately before leaving the tent, the tourists reloaded the camera, this is evidenced by the photographic film found near the tent, the rest of the films were in a tin can or were in cameras.
- One film is clearly not enough in the investigation materials, there are only individual shots from it, and it is they who are characterized as the last, one of its shots (clearing a place for the tent) is referred to by the investigation in the decision to dismiss the case. By the way, this is another discrepancy in the investigation, the removal of documents from the case in this case is obvious.
- Pictures from the camera found on Zolotarev's body have not survived, he was lying in running water, this camera is not even mentioned in the materials of the investigation. But the investigator Ivanov refused to return this camera to the relatives of Nikolai Thibault, to whom it belonged, referring in the conversation to its strong radioactive contamination. Whether this is actually so is unknown.
- For undressed tourists, the exit from the tent was unexpected, they could not take anything with them, they jumped out in what they were in the tent. Of the things, there was only a Finnish knife and two flashlights.
- At the moment of leaving the tent, it was already covered with snow and was approximately in the same state that the search engines found. This is evidenced by a lantern found on the slope of the tent, on top of a layer of snow. The flashlight was off.
- "Factor" began to operate around 10-11 o'clock, before dinner, judging by the cut, but half-eaten loin. Some of the blankets had not yet been laid out (according to the recollections of the search engines).
These are facts known to all, but here is what emerged from the analysis of the known circumstances of the events:
- "Factor" appeared at a distance of more than a kilometer from the tent in line of sight in the area of the northern, more gentle summit.
- Tourists left the tent in the direction of the nearest shelter from places of direct visibility from the northern summit (into the ravine).
- "Factor" used high-speed kinetic weapons of unknown origin to hit people.
“Factor” at the initial stages did not seek to kill tourists, only scared them away from their location with warning shots over their heads.
- Even after the murder of two tourists who tried to return to the slope, he allowed the rest of the tourists to approach the stricken (immobilized) and pick him up.
- Further movement up the slope after crossing the clear border of what is permitted in 150-180 meters was also stopped by the use of weapons, perhaps before that they fired a warning shot overhead.
- When the body was hit by high-speed bullets, in addition to instant death from a "water hammer", a person's wristwatch stopped.
“In addition to the unusual damaging factor when it hit the body, the high-speed bullet, while moving, created an air shock wave that was inaudible to the ear due to its short duration, but also had a damaging factor in the form of“barotrauma”.
Now we can put forward a "theory of everything", in which we will write all the available facts and clarified circumstances.
The theory of everything
Let's start this sad story. Tired tourists walked, they were really tired, it was less than a kilometer to the forest, but no one went to fetch firewood, so no stoves were installed for the night.
The tent itself was also not fully erected, instead of the central braces from the already prepared skis, an internal support was used, for the manufacture of which a ski pole was spoiled. I admit that it was not fatigue, perhaps the tourists were afraid of something and did not want to give away their location with smoke from the stove and upright skis.
Having put up the tent, laid out our things, had a snack with breadcrumbs, whiled away the time in conversations until 10-11 hours. Then they began to get ready for bed, but before that they cut the last remaining loin, have a snack for satiety before a cold night (no more loin was found in the tent). They did not have time to eat it, something happened in the distance, more than a kilometer from the tent, on a flat top to the north.
The visual and sound effect of this unidentified phenomenon was such that no one wanted to get out of the tent, or Zolotarev ordered not to stick out. The tent buried in the snow seemed to them a safe hiding place, and in any case it was safer in it than on a bare slope.
Tourists watched this unidentified phenomenon from a tent, making incisions in the slope facing the summit. Two of them, Zolotarev and Thibault, began to prepare to leave the tent in order to get closer to this object.
They got dressed, took a compass for orientation in the dark and limited visibility. We reloaded the camera with a new film and took it with us; when reloading from the can, one of the films fell out and later searchers found it. A camera and a compass were found by search engines on Zolotarev's body.
The two left the tent, their goal was to get close to an unidentified object and photograph it. The rest of the tourists felt safe, did not even try to get dressed, apparently the very idea of going out into the open space did not inspire them, and in the tent they felt protected.
It is not known how long the departed were absent, but events began to develop when they were 20-40 meters from the tent. The factor used a weapon, the shooting was not conducted at people, but over their heads in order to drive them down the slope. Either by accident or intentionally, the shots hit the snow higher up the slope, above the tent.
