At the forefront. Day of patrolmen and guards

At the forefront. Day of patrolmen and guards
At the forefront. Day of patrolmen and guards

September 2 marks the professional holiday "the face of the Russian police" - the patrol service. It is she who is the police unit with which, as well as with the precinct police, Russian citizens most often have to deal with. Also, the police patrol service is the largest combat police unit, regiments, battalions, companies and platoons of which carry out their service in almost every city and district, in every region of the Russian Federation. The official history of the police patrol service dates back to September 2, 1923, when the leadership of the young Soviet militia adopted the "Instruction to the police officer", which outlined the basics of the police officers on guard duty. However, in reality, the units that became the prototype of the modern police patrol service appeared in the Russian Empire.

From the Russian Empire to the Soviet Union

Even during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, on April 30, 1649, "Orders for the City Deanery" were introduced, which also contained the first attempt to legislatively ensure the protection of public order on the streets of Russian cities. The document read: “and ride in your detour through all the streets and lanes, day and night, incessantly. And for protection in all streets and alleys to paint them with lattice clerks and watchmen; and walk along the streets and alleys, day and night, and take care of it, so that there would be no theft and fornication in the streets and in the lanes of battle and robbery and taverns and tobacco and other things. " Under Peter I, a police force was created in the Russian Empire and the duties of police officers responsible for maintaining public order in the country's cities were distributed. On September 8, 1802, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was created, which was also assigned the tasks of ensuring public order and combating crime. Two years later, in 1804, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia, Count Viktor Pavlovich Kochubei, ordered the creation of an external part of the police, and on July 3, 1811, the "Regulation on internal guard" was published, according to which the duties of the internal guard of the Russian Empire included the capture of thieves, pursuit and destruction of robbers, suppression of disobedience and riot, capture of fugitive criminals, protection of order at fairs and festivals. Thus, the legislative basis for the protection of public order was improved. The internal guard was subordinate to the military department and the provincial chiefs, it consisted of eight districts under the command of district generals. The district of the internal guard covered from 4 to 8 provinces, on the territory of which two brigades were stationed. In total, there were twenty internal guard brigades in the Russian Empire.

At the forefront. Day of patrolmen and guards
At the forefront. Day of patrolmen and guards

On March 30, 1816, the Internal Guard of the Russian Empire was transformed into a Separate Internal Guard Corps, and on April 4, 1816, E. F. Komarovsky. In February 1817, the regulation "On the establishment of gendarmes of the internal guard" was promulgated. The gendarme guard consisted of 334-man city divisions and 31-man gendarme teams in 56 cities of the Russian Empire. The capital divisions were stationed in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Warsaw (the Warsaw division was created somewhat later than the St. Petersburg and Moscow divisions). As for the police post service, the first mentions of it date back to 1838, when the Statute on the Metropolitan Police was approved. At that time, the city police were on guard duty in police booths, which is where the name of the guards - "booths" came from. In 1853, the formation of police teams began in Russian cities. The teams were staffed by lower military ranks led by a non-commissioned officer. Each team of 10 police officers and a non-commissioned officer accounted for 5 thousand residents, for 2 thousand residents there were 5 police officers of lower ranks. The city guards were subordinate to the district warders. The okolotki were subordinate to the police stations, headed by a bailiff, an assistant bailiff and a clerk. In turn, the police were subordinate to the janitors, who performed not only the functions of cleaning and landscaping the streets, but also the former lower police officers who oversaw the maintenance of public order.

The system of maintaining order in pre-revolutionary Russia functioned quite well and efficiently, but the revolutionary events of February and October 1917 contributed to the actual destruction of the old law enforcement system. However, Soviet Russia also needed a structure capable of becoming a reliable tool in the fight against crime. On October 28 (November 10), 1917, the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of Soviet Russia issued a decree "On the Workers 'Militia", which stated: 1) all Soviets of Workers' and Soldiers 'Deputies shall establish a workers' militia; 2) the workers' militia is wholly and exclusively under the jurisdiction of the Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies; 3) the military and civilian authorities are obliged to assist in arming the workers' militia and supplying it with technical forces up to and including supplying it with state-owned weapons. " However, no serious steps have yet been taken towards the formation of specialized structures for the protection of public order in the period under review. In fact, the protection of public order was in the hands of the Red Guard, staffed by workers, soldiers and sailors and subordinate to the organs of Soviet power. On the ground, numerous and completely heterogeneous formations were created, responsible for maintaining public order and the fight against counter-revolution - these were all kinds of security detachments, detachments of the red guard, workers' squads. At first, there were no professional employees in such units, and the units themselves performed both military functions and functions of protecting public order. In December 1917, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK) was created, which became an organ of state security and the fight against counterrevolution, but also took on the responsibility of combating crime in the young Soviet state.

