
Su-34 versus F-15E. Fury of heaven

Su-34 versus F-15E. Fury of heaven

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

All week on the pages of "VO" they argue about the tactical bombers Su-34 and F-15E. Whose winged ship turned out to be cooler? The battle-hardened “Strike of the Eagle” or our “duckling” who plowed the whole of Syria and showed the whole world what a real air war is. Some aesthetes are convinced that the best are

Just a coincidence? Yak-141 vs F-35

Just a coincidence? Yak-141 vs F-35

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The demonstration of the Yak-141 at the Farnborough Air Show became the “swan song” of a unique fighter. OKB im. Yakovleva did not receive a single order from either domestic or foreign customers. Potential customers did not see the need to purchase a VTOL aircraft. With all the advantages of the "vertical" does not

F-35 reached combat readiness

F-35 reached combat readiness

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

If ours is so good and theirs is so bad, why are they so good and ours so bad? Articles about the problems and shortcomings of the F-35 are no longer perceived as they used to be. Instead of gloating, there is only dry irritation with the progress of work on the creation of fifth-generation domestic fighters

Plasma stealth is our answer to American invisible men

Plasma stealth is our answer to American invisible men

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Below were the bony ridges of the chains of the great Hindu Kush range, the "killer of the Hindu." Rows of rocky treeless mountains are strictly parallel to the main ridge. Artsybashev looked at the horizon. There, ahead, the main ridge of shining peaks should rise, and the onboard radar, glowing green, showed

The list of the deadliest drones

The list of the deadliest drones

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A robot cannot harm a person or, by its inaction, allow harm to be done to a person. - A. Azimov, Three Laws of Robotics Isaac Asimov was wrong. Very soon, the electronic "eye" will take aim at the person, and the microcircuit will dispassionately order: "Fire to kill!" The robot is stronger

MiG-21. Death to the Phantoms

MiG-21. Death to the Phantoms

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The world's largest aerospace museum, the National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC, has a notable display area. Side by side, slightly turning the nasal air intakes towards each other, are two irreconcilable opponents: the American Phantom F-4 and the Soviet MiG-21. Eternal

Fighter of the sixth generation against the PAK FA

Fighter of the sixth generation against the PAK FA

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A bold hypothesis or an attempt to look into the future? When the Raptor remains the only combat-ready fifth generation fighter, and most tasks in modern wars are successfully solved by generation 4 aircraft, how timely are the dreams of generation 6? We have no clear idea of the appearance

No coincidence. Was the F-15 a copy of our MiG?

No coincidence. Was the F-15 a copy of our MiG?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Modern combat aviation goes back to a common ancestor - A-5 "Vigilent", in the design of which such elements as were for the first time combined: "high-wing" scheme; fly-by-wire control system (ESDU); trapezoidal wing of medium aspect ratio and sweep; - rectangular in cross section

Why don't we have torpedo bombers?

Why don't we have torpedo bombers?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

So soft and pliable, this time she was harder than concrete walls. But the “Pike” was even stronger: tearing off, like skin, bits of the fuselage, it rushed under the water at a speed of 200 meters per second. Unable to withstand such a fierce pressure, the incompressible medium parted, letting the super-ammunition pass to its

F-35 could not take off

F-35 could not take off

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The fighter was misdiagnosed. Contrary to the verdicts of false doctors, the fighter is young, strong and perfectly healthy. Does not fly! Guided by unknown considerations about the beauty and correct layout of the fighter, the venerable public has long passed the F-35 a death sentence. Eagerly quoting opinions

Irreparable loss of the United States Air Force

Irreparable loss of the United States Air Force

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Rome. Airspace denied. Madrid. We intend to act within the framework of the established international legislation. Airspace denied Paris. The French government is extremely concerned about the current situation and intends to

Star Fighter. Fighter F-104 "Starfighter"

Star Fighter. Fighter F-104 "Starfighter"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Clarence Johnson! You are a witness in the case of bribing officials of the German Federal Ministry of Defense in order to adopt the Starfighter into service with the Luftwaffe. In your testimony, you can only rely on what you yourself have seen and know from your own experience, and

Russia needs stealth

Russia needs stealth

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Noon, XXI century. But some continue to stubbornly deny the role of modern technology. Especially if the conversation concerns foreign models of military equipment. Especially if they are stealth. Then - uhh, the discussion will be hot. However, getting burned about this topic is no longer as dangerous as it used to be. Currently on

NATO aircraft surrounds Russia

NATO aircraft surrounds Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

And flying through the darkness, the accursed, through the azure rays, an invisible spy, NATO sent in the night … According to the Ministry of Defense, NATO aviation has switched to increased duty at the borders of Russia. In 2014, the intensity of reconnaissance flights over the waters of the Barents and Baltic Seas was doubled

