
Vikings and their ships (part 4)

Vikings and their ships (part 4)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The serpent rushed the son of Tryggvi, Well done, through the waves, The mouth gaping evil, Zlatom pobzhata. Olav climbed on the Bison, The noble of the wolf is water. The beast soap the sea A powerful horn on the road. (A memorial drape about Saint Olav. most of our people have heard a lot about the Vikings and their ships, and even a century

Vikings and their ships (part 3)

Vikings and their ships (part 3)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Hold on, bald man, to the ship! The hour of your judgment is ripe. The arrogant spirit of the support Among this blizzard of foam. Mouth do not mow you eyelids, Take down the sea blizzard. There are plenty of maidens to love! Two deaths cannot be. (Thorir Glacier. Separate Vis. Translation by S. V. Petrov.) The custom of burying the nobility in the mounds is very ancient. And was distributed

The story of the stone (part three)

The story of the stone (part three)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

As an encouragement to anyone who would have come up with a device for transporting the Thunder Stone, they promised a prize of 7,000 rubles - a huge amount for that time. And while the Office of Buildings was collecting proposals, they dug a stone from all sides, marked the future road (which was supposed to bypass swamps and hills), and

Buried Slavic boats from the island of Rügen

Buried Slavic boats from the island of Rügen

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Why and why does it happen that people try to write something on "VO" without even bothering to look at the Internet? The topic of drunkenness in Russia is being discussed, well, it is so obvious that you need to look … where? A thesis on this topic! As easy as pie! But, apparently, or about what is in it, people do not

Vikings and runestones (part 1)

Vikings and runestones (part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

There are nine deeds I know: Good scribe, Dashing in the game of tavlein, Skier and scribe. Bow, oar and glorious Warehouse of runes are subject to me. I am skilled in forging, As well as in a gud gusel. (Rögnwald Kali. "Poetry of the Skalds."

The story of the stone (part two)

The story of the stone (part two)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Readers of "VO" positively assessed the material about the Thunder-stone, although, of course, it was not without alternative delights. Therefore, the idea arose to continue this material, but not with my own writings (what if it’s a fiction of a “science fiction author” or a hired by “dark forces”!), But with excerpts from documents

Conquistadors against the Aztecs (part 3)

Conquistadors against the Aztecs (part 3)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

For battles in narrow aisles On this day, little European science, Cannons, horses and armor were suitable. Heinrich Heine. "Witzliputsli". Translated by N. Gumilyov Offensive weapons The main weapons of the conquistadors were traditional swords, spears, crossbows, arquebusses and muskets with match locks, as well as small-caliber

The most expensive helmets. Part twelve. Wendel helmets

The most expensive helmets. Part twelve. Wendel helmets

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

So, we know that the "Wendel period" in the history of Sweden (550-793) was the era of the end of the German Iron Age in Scandinavia, or, one might say, the era of the great migration of peoples. The center of all religious and political life was the Old Uppsala area in Uppland

The last argument of the kings from Copenhagen

The last argument of the kings from Copenhagen

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Today we will have an excursion, and not just anywhere, but to the Royal Danish Arsenal Museum. Its other name is the Museum of Military History and Weapons, (dat.Tøjhusmuseet), and it is located next to the building of the country's parliament Kristianborg in the building of the arsenal of the times of Christian IV (1604), which is why it is so

Stone story

Stone story

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In our country, there is probably no person who would not know that there is a monument to Peter the Great on Senate Square in St. Petersburg and that this monument is called "The Bronze Horseman". There is a poem "The Bronze Horseman" written by A.S. Pushkin. They don't study it at school, but they get to know each other … There are postcards, albums, TV

The most expensive helmets. Part eleven. Wendel helmets and helmet from Sutton Hoo

The most expensive helmets. Part eleven. Wendel helmets and helmet from Sutton Hoo

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The question of what caused the migration of nomadic peoples from Asia to the West is still being discussed by scientists and there is still no consensus on this issue. Was it a long-term catastrophic drought or, on the contrary, torrential rains and snowy lingering winters made nomadic animal husbandry

Frangokastello. An ordinary unusual castle on the island of Crete

Frangokastello. An ordinary unusual castle on the island of Crete

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Whether you are a good spirit, or an angel of evil, Breath of heaven, hell breeze, For harm or benefit your thoughts … (Hamlet. W. Shakespeare) The theme of locks is popular among visitors to the VO site, and this is not surprising at all. "Idols of the cave", as psychologists say, that is, absorbed with the genes of our cave

Vikings and their ships (part 2)

Vikings and their ships (part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Needless to say, archaeologists were unlucky with the finds of Viking armor. Just one single "helmet from Gjermundby" is, of course, clearly not enough. But on the other hand, they were lucky with their ships, which were found quite enough to properly study. Moreover, what is especially interesting, they found

