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Having conceived the series of articles "Myths of Tsushima", I considered it sufficient to offer the respected readers an argument that refutes many of the established views on the Battle of Tsushima. Views that for many decades were considered indisputable facts, although they were not. In my opinion, that was enough
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In this article we will try to understand the question of what was the maximum speed of the Borodino-class battleships in Tsushima after all? Unfortunately, there is not as much data on this subject as we would like. V.P. Kostenko in his memoirs "On
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"A hundred times I said this oath: A hundred years in a dungeon is better than a proto one, A hundred mountains would rather interpret in a mortar, Than explain the truth to a dumbass." v
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Reasons for the defeat of the Russian squadron When writing this section, I found myself in a difficulty, because it is extremely difficult to rank the reasons for the defeat of the Russian squadron by their importance. Without pretending to be the ultimate truth, I present to you the fruits of my reflections
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The wounded cuirassier and the girl. Painting by Voychech Kossak. Despite all the qualifications and dedication of many doctors and surgeons, such as Percy, Larrey or Degenette, in general, the medical staff was not able to take care of the wounded and sick French soldiers and the due level that
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This is the final article in a series about the losses of the USSR and Germany in the Great Patriotic War. In this final section, we will continue to consider the combat and demographic losses of Germany. In the period from June 22, 1941 to May 9, 1945, the demographic combat losses of the armed forces of the Hitlerite
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Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg was born in Russia's rival Austria-Hungary. In the future, he will have to fight against this country, but by aristocratic standards, built in opposition to the national, in the service of the overlord, and not the people, this was normal. Fortunately, fate brought the family of our hero to
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Border of Bulgaria and Turkey, Rezovo. Source: Pudelek (Marcin Szala), wikipedia.org Previous articles have covered the 1963 Bloody Christmas in Cyprus, Operation Attila by the Turkish army and the so-called Cyprus Syndrome of the Secretary General
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Hitler's Secret Trips to Ukraine Hitler had many headquarters throughout Europe. But the most ambitious, both in size and in scope, was erected for the ambitious leader of the Nazis - it was in Ukraine. What do we know about this today? And the fact that Adolf seemed to like to visit and live in Ukraine
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In the previous article ("The Crisis of the Ottoman Empire and the Evolution of the Situation of Gentiles"), it was told about the situation of Jews and Armenians in this country. Now we will continue this story and talk about the situation in Turkey of the Christian peoples of the European part of this empire
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Execution of Shehzade Mustafa by order of his father - Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent. Shot from the series "Magnificent Century" In the last article, we began a story about the "Law of Fatih" (Sultan Mehmed II / Mehmed II), which allowed the son of a deceased ruler who came to power to kill his brothers "for the sake of public
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Jean de Nevers, Sigismund of Luxembourg, Bayezid I In the article "Timur and Bayezid I. Great commanders who did not share the world", it was told about the successes of the Ottoman state, headed by Sultan Bayezid I. It seemed that Byzantium was living out its last days and the Ottoman expansion was about to splash out over the limits
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In the last article (Second Battle of the Kosovo Field), it was told about Janos Hunyadi, whose army at the decisive moment did not manage to unite with the troops of the ruler of Albania Georgy Kastrioti. In this we will talk about this extraordinary Albanian commander, who, until his death in 1468, successfully
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Did the "Andropov project" really exist? Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov spent quite a bit as head of the CPSU and head of the Soviet state, only 15 months. But, unlike all other Soviet leaders, he came there after many years of work in a responsible position
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Corruption is called one of the main problems of modern Russia. And it's hard to disagree with this. In an attempt to find the ideal model of the political and social order in which corruption would be defeated, many turn to the era of Stalinism. After all, it is believed that Stalin fought corruption
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The falsification of the Stalinist period in the history of the USSR, which began with the XX Congress, and then the rabid defamation of those years, logically ended with the "reburial". The operation was carried out in the middle of the night. Stalin's sarcophagus was filled with a thick layer of concrete just in case. And after that, in the special room of the Mausoleum
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Batman-battalion - this is how his colleagues call Boris KERIMBAEV - the legendary Kara-Major, who commanded a special forces battalion of the 15th separate brigade of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the USSR General Staff. For the head of the Kara Major, the field commander of the dushmans, Ahmad SHAH MASUD, who controlled the Panjshir gorge
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Before the discovery of the Tatar shells, it was believed that the Tatar-Mongols, except for leather armor, had nothing. Franciscan, diplomat and scout Plano Carpini claimed that the armor was supplied to them from Persia. And Rubruk wrote that the Tatars receive helmets from the Alans. But from another source we see that
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Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin can hardly be classified as a great silent person. Not being as brilliant an orator as some revolutionary leaders, above all Leon Trotsky, he nevertheless spoke quite a lot and in front of a wide variety of audiences. However, if you try to find the texts
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860 years ago, on May 15, 1157, the Grand Duke of Suzdal and Kiev, Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky, died. Yuri made Suzdal his capital and became the first real prince of North-Eastern Russia. The Grand Duke subordinated to his power Murom, Ryazan, seized the lands along the banks of the Volga, subjugated his
