Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01
The main essence of the proposal of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) to the Ministry of Defense to consider the South Korean DVKD "Dokdo" as an alternative to Mistral is that USC does not want to lose a large order for the construction of ships of this class at the facilities of the Russian
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Screen effect - an increase in the bearing properties of an aircraft wing when flying at low altitudes due to the influence of the surface. Aviators first encountered its manifestation: when approaching, in the immediate vicinity of the ground, piloting the aircraft became more complicated, and the higher it was
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Since the Russian military announced plans to create several new modern aircraft carriers a couple of years ago, there have been a lot of rumors about this project. Let's see what is known about the future flagships of our fleet. The decision to develop and build new aircraft carriers was announced for almost exactly 2 years
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Not so long ago, our country could well provide itself with helicopter carriers. The picture shows the Project 1123 cruiser Moskva. The Mistral deal can be interpreted as a distrust of its own VPKO. For about a year, experts have been circulating rumors about the prospects of acquisition for the Navy
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A detachment of Pacific Fleet ships, headed by the guards missile cruiser Varyag, left Vladivostok on a friendly visit to the American port of San Francisco on June 4
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102-mm gun of the cruiser "New Zealand", installed in front of the Naval Museum in Auckland. A charger swiftly rose from the hole, huge, like a piano, placed on the edge, caught up with the gun and sucked to its already opened mouth, immediately releasing a rattlesnake steel snake straightening
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After the publication of the material about the explosion on the cruiser "Maine", many of the VO visitors expressed a desire to learn more about "what happened next?" But it will hardly be possible to tell about all the details of a global event, even if it was a "small colonial war", since they are very
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Probably, even today there are people among us who have seen and remember the funny comedy "Volga-Volga", in which its heroes sail along the Volga on a steamer to Moscow and at the same time sing: "America gave Russia a steamer, it has wheels in the back and is terribly quiet move ". It was called "Sevruga" and looked like
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After the battle of armored ships on the Hampton roadstead, the southerners decided to start building several battleships at once in order to act against the northerners' fleet and defend their strategic supply ports from them. Painting by H. Smith (1890) One of them was the port
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People love impressive examples of sinking ships, puffs of powder smoke, beautifully given orders, the heroism of some commanders and the cowardice of others. That is why the Battle of Liss made such a strong impression on contemporaries. And this despite the fact that only two ships were lost there: one
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Something always comes first. The first was the French battleship La Glory, and it was a seaworthy three-masted ship, on the model of which two more were built. It entered service in 1860, and Scientific American published a long article about it, and the British immediately made
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For the endless waves of prairies, For the endless prairies of the waters, For the empire of all empires, For the map that grows in breadth. (Rudyard Kipling. "By birthright") I've always wanted to write something about ships. In general, I love ships and always try to climb them, if there is a possibility. This also applies
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Aircraft carrier Nimitz The flagships of the US Navy, the embodiment of American scope, power and flight of engineering and military-technical thought, are ready to disappear from the seas and oceans. Like dinosaurs that once lived in great numbers and then disappeared completely and forever … Such prospects for the monsters of the American military
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In the spring of 1783, after the annexation of Crimea to Russia, Empress Catherine II signed a decree establishing the Black Sea Fleet. Nowadays, after the re-annexation of Crimea to Russia, this day again becomes significant and historically connected with the present. I sincerely congratulate the sailors
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New patrol ships of the FSB Border Service of project 22460 will be equipped with diesel units produced in China, and not in Germany, as planned, Deputy Chief Engineer of the Almaz shipbuilding company Ilyaz Mukhutdinov said at a press conference at the regional TASS center in
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The Coast Guard in many countries is considered a reserve of the armed forces, mainly the navy. Japan is no exception. Its Coast Guard owns more than a hundred ships (including many large ones, more than three thousand tons in displacement) and a comparable number of aircraft. V
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On the first day of summer, sailors from Severomorsk, representatives of the "youngest" and at the same time the most formidable of all the fleets of the Russian Navy, celebrate their holiday. The youth of the Northern Fleet is, of course, conditional. It appeared 86 years ago - June 1, 1933, and initially had the status of SVF - Northern
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The Russian Navy has two important dates in its holiday calendar. This is the last Sunday in July - Day of the Russian Navy, and this is today's date. On October 30, the Russian navy celebrates its birthday - a historical fact of the creation of a navy in the country
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Rocket complex IDAS. Source: globalsecurity.org Attention, air! There is nothing new in the concept of destroying an air enemy from a submarine: artillery guns were able to do this even on submarines of World War II. However, for obvious reasons, the submarine is not easier at all
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Amphibian "Drozd". Source: youtube.com Like a fish in water Designing any amphibian is a search for a reasonable compromise between seaworthiness and land. In the case of the Thrush, the emphasis is clearly on the ability to walk quickly and safely on the water surface. Baltic Engineering