On June 5, 1918, the draft Statute on the People's Workers 'and Peasants' Guard (Soviet Militia) was published. This project provided for the need to form a workers 'and peasants' guard (Soviet militia). It was emphasized that the militia should exist separately from the army and obey the tasks of protecting revolutionary order and legality. On October 12, 1918, the People's Commissariat of Justice and the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR approved the Instruction on the Organization of the Soviet Workers 'and Peasants' Militia. This Instruction outlined the main nuances of the organization and activities of the militia in Soviet Russia, which became a regular body for the protection of public order in the country. The militia was recognized as a class organization, which was emphasized in its name - workers 'and peasants' militia, as well as in the main tasks that it had to solve. It was emphasized that “the Soviet militia is guarding the interests of the working class and the poorest peasantry. Its main responsibility is to protect the revolutionary order and civil security. At the same time, the militia was viewed as an organ of the executive workers 'and peasants' power and therefore was under double subordination - both to the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs and local Soviets of People's Deputies. In October 1918, the Militia Directorate was reorganized, which was transformed into the Main Police Directorate. Provincial and district departments of workers 'and peasants' militia were created in the localities, while provincial cities could have their own city police departments. The grassroots subdivision of the militia in the localities became a precinct headed by a district chief, in whose subordination were senior militiamen and militiamen. Separately, the units of the criminal investigation department were responsible for the direct fight against crime.

The system of maintaining order in the pre-war USSR

The revolution and the Civil War caused a rampant crime in Russian cities, while the new authorities at first could hardly control the situation. Despite the fact that on March 2, 1919, the Presidium of the Cheka approved the "Regulations on the troops of the Cheka", and on September 1, 1920, the Labor Defense Council of the RSFSR adopted a resolution "On the creation of troops of the internal service of the Republic (VNUS)", the situation in the field of ensuring the protection of public order remained quite complicated. The guards were shot by literally dozens of them. Thus, January 24, 1919 went down in history as a "rainy day" for the Moscow police. At night, 38 police officers were killed - the bandits from the Koshelkov group were driving around the posts by car and, calling the police, shot them point-blank. At the hands of the "koshelkovtsy" 22 policemen were killed. 16 militiamen were killed that night by Safonov's (Saban's) gang. To increase the effectiveness of measures to protect public order, combat militia units were created in the republics, regions and cities. So, on September 29, 1920, a detachment was created in the Byelorussian SSR to carry out tasks to ensure law and order and the safety of citizens, prevent and suppress violations of public order in the streets and in other public places of the city of Minsk. On September 30, he joined the public order service in the capital of the BSSR. On November 30, 1920, a separate militia brigade was created in the BSSR, which included 4 militia battalions. She was engaged in carrying out guard duty, patrolling, participating in operations against criminal elements.

After the "Instruction to the policeman on guard" was adopted in 1923, the activities of the units to ensure the protection of public order began to be streamlined.


In 1926, units of the patrol and guard service of the militia were on duty in almost all large Soviet cities. The sentry militiamen and police patrols were tasked with maintaining order in the streets, parks, gardens, squares, and other public places in Soviet cities and towns. Soviet militiamen wore white uniforms. At that time, the powers of the road-patrol and patrol-post police services were not yet divided. Therefore, the sentry militiamen both regulated traffic and monitored public order. Therefore, an invariable attribute of a policeman on guard was a police baton - red with a yellow handle, which was used to regulate traffic. Sentry militiamen in the 1920s -1930s were an obligatory attribute of the main streets of large Soviet cities and in fact became the face of the Soviet militia. On May 25, 1931, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted the Regulations on the Workers 'and Peasants' Militia, which provided for the division of the militia into departmental and general. The general militia was responsible for maintaining public order, combating crime, and overseeing the observance of traffic rules, processions and demonstrations. That is, the general militia was also responsible for the tasks that the patrol service is currently solving.

