In the USA, in the field, they began to test the development of HULC (Human Universal Load Carrie). We are talking about power frames made of metal and composite materials - exoskeletons.
They can reward anyone with extraordinary power. A special onboard microcomputer with a sensor system monitors the soldier's movements and transmits the information to the exoskeleton, which increases human capabilities with the help of motors. The military becomes incredibly resilient, practically turning into cyborgs. For example, the device will help you carry up to 90 kilograms of cargo in your hands over a distance of 20 kilometers.
So far, the novelty is not used in hostilities, but is used in test mode. The tests will help understand how HULC affects the condition of the fighters, according to a press release from LockheedMartin, which is involved in the project. (YouTube video uploaded by user LockheedMartinVideos.)
Development of exoskeletons has long been carried out not only in the United States, but also in other countries, including Russia. According to the program "Look" on NTV, in Russia the production of frames for supermen is carried out in strict secrecy, the developers do not report on the detailed design and possibilities of adaptation.

There is even an acceleration mode in which you can run for a short time at a speed of 10 miles per hour (~ 17 km / h)

"On-board" computers control the movement of the exoskeleton in accordance with the movement of the soldier

The suit supports its own weight so that the wearer does not experience additional stress

On a single charge, the suit can carry up to 200 pounds over a distance of up to 12.4 miles (90 kg at 20 km).

Suit is designed so that parts can be replaced in the field

Commanders assess whether HULC helps combatants use less energy than without it

If the tests are successful, the next step will be to test in conditions that simulate combat conditions.

With a titanium frame, heavy weight is transferred directly to the body of the exoskeleton

The ability to carry weight is maintained even when the suit runs out of energy

Lockheed engineers made an image of a suit that will fit the police special forces

Perhaps the exoskeleton will be used for civilian loading of weights, as well as to help the paralyzed walk again