Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
Continuous criticism of the F-35 from the military and the media, as well as its inconsistency with modern philosophy of air combat, are forcing the US Air Force to consider the option of resuming production of 40-year-old F-15 and F-16 fighters. Is the F-35 really that bad? Just its creators
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
In the near future, the operation of a new training aircraft may begin. The creation of this machine is carried out by one of the domestic private companies, which intends to start construction in the interests of the Ministry of Defense. For a number of objective reasons, the exact prospects for the new project are still
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The events in Syria brought the issue of the future of strategic aviation into the spotlight again. What will it become - faster and more lifting, smarter and less noticeable? While the PAK DA remains the "dark horse" of the Russian military aviation. But it is known that in its response to the challenge to Russia, the United States
Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The development of new weapons and military equipment always attracts the attention of specialists, the general public and the press. Such attention is manifested in the form of a mass of publications, disputes, etc. Quite often debaters and analysts come to very interesting conclusions. From time to time, drawing on some
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The Chinese aircraft industry strives to provide the air force with the most modern technology. Now, in the interests of the PLA Air Force, the development of the fifth generation Chengdu J-20 fighter is underway. The existence of this aircraft became known several years ago. The project is still at the stage
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In Russia, the discussion of the problems of small civil aviation continues, which almost completely ceased to exist with the collapse of the USSR. The regional air transportation market collapsed rapidly, but the state, apparently, finally got around to solving this problem. TO
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A few months ago it became known that 60 MiG-31 interceptors will be modernized in the coming years. In the course of the work, the aircraft will be repaired and their service life will be extended, and in addition, new electronic equipment will be installed, corresponding to the MiG-31BM modification. A good and useful start
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The American airline Lockheed Martin joined the F-X program to create 6th generation fighters. It is expected that this aircraft will replace the next modern aircraft in the air - the F-22 fighters. Lockheed Martin begins to develop its own project of the aircraft of the future
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About the "sores" of the famous American "Predator" This once widely advertised winged machine does not cause much admiration from military analysts and aviation experts. Why? The answer is in the materials published below by two permanent authors of the "VPK". The most expensive and most useless
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The Fire Scout MQ-8 is a tactical helicopter-type vertical take-off / landing (VTUAV) unmanned aerial vehicle. The MQ-8 was developed by Northrop Grumman of Los Angeles, California for use by the United States military and naval forces. Fire scout
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The Voronezh Joint-Stock Aircraft Manufacturing Company (VASO) is manufacturing the first flight prototype of the Il-112V aircraft, developed by the Aviation Complex named after V.I. S.V. Ilyushin. In the New Year area, it is planned to complete the assembly and begin its ground tests, in order to raise it by next summer
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An-225 "Mriya" (from Ukrainian. Dream) is an extra-heavy transport aircraft. It was designed by the OKB im. O. K. Antonova in the 1980s. It is the largest aircraft in the world. In just one flight in March 1989 in 3.5 hours, the plane simultaneously beat 110 world
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If a beauty pageant among bombers was held at the Paris Air Show in 1938, the choice would be between two very elegant and aerodynamically clean machines. These were the newest French and Polish-built aircraft Liore et Olivier LeO-45 and PZL-37 Los. And if
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A number of US public and private organizations continue to work on the next modification of the B61 tactical thermonuclear bomb. The B61-12 product was submitted for a long time for testing, which has been going on for several years. Not so long ago, the Pentagon and related organizations conducted another series of tests
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After the end of the First World War and a massive reduction in the arsenals of the air armies of the victorious countries, these machines were left out of work. Naturally, the question arose about their further use for the delivery of goods and passengers. Projects for the adaptation and alteration of heavy combat vehicles appeared
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In the first half of the 1950s, many domestic design teams were mainly engaged in the development and construction of fighters. These design bureaus were united by the desire to achieve flight speeds in the next five years that would be twice the speed of sound, and shared the desire of everyone
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In 1972, the designer of the Taganrog Machine-Building Plant (currently the Taganrog Aviation Scientific and Technical Complex named after G.M.Beriev), began to work out the appearance of a promising anti-submarine seaplane. It was supposed to be the successor to the Be-12 amphibious aircraft, serial
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"Focke-Wulf" model 189, better known to the domestic reader as "frame", is perhaps the most widely known German aircraft of the Great Patriotic War. Usually it is mentioned right after the Me-109 fighter and the Ju-87 bomber. However, in addition to the memoirs of front-line soldiers, high-quality and
