
"The Legend of the Mamayev Massacre" - Literature, Monument or Source?

"The Legend of the Mamayev Massacre" - Literature, Monument or Source?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“The beginning of the story of how God granted the victory to the sovereign Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich after Don over the nasty Mamai and how Orthodox Christianity - the Russian land raised up the Russian land with the prayers of the Most Pure Mother of God and Russian miracle workers, and put the godless Hagarians to shame”

Soviet hooliganism of the 20s: "the heavy legacy of the tsarist regime"

Soviet hooliganism of the 20s: "the heavy legacy of the tsarist regime"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The very origin of this term has not been established, but it is known that already in 1898 it was already used in the reports of the London police. A popular but unproven version says that there lived, they say, in the 19th century such a person as Patrick Hooligen, Irish by birth and an obvious sociopath. AND

"Peoples of the Sea". Armor and weapons (part ten)

"Peoples of the Sea". Armor and weapons (part ten)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

So, the invasion of the "Sea Peoples" was a massive migration of peoples, somewhat similar to today's exodus of Syrians and Africans to Europe. Only now German schoolchildren are changing their bedding there (they themselves are too unhappy for this!), And volunteers are cleaning up the trash left behind, and then

What caused the death of the first European civilization?

What caused the death of the first European civilization?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I read all the materials by V. Shpakovsky about weapons and armor of the ancient Aegean world and thought it would be nice to tell about other interesting moments related to the history and culture of this region of the planet. And, in particular, about the Minoan culture, the predecessor of the warlike time of the Achaeans and

Trojan War and Sea Peoples. "English historians report " (part nine)

Trojan War and Sea Peoples. "English historians report " (part nine)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The interest shown by VO readers to the topic of the Trojan War is very indicative. Obviously, studying it in the fifth grade of a general education school as still very young children, they … well, take out little for themselves even from the text of the poem in a prose retelling, not to mention the verses. Yes, and at the university

Trojan War: Ships and Chariots

Trojan War: Ships and Chariots

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In Homer's Iliad, two very important vehicles are constantly mentioned. These are ships and chariots. The ships perform exclusively a transport function. No naval battles with their participation take place. The army of the Achaeans reaches the shores of the Troas precisely on ships. Moreover, these ships themselves

War, gold and pyramids Pyramids and "intellectual debauchery" (part eight)

War, gold and pyramids Pyramids and "intellectual debauchery" (part eight)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“On that day the altar to the Lord will be in the midst of the land of Egypt, and the memorial to the Lord will be at its borders. And he will be a sign and testimony of the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt.”(Isaiah 19:19, 20) As you know, in any society of any type and any organization, you can find both good and bad. For example, in

Poisoned Feather. "Great Reform" without information and other support (part 3)

Poisoned Feather. "Great Reform" without information and other support (part 3)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“The law in Russia was imposed on the people by the state, whether he wanted it or not.” (The same LYOKHA) “I wonder if there is a place on earth where the authorities are interested in the opinion of the people?” no more interest than the first. Those who read it ask

Miyamoto Musashi - Sword Master

Miyamoto Musashi - Sword Master

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“If we rejected anyone who made a mistake once, then we probably wouldn't have any useful people at all. A person who has stumbled once will behave much more sensibly and be more beneficial because he has experienced remorse. A person who has never been wrong is dangerous. "

How were the British urged to save money during the war?

How were the British urged to save money during the war?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Any war, one way or another, brings big problems and numerous difficulties to society. This is the "natural decline" of the male population in the country that is waging this war, and certain hardships even for those who are not threatened by the front in any way - that is, women and children. Naturally

"The Road Through Hell"

"The Road Through Hell"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

I would like to start this material with the well-known Soviet slogan: "Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten!" I don’t remember when they let him through the expanses and scales of our "immense country". The very same phrase first appeared in a poem by Olga Berggolts, which she wrote in 1959 especially for

Assyria is the birthplace of the army of the combat arms (part 2)

Assyria is the birthplace of the army of the combat arms (part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“And about you, Assur, the Lord has determined: there will be no more seed with your name.” (Book of the Prophet Nahum 1:14) So, as we see it on the bas-reliefs that have come down to us, the Assyrians were very cruel people who adored war and violence. One of the main treasures of the British Museum - reliefs from the Assyrian palace

Oh, there is no "weapon" stronger than Japanese advertising

Oh, there is no "weapon" stronger than Japanese advertising

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

After acquaintance of VO readers with Japanese culture and Japanese beliefs, many readers wanted to continue this topic. Indeed, the theme of Japanese culture is truly inexhaustible. And every time it surprises us with new facets. There, for example, you can meet (not in sight and not on the main street)

Poisoned feather. "Small cottages and pensions" (part 2)

Poisoned feather. "Small cottages and pensions" (part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“And I turned, and saw under the sun that it was not the nimble ones that get a successful run, not the brave - victory, not the wise - bread, and not the wise have wealth … but time and opportunity for all of them.” (Ecclesiastes 8.11) From the authors. The publication of the first chapter of the alleged monograph "The Poisoned Feather" caused a lively response among

