Engineering troops and transport
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Motorcycle technology is again becoming relevant for the military. If ATVs are focused more on the transportation of goods and equipment, then motorcycles provide fighters with high speed and mobility. After World War II, when motorcycles were widely used by German and Soviet troops, this
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ZIL-135. Source: Photo by Ivan Savitsky The third section should start with the personality of the chief designer of the ZIL Special Design Bureau and the inspirer
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France is famous for its school of wheeled armored vehicles. Before the start of World War II, successful samples of wheeled cannon armored vehicles were created in the country, after the end of the conflict, work in this direction continued and led to the creation of unique combat vehicles that differ
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Since the domestication of the horse and the invention of the wheel, man has used all possible means of transportation for military purposes. Chariots, carts, cars. This fate was not spared and the motorcycle. We decided to understand the evolution of military motorcycles from the first models from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day
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Presentation of the Storm armored vehicle at IDEX-2021 The tracked vehicle with bulletproof protection has a hybrid power plant and, it is claimed, can solve a wide range of tasks
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FWD Terracruzer MM1. Source: Unique rogues Ultra-low pressure tires or pneumatic rollers are a real godsend for overcoming difficult road conditions. More precisely, not even road conditions, but directions over rough terrain. The most important advantage of huge tires is
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The Morris Commercial C8 FAT artillery tractor with a 25-pound howitzer cannon moves along a pontoon ferry. Ancient armies faced the need to cross various water obstacles. One of the oldest options for military bridge equipment appears to be
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A photo that allows you to estimate the dimensions of the ZIL-135. Source: The Center for Automotive Intelligence The creation of special design bureaus or SKB at the car factories of the Soviet Union became a requirement of the Ministry of Defense. The bureau initiated the development of new all-wheel drive military equipment, which is acutely
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Armored vehicle KAMAZ-5350 with protected module MM-501. Photo: Vitaly V. Kuzmin, For war by new rules In the previous part of the story about the KamAZ-4310, it was a question of armored versions of the biaxial modification 43501. This material will talk about heavier SUVs under
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"Flying" KamAZ-4911. Source: Army-sports projectile In the previous parts of the story dedicated to the KamAZ-4310 family, it was a question of the Mustang family and its comparison with foreign counterparts. But in the KAMAZ range of all-terrain vehicles there are machines that are hard to find analogues in the world. Trucks
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The last, the most profound modernization of platform 4310 KamAZ-5350 "Mustang-M". Source: Multi-purpose vehicle Meanwhile 4310 and its
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Advertisements for T.B. Photo During the Second World War, the Royal Air Force of Great Britain had a large fleet of equipment for transporting fuel and refueling aircraft. These were mainly tank trucks on the usual truck chassis, but there were exceptions. Together with others
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KamAZ-43105 is an agricultural truck in military service. Source: A car for war In the previous part, we talked about the construction of the Kama Automobile Plant and the development of a production range of cars at the Likhachev Plant in Moscow. The main prototype of the famous Kama
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ZIL-135K. Source: Red Square debutant November 7, 1961 became a double holiday for the chief designer of SKB ZIL Vitaly Grachev. His brainchildren passed through the main square of the country in the status of serial cars. These were ZIL-135K, in the appearance of which only a specialist can guess
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MZKT-490101 is the smallest of the Volat armored warriors. Source: Political moment You can have different attitudes towards the Belarusian government, but the preservation of the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant for the entire post-Soviet space is certainly one of its
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Volkswagen Kubelwagen became the most massive passenger car in Germany during the Second World War. The appearance of this car is familiar to almost everyone, even people who have never been fond of history. "Kubelvagen" often flickers in photographs, newsreels and is a habitual guest
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Experienced KamAZ-4310. Source: Plant from scratch In the 60s in the Soviet Union there was a need for trucks capable of taking on board up to 8 tons of cargo and towing the same amount in a trailer. The Minsk Automobile Plant was no longer fully cope with this task, and
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A promising self-propelled demining installation using an elongated charge with a rocket engine, the UR-15 "Meteor", has been developed and launched for testing. An experimental vehicle of this type is involved in the Caucasus-2020 exercises - it must show its capabilities in a real situation. After
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KamAZ-6560. Photo: Vitaly Kuzmin, David and Goliath Now the army operates three lines of all-wheel drive vehicles - two-axle KamAZ-4350, three-axle KamAZ-5350 and four-axle
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Experienced chassis at the exhibition One of the most interesting exhibits at the Army-2020 forum was a special wheeled chassis SKKSH-586 developed by the Mytishchi machine-building plant. This sample is designed as a base for various air defense systems and other equipment and
