In the previous articles, five very useful (hopefully) tips were given to future prophets and seers and told about some methods of independent "requests" to heaven. Now let's talk about modern visionaries and try to answer the question: how to use their talents for the benefit of the Motherland and society?
The "prophets" of our day
Oddly enough, today the number of all kinds of magicians, psychics, fortune tellers and seers of other specialties not only does not decrease, but even grows before our eyes. There are, however, reasonable explanations for this.
First, the mass media, above all television, play an enormous role in the dissemination of various superstitions. Modern people see horoscopes every day - both in separate issues, and as a running line during the morning news. Thematic shows and "investigative journalism" follow one after the other. Feature films of the relevant subject are also not uncommon. And even the then famous illusionist David Copperfield proudly called his tricks and tricks "magic". It is not surprising that many ordinary people already perceive all kinds of mysticism as part of real life.

Secondly, the current seers, healers and miracle workers practically do not bear any responsibility for their activities (and for their predictions as well). In the Middle Ages, emperors, kings, princes and dukes could easily put in a dungeon some presumptuous and lying astrologer or alchemist, or even hang him (we are not even talking about "witches"). The only thing that modern charlatans can fear is the initiation of a criminal case for fraud, which, most likely, will crumble before reaching the court.
It is impossible to tell about all modern "prophets" and "seers". We will only talk about some of the most famous ones.
The Dixon Effect
In 1997, a "prophetess" Jean Dixon, practically unknown in Russia, but very popular in the United States, died, whose main success is considered to be the prediction of the assassination of John F. Kennedy. There were other "hits", but many of her prophecies turned out to be wrong.
Among them is the prediction of the beginning of World War III in 1958, which was supposed to be caused by the dispute between Japan and China over the Kemua and Matsu islands.
Her prediction that in 1967 the problem of cancer treatment would be finally solved did not come true.
In addition, she believed that Soviet cosmonauts would be the first to land on the moon.
And for 2020, Dixon "appointed" no less than Armageddon:
"The False Prophet, Satan and Antichrist will rise and fight with man."
The American mathematician Allen Paulos, having studied her prophecies, proposed to introduce the term "Dixon effect" - the desire to speak only about the predictions of a particular prophet that came true, ignoring the erroneous ones. With no less reason, this term could be given the name of the same Nostradamus. We will now talk about some modern "prophets" whose name this effect could bear.
Baba Vanga
The famous "seer" Vanga in socialist Bulgaria was a civil servant with a salary of 200 leva (the Bulgarian lev was then considered equal to the ruble) - she received her "work book" in 1967.