Hearts and motors. Fastest WWII fighters

Hearts and motors. Fastest WWII fighters

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The summer breeze tickled the grass on the airfield's airfield. In 10 minutes, the plane climbed to an altitude of 6,000 meters, where the temperature overboard dropped below –20 °, and the atmospheric pressure became twice as low as at the surface of the Earth. In such conditions, he had to fly hundreds of kilometers, so that then

F-35. Choice of weapons

F-35. Choice of weapons

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A kind word and a revolver can accomplish more than a kind word alone. - Johnny Carson The inner weapons bay is the most questionable. A distinctive feature of all fifth generation fighters and other aircraft (LA), claiming the title of "stealth"

Flaws and vices of American aviation

Flaws and vices of American aviation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Lockheed built the U-2 high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, the fastest SR-71 Blackbird aircraft, the F-117 stealth bomber and the Raptor fighter jet. Of the less scandalous creations of this company: the world's most popular transport aircraft Hercules, the Orion naval aviation aircraft and the super-heavy transport

Airbase: the key to victory

Airbase: the key to victory

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

If the enemy appears in large numbers, capture first what is dear to him. If you capture him, he will obey you. Sun Tzu, "The Art of War" The beginning of a military conflict determines the question: is there an air base nearby? If the answer is "yes", boldly start a war. If the answer is different, follow

Thunder in the sky of Vietnam. Fighter-bomber F-105 "Thunderchif"

Thunder in the sky of Vietnam. Fighter-bomber F-105 "Thunderchif"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Sun shining through leaves and fog. Strange sounds and rustles. The soft steps of the partisans on the moss-strewn ground. And a thunderous roll over the green of the jungle! Down the hillside, just above the crowns, 16 silvery lightning bolts swept through. The Thunderchief squadron followed its usual course for Hanoi … One of the most

How the F-35 fits into general aviation principles

How the F-35 fits into general aviation principles

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

September 13, 1931, Kalshot Sleeps, UK. The sun is in cold water, fountains of splashes and the roar of aircraft engines! The gazes of thousands of onlookers are fixed on tiny dots rushing with terrifying speed over the mirror-like surface of the bay. Ahead are the favorites of the air race - "Supermarines" model

Why the Russian fleet is in no hurry. Everyday life and exploits of naval aviation

Why the Russian fleet is in no hurry. Everyday life and exploits of naval aviation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Life is illogical in many ways. The construction of the smallest boat is presented as an important event on the path of the revival of the Navy. But, talking about new tugs and longboats, our media completely ignore what, in principle, a modern fleet is impossible without - the Holy of Holies is naval aviation! Andreevsky flag on

MiG-21. Fighter without rules

MiG-21. Fighter without rules

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A very interesting, legendary, high-spirited aircraft with very high controllability, especially in the transverse channel. For example, he turns "barrels" per second at a speed of 700-800 km / h. - deputy. Chief of the flight service of the Sukhoi Design Bureau, Reserve Colonel Sergei Bogdan, pilots of the 4477th squadron

A stranger among his own. Foreign aircraft in the USSR

A stranger among his own. Foreign aircraft in the USSR

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Tell me, Ilyich, what should we do with ourselves, With hearts ready to break to smithereens? We were in battles. Ready for battle again! .. And he frowned and suddenly said: Study! Studying the enemy is one of the axioms of the art of war. For half a century of cold confrontation, the military of the USSR and the USA spent a lot of energy

7 myths about the F-35 fighter

7 myths about the F-35 fighter

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The scandalous reputation of the new F-35 is not inferior to its famous ancestors: the crooked Starfighter and the Convair B-58 superbomber with the self-explanatory name Hustler. Among the terrible crimes incriminated by the F-35, weak performance characteristics sound, an incredibly high

Nobel Prize for Radar for the F-35

Nobel Prize for Radar for the F-35

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The mass of the airborne radar is 1% of the take-off mass, but it is the characteristics of the radar that determine the capabilities of modern fighters. The statistics of combat use over the past 15 years gives a clear picture: all air battles in which fourth generation fighters took part

Unmanned version of the Kaman K-MAX helicopter

Unmanned version of the Kaman K-MAX helicopter

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The first thought when meeting the Kaman K-MAX is impossible! The helicopter violates the space-time continuum and the laws of Euclidean geometry, otherwise how can you explain the pattern of motion of its blades? In contrast to the coaxial scheme, in which the planes of rotation of the screws are parallel to each other

XX century. Triumph of French aviation

XX century. Triumph of French aviation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

