Sergei GONCHAROV, who has faithfully served in the ranks of this legendary anti-terrorist unit for 15 years, told the National Defense magazine about the history and modern combat activities of the Alpha group of the Special Forces Center of the FSB of the Russian Federation.
- Sergey Alekseevich, what were the reasons for the creation of the Alpha group? And why was this name chosen for the anti-terror group? Maybe because "alpha" is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, and a group bearing this name should always be the first in the fight against terror?
- The Alpha group was created back in 1974. This was the heyday of the Soviet Union, and at the same time, in the 1970s, certain problems with terror and with ensuring public safety in our country began to appear. The first problem that prompted the creation of the Alpha Special Forces was dissidence. Many dissidents at that time did extraordinary things. The second reason is that the countries of a potential enemy, such as Germany, Great Britain, the USA, France, already had such units. The third reason - the Munich Olympics in 1972 showed that a group of armed terrorists can take and destroy hostages, striking a blow to the prestige of the state. We were preparing for the 1980 Olympics and understood that it was necessary to ensure the safety of this large-scale event. These three reasons prompted the chairman of the KGB of the USSR, Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov, to sign on July 29, 1974 an order on the creation of group "A". Initially, it included only 50 people - only officers of the KGB of the USSR with an impeccable reputation.

Sergey Alekseevich GONCHAROV - President of the Association of Veterans of the Anti-Terror Unit "Alpha", President of the Russian Union of Security Enterprises, Deputy of the Moscow City Duma
As for the name, the leadership of the KGB of the USSR really believed that we should be the first. The problem of terrorism has already worried our country, and "Alpha" was supposed to become a brand, a real force that successfully solves anti-terrorist tasks. And she has been doing it effectively for 41 years.
- How did the accumulation of knowledge on the fight against terrorism take place in the 1970s? Was a think tank organized for this? Did the leadership of the Alpha group and you personally have to start from scratch, or were there employees who already possessed certain knowledge in the field of anti-terrorism, having received it in the Border Troops or on business trips abroad?
- Initially, they worked with the "typing" method, determined what to do and what to study, studied the subject field. They raised all the documents regarding the events of terror and anti-terror that took place in Europe and the United States. The PSU KGB also assisted us in obtaining the necessary materials for the fight against terror. In Moscow, we examined all airports and train stations. Identified outgoing threats to passengers and aircraft. We have worked out the assault on all types of aircraft that flew in the USSR. Everything was worked out thoroughly in practice and in plans.
Our employees did undergo training abroad, but information on this matter is a state secret. In addition, employees of special forces from the Warsaw Pact countries or from countries loyal to the USSR came to us and taught us. For example, Cubans taught us hand-to-hand combat.
As for the analytical center, it was and exists at Alpha now, it has extensive experience in collecting and analyzing information on terror and anti-terror.
- What were and are the criteria for selecting candidates for the Alpha group?
- The first condition is to be an officer of the KGB of the USSR, and now it is desirable to be an officer of the FSB or an officer of an army special forces with combat experience. The second is the willingness to pass selection in accordance with the physical standard that was developed for admission to the unit. There was a requirement to have the first category in any applied sport, for example, hand-to-hand combat, shooting, etc. There were people who had preliminary training and skills of combat swimmers. High demands were placed on moral and volitional qualities - overcoming feelings of fear and the ability to work in a team. We all went through parachute training, tank run-in, drills and tests that allow us to understand whether an officer can fight his fear and complete a combat mission. Initially, we recruited mainly operational KGB officers. In the 1980s, they began to recruit candidates for admission to the unit from the airborne units and border troops, since they were closer to us in terms of training.
There are many people who want to serve in our special forces, we have a large bench. The selection is based on many criteria. Out of ten candidates, one or two people are selected.

Since its inception, the Alpha Group has paid serious attention to airborne training.
- What does preparation look like in the Alpha group? On the development of what skills and fighting qualities of the fighters in "Alpha" are the bets?
