Slavs and Hindus have one common ancestor who lived about 4300 years ago
We continue to publish the results of the research of Professor Anatoly Klyosov. Beginning - Slavs: the discovery of geneticists overturns the usual ideas
In the DNA of every man, namely in his Y-chromosome, there are certain regions in which mutations gradually accumulate, once every several generations, over and over again in the nucleotides. This has nothing to do with genes. And in general, DNA consists of only 2% of genes, and the male sex Y-chromosome is even less, there is only a negligible fraction of genes there.
The Y chromosome is the only one of all 46 chromosomes (more precisely, of the 23 carried by the sperm), which is passed from father to son, and then to each successive son along a chain of times tens of thousands of years long. The son receives the Y chromosome from the father exactly the same that he received from his father, plus new mutations, if any, occurred during transmission from father to son. This rarely happens. How rare is it?
Here's an example. This is my 25 marker Slavic haplotype, genus R1a:
13 24 16 11 11 15 12 12 10 13 11 30 16 9 10 11 11 24 14 20 34 15 15 16 16
Each digit is the number of repetitions of a specific sequence of small blocks of nucleotides (called "markers") in the Y-chromosome of DNA. It's called an allele. Mutations in such a haplotype (that is, a random change in the number of nucleotide blocks) occur at a rate of one mutation in about 22 generations, that is, on average, once every 550 years - for the entire haplotype. In other words, for every 22 male births - on average - some allele changes.
In each marker, the mutation rate is on average 25 times slower, that is, once every 550 generations, or about once every 14 thousand years. Or, which is the same - an average of 550 births of boys. Which allele will change next - no one knows, and it is impossible to predict. Statistics. In other words, here we can only talk about the probabilities of these changes.
In my earlier stories about DNA genealogy, I gave examples on the so-called 6-marker haplotypes, small for simplicity. Or they are also called "bikini haplotypes". But for the search for the ancestral home of the Slavs, a much more accurate instrument is needed. Therefore, we will use 25 marker haplotypes in this story. Since any man has 50 million nucleotides in the Y chromosome, the haplotype with its numbers, in principle, can be extended as long as you like, it's only in the technique of determining the nucleotide sequences. Haplotypes are defined for a maximum length of 111 markers, although there is no technical limit. But 25-marker haplotypes are also very fine resolution, such haplotypes are not even considered in scientific articles. They are usually limited to 8, 10, or 17 marker haplotypes. In my articles, I usually analyze 67-marker or sometimes 111-marker haplotypes, although according to the latest data there is little, in the databases there are only a few hundred haplotypes. In the 67 marker variant, my haplotype looks like this:
13 24 16 11 11 15 12 12 10 13 11 30 16 9 10 11 11 24 14 20 34 15 15 16 16 11 11 19 23 15 16 17 21 36 41 12 11 11 9 17 17 8 11 10 8 10 10 12 22 22 15 10 12 12 13 8 15 23 21 12 13 11 13 11 11 12 13
I could give my 111-marker, but readers should be spared. The coincidence of such haplotypes in two people who are not closely related is extremely unlikely. In other words, it is an actual passport, issued by nature and recorded in DNA forever.
In order not to complicate the description, we will continue to use 25-marker haplotypes, although any of the ones below can be easily extended to 67-marker, and many to 111-marker. Haplotypes are extremely lineage sensitive when talking about genealogical lineages. Let's take not R1a, but let's say, the South Baltic genus, N1c1 in the DNA genealogy system. It is also mostly Slavic, at least at the present time, and 14% of ethnic Russians have it, especially in northern Russia and the Baltics.
A typical 25-marker haplotype of this genus looks like this:
14 23 14 11 11 13 11 12 10 14 14 30 18 9 9 11 12 25 14 19 28 14 14 15 15
It has 28 mutations on 25 markers compared to the above R1a haplotype (it should be noted that some mutations are considered in a special way, but we will not dwell on this now). This corresponds to a difference of one thousand three hundred generations, that is, the common ancestor of these two (now) Slavic haplotypes lived more than 20 thousand years ago. A closer look shows that the common ancestor of R1a and N1c1 lived more than 40 thousand years ago. To become Slavs, both clans passed completely different migration routes, although these routes apparently began on the Russian Plain, went almost together to South Siberia, and then diverged diametrically.
