Until now, the servicemen and government officials themselves were concerned about the lack of housing for servicemen. Moreover, in the vast majority of cases, the former showed much greater concern than the latter. Promises to provide all the servicemen on the waiting list with the living space they are supposed to have from the high tribunes sound with enviable constancy: “the problem will be solved in 2010” - they did not have time; in 2012 - they did not have time, now by 2013 they promise to cope with a difficult situation, but promises are one thing, but reality is something completely different.

Photo: ITAR-TASS / Dmitry Rogulin; RIA Novosti / Alexander Lyskin
At the beginning of the year, according to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, about 54 thousand servicemen were next in line. By September, according to the head of the defense department, about 33 thousand people received apartments, and no more than 10 thousand servicemen were added to the queue. Every week about one and a half thousand families of military personnel on the waiting list receive housing. In this regard, Anatoly Serdyukov states that by January 1, 2013, the queue for apartments for military personnel will come to naught, because all those on the waiting list will be provided with this housing. In general, the Minister of Defense has already managed to say his "gop", but not everyone shares his optimism about solving the problem of the waiting list of the Ministry of Defense in full by January of next year.
Apparently, the Public Chamber of Russia does not share it either, as a result of which one of the representatives of this structure, Alexander Kanshin, proposed his solution for officers without apartments. Mr. Kanshin is the chairman of the Public Chamber's Commission on Affairs of Veterans, Military Personnel and Members of Their Families.
Alexander Kanshin's proposal is as follows: he proposes to give servicemen not apartments, but land plots with an area of 5 hectares for each family in any of the Russian regions chosen by the servicemen himself. In addition, a member of the OP declares that it is still necessary to give the opportunity to choose a project for a house, which should someday grow on this land plot.
In other words, another force is emerging in the Russian Federation, which offers ways to solve the problem associated with the lack of apartments for military personnel. It would seem that the enthusiasm is evident, but only on closer examination, the initiative of Alexander Kanshin looks more than controversial. The fact is that she, having not yet been born in a more or less formalized form, is faced with a large number of pitfalls.
Firstly, how many servicemen are there in the Russian Armed Forces who would like to receive a piece of land instead of the long-awaited ready-made housing instead of the long-awaited ready-made housing, even if it is very impressive in size, and try to start everything from scratch? Obviously, if there are such people who want to, then there will be an overwhelming minority of them, which must be taken into account. Moreover, even if a serviceman agrees to exchange an apartment for land, then you need to understand that he may need a lot of funds to develop it. After all, as far as it is clear from the words of Alexander Kanshin, there will be absolutely no communications on this land, and there may not be any infrastructure around it. It turns out that in order to build an ordinary house for a soldier's family, you just need to do a huge job that requires a huge amount of investment, unless, of course, the serviceman's family is going to live "in a small hut on the bank of a very quiet river" …
Secondly, a soldier can choose 5 hectares in any region of interest to him. Here, referring to the statistics of population distribution in recent years, we can confidently say that the majority of those on the waiting list will clearly not agree to land plots on the taiga edges of Eastern Siberia. For obvious reasons, the military will be drawn to, let's say, more developed regions. And if "more mastered", then this is Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Kuban and everything like that. Obviously few will want to get five hectares on the mountain range of Dagestan or Altai … But if the land is required exclusively in the Moscow region and other similar regions, then the market will obviously be skewed, and the price of land, which is already high in these regions, will soar to astronomical values. … Still, not a piece of land, but 5 hectares. And here the Ministry of Defense can go bankrupt on just buying out land, it is much easier to buy land for one microdistrict for several thousand families at once, than to buy thousands and thousands of hectares. But what if a serviceman desires 5 hectares in the capital without fail?.. Maybe that's why Moscow was expanded?..
Thirdly, the idea of distributing land plots to certain categories of citizens is not new. About two years ago, a similar initiative came from the Kremlin. Then Dmitry Medvedev offered to distribute land to large families for free. The idea then looked more than promising, because a large family could easily start a farm on the proposed site, start work on agricultural production. We even saw some communes from large families who would run a farm jointly, providing markets with high-quality agricultural products.
However, as soon as families with many children went to the local authorities with the words about the provision of land plots to them, many faced unexpected problems. One of the most common problems has become one that is associated with the fact that families were trying to provide plots on which not only what to build a house, but even just a walk was life-threatening: pits, slopes, gullies, garbage dumps, and so on: take, they say, our dear large families, we do not feel sorry for anything for you … No, of course, you cannot say that this was and is all over Russia. For example, in the Tyumen region, about 200 families received land plots, but still this is too small a percentage on the scale of Russia, and the corruption-generating nature of such events can take its toll. It is not profitable for any of the representatives of local authorities to give high quality land for the construction of a house or summer cottage, and therefore facts about attempts to get rid of large families with the help of land either in contaminated industrial zones or in the former city dump come up so often … the military will not happen the same way?..
Such guarantees are trying to give himself the ideologist of the allotment of land plots to the military, Alexander Kanshin. But his guarantees are very peculiar. A member of the Public Chamber declares that the families of military personnel are much more active citizens than ordinary (civilian) families with many children … They say, these will certainly stand up for themselves … The logic is certainly interesting! Well, what if, after all, the terry Russian bureaucracy takes its toll here too. As a possible illustration, you can give the following example: if you want 5 hectares in the suburbs tomorrow - gilded the handle, but you do not want to gild it, so here you have all 20 hectares of bogs in the Bryansk region - you will cut down the forest - you will build a house, but no, you will grow blueberries; good luck!.. And the irony here is very bitter, since even the highest leading officials often cannot cope with our bureaucratic machine.
In general, the Civic Chamber's concern for the servicemen on the waiting list is encouraging, but only some overly dubious direction has been chosen.
The main thing is that the next idea does not become one in which all people in uniform will be promised 100 cubic meters of air anywhere in our vast Motherland.