
Not every "Kalina" - "Lada"

Not every "Kalina" - "Lada"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Not every Lada is Kalina, and what is more interesting - not every Kalina is Lada. Moreover, I really want to hope that the essence of the abbreviations "VAZ" and "USC" also differ, and radically. And in terms of approach, and in terms of the result. And all coincidences are nothing more than an illiterate job

South descent

South descent

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The modernization of the Black Sea Fleet, the need for which was much talked about on the sidelines, is taking shape. The Commander-in-Chief of the Navy said on Wednesday that in the next 10 years the southern fleet of Russia will receive 15 new vehicles - these are frigates of Project 22350, the "firstborn" of which will be the one at the St. Petersburg shipyard

Naval News suggests returning to coastal artillery

Naval News suggests returning to coastal artillery

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The use of a variety of fire weapons to engage targets in all environments. US Army graphics On November 4, an article by Peter Ong appeared in the online edition of Naval News "Analysis: 155mm Wheeled Mobile Howitzers Could Become Anti-Ship Artillery"

Hammerhead is not a Poseidon killer, he is a host killer

Hammerhead is not a Poseidon killer, he is a host killer

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Taking into account the hype in the media (both ours and foreign) the topic of deep-sea super torpedoes "Status-6 / Poseidon", a number of media, almost all military-technical events in the field of naval weapons are considered "through them." Among them were the news on the deployment of the US Navy's work on

Concept design of the electric submarine SMX31E (France)

Concept design of the electric submarine SMX31E (France)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

General view of SMX31E In 2018, the French shipbuilding company Naval Group presented an interesting concept project of the promising submarine SMX31. A few days ago, during the exhibition, Euronaval Online presented an updated version of this project with a number of original innovations. New project SMX31E

The super submarine was completed 17 years later

The super submarine was completed 17 years later

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The new generation nuclear submarine will be launched today, June 15, in Severodvinsk. Dmitry Medvedev will take part in the ceremony. This is the second visit of the head of state to the city of shipbuilders. The first took place in July 2009. Multipurpose nuclear submarine of the fourth generation

Landing ship L-CAT. France

Landing ship L-CAT. France

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Ships for direct landing have been in service with NATO countries for over 30 years. And today the question of replacing them has arisen. The main requirements for future ships are an increase in carrying capacity, an increase in the amphibious compartment to the size of the possibility of receiving and transporting tanks

"Jamaran" is ready for battle

"Jamaran" is ready for battle

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

How real is Iranian naval power? In February 2010, an important event took place in the development of the naval forces (Navy) of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI). The first self-produced destroyer with guided missile weapons was launched, which was named

Why do they all need aircraft carriers? China

Why do they all need aircraft carriers? China

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A milestone: almost simultaneously, our beloved The National Interest published simply incomparable articles on one topic. Aircraft carrier. One of them belongs to the pen of James Holmes, head of the department of naval strategy at the naval college and the co-author of a book, which is very even in intensity of passions

Russian submarine fleet: prospects and expectations

Russian submarine fleet: prospects and expectations

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On June 15, 2010 in Severodvinsk, the newest submarine of project 885 was taken out of the dock of the Northern Machine-Building Enterprise. Thus, today Russia has built the lead submarines of new series of three main classes: SSBN project 955 ("Yuri Dolgoruky"), diesel-electric submarines of project 677

Such a long-awaited "Lada"

Such a long-awaited "Lada"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Unfortunately, the new Russian submarine does not belong to the fourth generation diesel-electric submarine (diesel-electric submarine) of project 677 on April 22, 2010 in St. Petersburg

The concept of an aircraft-carrying cruiser with a sixth generation UAV

The concept of an aircraft-carrying cruiser with a sixth generation UAV

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

1. Introduction In the third article of the series, the point of view was substantiated according to which our aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov, is already so outdated that instead of repairing it, it is better to build some newest ship. When laying two UDC pr. 23900 Ivan Rogov, it was stated that the cost of the order for each of them

Combat ships. Cruisers. Paradox-style cardboard compromise

Combat ships. Cruisers. Paradox-style cardboard compromise

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I apologize for taking such a break. It is not easy to find complete information, and even more difficult in our time with photographs. But in the near future I intend to make amends, good, there is something. And if so, then we will return to France, at the time when the Americans were working on

Operation "Behemoth"