- Training is combat duty, which our officers take up. Employees of our special forces are in constant combat readiness to fly to any point in Russia. Since the creation of Group A, the country has not been left without an anti-terrorist umbrella - the cover methods developed by our division. We are always on alert. The day begins with physical training, followed by shooting and the study of those situations that were in the history of anti-terror and special operations. These events are worked out in classrooms and in practice, analyzed in detail, errors are considered, and then taken into service by the staff of the "A" group.
We have a specialization, and there is no employee who could do everything. There are snipers, combat swimmers, miners, negotiators, an assault group. By the way, Alfa devotes a lot of time to mountain training. The stake is placed on the development of endurance, perseverance, dexterity, quick wit, teamwork skills. After all, success in the fight against terror depends on the coordinated actions of the entire operational-combat group that takes part in the special operation.
Psychological work is carried out with the Alpha fighters, aimed at preparing a thinking fighter, or is the Alpha fighter, first of all, the result of long physical training?
- The training of a spetsnaz officer takes five to six years. Trainings are carried out systematically, and the emphasis is on both the precise execution of the order and the development of operational and tactical ingenuity. The Alpha fighter is not a robot, he is a creatively thinking warrior, ready to adapt to the conditions of a combat mission, to make decisions during a combat operation, taking into account the orders of the command.
By the way, is an employee of "Alpha" called a "fighter" or "operative"? And what is the emphasis on in combat training at Alpha: teamwork or solo training?
“The Alpha employee is called the“fighter”, not the“operative”. And there is something heroic about it. Alpha employees are proud of this name.
In terms of preparation, snipers prepare to act alone and with an assistant. The successful actions of this employee are the key to the success of the entire operation. Assault teams are preparing to act in concert, as part of one team - as a whole.

Sergei Goncharov with his comrades in Afghanistan.
- Are the Alpha officers parachuting? Does the group pay attention to airborne training?
“Alpha officers are constantly parachuting. Only during the period of initial parachute training, ten jumps are made. "Alpha" is capable of landing on any territory in full combat gear and performing a combat mission upon landing.
- Does Alpha provide escorts for high-ranking officials, like the German GSG 9 or the American Delta?
“We monitored the security of our delegation in Cuba in the summer of 1978 in case of terrorist attacks. "Alpha" ensured and ensures, at the direction of the country's leadership, the security of the first persons of the state. After 1991, the Alpha group was transferred to the General Directorate of Security. And then "Alpha" ensured the safety of two presidents - Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin.
- How much time is spent on training the Alpha sniper? What is the peculiarity of sniper training? Or, taking into account the considerable time that the group devotes to fire training, can we say that all the "alphas" are snipers? Are there special sniper groups in Alpha, as in the special forces of the Airborne Forces, or do snipers work as part of operational combat groups? Has Alpha carried out successful hostage rescue operations using snipers?
- The skill of the sniper "Alpha" is at a high level, as he must hit the terrorist and not be taken hostage. In international competitions, we are ranked first in sniper training. Not all "alphas" are snipers, but at the same time they shoot with high quality from all types of weapons. The peculiarity of the sniper training of "Alpha" is the emphasis on anti-terror, work in urban conditions, when the enemy is hiding behind hostages. The Alpha sniper must remain in position for as long as it takes to successfully resolve the operation. Snipers work both independently and as part of task forces.
A successful operation with the use of a sniper "Alpha" carried out on Vasilyevsky Spusk in Moscow in 1995, when a criminal hijacked a bus with 25 South Korean tourists. The sniper determined the course of the operation and eliminated the criminal.
- Does "Alpha" use technical means of anti-terror and reconnaissance in operational and combat activities? For example, drones?
- UAVs have long been in use both in the army special forces and in the special services. High-quality intelligence gathering now depends on them. Alpha is a modern special forces unit and uses drones in training. In general, the group's technical equipment is of great importance.
- Explosive devices are the main weapon of terrorists. Have you ever faced this type of terrorism? Does Alpha pay sufficient attention to mine preparation?
