I'll tell you briefly. Believe it or not, as a former Grozny citizen, I know the history of my land quite well.
Damn, at least do the FAQ. Zadolbalo to tell the same thing.
By the way, I warn you in advance - I am setting it all down to the impossibility of being soft, correct and tactful. Actually, you need to talk about this strictly - obscenities.
So - the so-called Chechnya has only one relation to the Chechens - the Chechens have seized this Russian territory. Yes, yes, that's right - this is the territory of Russia, it has never belonged to the Chechens. Generally. Surprised, right? Hopefully. Read on.
The Chechens are a bunch of tribes with similar linguistic composition that lived in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus - approximately where the present-day Chechen-Ingush ASSR has a mountainous part. Actually, I'm not even sure that this can be considered a people - they are united (or rather distinguished from their neighbors) only by a catastrophically low level of development. Of course, we are talking about the Chechens, as they were before the white / Russian civilizers. The social system is a cross between stunted slavery and underdeveloped feudalism. There is no written language (the only ones in the entire Caucasus!). The language consists of about one and a half / two thousand words in general - it is extremely difficult to speak, it is impossible to express complex thoughts without borrowing words from other languages. The most primitive economy, crude edged weapons, clothes - well, savages, in general. They were drawn as such somewhere in the fourteenth century.
They did not live on the plains - there they were "had" by more developed neighbors, so the tribes lived in their fortified auls, where they could fight off the attacks of their neighbors (their own Chechens or some others). A large share in their society was contributed by the fact that outcasts from other tribes migrated to this wilderness - thieves, murderers, swindlers - those who were kicked out or who managed to escape themselves. “National sport number 1”, apparently, was theft, with only the ability to catch slaves could compete with it. These two applied disciplines were profitable business itself, far more profitable than agriculture. It is shameful for stupid Russians to steal - for the Vainakhs it is an honorable business worthy of a man. Therefore, the experience in such matters is wonderful. And their own poverty turns into an eternal vicious envy of more successful neighbors.
Such is an interesting example of a hypertrophied gang of robbers. I hope there is no need to explain that no state or simply the unification of these tribes into something whole was not observed there?
And then Georgia was accepted into the Russian Empire and Russia began to build communication routes to Georgia and Armenia. Logical, natural and normal.
The problem turned out to be that any transport route is a source of profit for the surrounding robbers, and robbers in the Caucasus turned out to be a fig - even the stove was swamped by robbers. The Chechens, as the wildest and most impoverished, worried more than others.
We fought with them quite simply - they set up Cossack settlements in the valleys (unpopulated, I remind you). This was the beginning of the Terek Cossacks. Somewhere this power turned out to be enough, but in these parts it was not. The Chechens began to gather in detachments large enough to attack the Cossack villages - "salt, matches, sugar, however." The Russians in the valley had what the Chechens in the mountains really wanted - "luxury" items, weapons, slaves, just money. Then regular troops were brought in there and military fortified settlements were placed. One of these settlements was the Groznaya fortress, founded by General Yermolov in some forgotten year there. Later, this fortress, together with the settlements that grew around it, became the basis for the city of Grozny.
The raids of the Chechens were drowned in blood - Ermolov perfectly understood who he was dealing with, and showed the only argument that the savages could understand - strength. Cruelty, bloody revenge, collective responsibility. For an attack on a Russian settlement, the troops cut out the nearest aul on the vine. Mutual love, as you know, this did not add, but saved many Russian lives. This very confrontation "we-they" IMHO and united the surrounding villages under the banner of hatred into a single people.
Then the Chechens actually split into two camps: the assimilated, or rather, those who adopted the culture and ideology of the Russians, and the brutal ones cultivating hatred of the Russians in their mountain refuge. The former no longer play a big role, but the latter showed themselves to the fullest after the October Revolution, when the thesis “every savage has a book and a bar of soap” was promoted. The Chechens were given the opportunity to settle in Russian villages, cities - and this was the beginning of the end of the Cossacks. The Chechens simply ate them, survived, squeezed them out - as a more arrogant, assertive, vicious and very prolific people.
And then there was the Great Patriotic War. The Germans stood under the city, oil factories were burning, the city was preparing for surrender to the Nazis - the regional / district committees were taken out, the troops were retreating. And when the main civilian population remained in the city, there was a riot. St. Bartholomew's Night, Night of Long Knives. Russians were slaughtered like sheep, killed with all the Asian cruelty. You will not be able to imagine this, do not try.