Soviet militiamen during the war

The Great Patriotic War became a serious test for the Soviet militia. During the war, the functions of the militia were significantly expanded and complicated. The police units were entrusted with the tasks of combating desertion, alarmism and looting, with the theft of military and evacuated goods in transport, operational work to detect and detain enemy spies and provocateurs, ensure the evacuation of the population, Soviet enterprises and institutions, and cargo. From the first days of the war, the Soviet militia in the front-line cities and towns entered into battle with the German fascist aggressor. Most of the police officers were mobilized to the front, and it was this moment that caused a massive increase in the number of women in the police service. In Moscow alone, by decision of the Moscow City Party Committee, 1,300 women serving in government agencies and organizations were mobilized into the police. Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, 138 women worked in the Moscow police, and during the war the number of women in police uniform in Moscow increased to four thousand. In Stalingrad, 20% of the city police officers were women.


The main police department of the NKVD of the USSR decided to cancel all vacations for police officers, the external police service was to act in cooperation with police assistance brigades, extermination battalions, and military units. As for the State Automobile Inspectorate, it directed its forces to ensure the mobilization of road transport for the needs of the fighting army. During the war, the tasks of maintaining public order became much more complicated, which was facilitated by the increase in the number of evacuees and displaced persons, refugees, the emergence of such potentially criminogenic groups as deserters from the ranks of the regular army. In addition, the police had to identify those who evade mobilization, as well as those who sympathize with the enemy. At the same time, the real capabilities of the militia were reduced due to the dispatch to the front of a large number of the youngest and healthiest militiamen fit for combat service. By the way, at the front, police officers mobilized in the NKVD and Red Army units showed the highest examples of courage and military skill. Many militiamen ended up in partisan detachments, served in intelligence units. The militiamen took part in the battles for Moscow and Leningrad, in the defense of Odessa, Sevastopol, Kiev, Tula, Rostov-on-Don, Stalingrad.

On June 24, 1941, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a resolution on measures to combat enemy parachute assaults and saboteurs in the front line. In accordance with this decree, destroyer battalions were created in the frontline areas, which were recruited and operated under the leadership of the territorial bodies of internal affairs. The most important task of such battalions was to counter enemy saboteurs and paratroopers, protect key industrial and communication facilities, and help maintain public order. As of August 1, 1941, 1,755 destroyer battalions were created, numbering 328 thousand people. More than 300 thousand workers were in groups to assist the destroyer battalions. At the very beginning of the war, a separate motorized rifle brigade for special purposes of the NKVD of the USSR (OMSBON) was formed from among the NKVD servicemen, police officers, and athletes, which turned into a key center for the formation and dispatch of reconnaissance and sabotage groups and detachments to the enemy's rear. During the four years of the Great Patriotic War, 212 detachments and groups, totaling 7316 people, were sent to the rear. OMSBON conducted 1,084 military operations, killing 137,000 Nazis, including 87 leaders and 2,045 agents of the Nazi special services. In the capital of the USSR, the police patrolled the streets together with the detachments of the military commandant's office of the Moscow garrison, and on the main highways near Moscow, outposts were formed from among the police officers who controlled all the entrances and exits from the capital. The personnel of the militia of Moscow and the Moscow region were transferred to the barracks position - to improve the performance of the service for the protection of public order. The police made a great contribution to the defense of Moscow from enemy air raids. So, only on the night of July 21-22, 1941, 250 German aircraft took part in the raid on Moscow, but the coordinated actions of the Moscow air defense forces made it possible to practically repulse the attack of enemy aircraft and shoot down 22 enemy aircraft.

For the defense of Moscow during the Nazi air raid, the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR declared gratitude to the entire personnel of the Moscow militia, and by a special decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 30, 1941 49 of the most distinguished militiamen, operational officers and political workers of the internal affairs bodies were awarded orders and medals. Police officers also took part in ensuring public order during enemy air raids on other Soviet cities. Unfortunately, much less is known about the exploits of Soviet militia officers during the Great Patriotic War than about the exploits of the Red Army. Meanwhile, history knows many examples of enviable heroism shown by employees of the internal affairs bodies during the years of the Great Patriotic War, which were difficult for the Soviet Union. Thus, it is well known about the feat of the defenders of the Brest Fortress, but few are aware of the participation of police officers in the defense of the Brest station itself.