She brought huge profits to the state: Bulgarians paid 10 leva for a one-two-minute meeting with her, citizens of socialist countries - 20 dollars, all the rest - 50 dollars. On the day, Vanga received up to 120 people, and the queue for an appointment with her had to wait six months. And, naturally, the Bulgarian rulers, who received considerable funds in the budget, did their best to raise the international authority of their prophetess and popularize her predictions.
The number of predictions and predictions made by Wanga over 55 years cannot be counted (more than a million), the more surprising is the very small number of reliable positive reviews left by people who visited her. The overwhelming majority of clients remained silent, apparently not wanting to publicly admit that they were simpletons who threw currency down the drain. From this we can conclude that the prophetess guessed only as an exception.
It is characteristic that in Bulgaria itself, the attitude towards Vanga has always been very skeptical; abroad its authority was much higher. And the leaders of Bulgaria (and other countries of the socialist camp) did not at all seek to receive prophecies and "instructions" from Vanga. The exception was Lyudmila Zhivkova, daughter of the first secretary of the Bulgarian Communist Party, minister of culture and member of the Politburo. This woman was fond of Eastern philosophy and agni yoga, she met Wanga dozens of times. But the prophetess never warned her about the car accident in which she nearly died in 1973. And then Vanga advised Lyudmila not to follow the recommendations of doctors, but to be treated with herbs: as a result, a high-ranking client died at the age of 39. And to Todor Zhivkov, who met with her twice, Vanga did not predict the arrest in 1990.
There are serious reasons to believe that the Bulgarian special services supplied information about the most significant clients to Vanga's translators, who corrected the words of the prophetess in the right direction. And then the situation developed according to the principle of a "damaged telephone", when this translation was also subject to editing: some words were "thrown away", others were emphasized. A striking example is Vanga's date with the notorious charlatan Grigory Grabov (who, among other things, promised to "resurrect" the children of Beslan). Until now, there are different versions of the results of this meeting: either Wanga "blessed" the fraudster, or drove him out. The editor of the national Bulgarian television, Valentina Genkova, who was personally present during their conversation, sent an official protest to the First Channel of Russian television, stating that in the fragment of the video recording of the meeting between Vanga and Grabovoi, the meaning of the conversation was completely distorted, and instead of the translation of her (Genkova's) words, a comment was given. misleading the audience (that the prophetess drove out Grabovoi). Genkova claims that Wanga actually said:
“You can do a lot, and you have to do it in Russia. You have to help people."
There is also reliable information that some of Vanga's visitors were fake.
One of these cases became known to journalists specializing in articles and reporting about Vanga, but was amicably ignored by them - they simply did not want to damage her authority and thereby cut the goose that lays the golden eggs."
Then Vanga unexpectedly went out to a crowd of people waiting in line, approached an elderly woman who had arrived from the city of Malko Tarnovo (on the border with Turkey) and told her where to look for her missing grandson. The woman ran to call her relatives and soon told everyone that the boy was found in the indicated place. One of the eyewitnesses of this triumph of Vanga, a week later, found himself in this city and was surprised to learn that none of the children in this area had ever disappeared.
Consider two of Wanga's most famous predictions.
The first is about Kursk, which should "be under water." After the catastrophe of a submarine with that name, everyone rushed retroactively to put this prediction in Vanga's asset. No one was embarrassed by the fact that submarines are actually created precisely in order to periodically find themselves under water, and before the disaster the Kursk was submerged dozens of times. But, most importantly, the phrase about Kursk that sank under the water was taken out of context. Wanga's original prediction reads:
"Leningrad in the Neva will sink, and Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn them."
That is, we are talking about two Russian cities that were supposed to survive a catastrophic flood.
The second now famous prediction was made by Wanga in 1960, here it is:
"Fear! Fear! Two American brothers will fall, iron birds peck at them. The wolves will howl in the bushes, and blood will flow like a river."
John F. Kennedy was killed (after all, bullets can be called "iron birds") in Dallas on November 22, 1963, Robert Kennedy on June 6, 1968 in Los Angeles. But then Wang was not yet sufficiently "untwisted", and no one paid attention to this prediction, which could have come true. But fans of Vanga with might and main "promoted" after September 11, 2001, declaring "brothers" the skyscrapers attacked by terrorists. However, there were not two “fallen” skyscrapers, but three. The "third brother", the 47-storey building of World Trade Center 7, which housed the New York headquarters of the CIA, the offices of the tax service and some other organizations, prefer not to remember unnecessarily. Because at about 5 pm that day, being covered by the fifth and sixth buildings of the World Trade Center, it suddenly collapsed on its own, without waiting for any plane to crash into it, and the American authorities could not clearly explain the reason for its collapse.

Well, of course, Vanga's predictions, in which the date was "put down", did not come true.
“In 1981, our planet will be under very bad denominators. The year will bring misfortune to many people, it will take many leaders. " Of the "leaders" in this one, only Egyptian President Anwar Sadat died.
In 1990, according to Vanga, George W. Bush should have died aboard the exploded plane.
“1991 will be a troubling and difficult year. Many cities and towns will be destroyed by earthquakes and floods. " Absolutely "by".
Yeltsin, according to Vanga, had to leave in 1996 - alas, unfortunately for our country, he lasted until December 31, 1999.
In 1997, Seraphim of Sarov was to be resurrected.
"Bulgaria will recover after 2005". So far, there are no special signs of economic recovery in this country.
In 2007, Wanga predicted a war between Russia and China and the death of Bratsk as a result of an accident at a chlorine plant - fortunately, neither one nor the other happened.
In 2010, Vanga "appointed" the beginning of World War III, due to which some plants, in particular, onions, garlic, peppers, should have disappeared, and milk should have become undrinkable.
In 2011, apparently, during this war, according to the prophetess, "as a result of the use of nuclear weapons in the Northern Hemisphere" nothing should have been left alive, and "for this, Muslims will start a war against the Europeans."
Probably in Australia, New Zealand, South America and southern Africa refugees from the Northern Hemisphere were to be seized.
A curious prophecy of 1979, in which Vanga, apparently, confused Russia and Ukraine:
“The White Brotherhood will spread in Russia. It will be in 20 years, but in another 20 years you will reap the first big harvest."
Great White Brotherhood Yusmalos
Marina Tsvigun (Maria Devi Khristos) did not wait for 1999, revealing herself to Ukraine in 1990-1991, after clinical death during the seventh abortion, when it seemed to her that another soul - a divine one - had entered her body. Together with a former employee of the Kiev Institute of Cybernetics Yuri Krivonogov, she founded the sect "Great White Brotherhood Yusmalos" (short for Yuoann Swami Maria Logos), which was officially registered in Kiev on March 7, 1991. Tsvigun declared herself both the bride and mother of Christ, and Krivonogov was called at first John the Forerunner, Elijah the Prophet, and then - the governor of God on earth, Yuoann Swami.