Operation "Behemoth"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On August 8, 1991, the RPK CH K-407 demonstrated a full-rocket underwater launch. In a few minutes, the Northern Fleet submarine fired 16 ballistic missiles at the Kura test site. This is still an unsurpassed record of the Russian submarine fleet. Let's not forget that the very first launch from under the water

Why do they all need aircraft carriers? USA

Why do they all need aircraft carriers? USA

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

David W. Wise of The National Interest is of the opinion that today, in aggregate, the United States Navy is undeniably the most powerful in the world. you discussed the information that in

Naval war, defeat, revolution and death

Naval war, defeat, revolution and death

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A small defeat can have catastrophic consequences. Often we have to face the point of view that it really does not matter whether the fleet is combat-ready or not, since the only thing that is important and necessary for the country is that the population fervently believe in our invincibility

Nuclear submarines - cruise missile carriers: reality and prospects

Nuclear submarines - cruise missile carriers: reality and prospects

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

From about the middle of the 20th century to this day, submarines with cruise missiles have been an integral part of the Navy of the USSR, and now of Russia. Taking into account the general lag of our country's fleet in relation to the NATO fleets, especially in terms of aircraft carrying ships, anti-ship

Zircon: what is happening with the program and what they think of it in the West

Zircon: what is happening with the program and what they think of it in the West

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Photo: vl.ru Everything is secret … Until recently, one could hear about the mysterious hypersonic missile "Zircon" only in the media. However, it gradually became clear that it was most likely a real product. As a reminder, back in 2019, experts drew attention to transport and launch containers

New Russian fleet: first UDC, frigates and submarines

New Russian fleet: first UDC, frigates and submarines

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On the 20th, for the first time in Russian history, universal landing ships were laid - only two UDC of Project 23900. In addition, two newest multifunctional nuclear submarines of Project 885M, as well as two frigates of Project 22350, were laid. Ostensibly

Mosquito and hypersonic: ships of project 21631 in the context of rearmament of the Russian Navy

Mosquito and hypersonic: ships of project 21631 in the context of rearmament of the Russian Navy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It has recently become known about the beginning of factory running tests of the newest small missile ship (MRK) of Project 21631 "Grayvoron". "Factory sea trials are carried out by the ship's regular crew together with the factory delivery team," said the head of the information support department

Zamvolt's second life: will hypersonic missiles save the most problematic US Navy ship?

Zamvolt's second life: will hypersonic missiles save the most problematic US Navy ship?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Three drops in the sea At one time, the destroyer Zumwalt could become one of the most revolutionary ships in history. All thanks to its stealth and a set of advanced weapon systems. However, instead of a revolution, the Americans received a large heap of problems and very dubious prospects for a real manifestation

The most powerful Russian submarine: what is "Borey-A"

The most powerful Russian submarine: what is "Borey-A"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A long road to the sea The nuclear submarine "Prince Vladimir" has received special attention in recent years: it is she who, being the first submarine of the improved project 955A, should open a new chapter in the history of the Russian Navy. The first "Borey", we recall, was put into operation a long time ago, namely - in

LCS Program: New GAO Report and Senator Views

LCS Program: New GAO Report and Senator Views

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The implementation of all projects in the military sphere is associated with one or another problem. In some cases, certain difficulties or shortcomings persist for a long time, which becomes a reason for additional criticism of the project. Finally, some projects, as they develop, cannot

LCS program: expensive and useless?

LCS program: expensive and useless?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The main type of ships of the US Navy, designed for operations in the near sea zone, are currently the frigates of the Oliver Hazard Perry project. The lead ship of the series was commissioned back in 1977 and it is easy to calculate how much time has passed since then. It is obvious that these frigates are in the very

Small, but very dangerous for the enemy

Small, but very dangerous for the enemy

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

At the end of 1958, when the state tests of the first domestic nuclear submarine were underway, the State Shipbuilding Committee announced a tender for the development of proposals for the next generation nuclear submarine

Lady of the Depths

Lady of the Depths

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Nuclear submarines still remain in the arsenals of only the most militarily powerful states Born as a class of warships in the 19th century, recognized as a full-fledged means of naval warfare during the two world wars, in the post-war period, submarines

"SEA BREEZE 2012" - press tour for the destroyer USS JASON DUNHAM

"SEA BREEZE 2012" - press tour for the destroyer USS JASON DUNHAM

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I will continue my story about how we got to American territory for three hours, namely the destroyer USS JASON DUNHAM (DDG 109). The official website says that this is The Best Destroyer in the Fleet. USS Jason Dunham (DDG-109) - 59th destroyer URO (guided missile weapons) from

Why do Americans "sink" our submarines?