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127 mm laser guided projectile developed in the 1970s at the NSWC, Dahlgren. Photo: flickr.com Flying crowbars It is rather a small surface-to-surface missile. For example, a projectile
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High-explosive shaped-charge torpedo Stingray. Photo: seaforces.org Difficult target What needs to be done to destroy a modern double-hull submarine? First of all, you will have to break through up to 50 mm of the outer acoustic layer of rubber, followed by about 10 mm of steel of the light body, a layer of ballast water
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This article is dedicated to the current state of the Russian Marine Corps. To be honest, the author pondered for a long time whether it was worth taking on it, because, alas, he did not seriously study the development of this branch of the Russian Navy. However, considering the state of the Russian navy
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Multipurpose frigate "Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Gorshkov" Project 22350. Main purpose - a ship of the far sea zone. This is the lead ship of the series. Start of construction - 2006. Launched in 2010. Tentatively in 2012, it will become part of the Northern Fleet. Got a number
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Mr. Sutton, a fairly well-known researcher of the topic of secret submarine warfare, sabotage submarine forces and means and submarines in general, both conventional and sabotage, the author of books and reference books on such products, published a very interesting article in the Forbes edition about another
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For the first time, information about this strange submarine, being built in China, appeared in the fall of 2018 in the Chinese media, when this boat was taken out of the workshop. In the spring of this year, a photograph of this submarine appeared during the withdrawal from the workshop and launching. Recently, satellite photos of her at the outfitting wall appeared
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Many specialized media in the United States, such as The National Interest, The Drive, and others, have already given news and comments on the issue of our Marshal Shaposhnikov's exit from repair to sea trials. The news itself is so-so: what is it about the next repair of an old ship? Except that
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After the sensational "Arab Spring", the geopolitical situation in the Mediterranean region has become much more complicated. Until now, forecasts for the future of North Africa and the Middle East continue to appear, and so far no one can speak with confidence about the events of tomorrow. Among
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In the fifties of the last century, the leading countries actively developed nuclear technologies. After atomic weapons and power plants, power plants for submarines appeared. Attempts have begun to use nuclear power plants (NPP) on ground equipment and even on airplanes. Nevertheless
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"Marshal Shaposhnikov", the former BOD of project 1155, and now a frigate On Friday, July 10, for the first time in four years after the start of modernization, the ship of the Pacific Fleet "Marshal Shaposhnikov" went to sea. The former BOD, which is being rebuilt into a frigate, went to the first stage of sea trials. To his
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Last week, the protracted saga with the strategic nuclear submarine Yuri Dolgoruky ended. Laid down back in 1996, the submarine was finally accepted into the combat strength of the Russian Navy. In the last days of last year, the Ministry of Defense signed an act on
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Last Monday, events took place in the media once again, which for some time now have become a kind of tradition. First, there was sensational news, and then it scattered across Internet sites and newspapers. When did the official comments appear regarding
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Homing mine Mk 60 CAPTOR in aviation modification In 2001, it was removed from service due to obsolescence, without creating a direct replacement. But almost two decades later to the forgotten
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Submariner with SSP-MS equipment The complexity and danger of the service of the submarine forces impose special requirements on systems and means of rescue. Russian submariners currently have various means of self-rescue at their disposal, and in addition, they can count on help
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Launching Ceremony On October 14, at the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries shipyard in Kobe, the Taigei submarine was launched in a solemn ceremony. This is the lead ship of the new project 29SS, with which it is planned to replace obsolete submarines in the future. In a new project
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General view of the torpedo Chariot Mk I This technique was intended for sabotage and covert destruction of enemy ships in ports and on
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USS Thresher (SSN-593) before launching, July 9, 1960 On April 10, 1963, the American nuclear submarine USS Thresher (SSN-593), which had gone out for testing after repairs the day before, sank during a test dive. On the same day, the command of the US Navy assembled a commission of inquiry, which
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In the spring of this year, it became known that the Russian navy had begun testing the Burak-M electronic warfare system for submarines. Since then, no new information has been received on the progress of the project; remain unknown and the main tactical and technical characteristics of the complex. but
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Promising Chinese BEC on sea trials Chinese industry is trying to keep up with foreign colleagues and is mastering new directions for itself. It became known about the existence of its own Chinese project of an unmanned boat for solving certain problems. Moreover, the experienced
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Submarine "093" at sea By now, the PRC has built a fairly large nuclear submarine fleet, equipped with ships of all necessary classes. The basis of such forces at the moment are the Type 093 multipurpose nuclear submarines. There are at least six such ships in service