The communications company is responsible for organizing communications in the brigade, as well as for interfacing the brigade's communications system with the corresponding systems of higher and interacting formations and units.
The communications company of the brigade's headquarters battalion includes: a company management, a communications support section, a computer systems protection section, a relay section, a control point support section, as well as two communications platoons (the main command post and the rear area command post).

Placement of an advanced command post on the ground (option)
Organizational structure of the communications company
The company headquarters, command post and relay support departments are responsible for the administration and logistics of the communications company, as well as for relaying control signals.
The Computer Systems Protection Department is responsible for ensuring the security of computer networks and the administration of the brigade's information networks. The department's forces are deploying the main and advanced centers of network operations and information security, which are entrusted with the tasks of configuring information and local computer networks of the brigade, as well as their interface with higher-level networks.
The communications platoon of the main command post deploys its main forces and assets in the brigade's OKP area and is responsible for:
- deployment of tactical satellite communications in the interests of the OKP and PKP brigade;
- interfacing of heterogeneous channels and communication lines and organization of video and telephone communication, data transmission and functioning of networks within the brigade's OKP;
- deployment of high-speed communication lines at the OKP and PKP brigades;
- subscriber access and operation of all communication systems in the interests of the OKP and the PKP brigade.
The rear area communications platoon provides:
- organization of communications in the rear area of the brigade;
- organization of closed medium-speed (1554 kbit / s) digital channels of satellite communication protected from the effects of interference between stationary subscribers - brigade control points (OKP and PKP), command post of the logistics battalion (command post bto), as well as organizing communication with the command post of the higher connection;
- the interconnection of heterogeneous channels and communication lines and the organization of video, telephone and data transmission between the OKP of the brigade and the logistics battalion.
The communications department is responsible for ensuring the spatial (electromagnetic) accessibility of subscribers and communication centers, deploying relay nodes, if necessary, interfacing and routing between EPLRS networks.
In the brigade, as in other units and formations of the US Army, communication is organized according to the principle of "top-down", "left-to-right", "from dowries to supporters."
The basis for the construction of the brigade's communication system is made up of two levels of interaction: telecommunication and information.
The telecommunications layer can be represented as key complementary elements:
- "Tactical Internet" systems;
- command radio communication systems of the battlefield;
- communication systems of control points;
- satellite communication systems.
Each of these elements has a specific purpose and capabilities for transferring heterogeneous information in digital form between units, command posts and individual servicemen of the brigade.
The basis of the communication system of the brigade's combat units at the platoon-company-battalion level is the Tactical Internet network. Functionally, this network is similar to the global computer network "Internet" and is based on its technologies and protocols. When sending a message, users of the Tactical Internet network address messages in the same way as when using e-mail services.
From a technical point of view, the Tactical Internet network is being deployed on the basis of the EPLRS system and the FBCB-2 tactical-level automated control systems.

Terminal of the "EPLRS" system with a connected laptop

Terminal ACS tactical link "FBCB-2"
"EPLRS" is designed to solve the tasks of automatic collection and presentation in real time of information about the location and combat capabilities of its forces and assets, the position of the enemy, as well as for the transmission of commands and target designations. It is an upgraded version of the previous version of this system, which was developed to automatically determine the location of its subscribers, display the situation on a map and transmit short commands and messages in the tactical control link.
EPLRS is a data transmission network operating in the 420-450 MHz frequency range. The network is based on the principle of time division multiple access based on variable frequency transceiver equipment.
Each terminal provides the subscriber with the ability to use a virtual channel for receiving / transmitting information at a rate of 1, 2 to 58 kbit / s, automatic relay of signals, and also provides navigation services.
Terminals of the "EPLRS" type AN / VSQ-2 (V) 1 are equipped with most armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles, all command vehicles, auxiliary vehicles, as well as combat units at the rate of four terminals per platoon. Up to two EPLRS networks can be deployed in the brigade's coverage area.