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From the very beginning, knightly tournaments in medieval Europe were not in the nature of a judicial duel, but a "sports competition". The nobles who participated in them, as a rule, did not set themselves the task of punishing the offender, although victory over a personal enemy or an enemy of the family was certainly welcomed and
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Finland's losses in the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940: a pulp mill in Enso (Svetogorsk) In the history of the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940, or the "Winter War", in my opinion, an important question always remains behind the scenes, which must be formulated so: why did Finland decide at all
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In military history, it very often always happens that the victim of a grandiose shameful defeat then, decades later, and sometimes even centuries later, tries quite successfully to turn his collapse into a victory. Such precedents have been taking place since the times of the Egyptian pharaohs. Now, in the era
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The famous "lip" was feared by many servicemen. And many have had a chance to visit it. The history of the guardhouses of the Russian army has more than three hundred years - special guard rooms where guilty servicemen can be placed in custody
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We present the winners of the competition dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Third place. On the morning of June 1991, five were standing in front of the one-story building of the headquarters. Two sergeants - in parades, with badges, with stripes on their shoulder straps, on which the letters "SA" were yellow, in caps with visors gleaming in the sun; three
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Residents of modern Russia know that Bulgaria is a South Slavic country with a mild climate, where in any cafe and restaurant they understand Russian. Those born in the USSR will say that "the Bulgarian elephant was the best friend of the Soviet elephant." And only very few veterans of the Soviet special services remember how great
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Democracy came to Bulgaria on November 10, 1989 - the day after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The country had three missile brigades (RBR) of operational-tactical missile systems (OTR), armed: the 46th and 66th RBR - OTR 9K72 "Elbrus", 76th RBR - OTR 9K714 "Oka". Each RBR had two missile divisions
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On August 31, 1958, the United States deployed the first Thor ballistic missiles in the UK against the USSR. After they put the Jupiter missiles on alert and made plans to deploy them not only in Great Britain, but also in France. The break with de Gaulle prevented these plans from being translated into
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The fate of the Shch-211 submarine was not an easy one. She fought and died in the Great Patriotic War, having fulfilled her duty to the end. For 60 years, only the gloomy depths of the Black Sea knew the cause and place of the Pike's death. What little people knew, they had to keep in the twilight of military secrets. Even in
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The name of the river in the original is Bolga, not the Volga. The Bulgarian title is Kan, not Khan. The name of the Athos monastery is Khilandar, and the name of the saint remaining in the Bulgarian nominal tradition is St. Paisius of Khilendar. Geographically, Bulgaria is located in the center of the Balkan Peninsula. Here geopolitical
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In the 90s, on the wave of anti-Soviet and anti-communist sentiments throughout Eastern Europe, a formidable Russophobic campaign was launched. Bulgaria turned out to be one of the very few countries where healthy Slavic, Orthodox feelings prevailed over fratricidal slander. There were attempts to demolish
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On September 13, 1948, seventy years ago, a war broke out in the heart of India. The fighting was the latest leverage by which the Indian government decided to end forever the risk of a "new Pakistan" emerging right inside the Indian state. As you know, a year before
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Italy met the beginning of the Second World War with a very strong subdivision of submarine saboteurs. After the Italian sailors successfully attacked the Ships, the Italian Navy decided to organize a raid on Malta. At that time, the island of Malta, which belonged to Britain, was the main
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The other day in Kyrgyzstan, which is considered one of the closest post-Soviet republics to Russia, it was decided to rename the Day of the October Revolution, the Day of History and Memory of Ancestors. Considering the general trends in the political development of the post-Soviet states, there is nothing in this
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Today marks the ninety years since the birth of Eduard Shevardnadze, a politician who played a significant role in the history of both the late Soviet Union and post-Soviet Georgia. Eduard Amvrosievich Shevardnadze was born on January 25, 1928 in the village of Mamati, Lanchkhut region, in the historical
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Exactly one hundred years ago, on January 15, 1918, Gamal Abdel Nasser was born - a man who was destined to play a very significant role in the recent history of the Middle East and North Africa. One of the few foreigners Gamal Abdel Nasser was awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union (although
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At the very beginning of the seventies of the twentieth century, the Soviet Union was actively increasing its presence and influence in various parts of the world, including on the African continent. In September 1971, a large detachment of Soviet warships appeared off the African coast. He went to the port of Conakry
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Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev is one of the most tragic and mysterious figures of the Civil War in Russia. This is due to the mysterious death of the famous red commander. Until now, discussions about the circumstances of the murder of the legendary commander do not subside. The official Soviet version of Vasily's death
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Italy, like Germany, was one of the "young" European powers, emerging as a single state only in 1861, when, as it seemed, all spheres of influence had long been divided between England and France, as well as Spain and Portugal, which retained part of their possessions. and the Netherlands. But
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From the photo, a young man looks at us with a cocky gaze. A sailor's peakless cap with the inscription "John Chrysostom" and a hussar dolman embroidered with brandenburs. It is difficult not to recognize him - the famous Fedos, Theodosius or Fedor Shchus, one of the closest associates of Batka Makhno, known for his dashing and