For three and a half years, Tsvigun had to collect 144 thousand "yusmalians", who after this period would go to heaven, all other inhabitants of the Earth were to go to hell. The next "end of the world" was scheduled for November 24, 1993.
On November 10, Tsvigun, together with her supporters, tried to seize St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev. Then 25 people, having bought tickets, entered the cathedral, closed the employees of the museum in the back room, and the "goddess", having ascended the altar, began to preach. About 600 of her supporters surrounded the cathedral at that time, among them were the children of high-ranking Ukrainian officials and the daughter of one of the Russian governors. After their arrest, many of them went on hunger strike. On February 9, 1996, Marina Tsvigun was sentenced to 4 years, but was released early on August 13, 1997. In 2006 she emigrated to Russia, changing her name and surname - now she is Victoria Preobrazhenskaya. The failed “goddess” in Russia did not please anyone with a “big harvest” in the predicted by Vanga in 2019 - and, thank God, we don’t need such “harvests”.
Sleeping Prophet
The "sleeping prophet" Edgar Cayce is also quite widely known, who argued that it was enough for him to put any book under his pillow in order to know its contents by heart in the morning, and undertook to "treat" people at a distance, interested only in their name and place of residence. In his youth, he lost his voice and was "healed" by a visiting hypnotist - this clearly indicates the hysterical nature of the disease and concomitant mental disorders. He gave his predictions in a state of a dream-like trance, due to which he was nicknamed "sleeping". His prophecies were recorded by stenographers, no audio recording devices (which already existed) were used, so one can only guess what Casey actually said and what was attributed to him. At the same time, a number of Cayce's predictions turned out to be erroneous, which reduces the value of his guesses: even if we assume that he really received his “revelations” from some otherworldly “voices”, then we will have to admit that they are an unreliable and poorly informed source. And relying on these constantly erroneous "voices" is hardly reasonable. Here are the most egregious mistakes of this "prophet":
"The supreme goal of Hitler is more than noble, he wants to unite Europe into a common democratic state and must bring the peoples of Europe happiness, universal material well-being and the highest democratic and ethical principles."
“In the second half of the 40s, there will be a big internal war in China. Democratic forces will win in it. Democracy of the American type will triumph in the country”.
"In 1968 or 1969, Atlantis will emerge from the waters of the Atlantic Ocean" (1940 prediction).
Well, the "end of the world" - how can it be without it:
“In 1998, the Earth will complete its cycle, the poles will change position, the Arctic and Antarctica will be shifted, resulting in volcanic eruptions in the tropical belt … The upper part of Europe will change in the blink of an eye. The earth will split in western America."

The mentalist
Currently, right before our eyes in Russia, the cult of the pop artist Wolf Messing is being created.