The religion of the warriors of the plum blossom * and the sharp sword or the dictionary of Japanese demonology (part 5)

The religion of the warriors of the plum blossom * and the sharp sword or the dictionary of Japanese demonology (part 5)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Outside the window, I hear the howling of demons - This night they shed tears from happiness, Listening to my poems. (Tachibana Akemi) It should be borne in mind that all sorts of magical entities there were not simply invented by people, but were the result of the natural geographic conditions of their habitation. For example, the Arabs do not have aquatic

The religion of the plum blossom warriors and the sharp sword or the dictionary of Japanese demonology (part 4)

The religion of the plum blossom warriors and the sharp sword or the dictionary of Japanese demonology (part 4)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

A fox turned around. Spring evening. (Buson) Since the Japanese professed Shinto, and Shinto, even though it was a religion united with Buddhism, still remained faith in spirits, so the latter surrounded the Japanese literally from all sides. And there were … well, just a lot! Let's

Assyria is the birthplace of the army of the combat arms (part of 1)

Assyria is the birthplace of the army of the combat arms (part of 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“And the word of the Lord came to Jonah, the son of Amathias: Arise, go to Nineveh, the great city, and preach in it, for his wickedness has come down to Me.” (Jonah 1: 1, 2) “Tell about Assyria? I hope it will be interesting for many …”, because ancient Assyria is truly an amazing country. We know a lot about her

The combat history of St. Andrews Castle

The combat history of St. Andrews Castle

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Probably, regular readers of VO have already noticed that periodically articles about castles, located sometimes in the most amazing places, appear here, and each of them has its own story. Some castle is famous for its architecture, some have such a bloody history that the blood literally freezes in the veins, and

War, gold and pyramids Shepsescaf against everyone! (part six)

War, gold and pyramids Shepsescaf against everyone! (part six)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It is believed that the pharaohs Cheops and Khafren, that is, Khufu and Khafre, were despots and tyrants of their Egyptian people, although … this opinion came from the Greeks, and the Egyptians themselves, most likely, thought quite differently. They were accustomed to working hard. The main thing is that they were fed for their work, and maybe even

"Hussar Ballad": hussars, mentics and pistols - the best historical comedy in the history of Russian cinema

"Hussar Ballad": hussars, mentics and pistols - the best historical comedy in the history of Russian cinema

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The sunset will bless me with an invisible hand. And the memorable willow rustles me quietly: There is no higher share in the world To dream, love and sing And in my own freedom, freedom Fighting, die. As well as films with historical themes. They filmed it in

The religion of the plum blossom warriors and the sharp sword (part 3)

The religion of the plum blossom warriors and the sharp sword (part 3)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the midst of bloom, Fujiyama ascended skyward - Spring is in Japan! (Shou) The two previous articles, which talked about the religious beliefs of Japanese samurai warriors, aroused a clear interest of the VO reading audience, although one strange visitor asked in his comment who pays me for

Vorontsov Castle-Palace: with love and admiration

Vorontsov Castle-Palace: with love and admiration

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

There are castles that look like palaces and palaces that look like castles. But there is a palace, which on the one hand is like a castle, but on the other - like a palace, but for some reason such eclecticism does not spoil it. We are talking about the famous Vorontsov Palace … Here it is - the Vorontsov Castle-Palace. From the north side it is

Poisoned feather. It will do just that, or where did it all start (part 1)

Poisoned feather. It will do just that, or where did it all start (part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“… And they worshiped the beast, saying: who is like this beast, and who can fight with them? And there was given him a mouth speaking proud and blasphemous … And it was given to him to wage war with the saints and to conquer them; and authority was given to him over every tribe and people and tongue and nation "(Revelations of St. John

War, gold and pyramids of the proud Khafre and the drunkard Menkaur (part five)

War, gold and pyramids of the proud Khafre and the drunkard Menkaur (part five)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

If we paid so much attention to the pyramid of Khufu, it is explained by the fact that it was she, in addition to everything else, that caused two very serious diseases at once, which even received their names - this is pyramidomania and pyramidoidiocy. The first seems to flow smoothly into the second. And the essence and

The first "army" is a "temple squad"

The first "army" is a "temple squad"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“And Terah took his son Abraham, and Lot his son Aran, his grandson, and Sarah his daughter-in-law, the wife of Abraham his son, and went out with them from Ur of the Chaldees …” (Genesis 11:31). the state of the ancient Sumerians and Sumerians as such died thousands of years ago. For example, they are not mentioned either

Why didn't samurai use shields?

