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When we talked about the Yak-1, Mig-3 and LaGG-3, many readers recalled this particular plane. Say, if I went to the I-180 series, the alignment would be completely different. And so - the undercover scammers ruined an excellent car and made it possible for all mediocre talent to supply our Air Force, do not understand what is under
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The Lockheed F-117 aircraft became the winner of the 1975-76 "black" experimental stealth technology (XST - Experimental Stealth Technology) competition. Powered by General Electric CJ610 turbojets, the first XST aircraft
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It is believed that one of the most serious blows to the defense capability and military potential of Nazi Germany was inflicted by its military leadership and designers of military equipment. All of them were constantly "sick" with new ideas, sometimes completely unrealizable. As a result, part of the forces and production
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After the creation of the atomic bomb, the only means of delivery was a strategic bomber. Since 1943, the B-29 was in service with the American Air Force. In the USSR, for this purpose in 1945, the Tupolev Design Bureau developed the aircraft "64" - the first post-war four-engine bomber. but
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On February 7, 1906, the Soviet aircraft designer Oleg Konstantinovich Antonov was born. Since childhood, Antonov, who was fond of aviation, founded an original design school and created 52 types of gliders and 22 types of aircraft, including the largest and most lifting ones in the world. His planes became sensations
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The detective story is, unfortunately, an integral part of the aircraft industry of the pre-war (and post-war) time. What our designers sometimes got up to is worthy of a separate study, because I won't be lying if I say that we have never had such undercover games as in the aviation industry anywhere else
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Leaders and Outsiders In March, the American corporation Boeing showed its solution for FARA - the concept of the reconnaissance and attack helicopter of the future. Recall that a number of companies must submit their solutions for the Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft competition, designed to find a replacement for the already withdrawn from
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Tiltrotor in flight. Nacelle angle 75 degrees (by eye) Is the V-22 Osprey tiltrotor easy to fly? I think many would be interested in how such a thing generally keeps in the air. But how do you know? It is unlikely that the United States Marine Corps will be so kind as to admit this machine to the handle
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For many American soldiers, seeing this "live" meant life instead of death. And for the British, too. World War II is not associated with helicopters. Meanwhile, it was on its fronts that these machines made their debut as a means of conducting military operations. The debut was not
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Eras and aircraft In the post-Soviet space, they love the narrow specialization of winged combat vehicles, although world practice shows that it is gradually becoming a thing of the past. First, let's take a look at the depths of history. World War II approved the main types of bombers at that time, dividing them into light ones
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Stormtrooper. It is clear that for 90% of ordinary people, the IL-2 immediately appears in the head. Indeed, no other plane in the world can personify and symbolize what lies in the term "attack aircraft." But today I would like to speculate about things that seem to be assault, but not quite
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Mi-28N "Night Hunter" (NATO codification Havoc, "Ravager") is a Russian attack helicopter manufactured by PJSC Rostvertol, part of the Russian Helicopters holding. It is a modern combat helicopter, the main purpose of which is to search for and destroy tanks
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Recently, an extremely interesting article by the esteemed Evgeny Damantsev, "Red" level of threat for the Russian Aerospace Forces, was published on the pages of "Military Review": the result of the unofficial race of "tacticians" of the Su-34 and F-15E "was clarified." The title was so intriguing that the article was swallowed in an instant. However, as
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In the interests of the search and rescue service of the US Air Force, work is currently underway to create a promising Sikorsky HH-60W helicopter. This project has been brought to small-scale production and military trials, and in the foreseeable future it is expected to launch a full-fledged serial
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I haven't talked to my American acquaintances for a long time. Somehow it turned out that it was not possible to talk on Skype, given the time difference. And there were no special questions. Most Americans are exactly the same people as we are. It is much more important for them to know about a new store in their own
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Jet "Comet" of the Third Reich However, the Kriegsmarine was not the only organization that drew attention to the Helmut Walter turbine. She was closely interested in the department of Hermann Goering. As in any other story, this one had its beginning. And it is associated with the name of an employee of the company
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After the adoption of GPV-2020, officials quite often talk about the rearmament of the Air Force (well, or more broadly, the supply of aviation systems to the RF Armed Forces). At the same time, the specific parameters of this rearmament and the size of the Air Force by 2020 are not directly given. In view of this, many media outlets give their predictions, but
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During World War II, the Allies supplied the P-39 Airacobra fighter to the USSR. Before the war, the Americans announced a competition for a fighter for their army. Within the framework of this competition, the aircraft was created by Bell Firm. In 1939, he was accepted into service, for lack of anything better. But the military im
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In the last article, we considered the reasons why the Su-33 won the race for the deck, and in this article we will try to answer another question - which fighter would be the most effective and would most closely correspond to the tasks of our aircraft carrier? Let's refresh our memory and remember the main characteristics
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In the first part of our material devoted to Ju-188, we examined the long way to create this rather interesting and little-known aircraft, which received the name "Racher" in the Luftwaffe - "Avenger" (since one of the goals of its creation was "revenge bombing" for bombing of German