The carriers of R1a passed westward along the southern geographical arc, from Southern Siberia through Tibet, Hindustan, crossed the Iranian plateau, Anatolia (that is, modern Turkey), entered the Balkans about 10 thousand years ago, and about 5 thousand years ago moved east, to Russian plain. The carriers of the parental haplogroup N1 went from South Siberia along the northern geographic arc, generally "counterclockwise", through the northern Urals and further to the Baltic states. Along this migration trajectory, they had descendants everywhere, among them, for example, the Yakuts, then the Urals, and so on to the Baltics. Therefore, it is difficult to call them one common name, the Yakut is noticeably different from the Baltic states. And the genus is one.
By the way, the southern Balts parted with the Finno-Ugrians about 2000 years ago, although both have one genus, N1c1. But the branches of the genus are already different, and the haplotypes are very different. And the languages differ, the former mostly Indo-European, Slavic, the latter - Finno-Ugric.
The same picture is obtained if we compare the Slavs of the R1a clan, for example, with the Jews. A typical Jewish Middle Eastern haplotype (genus J1) is:
12 23 14 10 13 15 11 16 12 13 11 30 17 8 9 11 11 26 14 21 27 12 14 16 17
It has 32 mutations in relation to the Slavic R1a. Even further than the southern Balts or Finno-Ugric peoples. And between themselves Jews and Finno-Ugrians differ by 35 mutations.
In general, the idea is clear. Haplotypes are very sensitive when compared to members of different genera. They reflect completely different genus histories, origins, and migration of clans. Why are there Finno-Ugrians or Jews! Let's take Bulgarians, brothers. Up to half of them have variations of this haplotype (genus I2):
13 24 16 11 14 15 11 13 13 13 11 31 17 8 10 11 11 25 15 20 32 12 14 15 15
It has 21 mutations in relation to the above East Slavic R1a haplotype. That is, they are both Slavic, but the genus is different. The genus I2 descended from a different ancestor, the migration routes of the genus I2 were completely different from those of R1a. It was then, already in our era or at the end of the last one, they met and formed a Slavic cultural-ethnic community, and then they joined the writing and religion. And the genus is basically different, although 12% of Bulgarians are East Slavic, R1a genus.
It is very important that, based on the number of mutations in haplotypes, one can calculate when the common ancestor of a group of people lived - the haplotypes that we are considering. I will not dwell here on how the calculations are carried out, since all this was published in the scientific press a few years ago. The bottom line is that the more mutations in the haplotypes of a group of people, the more ancient their common ancestor. And since mutations occur completely statistically, randomly, with a certain average rate, the lifetime of a common ancestor of a group of people belonging to the same genus is calculated quite reliably. Examples will be given below.
To make it clearer, I will give a simple analogy. The haplotype tree is a pyramid at the top. The top at the bottom is the haplotype of the common ancestor of the genus, from which the pyramid diverges. The base of the pyramid, at the very top, is us, our contemporaries, these are our haplotypes. The number of mutations in each haplotype is a measure of the distance from a common ancestor, from the top of the pyramid, to our contemporaries. If the pyramid were ideal - three points, that is, three haplotypes at the base would be enough to calculate the distance to the top. But in reality, three points are not enough. Experience shows that a dozen 25 marker haplotypes (which means 250 points) are enough for a good estimate of the time to a common ancestor.
25-marker (and in fact both 67- and 111-marker) haplotypes of Russians and Ukrainians of the genus R1a were obtained from the international database YSearch. The carriers of these haplotypes are our contemporaries, living from the Far East to western Ukraine, and from the northern to southern outskirts. And in this way it was calculated that the common ancestor of the Russian and Ukrainian Eastern Slavs, the genus R1a, lived 4800 years ago. This figure is quite reliable, it was verified by cross-calculation for haplotypes of different lengths. And, as we will now see, this figure is not accidental. The calculations were carried out for 67- and 111-marker haplotypes. This is already the aerobatics of DNA genealogy, if we call a spade a spade.
It turned out that the common Proto-Slavic ancestor who lived 4800 years ago had the following haplotype:
13 25 16 10 11 14 12 12 10 13 11 30 15 9 10 11 11 24 14 20 32 12 15 15 16
For comparison, here is my haplotype:
13 24 16 11 11 15 12 12 10 13 11 30 16 9 10 11 11 24 14 20 34 15 15 16 16
Compared to the Proto-Slavic ancestor, I have 10 mutations (in bold). If you remember that mutations in such a haplotype occur once every 550 years, then 5500 years separate me from my ancestor. But we are talking about statistics, and for all the circle it turns out 4800 years. I have run over more mutations, someone else has less. In other words, each of us has our own individual mutations, but the ancestor's haplotype is the same for all. And he, as we shall see, holds on like this almost throughout Europe.