Why didn't samurai use shields?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

One of the questions most often asked by people interested in the history of the military affairs of the samurai is why they did not use shields? That is, other peoples used it, but for some reason the Japanese did not. Meanwhile, the reason for this phenomenon is very interesting and far from unambiguous. The fact is that shields

War, gold and pyramid Cheops (part four)

War, gold and pyramid Cheops (part four)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Last time we stopped at the fact that … it is difficult to be the son of a great father. From childhood, it seems that those around you treat you worse than they do him, laughing behind your back - they say, the young man on the throne, in a word, “does not respect”. So you need to show that you are no worse. And the son of Sneferu had opportunities for this, because

The religion of the plum blossom warriors and the sharp sword (part 2)

The religion of the plum blossom warriors and the sharp sword (part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The soldiers are wandering, Huddled together on a muddy road, What a cold! (Mutyo) In the previous article about the religious beliefs of the samurai, we stopped at the fact that Zen Buddhism turned out to be very beneficial to the top of the samurai class. Moreover, it is interesting that the matter touched not only the spiritual sphere, but also the practical

Kerlaverok - a triangular castle with original architecture and rich history

Kerlaverok - a triangular castle with original architecture and rich history

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

There are castles, the perfection of which from the point of view of their defensive functions immediately strikes the eye, and the Scottish castle of Kerlaverrock (translated from English - "Lark's Nest") is one of them. It is located in Dumfrey and Galloway in the southwestern part of Scotland. Unfortunately, getting to

The religion of the plum blossom warriors and the sharp sword (part 1)

The religion of the plum blossom warriors and the sharp sword (part 1)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Plum branch in hand - Happy New Year I am going to congratulate Old acquaintances … (Sika) You need to know your neighbor. This rule allows you to make life easier for yourself … and your neighbor, well, but in the end … "it's just good to live!" And it seems to be easy. Go to visit him, take a closer look, be observant and tolerant, that is, remember the parable about

About Vikings and their weapons

About Vikings and their weapons

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On a bloody sword - A flower of gold. The best of the rulers Feasts his chosen ones. A warrior cannot be dissatisfied With such a magnificent decoration. A warlike ruler multiplies his glory with His generosity. ("The Saga of Egil." then

Karl the Bold: two victories among many defeats

Karl the Bold: two victories among many defeats

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On the pages of VO, we have already talked several times about the commander Karl the Bold - the Duke of Burgundy. A man, of course, brave and not devoid of organizational skills, he did not understand people well, was a mediocre military leader and an openly bad politician, and as a result, he ruined himself

Castle of jealousy and deceit

Castle of jealousy and deceit

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

If you look at any castle from the outside, it is obvious that it is a “fortified house” designed to protect its inhabitants from outside threats. But … no fortified house can protect its inhabitants from themselves, from their stupidity, laziness, greed, deceit, desire to possess what does not belong to you

Bohemian Grove: World Government "Holidays"

Bohemian Grove: World Government "Holidays"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

After my material "PR +" conspiracy theory "…" was published on the pages of VO, a number of readers wrote to me that they would like to know about the activities of the "associations" named in it in more detail. Naturally, to tell about the activities of a secret society located abroad

Samara: archive of scientific and technical documentation

Samara: archive of scientific and technical documentation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

There is no need to prove that a modern person is simply swimming in a sea of information. Moreover, in some areas there is even too much of it. For example, the situation in Ukraine has practically ceased to worry the Russians. The latest poll by the Levada Center showed that 44% of our citizens are already practically

Do you want everyone to be patriots around? Go to the children

Do you want everyone to be patriots around? Go to the children

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Not so long ago, somewhere on the eve of May 9, I read on VO a purely "women's article" about the upbringing of a sense of patriotism in modern children. They say that it is lame, and therefore it is necessary to organize more relevant events, create museums of the Great Patriotic War in schools, invite veterans, etc. etc. Everything seems to be

The first metal products and ancient cities: Chatal Huyuk - "city under the hood" (part 2)

The first metal products and ancient cities: Chatal Huyuk - "city under the hood" (part 2)

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Last time we ended our acquaintance with the history of ancient metallurgy with a story about Choirokitia - the center of the amazing culture of ancient Cyprus, whose inhabitants knew how to make dishes from stone, knew weaving and knew how to build houses, but did not own pottery. The metal was not known to them either

Bomb raft

Bomb raft

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

My breeze, my love and raft, my old raft, trust me, fishing happiness awaits us on the wave, hurry forward, my old raft … Fly to your beloved breeze, fly, Tell Maria I'm on my way again! "From the film" Generals of Sand Quarries ") After the publication of the material" Mortarny

Drug addiction in Russia in the 20-30s of the twentieth century

Drug addiction in Russia in the 20-30s of the twentieth century

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The threads of the past will certainly appear in the future, no matter how thin they are … Everyone knows that drug addiction is one of the most serious problems of our time. But … this problem was no less acute in Russia 100 years ago, as well as later, already under Soviet rule in the 20s

Kolossi - Crusader Castle + Sugar Factory

Kolossi - Crusader Castle + Sugar Factory

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

If you like hot summer and are not afraid of stuffiness, then you can be advised to relax in Cyprus. This is not the East with its own specifics, which are not clear to everyone, but also not very well-groomed Europe. Something like Gagra, that is, it is rather stuffy and humid, but when the wind is from the sea, it is quite tolerable. Although in July