
The cruiser "Varyag". Battle of Chemulpo on January 27, 1904. Part 2. But why Crump?

The cruiser "Varyag". Battle of Chemulpo on January 27, 1904. Part 2. But why Crump?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

So, we ended the previous article on the fact that the contract for the construction of a battleship and an armored cruiser of the 1st rank was concluded with Ch. Crump out of competition, and, most importantly, even before the aforementioned Ch. Crump could present projects of these ships. Instead, to the contract

From "Navarin" to "Borodino"

From "Navarin" to "Borodino"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the 90s. XIX century. The Russian Empire began building an ocean-going armored fleet. The military leadership of the country still considered England and Germany to be the main opponents, but it was already beginning to closely look at the rapid growth of the Japanese fleet. During this period, the progress of marine technology and

Prince Volynsky - a victim of Biron or a secular brawler?

Prince Volynsky - a victim of Biron or a secular brawler?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Among professional historians, there is a controversial, but not unreasonable view of the history of states as a series of descriptions of the fate of individuals who have made a significant contribution to the development of society. The opinion, of course, is one-sided and limited, but, nevertheless, it is not devoid of a grain of objective truth

Fuhrer Stroessner. Part 1. How Paraguay became the American "Condor"

Fuhrer Stroessner. Part 1. How Paraguay became the American "Condor"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The history of Latin America is filled with military coups, uprisings and revolutions, left and right dictatorships. One of the longest-running dictatorships, which is ambiguously assessed by followers of different ideologies, was the rule of General Alfredo Stroessner in Paraguay. This

Attack of the Dead. To the 100th anniversary of the feat of the defenders of the Osovets fortress

Attack of the Dead. To the 100th anniversary of the feat of the defenders of the Osovets fortress

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Attack of the Dead. Artist: Evgeny Ponomarev August 6 marks the 100th anniversary of the famous "Attack of the Dead" - an event unique to the history of war: the counterattack of the 13th company of the 226th Zemlyansky regiment, which survived the German gas attack during the assault of the Osovets fortress by German troops on August 6 (July 24)

Confrontation between Russian and German officers in the jungle of Latin America

Confrontation between Russian and German officers in the jungle of Latin America

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Most Russians do not know anything about the Chaco War, which took place between Paraguay and Bolivia in 1932-1935. This is not surprising, because this military conflict flared up thousands of kilometers from Europe, in another part of the world. At the same time, this war became the bloodiest

"Wasp's Nest" of Russian heroes

"Wasp's Nest" of Russian heroes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The history of the defense of the Osovets fortress - not to surrender and not to die In any ancient historical name, there is usually a certain mysticism, a divine finger pointing to past or future great events. The Osovets fortress is a clear confirmation of this. It got its name from a purely

History of military parades on Red Square

History of military parades on Red Square

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Red Square is not only the most popular and most visited place in the capital of Russia, a visiting card and the heart of our country. It has long since become the main military parade ground of the Fatherland. It was here that the glorious military parades took place, the splendor and power of which always caused not only

"Why are we ruining the Russian land?"

"Why are we ruining the Russian land?"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

920 years ago, on October 19, 1097, at the council of princes in Lyubech, the division of Rus into appanage principalities was legalized. This advice was preceded by the difficult era of Izyaslav, full of strife, swarms and blood, the internecine war of 1094-1097. and the war with the Cumans

Boleslav II the Bold and Izyaslav Yaroslavich against Kiev

Boleslav II the Bold and Izyaslav Yaroslavich against Kiev

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

After the death of Yaroslav the Wise, Izyaslav, a weak and greedy prince, received the Kiev table. In conditions of princely strife and external threat (Polovtsy), he and his advisers led the people to an uprising. Not having the strength to suppress the popular uprising, Izyaslav fled to Poland, counting on the support of Prince Boleslav

Tianjin Treatise of 1858. Towards a solution to the Cupid problem

Tianjin Treatise of 1858. Towards a solution to the Cupid problem

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

On June 13, 1858, a Russian-Chinese agreement was signed in the Chinese city of Tianjin, which went down in history as the Tianjin Treaty. The agreement consisted of 12 articles. He confirmed peace and friendship between the two states, and guaranteed the inviolability of property and personal safety

Belarusian partisan territories and zones of 1941-1942

Belarusian partisan territories and zones of 1941-1942

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

From the first days of the occupation of Belarus, a partisan movement developed in the rear of the enemy, which day by day acquired an ever wider scope. The struggle of the Soviet patriots took on a mass character. By the beginning of 1943, 512 partisan detachments were operating in Belarus, uniting more than 56 thousand

Battle of Kulikovo. 1380 g

Battle of Kulikovo. 1380 g

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Battle of Kulikovo (Mamaevo Battle), a battle between the united Russian army led by the Moscow Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich and the army of the Temnik of the Golden Horde Mamai, which took place on September 8, 1380 1 on the Kulikovo field (historical area between the Don, Nepryadva and Beautiful Sword rivers on