- During the first and second Chechen wars, in the course of the fight against illegal armed groups, "Alpha" faced the combat use of mines, land mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Alfa devotes a lot of time to mine counterterrorism, studying the previous domestic and foreign experience. There is a group of special demolition workers working both to counter IEDs and demining, and to carry out demolition work during the assault on the building. Successful operations of this type were carried out in Afghanistan, Chechnya, the North Caucasus, in the course of special operations.
- What does Alpha's structure look like? It is known that the British SAS and the German GSG 9 are formed according to the principle of the sphere of action: land, sea, air. SAS also has a mountain squadron. Is the alpha structured the same way?
- When creating "Alpha", the organizational and staff structures of the Western special services were not copied, but they were taken into account. We have professional frogmen, high-level snipers, high-class mountain training specialists. The group is formed depending on the specific combat mission. Out of more than a hundred of our operations, no two were alike, each time we received new input. It makes you gain experience every time. For example, it is one thing to carry out an operation to free hostages in Beslan or "Nord-Ost". It required the efforts of snipers and assault groups. Another thing is to ensure the safety of a major sporting event, such as the recent Olympics. It is clear that in order to ensure safety in a city like Sochi, which is located in a coastal mountainous area, specialists with mountain and underwater training are required.

With comrades in arms - the leaders of "Alpha".
The assault on Amin's palace in Afghanistan in 1979 showed that Alpha was taking part in offensive operations. In the language of the GRU spetsnaz, it was a classic raid followed by an assault. Is Alpha currently practicing such operations? Have there been other successful operations of this nature?
- The assault on Amin's palace went down in the history of special forces as the best special operation with the composition that was at that time. It was an operation of brave and fearless people who went to a clear death. And they understood what they were doing.
The uniqueness of that operation was its difficulty. In fire contact, I had to face trained military units and personal protection structures. "Alpha" is an anti-terrorist group, but during that operation, together with other groups, it acted as a shock assault unit. It was necessary, risking their lives, to overcome the line of fire, to neutralize the armed enemy. Based on the results of this operation, we concluded that our officers are capable of successfully carrying out offensive operations and operating in a difficult operational environment.
Now "Alpha" devotes enough time to working out past operations, because in itself each operation is unique, but its elements can be repeated. Alfa no longer had such operations, but elements of the assault appeared in Beslan and Nord-Ost, when they had to storm barricaded buildings covered by enemy snipers.
- You were the deputy commander of the Alpha group. What responsibilities did you have?
- There were several deputies of us, and we carried out the orders of the commander of the Alpha group. There was no clear definition of which deputy was responsible for what - everything depended on the specific task. The deputy commander of the group could, for example, lead an operation or one of the assault groups, or become part of the headquarters for the development of an operation, or lead a group of negotiators.
- During your service at Alpha, the group has carried out dozens of successful operations. Which one has been the most successful? Which of your officers distinguished themselves?
- In Sarapul, on December 17, 1981, conscripts took 25 students hostage
10th grade on school grounds. Alpha was airlifted and immediately launched an assault. In the course of joint actions with the local 7th KGB Directorate, Group A officers skillfully and professionally carried out neutralization, disarmed and captured the criminals without firing a single shot. Alpha's professionalism consisted in subtle operational calculations and knowledge of the psychology of terrorists.
Another well-known operation to free the hostages from the Yakshiyants gang was carried out in Mineralnye Vody on December 1-3, 1988. And although the leadership of the KGB of the USSR decided to make temporary concessions to the terrorists and canceled the assault, the employees of our special forces were ready for action. During this action, our soldiers accompanied the bus with the captured children and took part in negotiations. Here, officer Valery Bochkov distinguished himself, risking his life, carrying sacks of money to terrorists in order to exchange them for captured children. After the extradition of the terrorists by the government of the State of Israel, Group A flew to this country to escort the criminals. Skillful actions of the "A" group, the composure of the staff ensured the successful release of the hostages and the subsequent extradition of the terrorists.
In Sukhumi, you carried out a special operation to free hostages of increased complexity together with the Vityaz special unit of the internal troops. What was the role of Group A in this operation?