Vikings and their axes (part 1)

Vikings and their axes (part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

And it so happened that in childhood, even when I myself did not read books, but they read them to me, my mother read me a book by Jean Olivier "The Viking Campaign" and … my life immediately changed to "before this book" and "after". I immediately began to cut out images of Vikings from old textbooks, which I had in my house full of

How the Czechoslovakians took Penza

How the Czechoslovakians took Penza

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Not so long ago, a material appeared on the pages of VO "Why are monuments to be erected to Czechoslovak murderers and looters in Russia", which dealt with the uprising of the Czechoslovak corps in the spring of 1918. Judging by the comments, the topic is still of interest to many people, and why this is so is understandable

Victims for the Faith. Pages from Penza "Martyrology" (part 3)

Victims for the Faith. Pages from Penza "Martyrology" (part 3)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The two previous materials, vividly reflecting the biographies of different people who got into the Penza "Martyrolog", caused an ambiguous reaction from visitors to the VO website, and this is understandable. The spirit of the old totalitarian past is too strong in people, longing for a strong hand, lashes, felling, moreover

War of the Worlds or War on Ignorance?

War of the Worlds or War on Ignorance?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“How to distinguish an alien who has assumed our appearance and lives among us from an ordinary person? And here's how: if you see a bald man in front of you, on whose head a fly is crawling, but he does not react to it in any way, you should know - in front of you is definitely an alien, and the skin on his head is solid silicone! "

Conquistadors against the Aztecs (part 2)

Conquistadors against the Aztecs (part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Clothing and weapons It is interesting that, although in Spain in the 15th and 16th centuries. and their own national armed forces were created, special, prescribed by law, they still did not have uniforms. That is, when hiring for military service, soldiers had to dress at their own expense. And much

Holidays and Faith. No matter how you work, just to have a rest

Holidays and Faith. No matter how you work, just to have a rest

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On the eve of the peasant reform of 1861, peasants in Russia, as it turned out, rested more than they worked, due to the presence of many holidays, on which work was just as forbidden as it was to work on Sundays. The number of Sundays in the year, of course, did not increase. But the number

Poisoned feather. Part 6. Conclusions

Poisoned feather. Part 6. Conclusions

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“Vyacheslav Olegovich! Once again I suggest you use publications in modern media as examples of the "poisoned pen". In order not to go far, take a scientific skating rink on articles from VO. Sometimes you read some regular authors and some aftertaste remains

Conquest of Granada - the last point of the Reconquista

Conquest of Granada - the last point of the Reconquista

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Francisco Pradilla. The surrender of Granada to Their Spanish Majesties Isabella and Ferdinand A triumphant procession filled with sincere triumph entered the conquered city, surrendering to the mercy of the victors. Trumpets and drums with a pompous roar drove out the eastern tranquility of the streets

Conquistadors against the Aztecs (part 1)

Conquistadors against the Aztecs (part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

He was not a hero, not a knight, but the leader of a robbery gang. Heine. "Witzliputsli". The VO website has already published a number of articles, which talked about how the Aztecs fought with other Indians and Spanish conquistadors. But the latter were spoken of only in passing, while how exactly they

Henrikh Lyushkov. The man who cheated fate for seven years

Henrikh Lyushkov. The man who cheated fate for seven years

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“A slave threw himself at the feet of a certain nobleman. He told that he had met Death at the bazaar, who threatened him with a finger, and began to beg the master to give him a horse. The slave decided to escape from Death by escaping to the city of Samarra. The nobleman gave the slave a horse, and he ran away, and the next day he went to the market and

Charity in the days of war and peace

Charity in the days of war and peace

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Among the materials of the VO site there are a large number of articles, the authors of which, reporting, in general, interesting information, do not tend to indicate their source. And in principle, by and large, this is not required, because these are journalistic, not scientific publications. However, in some cases

Both morion and cabasset

Both morion and cabasset

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

As you know, the shape of a helmet to protect the head was created not even for centuries - for millennia. And during this time, people have come up with many different types of "head cover". However, no matter how hard they try, at the heart of the helmet has always been and will remain a certain container, which just closes its part

Doomsday Book. Most valuable book in the UK

Doomsday Book. Most valuable book in the UK

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Each source of information about the past is of great value to humanity. Especially if these are written sources. After all, the information contained in them allows you to literally look into that distant time. Even so, the sources have different values. For example, Luttrell's Psalter

Spiritual symbol of Barcelona

Spiritual symbol of Barcelona

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Last time we got acquainted with the Cathedral of Barcelona, but this is, let's say, not the most famous object of the cult architecture of this city. The most is, of course, the Temple of the Sagrada Familia, the name of which sounds like this: the Atonement Temple of the Sagrada Familia. And this