Cossack Thermopylae: battle for Cupid

Cossack Thermopylae: battle for Cupid

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Why, having withstood the heroic siege of Albazin, Russia in 1689 gave the Amur region to China "Traveler, bring the message to our citizens in Lacodemon that, having fulfilled the covenant of Sparta, here we died with bones." These proud words are carved on a huge stone set on a hill at the entrance to Thermopylae in Greece

Guillotine: how France lost her head from Madame Guillotin

Guillotine: how France lost her head from Madame Guillotin

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The guillotine is a kind of pinnacle of execution that has become one of the infamous symbols of the French Revolution. The mechanism that replaced man in the craft of the executioner - was he just a reflection of soulless terror or a way to show mercy? We understand together with "Popular

White acacia vs swastika

White acacia vs swastika

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Unfortunately, practically nothing is known about the fact that the Russians are at the origins of the "French" Résistance. It was they - the descendants of those who fought near Borodino, Maloyaroslavets and Smolensk, who found themselves in a foreign land after the revolution - who laid the foundation for the Resistance movement and even

Captain A. V. Maryevsky: Against the T-34, the German cars were g *** o

Captain A. V. Maryevsky: Against the T-34, the German cars were g *** o

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“I could. I held out. Destroyed five buried tanks. They could not do anything because they were T-III, T-IV tanks, and I was on a thirty-four, whose frontal armor could not be penetrated by their shells. "

The rise and fall of Air Marshal A.E. Golovanov

The rise and fall of Air Marshal A.E. Golovanov

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the first days of that terrible war for our Motherland, not only ground troops suffered losses from the rapidly advancing German tank formations. A tragic carnage unfolded in the sky. The air force of the Western Special Military District was destroyed in large numbers on June 22, 1941

Petliura's shadow over Kiev

Petliura's shadow over Kiev

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The writer Konstantin Paustovsky, "a Muscovite by birth and a Kievite by heart", has lived in Ukraine for more than two decades in total. Here he took place as a journalist and writer, about which he spoke more than once in his autobiographical prose. In the preface to the Ukrainian edition of The Gold of Trojand (Gold

Memoirs of the Hanged Man

Memoirs of the Hanged Man

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Wilhelm Keitel was born on September 22, 1882 in the family of hereditary landowners Karl Wilhelm August Louis Keitel and Apollonia Keitel-Vissering. The future Field Marshal spent his childhood on the 650-acre family estate Helmscherode, located in the western part of the Duchy of Braunschweig

The tragedy and valor of the Green Brahma. Colonel Danilov - unknown hero of the great patriotic

The tragedy and valor of the Green Brahma. Colonel Danilov - unknown hero of the great patriotic

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

This name is known only to historians of the Battle of Uman and search engines enthusiasts. Colonel Danilov Alexander Ivanovich, Chief of Staff of the 24th Mechanized Corps of the Kiev Special Military District (KOVO). He died in the area of the "Green Brama" forest in August 1941, where surrounded by

Sinusoid of Marshal Golovanov

Sinusoid of Marshal Golovanov

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In the life of this man, a sharp rise in his career is significant - having received the post of commander of an aviation regiment and the rank of lieutenant colonel in February 1941, he became Chief Marshal of Aviation on August 19, 1944, the youngest marshal in the history of the Red Army. Stalin personally knew him and felt for him

The genius of small roles. Vladimir Pavlovich Basov

The genius of small roles. Vladimir Pavlovich Basov

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

“If I am offered to shoot a film in conditions close to combat, - without scenery, with defective film, with an amateur operator, but with the full opportunity to work with the actors you love, work pulse to pulse, create a magnetic field around you, infect them performers, and

Ancient Russia and France in the XI century. The fate of the Russian princess Anna Yaroslavna

Ancient Russia and France in the XI century. The fate of the Russian princess Anna Yaroslavna

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The events that will be discussed cover a two-hundred-year segment - X-XI centuries - of the history of France and Russia. Much has been written about this period and especially about the fate of the Russian princess Anna Yaroslavna (1032-1082) in recent decades. But, unfortunately, both journalists and writers approached the topic without

Castle of Saint Florentina: "a castle that has never been besieged and in which people live"

Castle of Saint Florentina: "a castle that has never been besieged and in which people live"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

There are castles, about which a lot has been written, and you just have to choose from what has been written that suits you, and retell it in your own words. There are castles about which little has been written, and then you yourself - if you, of course, happened to be next to one of them - convey in words what your

Warriors of the "fields of burial urns" culture

Warriors of the "fields of burial urns" culture

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

It has already been noted here that life is such a complex thing that absolutely everything in it is interconnected, like threads in a ball. If you pull one, others will follow. So it was with the theme of the Trojan War. Bronze Age, it seems, what is more? But … it becomes interesting, and what was happening at the same time