Shots with high-velocity bullets created shock waves of very short duration, which were not audible to the human ear as sound. But these shock waves, falling into the snow, caused a snow landslide on the slope at the site of the tent. The layer of snow cut off during the installation of the tent moved and brought down the tent. In the photo above, there is a characteristic sign of a shift in the layer of snow, the pole for the tent guy from the ski pole bent down, and apparently broke inside, so that even the search engines could not pull it out after dismantling the tent, here is a snapshot:

In the picture, it still sticks out of the snow to the right of the pile of things, in the center of the frame, the fact that no one tried to pull it out is incredible, the rest of the ski poles used to fix the guy wires were pulled out of the snow by the search engines, only this one remained, in the most uncomfortable place.
After the tent collapsed, the tourists began to get out from under the snow, cutting through the side of the tent, one of them grabbed a flashlight, but, getting out of the tent, put it on the slope covered with a layer of snow, so the search engines found it.
The shots drove the group down the slope, Zolotarev and Thibault joined them and ran the whole group together to the nearest shelter. Apparently, Zolotarev, out of habit at the front, was looking for cover in the lowlands in order to get away from the distance of a direct shot.
Here is a diagram of their departure, drawn by one of the search engines:

In the diagram, the author (Sharavin) emphasizes that the departure of tourists was not carried out in the direction of the cedar, but to the left, right into the ravine. He immediately shows the location of the skis in front of the entrance to the tent. On the way, the tourists lost another lantern, it was found by search engines at a distance of about four hundred meters from the tent, they no longer had the opportunity to pick it up. The flashlight was on.
They were shooting apparently over their heads, but the bullets flying near the person, with their shock wave, inflicted serious injuries on him in the form of pain in the area of the eyes and ears, concussion. Blood could flow from the ears and nose, there could be disturbances in coordination of movements, hearing and vision.
The shelling stopped only after the people left with line of sight into the ravine, the tourists ran another three hundred meters by inertia and stopped, having stumbled upon a convenient place to hide.
It is quite possible that four: Zolotarev, Thibault, Kolevatov, Dubinina received superficial injuries in the form of a light concussion and relatively whole tourists built them a shelter with a flooring where they lay down. The rest of the tourists chose the cedar to observe the behavior of the "factor" from its trunk.
By the way, this may explain the strange division of the group, an obvious leader in such a situation - Zolotarev was incapacitated for some time and the rest of the tourists acted at their own discretion. Having rested for 3-4 hours, he could no longer fix anything from what the tourists had done by that time under the command of Dyatlov.
Reconstruction of events after the departure of tourists to the ravine
Let's fix the initial conditions, which have developed by 5 o'clock in the morning:
- There was a thaw, the air temperature at night could not be lower than -10 degrees, this is evidenced by the characteristic traces in the form of columns, which could appear only from the squeezing of "sticky" snow.
- Accordingly, for such warm weather it was cloudy, the moon rose at 1/3 of its full luminosity at about 5 o'clock in the morning, pre-dawn twilight would come only at 8 o'clock in the morning.
- Tourists were well equipped for such warm weather, he could spend the night under such weather conditions guaranteed, and with a fire and a flooring, even comfortable, no worse than in an unheated tent on a windswept mountainside.
- The group consists of two fully dressed and shod people. They could provide a guaranteed retreat for the entire group to the storage shed, which is less than two kilometers away, or they could return to the tent. But these attempts were not made.
- The group retreated to the ravine in full force, since 6 bodies were found there, and three bodies on the slope walked along one straight line, the beginning of which was at a kindled fire near a cedar. In addition, traces of cedar needles were found on the clothes of Kolmogorova, who was closest to the top, which indicates her presence near the fire.
- All the tourists at the time of the retreat to the ravine were without injuries, this is evidenced by the fact that the injured tourists were left in a full set of their clothes. According to the conclusion of doctors with such injuries, you can live no more than 15 minutes, then death is inevitable. But after the death of their comrades near the fire, the remaining tourists immediately cut off the clothes from the dead, fragments of these clothes were found near the injured tourists in the stream bed. So they were definitely the last to die.
- The group split up, the almost impossible happened, the young tourists refused to obey Zolotarev, the senior in this extreme situation, a professional instructor, a front-line soldier.
- Igor Dyatlov has definitely become the leader of the youth. A group of young tourists chose the cedar as an observation point behind the summit and based near it.