So let's take a breath. Our common Proto-Slavic ancestor on the territory of modern Russia-Ukraine-Belarus-Poland lived 4800 years ago. Early Bronze Age, or even Eneolithic, transition from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age. To imagine the time scale, this is much earlier than the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, according to biblical legends. And they came out, if we follow the interpretations of the Torah, 3500-3600 years ago. If we ignore the interpretation of the Torah, which, of course, is not a strict scientific source, then it can be noted that the common ancestor of the Eastern Slavs lived a thousand years before the eruption of the Santorini (Tera) volcano, which destroyed the Minoan civilization on the island of Crete.
Now we can begin to build a sequence of events in our ancient history. 4800 years ago, the Proto-Slavs of the R1a genus appeared on the Russian Plain, and not just some kind of Proto-Slavs, but precisely those whose descendants live in our time, numbering tens of millions of people. 3800 years ago, the Aryans, the descendants of those Proto-Slavs (and having an identical ancestral haplotype, as will be shown below), built the settlement Arkaim (its present name), Sintashta and the "country of cities" in the Southern Urals. 3600 years ago, the Aryans left Arkaim and moved to India. Indeed, according to archaeologists, the site, which is now called Arkaim, existed for only 200 years.
Stop! And where did we get the idea that they were the descendants of our ancestors, the Pre-Slavs?
How from where? And R1a, a gender mark? She, this label, accompanies all the haplotypes listed above. This means that by it you can determine what kind of clan those who left for India belonged.
By the way, here's some more data. In a recent work by German scientists, nine fossil haplotypes from Northern Kazakhstan - Southern Urals (what is called the Andronov archaeological culture) were identified, and it turned out that eight of them belong to the genus R1a, and one is a Mongoloid, genus C. Dating - between 5500 and 1800 years ago. The haplotypes of the genus R1a, for example, are as follows:
13 25 16 11 11 14 X Y Z 14 11 32
Here the undeciphered markers are replaced by letters. They are very similar to the Slavic R1a haplotypes, given above, on the first 12 markers, especially when you consider that these ancients also carry individual, random mutations.
Currently, the share of Slavs, descendants of the Aryans of haplogroup R1a in Lithuania is 38%, in Latvia - 41%, in Belarus - 50%, in Ukraine - 45%. In Russia, the R1a Slavs on average are 48%, due to the high proportion of the southern Balts in the north of Russia, but in the south and in the center of Russia, the share of the eastern R1a Slavs reaches 60-75%.
Now about the haplotypes of the Indians and the lifetime of their common ancestor. I'll make a reservation right away - I deliberately write "Hindus" and not "Indians", because Indians for the most part belong to aborigines, Dravidians, especially Indians from the south of India. And the Indians are, for the most part, the carriers of the haplogroup R1a. It would be wrong to write "Indian haplotypes", since Indians in general belong to the most different kinds of DNA genealogy.
In this sense, the expression "haplotypes of the Indians" is symbatic with the expression "haplotypes of the Slavs." It reflects the "ethnocultural" component, but this is one of the characteristics of the genus.
In my early popular work about the haplotypes of the Slavs and Indians, I already wrote that they, the Slavs and the Indians, had the same common ancestor. Both those and others in many belong to the genus R1a, only the Russians have such 50-75%, the Indians - 16%. That is, Russians from the R1a clan are 40-60 million men, among Indians - 100 million. But in that work, I described only the type of haplotypes, and the short ones. Now we can already determine when the common ancestors of the Eastern Slavs and Indians lived. Here is the ancestral haplotype of the Indians of the same genus, R1a.
13 25 16 11 11 14 12 12 10 13 11 31 15 9 10 11 11 24 14 20 32 12 15 15 16
Almost exactly the same as the haplotype of the first ancestor of the Slavs of the R1a group. Two mutations have been identified, but in fact there are no mutations there. The fourth number from the left for the Slavs is 10.46, therefore it is rounded up to 10, and for the Indians there is 10.53, rounded up to 11. In fact, it is the same. Similarly, with the average mutation, fraction of one. The age of the common ancestor of the Hindus is 3850 years. 950 years younger than the Slavs.
Since the ancestral haplotypes of the Indians and Slavs practically coincide, and the Slavic haplotype is 950 years older, it is clear that it was the Pre-Slovens who came to India, and not vice versa. Strictly speaking, these were not the Pre-Slavs, but the Pre-Hindus, but they were descendants of the Pre-Slovens.
