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Troubles. 1919 year. 100 years ago, at the end of April 1919, the counter-offensive of the Eastern Front of the Red Army began. The Reds stopped the offensive of Kolchak's Russian army, defeated the Whites in the central and southern sectors of the front, and created the conditions for crossing the Ural ridge. General situation
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Troubles. 1919 year. The decisive role in the counteroffensive on the Eastern Front was played by the Southern Army Group, led by Frunze, which was preparing a flank counterstrike during the Kolchak offensive. Frunze - Red Napoleon, a unique red commander, noble and cruel, prudent, possessing a rare
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220 years ago, on April 26-28, 1799, Russian troops under the command of A. V. Suvorov in the battle on the Adda River utterly defeated the French army under the command of J. V. Moreau. The Russians took Milan. Thus, almost all of Northern Italy was liberated from the French. The situation before the battle in 1798
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230 years ago, in April 1789, Russian general Vilim Khristoforovich Derfelden defeated the Turkish army in three battles. The Turks invaded Moldova with three corps: Kara-Megmet, Yakub-agi and Ibrahim. Derfelden with his division defeated all three enemy detachments - at Byrlad, Maximen and
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During the Zhitomir-Berdichev operation, Soviet troops defeated the Kiev group of the Wehrmacht. Liberated from the invaders Kiev and Zhytomyr regions, part of Vinnitsa and Rivne regions. Conditions were created for the destruction of the enemy's Korsun-Shevchenko grouping. Like the germans
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While in 1941-1942. Germany won victories on the Russian front, Turkey's relations with Britain and the United States were rather cold. Only after a radical change in the war, the defeat of the Nazis at Stalingrad, Ankara's position began to change. At a conference in Casablanca in January 1943, Churchill and
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Stalin and Beria stood at the origins of the creation of the Russian air defense. In the West and among Russian Westerners-liberals, they are usually called “bloody murderers and executioners,” but in fact it was these people who saved Russia in the second half of the 1940s - 1950s from destruction. The West was preparing to attack our homeland again
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75 years ago, in April 1944, the Red Army completed the liberation of Right-Bank Ukraine. In the course of a series of operations, our troops defeated a strong and skilful enemy, advanced 250-450 km westward and liberated from the Nazis a huge territory of Little Russia (Ukraine) with a population of dozens
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75 years ago, on April 15-16, 1944, the Red Army made its way to Sevastopol. In seven days, Soviet troops liberated almost the entire Crimean peninsula. However, it was not possible to take the well-fortified city on the move, and Soviet troops began preparations for the assault on Sevastopol. Breakthrough German
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75 years ago, the first assault on Sevastopol by the Red Army failed. The Germans relied on strong defensive lines, preserved the combat effectiveness of their main forces during the retreat, and fought desperately. The Soviet command made a number of miscalculations, hurrying with the assault, so attempts 15, 18-19 and
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80 years ago, in April 1939, Italy occupied Albania, establishing its empire in the Mediterranean and preparing to invade Greece. On April 7, 1939, the Italian army invaded Albania. On April 14, Rome announced the incorporation of Albania into the Italian state. "Founding of the Empire" Back in 1925
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Officially, in World War II, Turkey observed "neutrality" and at the very end of the war on February 23, 1945, declared war on Germany and Japan. The Turkish army did not participate in the hostilities. But this position made it possible to avoid territorial losses and the loss of the Black Sea straits. Stalin planned
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Having declared a "cold war" to us in 1946-1947, the West was preparing for massive raids on Russian cities. The masters of the West did not forgive the Russians for the victory over Hitler. The Westerners planned to finish off the Soviet (Russian) civilization, to establish their absolute power over the entire planet
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Why were the masters of the West afraid to use strategic bombers with atomic charges to destroy the USSR? The then "peacefulness" of the Atlantists, or rather, their impotence, is explained by the fact that the Stalinist empire possessed a strong fighter aircraft, tank armada, magnificent
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75 years ago, the operation of the Red Army began to liberate Crimea. On April 11, 1944, Soviet troops liberated Dzhankoy and Kerch, on April 13 - Feodosia, Simferopol, Evpatoria and Saki, on April 14 - Sudak and Alushta on April 15, and on April 16 they reached Sevastopol. The Germans fortified the city well, therefore
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Already in 1946, the West declared the Cold War. The masters of the West did not forgive us for the victory over Hitler. According to their plans, Hitler was to crush the USSR, and then the United States and England were going to share the "skins" of the Russian and German bears. It was the third world war that lasted until 1991
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In the West, in order to cut off the history of Russia, at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries, they created a myth about "Muscovy" - the state of Muscovites. Allegedly, today's Russia is the heir to only the Moscow principality, and the Russians are the descendants of the "Muscovites". This myth was created for propaganda purposes to prove that Moscow
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100 years ago, in April 1919, the White Finnish troops unexpectedly crossed the Russian-Finnish border in several places. The Finns were advancing on Petrozavodsk. Finland laid claim to the whole of Karelia and the Kola Peninsula
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The Austrian High Command followed a defensive strategy. Allied troops under the command of Count Suvorov-Rymniksky were supposed to protect the borders of the Austrian Empire. However, Suvorov decided to launch an offensive, defeat the French and create a bridgehead in Northern Italy for
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220 years ago, in March 1799, Suvorov's Italian campaign began. Combat operations of the united Russian-Austrian army under the command of Field Marshal A.V.Suvorov against French troops in Northern Italy. This campaign was part of the war of the Second anti-French coalition, which consisted of
