Poisoned feather. Part 6. Conclusions

Poisoned feather. Part 6. Conclusions
Poisoned feather. Part 6. Conclusions

“Vyacheslav Olegovich! Once again I suggest you use publications in modern media as examples of the "poisoned pen". In order not to go far, take a scientific skating rink on articles from VO. Sometimes you read some regular authors and some kind of aftertaste remains … Unpleasant …"

(Someone Taskha, one of the visitors to the VO website)

The publication of the series of articles "The Poisoned Pen" was not ignored by the readership of VO. Well, firstly, not every day one has to read materials based on such an extensive bibliographic material. If, for example, authors of articles about the "Battle on the Ice" and "Masters of the West" operated with similar volumes of material, they could be applauded! But … they are ashamed, apparently, to cite their sources. And here … everything is checked - go to the library, take a binder of newspapers and read. It is clear that this is not available to everyone. But better than nothing. That is why many adherents of the collapsed "red empire" did not like it - what can they refer to in response, what articles from the same Soviet newspapers can they cite? And if about the materials of the GARF we can say that they are all falsified, then … there really is no way to do this, after all, the USSR was slightly different from Orwell's "1984". And it turns out that it is impossible to explain why in Pravda, in the “Communication of the Soviet Government of June 11, 1944,” all data on lend-lease deliveries were given, but … not a single book of the Soviet period contained references to this official source. As if no one knew about him, there are no references to this document in any of his memoirs.

Poisoned feather. Part 6. Conclusions
Poisoned feather. Part 6. Conclusions

Bodhisattva Maitreya (on the left thigh - a bottle of water), Mathura, II century AD NS.

However, many people ask about "what happened next", there are those who want to continue the topic. But the topic is monographic, its period from 1838 to 1953. And there is no point in continuing it further. Because “then there was no more,” because the “poisoned feather” had already done everything that could be done by sowing its seeds, and then only sprouting was to be expected. Of course, one could write about how our press hushed up the events in Novocherkassk, how it lied to our people about the Cuban missile crisis and the conflict between Egypt and Israel in 1967 and 1974, about how it frightened the American "Star Wars" with the myth "(Which made it possible to write off all the shortcomings in the country on the need to" strengthen its defenses ") and the horrors of the" neutron bomb ", about how the ill-fated South Korean plane" went towards the sea "straight from the pages of the Pravda newspaper. But … just why is this, if everything is already clear and these events add nothing new to the vision of our problem. No wonder, after all, already in Brezhnev's, relatively prosperous time, such an anecdote was born in the USSR: “A man sees a line at a newsstand, comes up and asks:" Is there a "Truth"? They answer him: - There is no "Truth". - "Soviet Russia"? - Sold for a long time! - What is there? - One "Trud" for five kopecks remained! " And I must say that the people very accurately convey in their anecdotes everything that they see around them and how they represent all this for themselves. But since the journalists themselves in the Soviet era reflected only what was sent to them from above, that is, they performed the functions of "organs", then the conclusion follows: some poorly educated people, with the help of others of the same kind, decided to replay on the information space those who graduated from Yale, Garford and Oxford, and, of course, nothing came of it, although in ballet, as well as in space, we were the first for a long time. But just what did it give us? On what map of the world can we find the USSR today, and in what place of economic development is the present-day Russia that inherited it (between Canada and South Korea - that is, on the 11th), while Germany and Japan, defeated by it at one time (respectively on the 4th and 3rd) live for themselves and prosper ?!