- More cautious tourists, led by Zolotarev, set up a shelter, more like a secret partisan hideout. The distance between these points is no more than one hundred meters.
- And yet, the principled position of the author - the Dyatlov group has completely exhausted the limit of accidents and coincidences at the moment of a collision with an unknown "Factor". There was a unique case, then there were only regularities and cause-and-effect chains of events.
Chronicle of events from 5 to 8.14
Only when the area was lit up a little by the rising moon (this happened at about 5 am), Dyatlov decided to return to the slope, he went alone, the rest of the young tourists stayed near the cedar.
From the cedar, it passes four hundred meters, of which 250 through a ravine, and the last 150 meters already directly along the slope, in line of sight from the northern peak of the mountain, after which it falls into the snow and dies from the use of an unknown weapon, at the same time his clock stops, they show 5.31.
At the time of death, he did not move, this is evidenced by the position of his legs, he either stood at full height, or, more likely, was on his knees, secretly (as it seemed to him) watching the summit. The striking factor of an unknown weapon knocks Dyatlov into the snow and he no longer moves.
The use of this weapon was invisible to tourists who were only four hundred meters away. Dyatlov's body was in line of sight from the cedar, which was used by tourists as an observation post, but visibility at night did not allow him to be seen at that time.
Young tourists with the departure of Dyatlov lost their leader, and their activity immediately decreased. In almost three hours of waiting, they only dared to light a signal fire, apparently believing that Dyatlov got lost in the dark.
In the predawn twilight, which came at about eight in the morning, young tourists made out Dyatlov's body on the slope. Then emotions "rule" events, Kolmogorova becomes the leader of a group of young people, for whom Igor Dyatlov is not just a leader of a tourist trip, but a loved one.
Kolmogorov, together with Slobodin, go up the hill, following Dyatlov's footsteps, reaching his body, turning him over on his back, trying to determine whether he is alive and what happened to him.
The death of Dyatlov was a shock for them, all the more superimposed on all previous extreme events. In this state, the feeling of fear recedes, people are trying to overcome the situation in any way, remember the psychic attacks of "white" officers, sailors in vests, these are all manifestations of the same state.
On the slope, near the body of Dyatlov, this psychological mechanism was launched, Slobodin stubbornly went up again, towards the "Factor", apparently telling Dubinina to return and warn the others. He goes forward another 150-170 meters to the same target as Dyatlov, and he is stopped using the same weapon to kill. He falls and freezes in the pose of a man walking in deep snow.
He does not die, but is simply immobilized. This conclusion follows from the materials of the case, which recorded the "death bed", the frozen snow directly under the body. This suggests that a person lay motionless for a long time and melted snow with the warmth of his body.
Kolmogorova, in front of whom her friend falls, instead of returning, goes to meet her death. She is allowed to reach Slobodin's body, she is trying to turn the body, it can be seen in the picture that Slobodin's left arm is unnaturally twisted in the shoulder, but he did not show signs of life, he has a severe concussion.
Kolmogorova, believing that Slobodin, like Dyatlov, is already dead, goes further, towards the unknown "Factor", but after 150-170 meters from Slobodin's body, weapons are used specifically for destruction.
The blow "to the kidneys" was immediately fatal (the autopsy report indicated a girdle bruise measuring 30 by 6 centimeters on the right side), and even traces of blood were indicated in the inspection report of the discovery of the body. Kolmogorova froze in a dynamic pose.
Kolmogorova's decision not to return to the remaining tourists, but to go further, forward, is a "point of no return" for the entire group. If she had been frightened, turn back, and most likely the group would have survived, but Kolmogorova went forward.
The death of Kolmogorova is a kind of milestone after which "Factor" changed its behavior, if earlier the use of weapons was associated with the task of preventing tourists from approaching the top of the mountain, then the purpose of using weapons against Kolmogorova and the rest, still living tourists, was their murder.
"Factor", using an unknown weapon to defeat Kolmogorova, immediately re-aimed at the two tourists who remained near the fire and killed them. He could kill them only if they were in line of sight from the northern peak of the mountain, so apparently they were on the cedar at the time of death, where they climbed in order to observe the slope, only this point could have been hit by a bullet. The watch on the wrist of one of these tourists stopped at 8.14.
Two by the fire
You can't say much about the tourists who died by the fire, their bodies were moved by the surviving tourists, their clothes were removed.
When Kolmogorova and Slobodin went to the slope, the rest followed them, climbing a cedar, under a direct shot from a weapon unknown to us.