Most of the stories about his superpowers are pure fantasy. And real "miracles" from professionals cause a condescending smile: their technique has been known for a long time, has a completely rational basis, any average mentalist can repeat these "tricks". You can believe that if even half of what is now being written about Messing was true, we would still not know anything about him.
Do you think that no one would pay attention to a person who could pass without a pass to a carefully guarded building on the Lubyanka or receive a large sum of money from an empty piece of paper in a bank? And after that, would he be allowed to roam freely around Moscow?
There are two options: either he would be recognized as useful and sent to work in the NKVD, and all materials related to his activities would be classified. Either they would be recognized as potentially dangerous, and, of course, they would not be left at large, most likely they would be destroyed - just in case.
However, none of the "competent authorities" in Messing's talents and his mythical "superpowers" were not interested, and he led the modest life of a not-too-paid artist, performing mainly in the provinces.
The most famous "divination" of Messing was made by him twice.
The first time was in 1937, when he declared at a performance in one of the theaters in Warsaw:
"If Hitler goes to war in the East, he will die."
Well, what other prophecy could be expected in the audience of arrogant Polish lords? For excessive skepticism, after all, they could not only boo, but also beat them.
Messing repeated this prediction in the winter of 1940 in the hall of the NKVD club:
"I see tanks with red stars on the streets of Berlin."
Well, it's generally not serious here: Messing was still not crazy and not suicidal, to answer in such a place and to such people somehow differently.
In addition, this assumption is quite logical and reasonable: anyone who is even a little familiar with history knows that Russia can be defeated in a small military conflict, but it is absolutely impossible to win in a war of destruction, and Hitler was going to fight only in this way. People who did not know history or who decided to ignore her lessons made the biggest mistake in their lives and ended up very badly.
Generation of janitors and watchmen
In the troubled times of the "dashing 90s", the astrologer Pavel Globa, a historian-archivist by profession, was quite famous in Russia. worked as a watchman, and in 1989 he suddenly became the rector of the Astrological Institute. And then - also the head of the center of his own name and the president of the Avestan Republican Belarusian Association. Here are some of his predictions from 1988.
In 1994, independent republics were supposed to appear: "Leningrad", "Novgorod", "Sakhalin", "Far East" and some others.
In 1996, Gorbachev was supposed to resign.
In 2003, the problem of nationalism will completely disappear.
In 2004, Russia was to become the “spiritual center of the Earth”.
In 2008, Kiev and 15 other cities were to “perish and be reborn”, and Hillary Clinton was to become the president of the United States.
In 2010, the Black Sea was supposed to catch fire, or rather, hydrogen sulfide, which would rise from its bottom.
In 2014 - "an explosion of banditry in Russia."
And in 2032, a ruler speaking the "Slavic language" should come to power in Britain.
At this point, I recall Vladimir Vysotsky and his "Lecture on the international situation, read by a man imprisoned for 15 days for petty hooliganism to his cellmates":
The churchmen were gaping, The Vatican hesitated a little, We threw the Pope for them here -
From ours, from the Poles, from the Slavs.
However, there is not too long to wait, one of us will probably be able to check.
In 2008, P. Globa made a new prediction: Russia, Ukraine and Belarus should unite into an "Eastern European bloc". So far, it is not very successful even with Belarus alone.
In 2010, in his opinion, Yulia Tymoshenko was to become the president of Ukraine.
And in 2017-2018. the US dollar should have depreciated.
The great warriors of the "hybrid war"
But is it really impossible to use all these occult practices in our time and in our world?
Perhaps you will be surprised, but they are used, and sometimes very successfully, but only as an element of psychological warfare. False forecasts (astrological, numerological, kabbalistic, and so on) are specially prepared and distributed where there is a grateful audience, ready to absorb any nonsense expressed with a rather serious air.
Walter Schellenberg (head of the VI Directorate of the RSHA) recalled that before the war with France, a brochure with corrected predictions of Nostradamus was prepared and distributed in advance. In them, in particular, it was said that only the south and southeast of France would be spared from "machines spewing smoke and fire, flying over cities with a roar, bringing terror and destruction to people":
“After the start of the war, the panic-stricken masses of refugees moved in the direction we suggested. Thus, the German troops received the desired freedom of movement, while the communications of the French army were paralyzed."

The quatrain in question actually sounds like this:
Refugees, fire diving from the sky
Close conflict of fighting ravens.
They shout from the ground for help, heavenly help, When the combatants are at the walls.
As you can see, it does not contain a word about France, much less the safe areas of this country. And in general, you must agree, it is absolutely impossible to understand at least something in these lines and relate them to any real event.
The fake quatrains of Nostradamus were also used by the British, who distributed in the occupied countries of Europe, forgeries of a certain Ludwig von Wol (an emigrant from Germany, also known as Wilhelm Wulf).