I must say that there are still a lot of complaints about our today's journalism. However, our journalists today understood at least one very important thing, about which the science fiction writers, the Strugatsky brothers, wrote in their novel "Predatory Things of the Century" back in 1964, although no one is about anything like that, while there is no one about reality in the USSR I didn’t even think about it: “Love and hunger. Satisfy them and you will see an absolutely happy person. All utopias of all time are based on this simplest consideration. Free a person from worries about their daily bread and about tomorrow, and he will become truly free and happy, says Opir, Ph. D. in the novel, and do most people in our country think differently today? And if this is so, then the journalists, both in the novel and today, have acted and are doing the same in our country! “The fool is cherished, the fool is carefully nurtured, the fool is fertilized … the fool has become the norm, a little more - and the fool will become an ideal, and doctors of philosophy will lead round dances around him. Oh, what a glorious fool you are with us! Oh, what a kind and healthy fool you are! Oh, how optimistic you are and how smart you are, what a sense of humor you have and how cleverly you solve crosswords (by which, by the way, today's newspapers and magazines are simply overflowing. - Approx. SA and VO)! And science at your service, and literature, so that you have fun and do not have to think about anything. And you and I, you fool, will smash any hooligans and skeptics that have a harmful effect there … Newspapers were filled with witticisms, caricatures, advice on how to take your hands and at the same time, God forbid, not bother your head."

That is, it is necessary to try for the majority, because 20%, as before, see everything and understand everything, but they cannot break the opinions of 80%. Or, on the contrary, they are indifferent to it if they have the power in their hands and they know how to control the flow of information. And our press, and, of course, television, too, is precisely what works for them, because all our media, as before, are flesh and blood of these very "popular masses", like those that are "below", and those that are "above". Research has established that just as our pre-revolutionary journalists did not know how to write about the same charity (and an interesting dissertation has also been prepared about this and there will be articles on VO!), So they still do not know how. As they spread all sorts of nonsense and absurdities in the past, so they do it now, it is enough just to read such "popular" publications as "The Oracle", or, for example, the same "Miracles and Adventures", designed for a semi-educated man in the street, and, this is at its best.

In one of the same regional Penza newspapers, a journalist who hesitated once even wrote that modern advertising … from the Devil and the editor-in-chief missed it, did not notice. On another occasion, another newspaper published an interview with a local firefighter, in which he in all seriousness argued that the ancient Egyptian pyramids were "breakwaters in case of a flood," and that the Earth could "tip over on its side" due to the fact that instead of her oil, seawater suddenly gets into the formed voids !!! In theory, he should have undergone a medical examination, but the newspaper threw it all out at its readers - here, they say, what kind of erudite "people of fire" we have! It would be interesting - well, just as an experiment - it would be to find this material and publish it on VO, to see the response.

However, practically all of the same can be found today in other local newspapers, the Penza press is by no means an exception, but only something very, very ordinary, both quantitatively and qualitatively. When we studied the theory and practice of the "Fog Index" (about what it was an article on VO), I gave my students the following task: take an article from a newspaper, colored markers and underline the same words in one color - nouns, verbs, pronouns … Some colors after that just hit the eyes. That is, their authors do not know the elementary rule of journalism - "there are no two identical words on one page." And although it is simply impossible to actually fulfill it, this is the ideal to which one should strive. But … they do not strive. What for?

And, just as at the beginning of the twentieth century and in 1917 today there are people who, counting on the low level of intelligence of a significant mass of our population (Remember Pushkin's - “and she feeds on fables ?! - Approx. SA and V. O.), Try to use them in their own interests. An example of this is at least this leaflet, which we were once able to find even within the walls of our Penza State University, even when Barack Obama was the President of the United States. Here is this masterpiece of a modern propaganda leaflet.

As you can see, it has everything that both print and electronic media tell us today: bad Americans with their "dollar pyramid", even more vicious alien reptiles who have taken our appearance and live among us, and, of course, the planet Nibiru, and the ancient Slavic culture, and the mysterious Shambhala (for some reason not Hyperborea, strange?), And even the text of a prayer for salvation! And after all, someone believes all this and such people, alas, are not getting smaller! And all because today they write about this in newspapers and magazines, and talk on the radio and from TV screens, and also on the Internet.

So our journalists continue to gradually do everything that they did before: they seem to shake the information basis of our society out of the best intentions, but what all this can lead to, we have already talked about this here …