At a distance of four hundred meters, it is quite possible to call one another; to increase the range, usually the hands are folded with a "mouthpiece", applying to the mouth.
The bitten off piece of skin from the middle finger behind the cheek of Krivonischenko is explained by just such a posture of the hands at the time of death. Involuntary closing of the teeth occurred at the time of his defeat by an unknown weapon.
This again indicates a dynamic impact, in addition, the breaking of branches at a height of up to 5 meters on a cedar, also speaks of the dynamic nature of the damaging effect of the weapon. It is possible that the shot hit the cedar trunk, and the tourists found themselves in the zone of its damaging effect.
Both tourists simultaneously fell from the cedar right into the fire, built at its foot, Krivonischenko's left leg was burned. Doroshenko, the second tourist, also fell near the fire, this can be said with confidence, since the hair on his head was burnt, and a half-burnt comforter was found nearby.
They were not immediately dragged away from the fire, which means that at that time there were no capable tourists nearby with them. Tourists from the flooring came up 2-3 minutes after they fell into the fire and dragged the bodies aside.
This conclusion follows from minor damage from fire on Krivonischenko's body. This means that their death was immediately noticed by tourists from the deck, most likely they heard the characteristic sound of a high-speed bullet hitting the cedar trunk, which was unambiguously interpreted as a reason to urgently approach the cedar.
To summarize, intermediate of course
So far, four deaths and one living, but immobilized tourist, consistently fit into the previously described properties of the impact of an unknown weapon. The timing of events to the readings of the clock and natural time parameters (moonrise and sunrise) also fits into the reconstruction without any exaggeration. Another proof of the fidelity of the reconstruction is the fact that the already numb body of Dyatlov was turned over; this requires at least two hours from the moment of death.
Now about the weapon:
The weapon had a variable lethal powerIt did not even kill Slobodin, but only immobilized, for tourists on the cedar it was applied with maximum power, such that the sound attracted the attention of tourists from the deck.
The weapon operated only within line of sight and was used from the same place, followed by tourists, climbing the cedar. This is clearly indicated by the coincidence of the place of hitting the cedar (at a height of five meters) and the place from which the tourists watched the slope.
Dyatlov died only four hundred meters from the rest of the tourists, which means that the sound from the use of this weapon either was not heard by the tourists, or it was not identified with the threat to Dyatlov, otherwise they would immediately follow in his footsteps to help.
It can be argued that the use of unknown weapons was not accompanied by clearly distinguishable sound effects
Chronicle of the last minutes from 8.14 to 8.45
Hearing unusual sounds, tourists from the deck approach the fire, find two dead comrades there and begin to undress them. So, it was decided to urgently leave this place and go to the taiga, and there every rag is worth its weight in gold. It was already dawn, Zolotarev had a compass for orientation on the terrain, it was a very real task, to hide in the forest, the tourists simply did not have enough time for it.
Tourists from the floor, near the fire appeared quickly, this is evidenced by the fact of slight burning of clothes and charring of the skin on Krivonischenko's leg.
Not all the tourists from the platform went to the fire, apparently Zolotarev went to the “exploration”, and someone else from the men. This conclusion follows from the fact that some of the belongings from the victims were found on the flooring, and these are the upper belongings of the tourists killed near the fire, which were removed and cut off in the first place.
The inner layers of clothing were also cut off, but they were not carried to the flooring, they remained lost along the entire path from the fire to the flooring.
Apparently Zolotarev stayed to cut the inner layers of clothing, and another scout returned to the flooring with things already removed and cut off.
The returned scout led all the other living tourists to the fire. The inner clothes of those killed by the fire, cut off by this time, were handed over to the Zolotarevs, who approached the tourists from the platform.
One can imagine the bewilderment of tourists who discovered the still warm bodies of their comrades, who died without any damage. Understandably, before cutting off their clothes, they were first examined, trying to understand the cause of death.
They didn’t find anything except for some unknown reason for the stopped clock and tried to save it as evidence characterizing the cause of death.
Thibault took the watch from Krivonischenko's hand and put it on next to his watch. The left hand of Krivonischenko, with which the watch was removed, remained raised and bent at the forearm (seen in the photograph of the body at the place of discovery). Of course, it is possible that he acted in a twilight state, but it painfully looks like a sober calculation, like in Zolotarev, who did not part with the camera until his death.
