Archival documents about the feat of the 28th

Archival documents about the feat of the 28th
Archival documents about the feat of the 28th

But you know yourself: senseless rabble

Changeable, rebellious, superstitious, An easily empty hope betrayed

Obedient to instant suggestion, To the truth is deaf and indifferent, And she feeds on fables.

(Boris Godunov. A. S. Pushkin)

Not so long ago, among the publications of VO, material appeared about the heroes of Panfilov, the essence of which is that there is some eyewitness testimony that confirms these events. However, no one disputes the fact that the division fought heroically. Another thing is actually "feat 28"! The topic began to be hotly discussed, and some argued that any doubt about its reality was the intrigues of Russia's enemies, while others just as rightly argued that it would be enough to be a rabble, feeding on fables descended from above, to make the people easier to rule!

Archival documents about the feat of the 28th …
Archival documents about the feat of the 28th …

But let's remember the ancient philosophers. What did they talk about and warn about? Confucius said, for example: "Teaching without thinking is useless, but thinking without teaching is dangerous." What does it mean? It's very simple! What's the use of arguing on the basis of information from the "OBS agency" (One woman said) or OMN (One man blabbed), that is, on the basis of incomplete knowledge. How to check this "man" or this "woman"? That is, in order to speak out on the merits of the matter, one must at least know him, and not at the level of a school textbook, but at a level … let's say - quite authoritative and deep, that is, at least, read the original source: articles in the newspaper " Krasnaya Zvezda "and" Pravda ". However, in this case, this source also represents a purely historiographic document, because it was written by a journalist, whom we also have to take at his word! But we believe, because it is understood that behind the words of the journalist there are documents, figures and facts that can be followed and checked if desired. That is, the documents are stored where? In the archive! Moreover, the archive is different from the archive. There are local archives, where documents are often lacking, and there are central ones, where storage is arranged in a completely different way.

It has become fashionable for us to repeat the catchy phrase: "go to the studio", which, however, is not bad at all. Because this indicates that people have become smarter and no longer trust only one word. As they say - "trust, but verify." That is, they need numbers of archival files, photocopies of documents - in short, everything is as it should be! And I must say that such a check, back in 1948, that is, in the strict Stalinist times, was taken up by the USSR Military Prosecutor's Office. She had grounds to verify the information about "feat 28". Without grounds (and serious!), Such a case would not have started at that time.

Well, the result of its verification was a document that I would like to present on the pages of VO, moreover, in the form of photocopies, that is, as if they themselves were in one of the most important archives of the country and saw this case with their own eyes.


Well, and the conclusion … The conclusion is this: all the secret must be revealed someday. But the particular, albeit somewhat unsightly, does not negate the general, which has always been more of this particular at times! In 1948, they did not yet understand this, they believed that the “sweet lie” is nicer, more useful than the bitter truth, and thus, in a certain sense, they planted an “information bomb” under our present time. Naturally, there were immediately people who took advantage of this, using the demagogic technique of generalization. Well, everyone faced this too: "All workers are drunkards!", "All officials are thieves!", "All teachers take bribes!" and so on, although, in theory, everyone should understand that this is impossible in principle. And in exactly the same way, one must understand that the truth about the "feat 28" of the feat of our people itself does not diminish or cancels out, because this is just a particular, which it would be completely wrong to generalize!