If you add up all the haplotypes of the Slavs and Indians, since they are presumably from the same ancestor, then the differences disappear altogether. Common ancestral haplotype of Slavs and Indians:
13 25 16 10 11 14 12 12 10 13 11 30 15 9 10 11 11 24 14 20 32 12 15 15 16
It is identical to the haplotype of the common ancestor of the Slavs of the R1a group. The lifetime of the common ancestor of the Slavs and Indians is 4300 years ago. This is because averaging has occurred during the addition. To put it simply, it’s because not everyone made it to India. Those who reached the common ancestor were already "younger". The ancestor is Proto-Slavic, he is older. In 500 years, the Proto-Slavs-Aryans will build Arkaim, in another 200 years they will leave for India, and the Indians will start counting from their common ancestor, again Proto-Slavic, 3850 years ago. It all fits together.
Currently, the share of Indians of the Aryan genus, R1a, throughout the country is 16%, in second place after the most common Indian "aboriginal" haplogroup H1 (20%). And in the higher castes, haplogroup R1a occupies up to 72%. Let's dwell on this in a little more detail.
As you know, society in India is divided into castes and tribes. The four main castes, or "varnas," are brahmanas (priests), kshatriyas (warriors), vaisyas (merchants, farmers, pastoralists) and sudras (workers and servants). In the scientific literature, they are divided into "Indo-European" and "Dravidian" castes, in each of which there are three levels - the highest caste, the middle and the lowest. The tribes are subdivided into Indo-European, Dravidian, Burma-Tibetan and Australo-Asian. As it was recently determined, this entire male population in India can be subdivided into ten to one and a half main haplogroups - Mongoloid C, Iranian-Caucasian G, Indian H, L and R2 (which, besides India, are extremely rare in the world), Middle Eastern J1, Mediterranean (and Middle East) J2, East Asian O, Siberian Q, East European (Aryan) R1a, West European (and Asian) R1b. By the way, European gypsies, as you know, immigrants from India 500-800 years ago, in the overwhelming majority have haplogroups H1 and R2.
The bulk of both upper castes, Indo-European and Dravidian, consists of representatives of the Aryan haplogroup R1a. There are up to 72% of them in the Indo-European higher caste, and 29% in the Dravidian higher caste. The rest of the members of the higher castes are carriers of the Indian haplogroups R2 (16% and 10%, respectively), L (5% and 17%), H (12% and 7%), the rest - a few percent.
The tribes, on the contrary, are dominated by the East Asian haplogroup O (53% among the Australo-Asian, 66% among the Burma-Tibetan and 29% among the "Indo-European" tribes) and the "aboriginal" Indian H (37% among the Dravidian tribes).
In principle, this is consistent with ancient migration flows. The most ancient stream, 40-25 thousand years ago, brought the future Dravidians, East Asians and Australoasians to the south, to India, but where it came from - science is not very well known, either from the west, for example, from Mesopotamia, or from the south. Another stream, and possibly a small trickle, brought the earliest carriers of R1a 15-12 thousand years ago from the east, from South Siberia, from Altai, on the way to the west. The descendants of these very first R1a have been living since then in the jungle, in Indian tribes. As a rule, they did not fall into the higher castes. After many millennia, about 8 thousand years ago, the second wave of Dravidians came to India from the Mediterranean and the Middle East, bringing with them the skills of nascent agriculture, along with the haplogroup J2, which is now in the upper castes up to 24%, and in the tribes - up to 33 %. And finally, 3500 years ago, carriers of the haplogroup R1a arrived in India from the southern Urals under the name of the Aryans. Under it, they entered the Indian epic. Interestingly, the Indian caste system itself was created about the same 3500 years ago.
So let's do it again. The Slavs and Indians have one common ancestor of the genus R1a, who lived about 4300 years ago, and the ancestor of the Slavs themselves, with the same haplotype, lived a little earlier, 4800 years ago. His descendant, 950 years later, began a genealogical line among the Indians, with a countdown from 3850 years ago, just from the time of the beginning of Arkaim. R1a - these were the Aryans who came to India. And when they came and what brought them there - I'll tell you later, and before that we'll see when the common ancestors of the R1a genus lived throughout Europe. Then we will draw up a general picture of where they lived before everyone else, that is, where their ancestral home was, and where and when they moved from their ancestral home.
We can already with good reason call them Aryans, instead of the faceless R1a, and even more so instead of the awkward "Indo-Europeans" or "Proto-Indo-Europeans". They are Arias, dear reader, Arias. And there was nothing "Indo-Iranian" in them, until, of course, until they came to India and Iran. And they did not receive their language from India or Iran, but, on the contrary, brought their own there. Aryan. Proto-Slavic. Sanskrit. Or proto-Sanskrit, if you like.