Portable and portable terminal of the "EPLRS" system
The EPLRS terminals are interfaced with the computers of the FBCB-22 automated control system, displaying data on the position of their forces and assets, as well as the revealed enemy forces in a time scale close to real.
The ability to dynamically reconfigure and route the EPLRS network allows users to exchange situational data, even when they are out of line of sight and during hostilities in rugged terrain.
When conducting combat operations, the command radio communication system channels are used to transmit situation data and command information to combat vehicles, subunits and individual servicemen not equipped with EPLRS and FBCB-2 ACS terminals. Thus, with the help of the EPLRS system terminals coupled with the computers of the FBCB-2 automated control system, almost complete information of all brigade units about the situation on the battlefield is achieved.
The command radio communication system of the battlefield is an addition to the brigade's "Tactical Internet" network. It is a set of multilevel radio communication subsystems, tactical satellite communications of subunits (squads, groups, platoons, companies, battalions) and command posts.
The system uses digital VHF radio stations of the SINGARS series of various modifications as the main means:
-installed on the transport base: AN / VRC-92F, -91F, -90F, -89F, -88F and -87F;

- wearable, in service with the commanders of battalions, companies, platoons, their deputies, squad and fire group commanders: AN / PRC-148 (V) 2, -119A, F and -126.

These radio stations are the main means of two different-level subsystems of command VHF and HF radio communications in the "company - platoon" and "brigade - battalion" links.
VHF tactical satellite communication as an element of the command radio communication system is intended for:
- organization of direct low-speed voice communication channels and data transmission when operating outside the electromagnetic availability zone of other communication means, - for relaying command VHF radio communication channels, transmitting situation data to the automated control system during combat operations.
Digital communication and data transmission are organized in the mode of multiple access with the provision of a channel on demand using UHF repeaters of the satellite "UFO" type (range 225-400 MHz) with a speed of up to 16 kbit / s.
The main users of tactical satellite communications in the brigade are the command posts of the brigade and battalions. The subunits and launchers of the brigade are armed with portable satellite communication stations AN / PSC-5.

To transmit large amounts of information circulating in the automated control system during combat operations, a communication system of command posts is deployed in the brigade's zone of operations. The operation of this system is based on the use of digital UHF radio stations of the NDTR series, which have a higher data transmission capacity than the Tactical Internet system. Stations of this series are deployed at OKP and in the rear area of the brigade, as well as at the command post of battalions.

A feature of the NDTR series stations is their multimodality. The stations allow organizing radio networks with multiple access of subscribers within the limits of their location (cluster) and maintaining communication in radio directions between the reference stations of the network.
At the same time, dynamic adjustment of power levels is carried out to work with correspondents within the cluster and to work with another NDTR station of the backbone network. To organize communication, three frequencies are used: for the control channel, for communication of subscribers within the cluster and for communication between the stations of the core network.
In the mode of multiple access, NDTR radios, due to the presence of external interfaces and omnidirectional antennas, provide seamless interfacing of the Tactical Internet network with the existing communication systems of the operational-tactical control link using standard packet switching protocols.
To organize an additional high-speed communication channel (8, 192 Mbit / s) between the OKP of the brigade and the command post of the logistics battalion, a separate digital multichannel radio link of the AN / GRC-245 radio relay stations (225-400 and 1 350-2 690 MHz) can be deployed.

The brigade's satellite communications system is designed primarily for transmitting and receiving large amounts of information circulating in automated control systems, organizing secure anti-jamming communications between the brigade's headquarters and an upstream connection and is built on the basis of mobile and portable satellite communications stations.
The main satellite communication stations in service with the brigade are:
- mobile AN / TSC-154 of the Milstar system;

- mobile AN / TSQ-190 (V) 2 and AN / TSQ-190 (V) 3;

- transportable AN / TSC-167A and -185 (V);

- wearable AN / PSC-5.

Satellite communication stations are usually located on HMMWV off-road vehicles. These stations are used to organize closed medium-speed digital satellite communication channels protected from interference between stationary subscribers - brigade control points (OKP and PKP), command post of the logistics battalion, as well as to organize communication with the PU of the higher command (connection). Due to the fact that the brigades are armed with a small number of stations, during the conduct of hostilities, by the decision of the commander, their placement can be changed in the interests of the forces operating in the most important directions, and the organization of continuous secure communication with them.