In short, I will write a few words.
I have just returned from a business trip to one of the radio centers of the Russian Navy. What can I say about your general impression of what you saw? That the company of Gavrikov, headed by Marshal of Stools Tolya Serdyukov, which includes super-professionals in their field Tom Fraltsova, Katya Priezzhaeva and others and others, it is UNDERSTANDING how the wind brought into the Ministry of Defense will soon fulfill all the tasks assigned to them to finally undermine the remnants of the combat readiness of the Russian Armed Forces.
Personally, only one question is unclear to me. How to qualify all that this sweet bunch is doing with the army and the navy? Is it their sheer stupidity, stupidity and lack of understanding of the simplest things, or is it an elementary betrayal of the Motherland?
Of course, I was not delighted with what was happening in the army and navy in the 80s and 90s. It was disgusting for me to serve when dishonest people received general ranks and shamelessly used their official position (For abuses, generals from my Railway Troops are now imprisoned at a rate of one or two pieces a year for a period of 5 to 10). But even then, not a single general was able to inflict such damage to the defense capability of our country, which was done by the current super-professionals.
The simplest example is the constant chatter about the "professional" army. The most interesting thing is that in the USSR and even before 2000 we had a PROFESSIONAL army. The professionalism of this army was ensured by a professional officer corps, overwhelmingly with a higher education and trained in what is needed in a war. Remnants of this professionalism can still be seen - for example, during the events of 08.08.08. Even in those conditions when communication between units and subunits was provided not by army communications, but by officers' mobile phones. Some of the local operators of network communications have risen well due to roaming, paid for from the small salaries of Russian officers, I think so. Thanks to the Americans. After all, they probably told Saakashvili that he could not even think of somehow undermining the cell towers - after all, this is PRIVATE PROPERTY, especially with a certain share of American capital.
The professionalism of the modern army and navy, as everyone knows, is now provided by the aforementioned Tolya, Toma, Katya, etc., etc.
But I wanted to say a few words about the connection …
One of the reasons why the Wehrmacht was so cool in 1941-42. Of the Red Army, lies precisely in the fact that the means of radio communication in the Red Army were not so dense, and the main means of communication in general was a field telephone and kilometers of wires unwound and unwound by signalmen. Of course, when the knowledge of what modern war is, Tolya, Toma and Katya are building on the unforgettable Nikita Sergeich's film "Burnt by the Sun - 2", explaining to them what a radio center of the Navy is is a useless task.
And I will tell everyone else what I saw.
1. Checkpoint (earlier it was called checkpoint - checkpoint). But this is exactly the PASSING. Free access. At the checkpoint, two old women are on duty in shifts, who for some reason have been dressed up in camouflage jackets. This miracle is called - vohr. Thank God that they are not given any weapons, otherwise the commanders of the center would be dismissed from their posts once a week. That is, the bandit needed a barrel for a wet case, he drove on the way to the entrance to the "military unit", took the barrel and calmly went to carry out his bandit work.
Grandmas, when they don't knit socks and don't drink tea, sometimes look up at those passing through the checkpoint and ask who is, why and where. Of course, those who arrived at the military unit on business do not want to swear once again and wait for the grandmother to deign to call somewhere. I got tired of it on the second day and I just walked by, not paying attention to their screams. On the fourth day, the grandmothers also stopped "noticing" me.
2. Protection, security and defense of the facility.
I was told that recently the local commander with one of the officers drove through the territory of some idiot on an ATV - he drove in for a ride on rough terrain. It seems like they caught and punctured the tires. That's all the protection, security and defense of the object (By the way, the person on duty has several posters in the room "Security and defense of the object" with drawn curved lines of "trenches" and shooting sectors. I did not even become interested in sailors).
3. Professionalism.
The number of officer posts in the center is being reduced from time to time. Soon, apparently, only one will remain - the unit commander. With a stamp. It is possible that he will only be left with a weapon - PM. So that in case of something - well, there is an armed conflict or a robbery attack by some shantrap on the "military unit" entrusted to him with the aim of collecting non-ferrous metals (and they are there) or searching for precious metals in the equipment (and they are there too) he simply shot himself.
Women are on duty in the departments. Their main task is to hear which transmitter to which frequency and operating mode to tune and transfer this task to a "professional" sailor. "Professional" sailors with a service life of 1 year, after the officers teach them the most elementary things, still somehow know how to perform the simplest work on setting up the RPDU. Although sometimes, it happens, you come across guys-radio amateurs, but these are becoming less and less - after all, there is a cellular connection and the Internet. That's why:
(4.) maintenance and repair work
they are practically not carried out on their own. The few remaining officers do not have the strength to do this, yes, to be honest, with such an attitude towards them - and desire. And to allow undertrained sailors to repair and maintenance work - who needs it?
Therefore, for all such work, outside specialists are called in, who cost the military budget exactly 20 times more expensive than if specially trained officers and warrant officers were engaged in this, as it was before. But on the other hand, out of the money paid for the work, these very third-party organizations can produce some "kickback" (more precisely, "tide") for the highest naval sailors …
A sad picture … A little bit more and the center, built in the hungry post-war years at the direction of J. V. Stalin and the Council of People's Commissars, will simply die …
And in fact, why does our Navy need radio communications? If you have cell phones? After all, this is how the military connection is seen by Marshal Tole! Imagine, a SSBN (nuclear submarine with ballistic missiles) pops up somewhere in the 32-80 square, well, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, a couple of thousand kilometers from the US coast, a hatch opens, and the boat commander takes out a mobile and starts poking into the buttons with your fingers … And - lo and behold! - hears - "Your phone is out of the network coverage area" … The damned Beeline forgot to put his cell tower here …
So personally, I am morally READY to repeat 1941 and to the fact that the peaceful European Union with the even more peaceful USA will do to the Russian Federation what they did to Yugoslavia in 1992, and then to Serbia in 1999 - I am morally READY. With which I congratulate all citizens of the Russian Federation.