A number of US public and private organizations continue to work on the next modification of the B61 tactical thermonuclear bomb. The B61-12 product was submitted for a long time for testing, which has been going on for several years. Not so long ago, the Pentagon and related organizations conducted another series of tests and talked about their successes. In addition, recent advances allow them to look to the future with optimism and continue the necessary work.
As a reminder, the aim of the project is B61-12 or B61 Mod. 12 Life Extension Program is the creation of a new modification of an existing thermonuclear bomb with a number of significant differences. The main innovation of the project with the number "12" is the use of special systems that turn the existing unguided ammunition into a corrected aerial bomb. The second goal of the project is to increase the penetration of the bomb, which will allow it to attack and destroy buried and fortified enemy targets.

Dropping an experimental bomb from the F-15E
The development of a new version of the tactical aerial bomb started in 2013, and several organizations of the US defense and nuclear industry were involved in it. The project was implemented under the supervision of the Ministry of Defense and the National Nuclear Security Administration. In mid-2015, the first test reset of the prototype took place. In October of the same year, the homing system was tested for the first time. In the future, new tests took place, and testing continues to this day. Not so long ago, new checks were carried out, the results of which were reflected in new official messages.
So, in May of this year, the command of the US Air Force reported on the current progress in the implementation of the new project. At that time, 26 test drops of experimental bombs of a new type were carried out. This number included free-fall drops without the use of control systems, as well as flights to designated targets in homing mode. It was noted that the program is proceeding in full accordance with the plans and meets expectations.
New reports on the progress of work on the B61-12 product appeared a few weeks later - at the end of June. The National Nuclear Safety Administration has issued a press release on the new round of inspections. According to the document, on June 9, at the Tonopah test site (Nevada), the next qualification tests of the new bomb took place. The 419th Test Squadron of the US Air Force, based at Edwards Airfield, was responsible for conducting the tests.
As part of these checks, the Northrop Grumman B-2A Spirit, an unobtrusive long-range bomber, became the carrier of the weapon. The test ammunition of the aircraft included two units of new weapons. For obvious reasons, the experimental bombs did not receive a standard thermonuclear warhead, instead of which a weight simulator was installed.
Reportedly, the carrier aircraft successively dropped both existing bombs, into which the coordinates of their targets were previously loaded. It is noted that these were the first tests, during which a full cycle of preparation and use of B61 Mod bombs was carried out. 12 with a B-2A bomber. All required procedures were carried out without any problems. The plane entered the drop zone and sequentially sent both bombs to their designated targets. Two drops ended in the defeat of training targets with acceptable accuracy.

Bomb architecture B61 Mod. 12
Tests on June 9 confirmed the ability of the B-2A bomber to fully operate with promising tactical nuclear weapons. In the future, new ground checks and flight tests may be needed, but with their help, the development of the weapons complex will already be carried out. At the level of general ideas, Spirit confirmed its fundamental ability to become a carrier of new weapons.
An important feature of the June tests is the "origin" of the two experimental bombs. Organizations were responsible for their production, which in the near future are planned to be involved in the serial production of the B61-12. So, the required product documentation was prepared by the research and development organizations Sandia National Laboratories and Los Alamos National Laboratory. The main part of the bomb, including control systems and inert combat equipment, was manufactured by Nuclear Security Enterprise. The tail module with a homing system and rudders was supplied by Boeing. In the foreseeable future, these organizations will receive an order for the serial production of the necessary components for the subsequent assembly of bombs planned for delivery to the troops.
The recent tests of the B61-12 LEP bomb with the B-2A Spirit aircraft were an important event in the history of the project. These tests confirm the possibility of using new weapons by different carriers, and in addition, bring the start of the next stage of the program closer. According to the work schedule, the program is currently in phase 6.4, which includes development work. It will continue almost until the end of next year. At the same time, in September 2018, the developers will complete the final version of the project.
Phase 6.5 is scheduled to start in the fall of calendar year 2019, which includes preparations for serial production. The actual production of serial bombs is designated in the documents as Phase 6.6. The first production product will be released in spring 2020, with more bombs to follow. Starting in 2020, serial production should continue until 2024. During this time, it is planned to release the required quantities of weapons, with the help of which the desired rearmament of the air force will be carried out.

