Roscosmos plans to land astronauts on the moon by 2030

Roscosmos plans to land astronauts on the moon by 2030
Roscosmos plans to land astronauts on the moon by 2030

According to the strategy of space activities of the Russian Federation, developed by Roskosmos, it is planned to fly around the Moon and land on its surface by cosmonauts from Russia by 2030, reports.

The document posted on the agency's website says that during this period it is planned to operate the lunar orbital base "in a visited mode", as well as work on the maintenance and repair of large spacecraft.


In accordance with the draft Strategy, there are three milestones in the development of national cosmonautics. The first of them, presented as a "frontier of restoration of capabilities" and calculated up to 2015 inclusive, involves the creation of the first stage of the Vostochny cosmodrome and ensuring readiness for launching automatic spacecraft from it, creating a scientific and technical groundwork for the implementation of major projects in subsequent periods aimed at exploration and exploration of deep space.

The second milestone, which implies “consolidation of opportunities”, is expected to be achieved by 2020. Prior to that, it is planned to create the necessary conditions for independent access of the Russian Federation to space from its territory, complete the operation of the ISS (International Space Station) and carry out activities related to its preparation for a controlled descent from orbit. In addition, the specialists will be engaged in work on the creation and preparation for flight tests, which will have to pass a new-generation heavy manned spacecraft.

At the second stage, the department also plans to take part in the international team in the work related to the launch of research stations to Jupiter, Venus, Mars and asteroids.

Recall that the Martian project of Rosaviakosmos, worth five billion, has just ended with a grandiose failure. On November 9 last year, the Phobos-Grunt spacecraft was launched to the Mars satellite Phobos. After the separation from the Zenit carrier rocket took place, the device never ended up in the launch orbit. After repeated unsuccessful efforts to restore communication with him, on January 15 this year, fragments of Phobos-Grunt, which did not burn in the atmosphere, fell into the waters of the Pacific Ocean. And in April, Roscosmos specialists announced that the project associated with the launch of Phobos-Grunt would be repeated.

Overcoming the main “breakthrough line” in the Strategy is planned to be carried out by 2030. Prior to this, it is planned to create a space rocket complex of a super-heavy class, develop the means necessary for contact research and further exploration of the Moon, carry out a demonstration manned flyby of an Earth satellite with the subsequent landing of Russian cosmonauts on its surface and return to Earth.

In addition, within the framework of this program, specialists plan to carry out activities related to the deployment and maintenance of orbital constellations of spacecraft, which ensure the formation and satisfaction of the needs of science, the socio-economic sphere, defense and security of Russia in the results of space activities. It is also planned to create advanced technologies related to the maintenance, refueling and repair of flying spacecraft in near-earth space.

As you know, for the first time a man landed on the moon on July 21, 1969 in the framework of the United States of America program called "Apollo". The first person to walk on the lunar surface was astronaut Neil Armstrong, the second was Edwin Aldrin. Michael Collins, the third crew member, was in the orbital module at the time.

In the 70s of the 20th century, the Soviet Union was engaged in research on the lunar surface using two radio-controlled self-propelled vehicles (Lunokhod-1 and Lunokhod-2). In 1976, the program ended. In the 90s, lunar exploration was carried out using the Japanese satellite Hiten, the American spacecraft Lunar Prospector and Clementine.

Note that in 2004, US President George W. Bush announced that in the next ten years Washington plans to create new manned spacecraft capable of delivering people to the Moon and a lunar rover, and by 2020 the laying of the first lunar bases.

Since 2007, China has officially announced its entry into the lunar race, and in 2008 - India. In 2009, the planned fall to the moon into the crater Cabeus of the American spacecraft LCROSS and the upper stage "Centaurus" was made. Shortly thereafter, NASA officials reported the discovery of water on the Moon.

The strategy also assumes that Russia will be engaged in the development of technical means of protecting Russian spacecraft, including the use of the right to self-defense. The document also says that for the implementation of strategic interests in space, our country needs independent access to space, which excludes the risks of "unfriendly actions from other countries."

The document emphasizes that Russia will continue to strive to consistently uphold the fundamental right of any state to independent access to space. However, this should take into account the unconditional fulfillment of obligations related to the non-proliferation of missile technologies.

The draft of this program also states that in order to ensure the necessary level of national security of the country and the status of the Russian Federation as a leading space power, the all-round development of the Russian rocket and space industry is necessary, which is capable of developing and producing world-class space technology in all major areas of space activities.

At the same time, the Strategy states that the Russian Federation will comply with the principle of “priority of international space law over national law”.