In these pseudo-quatrains, it was very transparently hinted at the coming victory of the allies. In addition to brochures and leaflets, the astrological magazine Zenith, published in London, was used for this purpose. The British did not hesitate to set fake release dates for magazines and brochures: by “anticipating” past events, they thereby increased the confidence of readers in forecasts of the future.
Fake quatrains were spread by the British in the United States, but with a different purpose - to push the Americans to more effective assistance to Great Britain.
In 1943, on the instructions of British intelligence, von Wohl wrote a whole book - "Nostradamus predicted the course of the war", in which he included 50 written quatrains, which were attributed to a medieval astrologer.
Another idea of using astrology is based on the assumption that the adversary believes in horoscopes and takes them into account when making plans. In this case, you can build parallel astrological calculations, and try to predict the actions of the enemy. Because of the two possible dates, the superstitious person will clearly choose the one suggested by the astrologer. Such attempts were also made during World War II in Great Britain. They proceeded from a rather dubious premise that Hitler and people from his entourage piously believe in horoscopes and do not take a step without consulting an astrologer. They even called the name of Hitler's personal astrologer - Karl Ernst Kraft.

Such a person really existed, but was not used for consultations in military and political matters, but for the manufacture of those very fakes. In 1940, Kraft edited (some say that he rather rewrote) a book by an anonymous medieval author, telling about the predictions of Nostradamus, in such a way that the imminent and quick victory of the Third Reich became obvious to its readers. This fake, translated into several languages, was distributed in Europe, the United States and the Middle East.
Let us consider as an example of falsifications the 94th quatrain of the V Century, which says that the “Grand Duke of Armenia” will storm Vienna and Cologne. Only one letter was changed and in one word: the country of Armenia turned into Arminius - the famous German leader who defeated the Romans in the Teutoburg forest. The "Grand Duke Arminius" attacking Vienna is a completely different matter, isn't it?
After Hess's flight to Britain (June 12, 1941), Kraft, along with other astrologers (more than 600 people), was arrested. And on June 24 of the same year, astrology and other occult "sciences" were banned in the Third Reich. All books containing "mystical texts", tarot cards, "magic mirrors", "fortune-telling balls" and other attributes of fortune-tellers and fortune-tellers were confiscated.
Kraft died in Buchenwald on January 8, 1945.
Hitler, contrary to legends, considered astrology a pseudoscience. If you trust the testimony of the secretaries of the Fuehrer (and there is no reason to doubt their veracity), he repeatedly said that
"Astrology is the stupidity that naive Anglo-Saxons believe in."
Here the British took the wrong path.
Attempts to make real astrological predictions have also failed. British intelligence officials admitted that von Woll's only true "prophecy" was that Italy would enter World War II, but it was done when no one had the slightest doubt about it.
But B. Yeltsin, according to the chairman of the Commission for Combating Pseudoscience E. Kruglov, was a very superstitious person and took astrology quite seriously. They even call the name of his alleged personal astrologer - Georgy Rogozin, who in 1992-1996. was the first deputy chief of the Russian President's Security Service, in 1994 he was promoted to major general of the FSB, but became famous mainly for the study of astrology, parapsychology and telekinesis, for which he received the nicknames of the Kremlin's Merlin and Nostradamus in uniform. The result of these "consultations with the stars" is known to all.
In general, if you are determined to devote your life to forecasts and predictions, do not try to help your country in any way. Use your abilities to the detriment of the enemy (and, accordingly, to the benefit of the Motherland).
One last tip
Well, the last advice for today: if you want to find out what will happen to you personally tomorrow or in a month, do not pick up the Tarot deck, the bones with runes applied to them, and do not go to fortune-tellers. Just tell yourself (you can even out loud): "Everything will be fine."
This is the best forecast possible.
Or take the most favorable Tarot cards here and consider that they always fall to you. And at the same time, look at the drawings by Salvador Dali, who illustrated this version of the deck - the works of this master are always interesting:

In general, as the well-known Coco Chanel used to say, "everything is in our hands, so they cannot be omitted."

I think she is right, and this advice will always be relevant.