The bomb just before the fall
The main goal of the B61 Mod. 12 from an operational point of view is a gradual replacement of all other bombs of the B61 family. Since the sixties of the last century, the American industry has created 12 modifications of such weapons, not counting the currently being tested. Three variants of the bomb did not reach serial production and operation. Of the B61 bombs accepted for service, only four types remain in service now - Mod. 3, Mod. 4, Mod. 7 and Mod. 11. They differ in the power of the warhead, purpose and other features.
All "active" modifications of the B61 tactical bomb have variable detonation power. Their thermonuclear warhead is capable of showing power from 0.3 to 340 kt, depending on the model. The newest of the serial bombs, the B61-11, was created as a specialized weapon to destroy enemy underground targets. Other products are general-purpose bombs and are offered to combat ground targets. Regardless of the goals and objectives, all these types of weapons belong to the class of free-fall weapons.
At the beginning of this decade, according to the US Air Force command, there is a need to further improve the B61 bomb and create its next modification. At the same time, a number of fundamentally new solutions should be introduced in the new project and new opportunities should be provided. According to the terms of reference, the B61 Mod. 12 LEP, unlike its predecessors, must show high hitting accuracy, for which it needs a homing system. In addition, it was necessary to provide several modes of operation of the fuse, including with deceleration. It was necessary to preserve the ability to change the power of detonation.
A bomb of this appearance could not only be an addition to existing products, but also replace them. So, the presence of homing and a controlled fuse in theory made it possible to show technical characteristics at the level of other models of the family with a simultaneous increase in combat and operational parameters. However, at the same time, the cost of the ammunition should have increased.

Previous B61 products on external sling
The set design tasks were solved in an interesting way. The main element of the B61-12 bomb is a body with a warhead, borrowed from one of the previous products. Due to the high strength of the hull, it is proposed to provide penetration before detonation. To destroy underground objects, a bomb must go into the ground to a certain depth before it detonates. According to the available data, depending on the type of soil, the B61-12 will be able to submerge to a depth of 3 m. Undermining in the soil makes more efficient use of the energy of the explosion.
The thermonuclear warhead for the B61-12 builds on existing components, but has different characteristics. In accordance with customer requirements, the bomb has a variable power with the ability to change from 0.3 to 50 kt. It was previously clarified that the reduction in the maximum blasting power in comparison with some previous modifications is due to the increase in accuracy. The presence of homing allows you to increase the likelihood of hitting a target, as well as reduce the required explosion power. The bomb fuse can be set to the required mode, depending on the combat mission.
Of greatest interest in the B61-12 Life Extension Program is the so-called. tail-kit, mounted on the main part of the bomb with a warhead and other systems. This product has a tapered body tapering to the tail, inside which a set of new equipment is placed. Outside, there are two pairs of movable rudders on it. It is the tail kit that provides a significant increase in the tactical and technical characteristics of the bomb. It is worth noting that in terms of overall architecture and enhancements, the B61-12 project resembles the older JDAM.
The B61-12 is equipped with a relatively simple homing system based on satellite navigation devices. Before dropping the bomb, the onboard equipment of the carrier aircraft must load the coordinates of the target into its seeker, after which it independently determines its location and trajectory, correcting it if necessary. At the same time, the use of GPS navigation leads to certain limitations: the bomb can only attack stationary targets with previously known coordinates. Application for moving objects is virtually excluded.
According to official data, the use of a tail unit with a seeker provides a significant increase in accuracy. Previous bombs of the B61 family showed a circular probable deviation of up to 160-180 m. For a new product, this parameter does not exceed 5-10 m. It is said that such characteristics have already been confirmed in practice during a series of test drops.

The B-2A aircraft is bombing. In the future, he will be able to use the B61-12
An important feature of the new ammunition is the ability to use it with different carriers. In the first tests, bombs were dropped from an F-15E fighter-bomber. Further checks were carried out with the participation of aircraft of other types. The B-2A strategic bomber was involved in the final tests. It was also reported that the B61-12 could be used by the latest fifth-generation Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II fighters. Earlier it was mentioned about the elaboration of the issue of compatibility of the new American bomb with some fighters of NATO countries, including foreign development.
B61 Mod. 12 will be able to carry tactical and strategic aircraft, which expands the scope of its application. In other words, depending on the characteristics of the goal and the assigned task, a thermonuclear bomb can be both tactical and strategic weapons. High accuracy, variable charge power and a controlled fuse make it possible to fully realize the potential of the bomb.
Deliveries of the first serial thermonuclear bombs of the new type are scheduled for early 2020. Deployment of such weapons at various air bases, including outside the continental United States, should be expected shortly thereafter. In all likelihood, the new B61-12 bombs will replace existing products in arsenals and are unlikely to have a significant impact on the balance of power in the regions. At the same time, a sharp increase in basic characteristics and combat qualities will have serious consequences. A thermonuclear bomb with reduced power but increased accuracy can be viewed by foreign military and politicians as a serious threat.
However, the new American weapon should not be overestimated. It is easy to see that the guided B61-12 has not too many fundamental differences from other modern high-precision aircraft weapons. In addition, it is proposed to use the same carriers with it as with conventional weapons. Thus, an advanced air defense system capable of responding to modern threats, at least in theory, will be able to repel the raid of aircraft with the B61 Mod. 12 on board. All this to a certain extent reduces the potential of such weapons, although it does not make them completely useless and safe.
For a number of reasons, in recent decades, the development of tactical nuclear weapons for US military aviation has followed specific paths, and this has led to the emergence of serious restrictions and difficulties. The new B61-12 project is seen as a solution to all these problems, allowing you to get all the desired combat capabilities. Apparently, the project participants will be able to fulfill the assigned tasks and transfer the desired weapons to the Air Force. Foreign countries should take into account this development of American combat aviation and take the necessary measures.