Feat at the station "Brest"

During the offensive of the Nazis, the head of the line police department at the Brest station, Andrei Yakovlevich Vorobyov, was able to quickly organize his subordinates to defend the station and oppose the enemy together with the 17th border detachment and the 60th railway regiment of the NKVD troops of the USSR. Little is known about Vorobyov himself. Andrei Yakovlevich was born in 1902 in the village of Sudenets in the Smolensk region, worked as a shepherd, and since 1923 served in the special division of the OGPU in Moscow. An ordinary peasant boy who became a police commander and a hero of the Great Patriotic War. In 1938 he was transferred from the state security agencies to the Workers 'and Peasants' Militia and until 1939 served in Smolensk as deputy chief of the railway police. In 1939-1940. served as deputy chief of militia in Brest, and in 1940 he headed the line police department at the station "Brest - Tsentralny". The militiamen fortified themselves on the western bridge and kept railway depots and warehouses under fire, which made it possible to stop the advance of the Nazis. The head of the department, Vorobyov, ordered to save cartridges and shoot only at the target, but even when saving cartridges, the police repulsed the enemy's attack several times before they were forced to retreat to the station area. During the battles with the Nazis, militiamen were killed: militiamen F. Statsyuk, A. Golovko, L. Zhuk, A. Pozdnyakov, senior operational officer K. Trapeznikov. As a result of shelling and bombing of the station, a fire broke out, which allowed the Nazis to surround the station building. The militiamen went down to the basement and from there fired at the enemy, holding the defense for two days. On the third day, the Nazis were able to pour a barrel of gasoline into the basement of the station and set it on fire, after which a fire began.


- A. V. Vorobiev

On June 25, 1941, Vorobyov, at the head of the surviving subordinates, went to a breakthrough from Brest to the area of g. Kobrin. During the breakthrough of the encirclement, most of the policemen were killed. A. Ya. Vorobyov tried to break through to his home to say goodbye to his wife and son, but at that moment he was captured by the Nazis and executed in early August on the banks of the river. Mukhovets - not far from Brest. The son of Andrei Yakovlevich Vorobyov Vadim Andreevich Vorobyov recalls: “Under the cover of smoke that was dragging from the burning buildings on Graevka, part of the station defenders managed to break through to the Brest-Polessky station and then go into the forest. Some of them joined the Red Army. Policemen Andrei Golovko, Petr Dovzhenyuk, Arseniy Klimuk tried to break through the window of the boiler room, where they threw coal on the Graevskaya side. Failed, the Germans fired at them. Many died. Military fate has spared others. And everyone I spoke to remembered my father's courage. And now, after decades of peace, I think: the defense of the Brest Fortress is a well-known feat, popularly appreciated. Did the defenders of the station show less courage? Yes, they had thinner walls, but there were fewer of them, and the defense time was measured not in weeks, but in days, but the heroism of the Soviet man was shown with the same intensity … (Quoted from: V. Efimov. about the heroic defense and courageous defenders of the Brest-Central station in June 1941).

Soviet militia after the war

As the occupied territories were liberated and the Nazis were pushed to the west, the Soviet militia had a new large amount of work. It was necessary to identify the hiding traitors and policemen who served the Nazis, liquidate numerous criminal gangs, and fight the anti-Soviet underground. The situation was especially difficult in the Ukrainian and Moldavian SSR, in the Baltic states. Numerous and well-armed detachments of anti-Soviet insurgents operated here, which during the war years either collaborated with the Nazis or fought on two fronts - both against the Nazi occupiers and against the Soviet regime. The fight against such formations became one of the main tasks of the Soviet militia, which they solved together with the servicemen of the internal and border troops, the Red Army. The fight against street and ordinary crime also demanded a great effort. The difficult operational situation demanded from the leadership of the Soviet law enforcement agencies to further improve the activities of the external police services.