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If the First World War was marked by the total devastation of the front line a dozen or two kilometers deep, then the Second was famous for the massive destruction of cities located hundreds and even thousands of kilometers from the front line. And the reason was not only the evolution of technical means
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Experienced XF5F-1 in flight. Photo Airwar.ruSpecial requirements are imposed on carrier-based aircraft, which can lead to the appearance of unusual designs. A striking example of this is the American project Grumman XF5F Skyrocket, as a result of which the Navy could get its first twin-engine
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The largest customer of the Hawk abroad was the French Air Force. After the Moran-Solnier M.S. 406 fighter, Curtiss was the most numerous fighter in France at the time of the start of the German offensive in the spring of 1940. In February 1938, two months before
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The news of the planned conclusion of a contract for the supply of 76 Su-57 aircraft clearly did not appeal to many American military observers. And the point here, as one might have guessed, is the price. The fact is that the Kommersant newspaper, citing sources, published information that
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Breaking news: the American strike group is still going to the coast of Iran. Nuclear aircraft carrier "Abraham Lincoln", escort ships … Unfortunately, there is no data on them, although the composition of the AUG could perfectly clarify the real goals of US politicians. If we are talking about the next projection of force, then it follows
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Recently, a short message appeared in the "News" section on "VO", the meaning of which was perfectly reflected by its name: "Russia is ready to transfer to India technologies for the production of MiG-35 fighters." If a little more detailed: I. Tarasenko, who holds the post of vice-president of the KLA for military-technical
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It is not the first time on the VO website that opinions have been expressed regarding the particular usefulness of vertical / short takeoff and vertical landing aircraft for modern, maneuverable combat operations. For example, in Dmitry Verkhoturov's article "F-35B: A New Contribution to the Blitzkrieg Theory" the respected author
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As you know, the first in the USSR trampoline heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Tbilisi" (later renamed "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Kuznetsov" tested three carrier-based aircraft at once - Su-27K, MiG-29K and Yak-141. In this series of articles we we will try to figure it out
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Late in the evening of May 18, 1982, the ships of the 317th task force greeted the British amphibious group that had arrived in the combat area. Two large amphibious dock ships, six specially built transport and landing ships and thirteen requisitioned transport ships (including
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So, dear readers, before you is the last article in the cycle. It's time to draw conclusions. Conclusion 1 - The Argentines could not realize the superiority in the number of combat aircraft, in fact, the British faced in the air with forces approximately equal to them. I draw the attention of dear readers: statistics
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On this day, the Argentine command decided to make every effort to turn the tide of hostilities. It was, of course, not only and not so much a desire to celebrate Independence Day as it should be, but the fact that the British had been unloading for four days, and soon the main landing force
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So, on May 1, 1982, the Argentines were confident in the imminent landing of the British and were preparing to throw their fleet into battle. Demonstration group TG-79.3, consisting of the cruiser General Belgrano and two old destroyers, was supposed to simulate an offensive from the south and distract the attention of British commanders. In it
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After the successful attack on Sheffield on May 4, 1982, and until May 20, when the British began the landing operation, there was a pause in the fighting. Not that they stopped altogether, but both sides did not seek a decisive battle, limiting themselves to a minor "bite" of the enemy. English planes constantly
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Discussions about the role of vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft are very popular at Topvar. As soon as a suitable article appears to discuss this class of aviation, disputes flare up with renewed vigor. Someone writes that VTOL aircraft are a waste of time and money, others believe that
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According to the plan, the first blow was delivered by the strategic aviation of Great Britain - two Vulcan bombers (XM598 and XM607) were to drop 42,454-kg bombs on the Port Stanley airfield and crush its runway. However, there was a slight difficulty - the distance from Ascension Island, where the
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What the British air defense is worth in practice, with all the mercilessness showed one and only "Aermacchi MV-339A" - a training jet plane with a maximum speed of 817 km / h, which did not have its own radar. When Lieutenant Esteban was still able to inform the command of the beginning of a full-scale British
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In this article we will try to understand the issues of the size of the air group of a modern nuclear-powered aircraft carrier such as "Chester W. Nimitz", as well as the ability of the aircraft carrier to support the activities of the carrier-based aircraft on board
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On December 18, 2015, the supersonic MiG-21 fighters, which are in service with the Bulgarian Air Force, took to the skies for the last time. The last three combat-ready vehicles of this type were on alert to protect the country's airspace at the 3rd Aviation Base of the Bulgarian Air Force (near Graf-Ignatiev). On
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The first Turkish F-35A was unveiled at Lockheed Martin's Fort Worth plant in June 2018, after which delivery was suspended by the US Congress The United States and Turkey have been part of the same NATO bloc since 1952 and have some common and vital interests, but strategic
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Photo: David Oliver The British army used mini-UAVs to detect IEDs and clear routes T-Hawk during Operation Talisman in Afghanistan In the public consciousness, drones or drones have several roles. One is to carry out air strikes unhindered without