- "Alpha" carried out an operation to free the hostages in the Sukhum pre-trial detention center on August 15, 1990. The specifics of the place, the preparedness of the leaders - hardened criminals and their assistants, armed, among other things, with automatic weapons, a significant number of captured hostages complicated the operation. The special unit was commanded by the Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel Viktor Fedorovich Karpukhin. 22 fighters arrived with him in Sukhumi. In addition, 27 soldiers arrived from the Vityaz special forces unit, led by the commander, Colonel Sergei Ivanovich Lysyuk. The bandits who seized the IVS demanded a car and a helicopter. In the process of preparing for the operation, the "alphas" mined a car intended for terrorists, and together with "Vityaz" formed three assault groups. The first group, led by Mikhail Kartofelnikov, stormed the bus. The second group, led by Major Mikhail Maksimov and the Vityaz assault group, attacked the bandits on the floors. The first group put an end to the operation, because in the car there were the leaders of the bandits who were killed during the seizure. An important role was played by the second assault group and "Vityaz". Thanks to their professionalism, the detention center was released. Alpha has shown her skills both in freeing hostages and in using explosives that have allowed her to shock criminals and break into closed rooms.
- Was the operation in the village of Pervomayskoye on January 18, 1996 anti-terrorist or counter-partisan? What was Alpha's role in this operation? In general, "Alpha" is often involved in the fight against illegal armed groups?
- There was a combined arms battle in Pervomaiskiy. Alpha had a leading role. But the use of Alpha as a combined arms unit in the open field was wrong, and this was the reason for the death of our officers. At the same time, "Alpha" was used as an assault group to free the hostages.
During the Afghan and Chechen campaigns, Alpha was a striking force in the fight against illegal armed groups.

- How did the military operations in Chechnya enrich Alpha's experience? There the enemy had considerable experience in guerrilla warfare and small group operations. How hard was it to defeat such an opponent?
- Combat operations on the territory of Chechnya, and they can be safely called a war, gave our officers colossal military experience. This was the experience of fighting both small units armed with small arms and large bandit formations with heavy weapons. The enemy used guerrilla tactics, raids, ambushes, and head-on collisions. Alpha learned to fight as an army special unit. The greatest difficulty was represented by the battles in the "brilliant green".
How competently did Group A work to free the hostages at Nord-Ost? What factors allowed her to achieve success? Why were there casualties among the hostages?
- "Alpha" carried out the storming of the building and fulfilled its task of freeing more than a thousand hostages and destroying 38 bandits. Success was ensured by the coordinated actions of the assault group, the reconnaissance group and the cover group. Our task was fire and assault. In the course of those events, a special task was also carried out. And the losses are related to this event. But this special event was not implemented by the Alpha group.
- Is Alpha drawing lessons from the modern war on terror waged around the world? How does this affect her preparation?
- We are seriously analyzing the actions of our Western and Turkish partners in the fight against IS in Syria and Iraq. After all, IS is a danger to the whole world.
It is known that foreign anti-terrorist teams maintain partnership relations with each other. In particular, the French GIGN cooperates with the British SAS. SAS cooperates and exchanges experience with American Delta. Does Alpha maintain partnerships for the exchange of experience? And if so, with whom?
- We maintain partnership relations with the Belarusian and Kazakh "Alpha", but not as deep as our Western partners.
- What are the most prominent officers of "Alpha", their successful operations.
I would especially like to note the Hero of the Soviet Union Gennady Nikolaevich Zaitsev, he was the longest in command of the unit, conducted dozens of operations to free hostages, and brought up a whole galaxy of heroes-fighters of group "A". I would also like to mention the commander of the "A" department in 2003-2014, Vladimir Nikolaevich Vinokurov. He was at the head of the unit during the second Chechen campaign, continued the military traditions laid down by the first Alpha commanders, and showed himself well during anti-terrorist operations. In particular, he commanded the military operations of our special forces in Beslan in 2004. An example of a remarkable feat was demonstrated by a soldier of our special forces, Major Alexander Valentinovich Perov, awarded the title of Hero of Russia, who covered a woman and a child with his body and saved them at the cost of his life.