In March 1946, the NKVD of the USSR was renamed into the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, and on October 4, 1948, a new Statute of the police patrol service was put into effect, which further streamlined the patrol and patrol service of the police. The activities of the units carrying out external service were subject to a single plan. Permanent officers were assigned to the posts, and night patrolling was strengthened by attracting not only privates and sergeants of the police, but also officers, as well as servicemen of the internal troops and the Red Army. In 1949, the militia was reassigned to the USSR Ministry of State Security, to which the functions of criminal investigation, police service and the fight against property theft were transferred. Only in March 1953 the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of State Security of the USSR were merged into the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. Stalin's death and the arrest of L. P. Beria played a crucial role in the further reform of the internal affairs bodies of the USSR. A large-scale reduction was carried out - 12% of employees were fired from the bodies of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, and 1,342 employees were arrested and put on trial, and 2,370 employees received various administrative punishments. In 1954, the USSR State Security Committee was separated from the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was assigned the functions of state security, and the protection of public order remained with the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. In January 1960, the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was liquidated, and its functions were transferred to the republican ministries for the protection of public order (MOOP). However, in 1968 g. The MOOPs were renamed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and restored to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. On November 19, 1968, the police were transformed into internal affairs bodies, which performed the functions: 1) police, 2) investigation, 3) fire protection, 4) private security, 5) inspection of correctional work. On the basis of the disbanded Main Police Department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Criminal Investigation Directorate, the Directorate for Combating theft of Socialist Property, etc., were created, each of which was responsible for a specific area of law enforcement.


In 1969, as part of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, administrations and departments of the administrative police service were created, which in 1976 were reorganized into administrations and departments for the protection of public order. On July 7, 1972, the Order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was issued, in accordance with which the Manual on the Service of Special Motorized Militia Units was put into effect. SMChM were combat units that were part of the Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, but operationally subordinate, while serving for the protection of public order, to the leadership of the territorial bodies of internal affairs. The recruitment of special motorized militia units was carried out according to the type of the Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs: privates and sergeants were conscripts, officers were graduates of military schools of internal troops. On August 16, 1973, the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs issued an order "On the creation of united divisions (motorized platoons) of militia in city and regional departments of internal affairs", in accordance with which divisions of night militia and external service were created, divisions, it was supposed to create them at the expense of non-departmental security divisions. On July 20, 1974, the Charter of the patrol and checkpoint service of the militia was adopted, approved by the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and which is the main normative document regulating the principles of activity and the legal status of the patrol and checkpoint service of the Soviet militia. In order to increase the efficiency of maintaining public order in cities, towns and other settlements on the territory of the Soviet Union, on August 2, 1979, a special decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers was adopted, in accordance with which units of the patrol and guard service of the militia were created on the ground.

Operational regiments - the combat reserve of the capital police

In the capital of the country, in addition to the usual units of the PPSP, there are also operational police regiments. Their history goes back to the Equestrian Division of the Moscow Militia named after the Commissariat of Railways and CENTRAN, created in the spring of 1918. The tasks of the equestrian division of the militia included the protection of public order in the central part of the city and on its outskirts. The division carried out service for the protection of railway lines within the city and beyond, carrying out a fight not only against bandits, but also against speculators. On April 1, 1922, the division was awarded a high award - the Honorary Red Banner, which was presented to the command of the division by the chairman of the Cheka F. E. Dzerzhinsky. In 1930, the division was renamed a squadron and entered into operational subordination to the police officer on duty in Moscow, becoming the main operational unit of the Moscow police. By this time, the unit was developing political and equestrian training, they also began to master motorcycle training. The horse squadron took part in protecting public order during the defense of Moscow during the Great Patriotic War. The squadron formed a Special Flying Squad, which became part of the division of General L. M. Dovator and went to the front. During the war, the squadron was engaged in patrolling Moscow streets and protecting objects, and also set up anti-sabotage posts on the Volokolamskoe highway. In 1943, on the basis of the Flying Detachment, a whole cavalry regiment was formed as part of the Dovator division. In the post-war period, a cavalry regiment of militia, stationed in Moscow, was engaged in the protection of public order at mass events and patrolling the remote areas of Moscow that are inaccessible. In 1947, the regiment's list of tasks included security service on Red Square and at the Mausoleum of V. I. Lenin. In 1957, the regiment guarded the International Youth Festival in Moscow. Mid 1950s was marked by the disbandment of cavalry formations and units in the ranks of the Soviet Army. At the same time, a blow was struck at the cavalry units as part of the internal affairs bodies.