Why do Americans "sink" our submarines?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

According to our unofficial statistics, during the Cold War and the confrontation between the USSR and the United States in the ocean, there were about 25 cases of collisions between submarines of the USSR and Russia with submarines of foreign states (mainly the United States). At the same time, we believe that 12 cases of collisions occurred near our

Aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford. New technologies, new opportunities and new spending

Aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford. New technologies, new opportunities and new spending

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On November 9, at Newport News Shipbuilding (Newport News, Virginia), the launching ceremony of the new American aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) will take place. Construction of the lead ship of the same name began in 2009 and will soon enter its final stages. Entering an aircraft carrier into

London is about to upgrade its nuclear fleet

London is about to upgrade its nuclear fleet

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In 2015, the contours of the renewal of the British nuclear deterrent force became clearer and more definite. The four nuclear submarines with ballistic missiles (SSBNs) of the second generation, which will leave the system at the end of the second and at the beginning of the third decade of our century, will be replaced by

Ruined management. There is no single command of the fleet for a long time

Ruined management. There is no single command of the fleet for a long time

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

When we say "navy", we must understand that, in addition to people and ships, in addition to naval bases, aircraft, airfields, military schools and much more, it is also (in theory) a combat control system. Headquarters, commanders, communication centers and a system of subordination of ships, units and

Aircraft carriers of Admiral Gorshkov

Aircraft carriers of Admiral Gorshkov

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

TAKR "Minsk" - replenishment of reserves from the KKS "Berezina", 1978 TAKR pr.1143.5 "Leonid Brezhnev" - "Tbilisi" - "Admiral of the Fleet Kuznetsov" TAKR pr.1143 "Minsk" TAKR pr.1143.2 "Novorossiysk" TAKR pr.1143.2 "Novorossiysk" TAKR pr.1143.2 "Novorossiysk" TAKR pr. "Admiral

Defective aircraft carriers are not suitable for the Russian fleet

Defective aircraft carriers are not suitable for the Russian fleet

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the short term, there is no alternative to the Kuznetsov

Project 055. Chinese destroyer the size of a cruiser

Project 055. Chinese destroyer the size of a cruiser

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The naval forces of the People's Liberation Army of China want to receive a large number of modern ships capable of solving a wide range of tasks in the oceanic zone and ensuring the presence of the fleet in strategically important regions. To meet these requirements, the construction of the latest

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future: domestic destroyers

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future: domestic destroyers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Having considered in the previous articles the state of our submarine and mosquito fleets, as well as ships of the near sea zone (corvettes), we should move on to frigates, but we will still leave them for later. The heroes of our today's article are destroyers and large anti-submarine ships of the Russian Navy

On the future of underwater robotics

On the future of underwater robotics

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On March 23, 2017, at the Patriot Convention and Exhibition Center (Kubinka, Moscow region), the II military-scientific conference “Robotization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” will take place. breakthrough technologies?

Torpedo SET-53: Soviet "totalitarian", but real

Torpedo SET-53: Soviet "totalitarian", but real

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

March 7, 2019 Facebook "Marynarka Wojenna RP" (Polish Navy) has published fresh photos of practical torpedo firing with SET-53ME torpedoes. Taking into account the negative attitude in Poland towards everything Soviet and "totalitarian" and the many years of transition to NATO standards, the fact seems surprising. But actually

Modern destroyers Arleigh Burke (USA) and Type 45 (UK)

Modern destroyers Arleigh Burke (USA) and Type 45 (UK)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Today, destroyers are the most versatile and widespread class of warships. They are used to protect aircraft carriers from air attacks, cover landing ships, and destroy submarines. To date, the United States of America has the largest destroyer fleet, and if you consider

US Navy nuclear baton (part of 5)

US Navy nuclear baton (part of 5)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

By the mid-1950s, it became clear that American long-range bombers in the near future would not be able to guarantee the delivery of atomic bombs to targets in the USSR and the countries of the Eastern bloc. Against the background of the strengthening of the Soviet air defense system and the appearance in the USSR of its own

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future. Frigates

Russian military fleet. A sad look into the future. Frigates

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the article offered to your attention, we will consider the state and prospects for the development of such, in general, a new class of ships for our sailors, as a frigate. Due to the fact that frigates were not listed in the USSR Navy, the assignment of Soviet-built ships to this class is entirely on the conscience