We are being told a lie about the blockade of Leningrad

We are being told a lie about the blockade of Leningrad
We are being told a lie about the blockade of Leningrad

Video: We are being told a lie about the blockade of Leningrad

Video: We are being told a lie about the blockade of Leningrad
Video: The Scars Of The Great War In Western Europe | The Long Shadow (1/3) | Timeline 2025, January

Someone really wants to turn the hero-city of Leningrad into a city-concentration camp Leningrad, in which during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. allegedly people were dying of hunger in hundreds of thousands of people.

At first, they talked about 600 thousand people who died of hunger and died in Leningrad during the blockade of people.

On January 27, 2016, in the news, the first television channel told us that during the blockade, about 1 million people died of hunger, because supposedly the norms for giving out bread were less than 200 grams per day.

It is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that annually increasing the number of victims of the besieged city, no one bothered to substantiate their sensational statements belittling the honor and dignity of the heroic inhabitants of Leningrad.

Let us consider in order the false information that the mass media convey to the citizens of Russia on this issue.

The first lie is information about the number of days of the blockade. We are assured that Leningrad was in the blockade for 900 days. In fact, Leningrad was in a blockade for 500 days, namely: from September 8, 1941, from the day the Germans captured Shlisselburg and the termination of the land communication of Leningrad with the mainland, to January 18, 1943, when the valiant troops of the Red Army restored communication between Leningrad and the country. dry land.

On February 2, 1943, long-distance trains went directly to the city of Leningrad.

The second untruth is the assertion that Leningrad was under blockade. In SI Ozhegov's dictionary, the word blockade is interpreted as follows: "… isolation of a hostile state, a city in order to stop its relations with the outside world." Relations with the outside world of Leningrad did not stop for a single day. Cargoes were delivered to Leningrad around the clock, day and night, in a continuous stream by rail and then by road or river transport (depending on the time of year) along a 25 km journey across Lake Ladoga.

Not only the city, but also the whole Leningrad Front was supplied with weapons, shells, bombs, cartridges, spare parts and food.

Back to the railway, cars and river ships returned with people, and from the summer of 1942, and with products manufactured by the enterprises of Leningrad.

The hero city of Leningrad, besieged by the enemy, worked, fought, children went to school, theaters and cinemas worked.

The hero city of Stalingrad was in the position of Leningrad from August 23, 1942, when the Germans in the north managed to break through to the Volga, until February 2, 1943, when the last northern group of German troops at Stalingrad laid down their arms.

Stalingrad, like Leningrad, was supplied through a water barrier (in this case, the Volga River) by road and water transport. Together with the city, as in Leningrad, the troops of the Stalingrad Front were supplied. As in Leningrad, the cars and river ships that delivered the goods were taking people out of the city. But no one writes or says that Stalingrad was under blockade for 160 days.

The third untruth is the untruth about the number of Leningraders who died of hunger.

The population of Leningrad before the war, in 1939, was 3.1 million people. and it employed about 1000 industrial enterprises. By 1941, the population of the city could be approximately 3.2 million.

In total, up to February 1943, 1.7 million people were evacuated. There are 1.5 million people left in the city.

The evacuation continued not only in 1941, until the approach of the German armies, but also in 1942. K. A. Meretskov wrote that even before the spring thaw on Ladoga … more than 300 thousand tons of all kinds of cargo were delivered to Leningrad and about half a million people who needed care and treatment were taken out from there. A. M. Vasilevsky confirms the delivery of goods and the removal of people at the specified time.

The evacuation continued in the period from June 1942 to January 1943, and if its pace did not decrease, then it can be assumed that at least 500 thousand more people were evacuated over the above six months.

The inhabitants of the city of Leningrad were constantly drafted into the army, replenishing the ranks of the fighters and commanders of the Leningrad Front, died from the shelling of Leningrad with long-range guns and from the bombs dropped by the Nazis from aircraft, died a natural death, as they die at all times. In my opinion, the number of residents who have left for these reasons is at least 600 thousand people.