In 1959, the cavalry regiment of the militia was disbanded, and only one squadron of the mounted militia was left "on horseback". The latter, however, proved to be very good at carrying out the security service at public events. So, in 1961, the squadron guarded order while honoring the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, and in 1967 it took part in the parade in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. By the 1970s. the squadron remained the only unit of the "police cavalry". The unit received all-Union and even worldwide fame, since its employees took part in ensuring the safety of foreign delegations and international festivals. So, in 1980, the squadron served for the protection of public order during the Moscow Olympics - 80. With the help of police cavalrymen, public order was restored during the funeral of Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky, which was characterized by a large crowd of people and, as always in such cases, did not always adequate crowd behavior. The cavalrymen, who were called to the rescue, were able to carry out the functions of restoring public order within half an hour.

In December 1980, the cavalry unit was combined with 4 combat infantry and 1 automobile companies, as a result of which the 4th regiment of the patrol-post police service of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Moscow City Executive Committee was formed. In 2001, already in modern Russia, an operational militia regiment was created on the basis of the 4th regiment of the patrol and guard service of the militia, in 2002 it was renamed into the 4th operational militia regiment, and in 2004 - in the 1st operational police regiment. In 2011, after the past renaming of the police into the police, the 1st operational police regiment was reorganized into the 1st operational police regiment of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow. Currently, this police unit performs important tasks to ensure the protection of public order in the Russian capital, including at public events.

Another similar police unit as part of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian capital is the 2nd operational police regiment of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. Its history began already in the post-war period - in 1957, when the leadership of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the face of a reduction in cavalry, decided to create an operational mechanized police regiment, whose employees were entrusted with patrolling the streets of Moscow on motorcycles. In 1980, the operative mechanized regiment was transformed into the 1st regiment of the patrol-post police service, then, in the same year, the 3rd regiment of the patrol-post police service was created. In 1989, the 2nd regiment of the police patrol service was created. In post-Soviet Russia, due to the introduction of a multi-party system and a market economy, the number of public events, both political, entertainment and commercial, has sharply increased. In this regard, given that the main burden of day-to-day patrolling of Moscow streets was taken over by the regiments and battalions of the patrol and guard service of the police, created in the departments of internal affairs of the administrative districts of the capital, the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate decided to redirect operational regiments to protect public order at public events … In 2004on the basis of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd regiments, the 2nd operational militia regiment was created with more than 1000 militiamen. The regiment became the operational reserve of the public security police of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate in Moscow. According to the order of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow, in 2011 the 2nd operational police regiment was reorganized into the 2nd operational police regiment of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Moscow. On October 23, 1987, in Moscow, on the basis of the patrol and guard service regiment, the first special police detachment was organized, where the most physically and combat-trained police officers were selected, as well as recruits from among the demobilized military personnel who served in the airborne troops. marines, border and internal troops, etc.


Over the past decades, the patrol service has become one of the most important components of the domestic law enforcement system. At present, the police patrol service has a militarized structure and is divided into regiments, battalions, companies, platoons, and patrol service departments. Subdivisions can be either separate or part of larger subdivisions. In the patrol and guard service, employees of the junior, middle and senior command personnel work, many police officers begin their career in the internal affairs bodies precisely from the ranks of the patrol and guard service, since it is believed that the patrol service is the best school for young police officers. Employees of the police patrol service daily detain a large number of criminals and offenders, confiscate prohibited items and substances from citizens. A significant number of patrol officers in the 1990s - 2010s. took part in ensuring the protection of public order during the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus, in other "hot spots". However, the staff of the teaching staff has a "hot spot" - almost every business day, because at any moment they, arriving on a call or stopping suspicious citizens, can engage in battle with criminals. About the police patrol service, we can say that this is really a combat unit that is at the forefront of the fight against crime. Despite the many problems facing the modern Russian police, the ambiguous attitude of citizens and the media, these guys do their job, risking and dying every day in the line of duty.