Three truths of Chambois: the magic of numbers

Three truths of Chambois: the magic of numbers

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

In most parts of the world, Holocaust denial is a punishable criminal offense. Denial of the Armenian Genocide is a crime in many countries. Denying war crimes during World War II is nowhere criminalized. And it would be useful in full measure to

Little-known wars of the Russian state: the struggle of the Moscow state with Kazan and Crimea in the first third of the 16th century. Part 2

Little-known wars of the Russian state: the struggle of the Moscow state with Kazan and Crimea in the first third of the 16th century. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The invasion of 1521 Moscow knew about the approach of a big war and urgently moved troops to the southern and southeastern border. The regiments in Serpukhov were commanded by princes Dmitry Belsky, Vasily Shuisky and Ivan Morozov-Poplevin. The Kashira army was led by princes Ivan Penkov and Fyodor Lopata Obolensky. Tarusa

Russian-Lithuanian war 1512-1522 Accession of the Smolensk land

Russian-Lithuanian war 1512-1522 Accession of the Smolensk land

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

"Eternal Peace", signed on October 8, 1508 between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Moscow, became just another temporary respite and lasted only two years. The reason for a new war was the information received by Vasily III Ivanovich about the arrest of his sister Alena (Elena) Ivanovna, a widow

Who saved Moscow in 1941: Siberians or the Far East of General Apanasenko?

Who saved Moscow in 1941: Siberians or the Far East of General Apanasenko?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

During the war years, the legend that Siberians saved Moscow in 1941 began to spread deliberately. The military secret did not allow then to tell the truth that they were in fact the Far East. Who exactly came up with the idea to call Primorye and Khabarovsk residents "Siberians" is not known for certain

Why did they create the myth of the "Mongol" invasion?

Why did they create the myth of the "Mongol" invasion?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The myth of the "Mongol" invasion and the "Mongol" yoke was created to hide the truth about the true history of Russia. The degeneration of the Russian boyar-princely "elite" her then and Rome), civil

The Romanians are running in a noisy crowd across Bessarabia

The Romanians are running in a noisy crowd across Bessarabia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Based on this photograph, it can be concluded that the Romanian soldiers did in fact throw their weapons. However, most likely, this photo was taken on July 3, 1940 or later, when the border was closed, and Soviet troops detained and disarmed the Romanian soldiers and officers who did not have time to leave - in total

Aesop's Language of Loss: the Common European Empire VS Russia

Aesop's Language of Loss: the Common European Empire VS Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Many articles and books have been written on the topic of losses in the Great Patriotic War. But it is important first of all to understand: what is reality in them and what is not. Therefore, I propose once again to carefully analyze and compare various scientific and journalistic sources, as well as statistical data on this

Cavalry against the railways

Cavalry against the railways

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The 20th century is an era of extraordinary growth in the role and importance of railways - these arteries of state organisms and the armed forces. Cutting railways means paralyzing the life of the country, the work of industry and the activities of the army

Operation Ulm. Fatal failure of Hitler's saboteurs in the Urals

Operation Ulm. Fatal failure of Hitler's saboteurs in the Urals

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

1943 brought a real turning point in the war between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. The Red Army pushed parts of the Wehrmacht to the west, and the outcome of the battles was largely determined by the tank power. In this situation, the authorities of the Third Reich decided to organize large-scale sabotage against the tank

Not in the Pacific Ocean Places of the last battles of the Civil War

Not in the Pacific Ocean Places of the last battles of the Civil War

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The wonderful song "Through the valleys and over the hills" is known to everyone who is interested in one of the most tragic and heroic pages in the history of our Fatherland - the Civil War that raged at the beginning of the twentieth century. It is in this song that the warriors who fought for the world's first state

White strategic cavalry. Raid Mamontov and the fight against him. Part 2

White strategic cavalry. Raid Mamontov and the fight against him. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Seeing the instability of the newly formed units, scattering when only enemy patrols appear, as well as the rapid advance of Mamontov's corps deep into the front, the commander of the Special Group orders to begin the transfer to the Sampur region - Oblovka of the 56th Infantry Division - which was followed

Where did Napoleon's treasure disappear?

Where did Napoleon's treasure disappear?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

The Patriotic War of 1812 was accompanied, and could not be otherwise, with the massive looting of Russian property in the territories occupied by Napoleon's troops. In addition to the fact that the emperor was already carrying with him an impressive treasury, which was supposed to be enough to meet the needs of a huge army

Mongols in Russia. Campaign of 1238

Mongols in Russia. Campaign of 1238

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Having learned about the tragic events in the neighboring Ryazan principality, the Grand Duke of Vladimir Yuri Vsevolodovich divided his troops into three parts. Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich, fresco in the Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin With part of his squad, he went to the Trans-Volga forests, to the City River, hoping that there to him

Mongols in Russia. First hit

Mongols in Russia. First hit

Last modified: 2025-01-24 09:01

Batu's invasion of Russia, miniature from the Life of Euphrosyne of Suzdal, XVII century The Calm Before the Storm The main direction in which the main forces were thrown was the Tangut kingdom of Xi Xia. Combat