How many French does it take to defend Paris? - Nobody knows, they never succeeded. The French do not fight well, but the French technology fights well. Combat aircraft "Dassault Aviation" is distinguished by one important feature: each of the models produced has an amazing victorious

The saga of generations. Why the Su-27 is superior to the F-15

The saga of generations. Why the Su-27 is superior to the F-15

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

They have one sky for two. One way and one task - to sweep the enemy aircraft from the skies. They are air superiority fighters. Winged combat vehicles from the "first line", the elite of modern combat aviation. Their complexity is prohibitive, and the possibilities are endless. They have too many

B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber: UFO vs. Air Defense

B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber: UFO vs. Air Defense

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

UFO flew over Moscow, Silver metal. Gilbert Wells was right. Aliens. War of the Worlds. They do exist. Unidentified! Flying! Objects! A phenomenon, a ghost, a strange anomaly, whose appearance contradicts all our ideas about aviation technology. - The object disappeared from the screens

The F-22 Raptor and the real problems of the Russian Air Force

The F-22 Raptor and the real problems of the Russian Air Force

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A legend about a daring flight of design ideas, lost money and unfulfilled hopes. A hymn to the greatness of the human mind and a parable about the crazy paths into which technical progress sometimes turns. The saga of how timid outlines of truth melt in a veil of fog of human delusions

Bringing death. The best attack aircraft in aviation history

Bringing death. The best attack aircraft in aviation history

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In a combined arms offensive battle, air support can be dispensed with: a howitzer artillery division of the Soviet army could bring down half a thousand 152 mm rounds on the enemy's head in one hour! Artillery strikes in fog, thunderstorms and blizzards, and the work of aviation is often limited

How to protect a bomber

How to protect a bomber

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Life is often unfair, that is why the fighters got all the laurels of glory, the films "Top Gun" and "Only Old Men Go to Battle" were made about them, and the unflagging public interest is riveted on these agile and fast-moving machines. The harsh truth is different - the fighters are just

How are the U-2 and F-117 stealth bombers similar?

How are the U-2 and F-117 stealth bombers similar?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

F-117 and U-2. You probably know them: the first is an invisible superbomber, the second is … If you, dear reader, hope to meet here the story of the legendary high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft U-2 "Dragon Lady", then I have to disappoint you: that U-2, which will be discussed below, just percale

Combat trainer aircraft - a profitable solution or a tragic mistake?

Combat trainer aircraft - a profitable solution or a tragic mistake?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

We love freebies so much that we are ready to give any money for it. - Mikhail Zadornov 80% of the combat losses of the Soviet Air Force in Afghanistan fell on the DShK machine guns and anti-aircraft artillery of the Mujahideen- statistics

Star cluster. Long-range observation and targeting aircraft E-8 J-STARS

Star cluster. Long-range observation and targeting aircraft E-8 J-STARS

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The success of the German Blitzkrieg was largely determined by the competent management of the Wehrmacht units and the effective well-oiled interaction between the various branches of the armed forces. As a result, by the beginning of World War II, the German army outnumbered its opponents by a decade on such criteria as the quality of systems

Invincible F-15. How the Syrians clipped the Eagles' wings

Invincible F-15. How the Syrians clipped the Eagles' wings

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

104 aerial victories without a single defeat - the official results of the Eagle's combat use look simply frightening. Do the US and its allies really have global air superiority? - The official data of the US Air Force and other countries operating this type of fighters, of course, do not reflect

Russian roots of American aviation

Russian roots of American aviation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

From P-47 to A-10 Among the Founding Fathers of the United States of America, there are many immigrants from Russia. “Russian settlers - hardworking, skilled in crafts, friendly to the local population, settled in the San Francisco Bay Area, had a great influence on the development

Incredible version of the birth of the Su-25

Incredible version of the birth of the Su-25

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Soviet "Area 51" "Aliens" arrived at the airbase in Akhtubinsk in large numbered boxes, which were carefully unloaded in one of the hangars, away from the prying eyes of the Air Force flight test center personnel. It is here, among the Astrakhan steppes, in a secret city that is not on

With a lion's mouth on the fuselage. Singapore Air Force overview

With a lion's mouth on the fuselage. Singapore Air Force overview

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A unique state, smaller than St. Petersburg, even imports fresh water and sand - the current program for expanding the area of Singapore implies the constant washing up of artificial islands in the sea: as a result, over the past decades, the area of the country has increased by 50%

Davis-Montan Air Base. I allow takeoff

Davis-Montan Air Base. I allow takeoff

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Airplanes are standing in the middle of the desert. Slender rows of winged vehicles painted with protective white paint. Around for many kilometers there is not a single living person, only occasionally a lonely wind blows clouds of sand between the fuselages of aircraft. Exclusion Zone. Dead Wasteland Spaced in