Victims for the Faith. Part two. General of the Cuvakeria

Victims for the Faith. Part two. General of the Cuvakeria

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The first article, dedicated to the content of the Penza Martyrology, was mainly about male priests and nuns, who were often shot for distributing religious books and "agitation", and in a country whose constitution did not forbid freedom of conscience, but was

Alnick. Castle where Harry Potter flew

Alnick. Castle where Harry Potter flew

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

There are castles that are famous for their history, there are castles that are striking in their size, there are castles glorified by famous novelists, and there are castles that are simply beautiful … thanks to popular movies. One of

Knights and Chivalry of the War of the Roses: Major Issues (Part 4)

Knights and Chivalry of the War of the Roses: Major Issues (Part 4)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The theme of the Knights of War of the Scarlet and White Rose aroused a keen interest of VO readers. In the three previous articles, we tried to cover, whenever possible, all sides of this conflict. Today we publish the latest material on this topic … The knights who fought with each other during the war of the Scarlet and White Roses had

Montserrat. Split Mountain Monastery

Montserrat. Split Mountain Monastery

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

You need to start the story about Montserrat … with “target designation”. That is, it is located only 50 kilometers northwest of Barcelona, and since the roads there are excellent, it is essentially very close. If we translate this name from the Catalan language, then it will mean “split (or sawn)

Poisoned feather. Soviet newspapers about Stalin's falcons, cowardly German pilots and Allied aircraft (part 5)

Poisoned feather. Soviet newspapers about Stalin's falcons, cowardly German pilots and Allied aircraft (part 5)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

From the very first days of the war, Pravda began publishing materials about the successful military operations of the Red Army pilots, often accompanied by photographs 15, p. 2. For greater reliability, the main events of the air battles were retold from the first person, that is, by the pilots of the Red Army. And that's what they are

The last yacht of the sovereign emperor (part 2)

The last yacht of the sovereign emperor (part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It should be noted that the yacht "Shtandart" was distinguished by a very high level of comfort, but at the same time, not at all to the detriment of comfort, she also had high seaworthiness and was rightly considered the best yacht of this class in the world of such vessels. In the book of the American writer Robert Massa "Nikolai and

Knights in the kitchen. Milk with bacon and beaver tails! Part 3

Knights in the kitchen. Milk with bacon and beaver tails! Part 3

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Articles about medieval cuisine aroused genuine interest in VO and … a wide variety of proposals. One is more interesting than the other. Tell about the cuisine of ALL ancient civilizations … Tell about the cuisine of ancient Russia … the Vikings … Tell about table etiquette and customs, tell about … In a word, for me to

How to attach a sashimono to a samurai? Part three

How to attach a sashimono to a samurai? Part three

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The VO readers found the previous materials on this topic interesting. Today we are continuing it, especially since the next issue of the Japanese Armor Modeling magazine has come out, and in it the continuation of the story about shishimono and its fastening, as well as other types of Japanese identity - there is where, that

The last yacht of the sovereign emperor (part 1)

The last yacht of the sovereign emperor (part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

This material is, in some sense, an anniversary one. According to the VO account, it is the 800th, that is, the next "round number". As always, by the "holiday" I would like to write about something unusual, leaving aside the tanks - another publishing house again demands a book about them, they say, "there are never too many tanks", rifles, knights (according to

Knights in the kitchen. Part 2

Knights in the kitchen. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Of course, the capabilities of the medieval table were directly dependent on agriculture - plant growing and animal husbandry. That is, it is difficult to eat sturgeons where there is no Volga, and, accordingly, grape wine is constantly there, where grapes do not grow. Klyuchevsky said for a reason that

Cathedral where geese live

Cathedral where geese live

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Even when I was teaching children the history of the Middle Ages in the Pokro-Berezovskaya school of the Kondolsky district of the Penza region (and this was in 1977 - 1980), I really wanted to see with my own eyes … the Gothic cathedral. These spiers directed into the sky, a stone "rose", gargoyles at the corners - in a word, all

How to attach a sashimono to a samurai? (Part two)

How to attach a sashimono to a samurai? (Part two)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

But then a problem arose with the individual identification of the samurai. How to find out which of them is who, if all of them, for example, are fighting under one or ten nobori, and the whole army is marching under the banners of traditional khata-jirushi? The solution was found in placing a flag with a monom behind the back of a samurai! Such a checkbox

"Remember that you are mortal too!"

"Remember that you are mortal too!"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Already in ancient times, namely in the Paleolithic era, people developed three groups of mystical beliefs that entered all the main religions of the world - animism, totemism and magic. "My soul sings!" - this is animism, the names Volkov, Sinitsyn, Kobylin - totemism, well, the well-known student "freebie come"