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The project has already gone too far for the state to allow it to die ingloriously under the pressure of loans When passengers first see the new product of the domestic aviation industry - "Superjet", they are often surprised. Why does an airplane with a big name look so small? In the same
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Bombers are the largest, most complex, and expensive combat aircraft of their time. After all, delivering a deadly cargo to the enemy's territory is a task for which they do not spare forces and means. However, trying to implement even the most ambitious ideas often fails. Let's take a look at the monsters that
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According to the official representative of the Ministry of Defense of Japan, the first flight tests of the prototype of the 5+ generation ATD-X "Sinshin" (Japanese 心神?, "Soul"), will be carried out already in 2014. ATD-X is a highly maneuverable fighter created using modern technologies
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In the distant future, the first prototype aircraft, created within the framework of the Prospective Aviation Complex for Long-Range Aviation (PAK DA) project, should take off into the sky. At the moment, this project is at the design stage and therefore most of the information about it is not yet subject to disclosure
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B-45 "Tornado" - the first serial American jet bomber. The history of the creation of this aircraft should be counted from the early forties, when the most technically developed countries began to design military jet aircraft. Germany was the undisputed leader in this
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The nuclear euphoria of the fifties of the last century gave rise to a lot of bold ideas. The fission energy of the atomic nucleus was proposed to be used in all spheres of science and technology, or even in everyday life. Aircraft designers did not leave her unattended either. The greater efficiency of nuclear reactors in theory made it possible to achieve
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Within the framework of the MAKS aerospace show held in Zhukovsky near Moscow, the promising Russian training aircraft SR-10 was presented to the general public. Hundreds of thousands of spectators could "live" watch a small red car rise into the air. Viewers' attention new
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The sunset on the Baltic coast is very beautiful, but in Donskoy almost no one pays attention to the setting sun. The pilots and technicians of the separate naval anti-submarine helicopter squadron of the Baltic Fleet's naval aviation are not up to the beauties of nature: preparations for night flights begin
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Su-35S board number 07 red, Ramenskoye, no later than August 25, 2013 (photo - Vladimir Petrov, http://russianplanes.net/id117273) The fifth generation fighter T-50, created under the PAK FA program, will enter service Air Force no earlier than 2015-16. For some time after
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In March 1981, the newest attack aircraft Su-25, also known by the nickname "Rook", was adopted by the USSR Air Force. By this time, the prototypes had managed to show their full potential both at the training grounds and in the conditions of a real armed conflict. Despite the solid
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When this material comes out, we will be at the funeral of Yuri Kopylov, our fellow countryman who died in Syria. A sad moment about which nothing more can be said. But I would like to say a few words about the plane, especially since the gentlemen "experts" give a cloud of reasons for this. How many angry articles have already been published on
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During the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Il-2 attack aircraft became the most massive combat aircraft in the history of world aviation. More than 36 thousand of these machines were built, and this record has not yet been broken by anyone. Similar results were obtained for several main reasons. First, before
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When the American SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft made its last flight in 1998, the US Air Force lost one of its most high-tech aircraft ever built. In addition, the SR-71 was simply one of the most beautiful aircraft in the world. However, the SR-71
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On November 2, the Chinese group of companies Hongdu Aircraft Industry Group (HAIG) held a presentation of the promising light trainer aircraft L-15B, which is an option for the further development of existing technology. The car with the letter "B" differs from its predecessors in some important
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In the near future, the Russian Aerospace Forces will begin to receive serial fifth-generation Su-57 fighters. At the same time, work has already begun in our country to create the next sixth generation equipment, which will serve in the distant future. Over the past several years, the 6th generation has occasionally
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Necessary foreword Somehow it happened on our website that the designer Yakovlev is not very popular. For many reasons, some of which are not groundless. In general, we will talk in detail about the serpentarium that existed in those years under the name "Society of Soviet Aircraft Designers" later
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This week, in general, there is a lot of news about Long-Range Aviation, for example, another DA exercise took place, during which more than 10 Tu-160 and Tu-95MS / MSM bombers and Il-78M tankers operated over the waters of the Arctic Ocean, and 2 for the first time in many years and after reconstruction sat down at the airfield