Could you imagine what can be done with human intestines after that person's stomach has been ripped open and those intestines pulled out? They can be used to decorate the fence at home. Like a garland. It's very funny, by the way. And the raped woman, if she is still alive, can be given gratitude with the very dagger with which her children were just slaughtered. It's even funnier - everyone just laughs.
The Germans were somehow recaptured, the troops returned to the city - a lot of blood was also shed. Still would! It was then and precisely because of this rebellion that the decision was made to resettle the Chechens away from the front line - across the Caspian Sea. To avoid such incidents, this fifth column was loaded and transported - blood was also shed, I think you understand. They took it out by force.
After Stalin's death, the pendulum of repression swung in the opposite direction - they began to joyfully rehabilitate everyone with a chokhu, indiscriminately "who and for what." Well, and the Nokhchi for the company, and since they turned out to be "undeservedly repressed small people", "an offended member of a friendly family of Soviet peoples," Moscow began kissing him in the ass, they were all returned (whoever wanted), they were made an autonomous republic (!) That territory of Russia, where the Nokhchi shed so much Russian blood, they were given a minimum percentage of national representatives in the power structures - and that was the end of the lands. The Vainakhs bred like rabbits, with 10-15 children per family, key places in the power structures made it possible to steal a lot, often and regularly - not only the kids had enough to eat, but also a sheepskin coat, a car and a house for each son. For example? Only for the appearance of the fence around the villa it was possible to plant 3/4 of the Chechen population of the villages - the fences were built from such sheet metal that it is impossible to buy. He did not go on sale just in principle. It was allocated only for the construction of petrochemical devices, but three-quarters of the houses of Serzhen Yurt were fenced off with this very sheet.
Clever and far-sighted Chechens occupied key positions in the republic. They knew that a bad world is better than a good quarrel, they held the animals in their hands, they did not allow lawlessness. Of course, that order would be outrageous for the residents of St. Petersburg - how many are accustomed to the fact that from a night walk through the Soviet city of stagnant years it is very easy not to return alive? The Russians lived as if under siege, but no one wanted to leave their house - to let these bastards survive us ?!
Then the power of the center weakened, the clever Chechens foresaw the mess and quickly flowed into Russia. A bloody mess began in the republic, for three years it was a complete insane asylum, it is extremely difficult to tell in words - it was necessary to see it. The half-million Russian city was ruined and dispersed, the second largest complex of oil refineries and chemical plants in the USSR was destroyed. And only after three years of bloody lawlessness, troops were brought into the city. It is stupid and talentless.
You saw the rest yourself. I will only add that for some reason it is precisely Russian refugees from Chechnya, people who fled from home from bloodthirsty savages who have lost everything - Russia still despises. Where are the camps for Russian refugees? Where ?!
I know old people who, having escaped from Chechnya, returned back - they would rather wait for death by a knife in their native land than die at train stations with the homeless!
Nobody helped the Russians, nobody. They kicked, spat, threw mud at us - no one helped us in word or deed. But for the protection of these filthy beasts, humanitarians-democracies stood up like a mountain, shameful bitches, Judas … Demonstrations were staged "hands off Chechnya." How I wished them all to find themselves there, among the Vainakhs - to take a slave's share to clarify their brains!
In the period 1941-1945, the country also sacrificed its people. For the same reason. Some people decided that he is the best. That Russian lands are better suited to them. They (the enemies) seized part of the territory of my country, organized the systematic extermination of my people on the occupied lands. GENOCIDE. Destruction based on ethnicity. At the cost of many deaths and crippled lives, the enemies were defeated and driven from our territory. Only then did no one dare to call the Soviet troops "occupiers and invaders."
If they wanted to secede, they would hold the flag in their hands as long as they did not interfere with Russia. Easily! Let the entire million Nokhchi submit documents to leave the country in unison.
At least to Antarctica. But I do not intend to give up MY HOUSE for this.
Hundreds of thousands of killed Russian civilians in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the surrounding lands, who knows how many slaves are in the pits of the Vainakhs, the money goes into this hole in billions. And who should be separated, if most of them are already here? Has Russian citizenship?