The encyclopedia of the V. O. of War indicates that in 1943 no more than 800 thousand inhabitants remained in Leningrad. The number of residents of Leningrad who died from hunger, cold, and domestic disorder could not exceed the difference between one million and nine hundred thousand people, that is, 100 thousand people.

About a hundred thousand Leningraders who died of starvation are a colossal number of victims, but this is not enough for Russia's enemies to declare I. V. Stalin, the Soviet government, guilty of the death of millions of people, as well as to declare that Leningrad was needed in 1941 year to hand over to the enemy.

There is only one conclusion from the study: the statements of the media about the death in Leningrad during the blockade from hunger, both of one million residents of the city and 600 thousand people, do not correspond to reality, are untrue.

The development of events itself speaks of the overestimation by our historians and politicians of the number of people who died of hunger during the blockade.

The inhabitants of the city were in the most difficult situation in terms of providing food during the period from October 1 to December 24, 1941. As they write, from October 1, the bread ration was reduced for the third time - workers and engineers received 400 grams of bread a day, employees, dependents and children, 200 grams each. From November 20 (5th reduction), workers received 250 grams of bread a day. All the rest - 125 g each.

On December 9, 1941, our troops liberated Tikhvin, and from December 25, 1941, the norms for the distribution of foodstuffs began to increase.

That is, for the entire period of the blockade, it was in the period from November 20 to December 24, 1941 that the norms for the distribution of food were so scanty that the weak and sick people could die of hunger. The rest of the time, the established dietary norms could not lead to starvation.

Since February 1942, the supply of the city's residents with food sufficient for life was established and maintained until the blockade was broken.

The troops of the Leningrad Front were also supplied with food, and were supplied normally. Even liberals do not write about a single death from starvation in the army that defended besieged Leningrad. The whole front was supplied with weapons, ammunition, uniforms, food.

The supply of food to the non-evacuated residents of the city was “a drop in the ocean” compared to the needs of the front, and I am sure that the level of food supply in the city in 1942 did not allow deaths from hunger.

In documentary footage, in particular from the film "The Unknown War," Leningraders leaving for the front, working in factories and cleaning the city streets in the spring of 1942, do not look emaciated, like, for example, prisoners of German concentration camps.

Leningraders still constantly received food on the cards, but the inhabitants of the cities occupied by the Germans, for example, Pskov and Novgorod, who had no relatives in the villages, were really dying of hunger. And how many such cities, occupied during the invasion of the Nazis, were there in the Soviet Union !?

In my opinion, Leningraders, who constantly received food ration cards and were not subjected to executions, hijacking to Germany, or bullying by the invaders, were in a better position compared to the inhabitants of the cities of the USSR occupied by the Germans.

The 1991 encyclopedic dictionary indicates that about 470 thousand victims of the blockade and participants in the defense were buried at the Piskarevskoye cemetery.

Not only those who died of hunger are buried at the Piskarevskoye cemetery, but also the soldiers of the Leningrad Front who died during the blockade from wounds in hospitals in Leningrad, residents of the city who died from artillery shelling and bombing, residents of the city who died a natural death, and, possibly, died in the battles of the servicemen of the Leningrad Front.

And how can our 1st television channel announce to the whole country about almost a million Leningraders who died of hunger ?!

It is known that during the offensive on Leningrad, the siege of the city and the retreat, the Germans had huge losses. But our historians and politicians are silent about them.

Some even write that there was no need to defend the city, but it was necessary to surrender it to the enemy, and then the Leningraders would avoid starvation, and the soldiers of bloody battles.

They write and talk about it, knowing that Hitler promised to destroy all the inhabitants of Leningrad.

I think they also understand that the fall of Leningrad would mean the death of a huge number of the population of the northwestern part of the USSR and the loss of a colossal amount of material and cultural values.

In addition, the freed German and Finnish troops could be transferred to Moscow and to other sectors of the Soviet-German front, which in turn could lead to the victory of Germany and the destruction of the entire population of the European part of the Soviet Union.

Only haters of Russia can regret that Leningrad was not surrendered to the enemy.

In the photo: Spectators before the performance at the Leningrad Musical Comedy Theater. 1942-01-05