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There are no high-quality images from the Leningrad tests of the Sd.Kfz.9 Famo in the public domain, so you have to limit yourself to third-party archives. Source: German tractor Secret report of the artillery research experimental test site of the Red Army about the tests
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ARMIS 4x4 unprotected vehicle For the foreseeable future, the French Armed Forces are planning to carry out a fleet modernization program and replace existing trucks. Arquus (formerly Renault Truck Defense) may become one of the potential participants in such a tender. The other day she
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Buggy for the Airborne Forces at the Army 2020 forum in Kubinka. Source: False modesty As you know, in the triune combination of mobility, armor and firepower, it is impossible to achieve a high development of all parameters together. One can only grope for the optimum point. However, if you donate one of
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Experienced fiberglass ZIL-135P breaks trees. Source: Bauman rushes to the rescue In one of the previous parts of the cycle about the development and development of machines of the ZIL-135 family, there was a mention of an amphibian with the index "B", which the head of the SKB "ZIL" Vitaly Grachev built for
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For most of our compatriots who served both in the Soviet Army and in the Armed Forces of Russia, the phrase "military truck" is likely to evoke an association with the car of the Kama Automobile Plant, to which the epithet "legendary" is quite applicable. A car
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Passenger car with wheels made by Protos, Germany. Photo by The general appearance of a car wheel with a central disc and a tire filled with air was formed a long time ago and proved its effectiveness. However, attempts are regularly made to make a cardinal
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KamAZ-7850 at Army-2018. Source: MZKT to replace The situation when the strategically important technology for the production of wheeled platforms for the missile shield of Russia is in the hands of a foreign state, otherwise it cannot be called outrageous. At the same time, the matter is not limited only to
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ZIL-4329AP and a real ZIS-5V. Source: Alexey Benera,, Good idea The celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Victory in 2005 was planned to be widely celebrated. As a highlight, it was decided to take the veterans across Red Square in the legendary ZIS-5V. And not on a couple of cars following
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As you know, the Russian army currently uses the Russian-made Tiger family of armored vehicles as armored vehicles. But it could happen that instead of "Tigers" in the Russian army could operate the Italian armored cars Iveco
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Liebherr G-BKF. Source: Truck Cranes Liebherr was originally a peaceful company. In 1949, its founder, Hans Liebherr, presented the first development - the fast-erected tower crane TK 10. This technique was in great demand in war-torn Germany and eventually became
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The ambulance bus GAZ-03-32 is one of the first samples for the Red Army. Photo Transportation of the wounded and sick is a rather difficult task, which requires special equipment, such as ambulances. The first cars of this kind appeared in the medical service of the Red Army in the thirties
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A copy of the Cuyunho cart, 2015 The first steam engine was invented by the Dutch physicist Denny Papen in the 17th century. It was the simplest mechanism, a cylinder with a piston that rose under the action of steam, and descended under atmospheric pressure. Initial application of new
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ZIL-4334A1, developed within the framework of the Kalam-1 ROC. Source: ZIL-131: farewell to retirement Back in 1977, ZIL made the first attempts to replace the 131st truck. The military demanded to equip the novelty with a ZIL-645 diesel engine, raise the carrying capacity to 4 tons, and also replace
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Scarab robot and operator's console in a carrying case. Photo "CET-1" / In recent years, in the interests of the Russian engineering troops, promising robotic systems are being developed, intended for use in the search and disposal of explosive
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UAZ-3972. Source: Modernization of the monopolist The plant in Ulyanovsk lived very well during the Soviet era. The machines were in demand both in the army and in the national economy, and in the absence of competition, the enterprise had no incentives to expand the model range and modernize. And so
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ZIL-135 with a tactical missile "Luna" is being prepared for launch. Source: Better without differential During tests on February 8, 1957
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Studebaker US6 trucks in the Iranian mountains, March 1943. Photo by Wikimedia Commons In the fall of 1941, the USSR received the first American cargo sent under the Lend-Lease program. Such deliveries continued until the very end of the war and covered many directions. So, among a variety of technology
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Photo: Vitaly Kuzmin, LSTS-1943 "Sarmat-2" all-terrain vehicle in the 2019 version In the interests of the Russian armed forces, various vehicles and automotive equipment are being created. One of these projects is being developed at the Tekhnika Design Bureau and is called Sarmat. Its task is
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ZIS-110B. Source: The exclusive patrimony of the ZIS Initially, it was the phaetons, that is, four-door open-top cars without lifting side windows, that were the main protagonists of the ceremonial events on Red Square. Nothing to do with the army at first
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One of the Ladoga cars. Attention should be paid to the characteristic color. Photo In the early eighties KB-3 of the Leningrad Kirov plant under the leadership of V.I. Mironov has developed a highly secure transport vehicle (VTS) "Ladoga". This product