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70 years ago, on April 4, 1949, a NATO bloc aimed against the USSR was created. The military-political bloc was preparing a nuclear war against the Soviet Union. But he was late. Russia was already ready to repulse the Western predator. "Power diplomacy" Currently, most ordinary people are sure that after
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435 years ago, on March 28, 1584, the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible died. Even during the years of his life in the West, they began to create a black myth about the "bloody tyrant Grozny." The smear campaign was continued by Westernizers and liberals in the Russian Empire, and then in the Russian Federation. As a result, the image was created
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75 years ago, on March 26, 1944, the Odessa offensive operation began. The offensive of the troops of the 3rd Ukrainian Front under the command of R. Ya. Malinovsky with the aim of defeating the coastal group of the Wehrmacht, and the liberation of Odessa. The operation to liberate Odessa was part of the "Third Stalinist
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In March 1799, a Russian squadron under the command of Fyodor Ushakov took the fortress of Corfu in the Mediterranean Sea. The decisive actions of the great naval commander made it possible to take the fortress, considered impregnable, with minimal losses. During the storming of Corfu, the stable opinion of contemporaries - the military
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225 years ago, on March 24, 1794, the uprising of Tadeusz Kosciuszko, or the Second Polish War, began. The act of the uprising proclaimed the complete restoration of the sovereignty of Poland and the return to it of the territories that were separated following the results of two partitions of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: 1772 and 1793. Causes
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"Hooray! To the Russian fleet … I now say to myself: why was I not at Corfu at least a midshipman. " V. Suvorov 220 years ago, in March 1799, Russian sailors under the command of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov captured the French strategic fortress of Corfu in the Mediterranean Sea. The victory was won during
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210 years ago, in March 1809, the Russian army made the famous Ice Campaign, which brought it victory in the Russian-Swedish War of 1808-1809. During this campaign, Russian troops under the command of Peter Bagration and Barclay de Tolly made an unprecedented campaign on ice
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For three months, the insurgent Cossacks led by Pavel Kudinov repulsed the attacks of the 8th and 9th armies of the Red Southern Front. The rebellious Don Cossacks pinned down significant forces of the Red Army, facilitating the offensive of the White Cossacks. This allowed Denikin's army to occupy the Don region and create a threat to enter
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The enemies of Russia and the Russian people created a black myth that the huge Soviet Union was a colossus with feet of clay. Hitler and his entourage believed in the same way, but they miscalculated, planning to crush the USSR with the help of "lightning war"
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80 years ago, in March 1939, Hitler sent troops to Bohemia and Moravia. Czechoslovakia ceased to exist, already in 1938 cut in favor of Germany, Poland and Hungary. On March 14, Slovakia declared its independence, but in fact found itself under the control of the Third Reich. March 15 by decree
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120 years ago, on March 29, 1899, Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria was born. Future Marshal of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor, Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars (since 1946 of the Council of Ministers), curator of the missile and nuclear programs of the USSR. Thanks to Beria, the USSR became nuclear and
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100 years ago, in March 1919, the Vyoshensky uprising began. The Don Cossacks rose up against the Bolsheviks, who established control over the Upper Don District in early 1919. In late 1918 - early 1919, the Tsaritsyn Front of the White Cossacks collapsed. In January 1919, the third assault failed
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100 years ago, in March 1919, the "Flight to the Volga" began - a strategic offensive operation of Kolchak's army with the aim of defeating the Eastern Front of the Red Army, reaching the Volga, joining with white forces in the South and North of Russia and a subsequent strike on Moscow. The main blows were delivered by the white troops
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As a result of the spring offensive of the Russian army of Kolchak, the Whites broke through the red Eastern Front in the center, defeated the northern flank of the red front; occupied vast territories, including the Izhevsko-Votkinsk region, Ufa and Bugulma, came to the approaches to Vyatka, Kazan, Samara
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The transformation of the USSR into a highly developed industrial and military power began with the Stalinist five-year plans, with the five-year plans for the development of the national economy. These were state long-term plans for the economic and cultural development of the Soviet Union. The first five-year plan fell on 1928-1932
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Gorbachev's "perestroika" did not lead to the creation of a "new economy" competitive in the world market, as originally planned. Since 1986, the situation in the Soviet economy has steadily deteriorated. There was a landslide drop in production efficiency and labor productivity. Fell
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The Red Emperor was literally creating the future before our very eyes. In ten years, from 1930 to 1940, the Soviet Union went from agrarian Russia to a highly developed industrial power, with advanced science and technology capable of withstanding the onslaught of the most advanced power of European civilization - the Third
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The history of the Patriotic War of 1812 has long been sorted out, as they say, bone by bone. Every step and tactical move of the opposing armies, up to almost the company level, became the subject of detailed study. Nevertheless, to this day, no unambiguous answer has been given to the question about one of the
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In an interview with IA REGNUM, the director of the Institute of Historical Research of Lviv University, guest professor of the Central European University in Budapest, senator and head of the Department of History of Ukraine of the Ukrainian Catholic University Yaroslav Gritsak tells the story of the creation of the OUN-UPA, about
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I think there is no need to talk about what is happening in Ukraine now. I just want to note that this is a civil war. Initiated by Ukrainian traitors in 1941 with the support of Nazi Germany with weapons and money, and continued today - with the support of the West and the United States with money and