By this point, the "Factor" has changed its behavior, now its goal is to kill everyone. But it was impossible to get the remaining tourists in the ravine with the help of the already used weapons, it acted only on a straight line. To complete the elimination, a mobile and less powerful version of the same weapon was used.
Its use began immediately, as soon as the remaining four tourists got into its line of sight. Tourists at that time were near the fire, changing clothes and finishing their clothes. Taking into account the terrain, this could be at a distance of 250-300 meters, on the opposite slope of the ravine.
The shot hit Kolevatov, but the destructive power from such a distance was not enough, as it was said in the previous article, he was “hit”, he lost the ability to move and Zolotarev carried him out on his back.
Tourists in a hurry began to retreat to the stream bed, hoping to hide behind its slopes. They returned to the stream on their well-trodden path, faster this way. On the way, in a hurry, we lost the things that had just been cut from the dead, this is recorded in the materials of the investigation. Another fact confirming the hasty movement from the fire is the half of the jacket, lost on the way, the other half of this jacket Dubinina used as a winding on her leg, with which she was found. Apparently, on the other leg, she simply lost such a winding while fleeing from the fire.
Having reached the stream, we went down into the riverbed, but we walked only 6-10 meters from our deck.
These were the last meters, weapons were used against three out of four tourists, and they were used at close range, from the steep bank of the stream. Death came from the right, from the side of the fire (everyone has injuries to the right side of the body), Thibault and Zolotarev did not even have time to turn around for the shots. Thibault's own watch stopped at 8.39.
Only Dubinina managed to turn towards the weapon and received a shot directly in the chest, this can be judged by the location of her body, Kolevatov did not receive injuries similar to those of the rest of the tourists in the stream bed, most likely he was already dead and the use of weapons against him was pointless.
By this time, only Slobodin remained alive, he lay in the snow motionless for about an hour, maybe a little less, during this time a "death bed" could well have formed.
After they finished with four tourists in the ravine, after 6 minutes the same weapon was used against him for finishing off, his skull cracked and the clock stopped. The watch on his hand showed 8.45..
Time, speed, distance
That's the whole reconstruction, it gives a chronology, besides this events are tied to specific points on the ground. Let's check this reconstruction with the simplest calculations.
Let's start with an objective value that is not related to the readings of the watch and see if the same value will be the same, but already calculated from the readings of the watch.
So, according to the reconstruction, Kolevatov was shot from a distance of 250-300 meters, it is clear that the tourists immediately tried to hide in the stream bed, which is 100 meters away. There they were killed almost point-blank.
This means that during the time that tourists spent moving 100 meters, the weapon moved 300 meters, from this we conclude that it moved at a speed three times faster than tourists. The speed of tourists is a maximum of 2 km / h, which means that the speed of movement of the weapon is about 6 km / h.
Now let's see what is the speed of movement of the weapon according to the readings of the clock.
Slobodin's clock stopped 6 minutes after the tourists' clock stopped in the ravine. Between these points (Slobodin's body and the bodies of tourists in the stream) there are about 600 meters. It turns out, from the ravine to Slobodin's body, the weapon moved at a speed of the same 6 km / h.
The speeds calculated according to different, independent of each other indicators coincide
There is another interval of 25 minutes after the death of tourists near the fire and the death of tourists in the stream. This distance will be calculated on the assumption that after the use of a stationary weapon of high power on tourists near the fire, the mobile weapon installation immediately began to approach its victims.
In 25 minutes at a speed of 6 km / h, the weapon moved to 2.700 meters. This distance is exactly the same as the distance from the decking to the farthest, lower, and flat top of the mountain
It was to this peak, taking away to the right of the tent, that the route for the movement of tourists on the slope led.
The materials of the investigation confirm this conclusion, look at the diagram from the case:

In order to justify the movement towards the tent, the arrow in the figure had to be bent, but if it is not bent, but continues in a straight line, then it will point exactly to the northern, flat top of the mountain.
Instead of a conclusion
I don’t know if all this sounds convincing to the readers, but I’m pretty sure this is how events developed.
But this is not even important, what is important is that there are strong facts testifying to the use of high-tech weapons in the events of more than fifty years ago. Even close analogs of such weapons are still unknown, moreover, it is impossible to create such weapons on the basis of traditional barrel technologies.
Whoever used it not fundamentally, fundamentally different, it was used back in 1959, it can be applied now.
It won't seem a little …