Why did they create the myth of the "Mongol" invasion?

Why did they create the myth of the "Mongol" invasion?
Why did they create the myth of the "Mongol" invasion?

The myth of the "Mongol" invasion and the "Mongol" yoke was created to hide the truth about the true history of Russia.

The degeneration of the Russian boyar-princely "elite" led to the first turmoil - "baptism" (an attempt at conceptual and ideological subordination of the Eastern Roman Empire, and then through it to Rome), civil war between "Christians" and "pagans", feudal fragmentation and disintegration of the empire Rurikovich. The princely strife led to a whole series of internecine wars that seriously weakened Russia.

It is worth noting that internecine wars in Russia were distinguished by extreme fierceness. Writers love to show the horrors of the "Mongol-Tatar" invasion and yoke, but the Russians cut themselves with the Russians with no less bitterness and hatred. The Russes of Kiev, Galich, Polotsk, Novgorod, Suzdal and Vladimir killed, robbed, took away to the full just as the "Mongols" would do later. There were no "discounts" for belonging to the same tribe and faith.

The collective West, having received a powerful rebuff from the Muslim world in the Middle East, decided to continue the Drang nach Osten movement. Knightly orders are being thrown to the East - powerful Catholic spiritual and military organizations, which "by fire and sword" subordinated tribes and peoples to Rome. In 1202, the Order of the Swordsmen was founded in Riga, and in 1237 it was transformed into the Livonian Order. Also, the Teutonic Order was thrown against Prussia, the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russia and other Russian lands.

It is obvious that a fragmented Russia would become a victim of the collective West. She would have been captured and "digested" piece by piece. The technique was already worked out during the capture and assimilation of Northern and Central Europe. The most brutal onslaught, total war, baptism "with fire and sword." Creation of fortified castles, strongholds of the occupation. The strategy "divide, play and conquer", when some tribes used one language against others. The destruction of the recalcitrant nobility, the domestication and baptism of the part that turned out to be ready for "cultural cooperation", the creation and education of a new nobility. The people, on the other hand, gradually, over tens and hundreds of years, are losing their native traditions, culture, and language. New "Germans" appear who have lost contact with the origins, native culture and language. Thus, Rome and the knightly orders subdued and "digested" the Slavic Pomerania (Pomerania), Prussia - Porussia, and settled in the Baltic (Livonia). The same fate awaited the Russian lands and the Russian people as part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Russia, where the Russian element initially prevailed. This Russian state was eventually subordinated to Poland and Rome, that is, the West. Pskov, Novgorod, Smolensk, Tver and other Russian lands and cities would inevitably follow this path. Separately, sooner or later their resistance was broken, the rebellious, violent nobility was destroyed, the "flexible" nobility was bribed or persuaded.

Why did they create the myth about
Why did they create the myth about

Battle of Legnica. Miniature of the XIV century.

Russia was saved by an invasion from the East - the East Siberian core of the Rus super-ethnos. As already noted more than once, there were no "Mongols" in Russia (). This is a myth - created in the Vatican for the purpose of distorting the true history. In the West, they do not want to admit a strategic defeat from the Russian-Horde Empire. Russia and the Horde stopped the centuries-old offensive of the West - the "onslaught on the East."As a result, the collective West was able to subjugate only the West Russian lands for some time (they became part of Hungary, Poland and Lithuania), but could not advance further. For centuries, bloody and brutal wars raged, but the West could not break through to Asia through Russian territory.

The Rus fought with the Rus. Two passionate cores of the super-ethnos of the Rus, the heirs of the Great Scythia. No "Mongols" conquered China, did not reach the Caucasus, Persia, the Northern Black Sea region and Russia. Khalkhu, Oirats - self-name, ethnonym of autochthons (indigenous population) of Mongolia, real anthropological Mongoloids, then were a poor nomadic community. They were at a low stage of development - hunters and primitive shepherds, like part of the Indian tribes of North America. Shepherds and hunters, who were at a primitive primitive communal level, could under no circumstances create a powerful military power, and even more so a continental empire "from sea to sea." The real Mongols had no industrial, military, or state base to create a first-class military power.

Thus, the myth of the "Mongols from Mongolia", who created one of the greatest world empires in the history of mankind, is a deception and the greatest historical and informational sabotage of Rome and the West as a whole against Russia-Russia. The masters of the West deliberately distort and rewrite the true history of mankind in their interests. And this is being done all the time, it is enough to remember how the history of the Second and Great Patriotic Wars is being distorted literally before our eyes. Where from the Russian (Soviet) soldiers - liberators have already been converted into "occupiers and rapists" who allegedly captured a significant part of Europe and "overpowered" all German women. Communism and Nazism, Hitler and Stalin were put on the same level. Moreover, they are already talking about Hitler, who "defended" Europe from the Bolshevik, red hordes of Stalin. And Europe was allegedly liberated by Britain and the United States, which defeated Nazi Germany.

The myth of the "Mongol" invasion and the "Mongol" yoke was created to hide the truth about the true history of Russia, the heir to the thousand-year northern tradition of Hiberborea and Great Scythia. The Russians were allegedly a "wild" tribe that was brought to "civilization" by the German-Scandinavian Vikings and European Christian missionaries. And the "Mongol" invasion threw Russia into the "darkness of centuries", slowed down its development for several centuries, while the Russians were the "slaves" of the Golden Horde khans. At the same time, the Russians adopted from the "Mongols" the principles of government and organization, "slave psychology." All this separated Russia from Western Europe and led to "backwardness".

In reality, by way of war, the two parts of the former Great Scythia - North-Eastern Russia and the Rus of the Scythian-Siberian world - were united. Anthropological studies of burial grounds during the period of the "Mongol" invasion and domination show the complete absence of the Mongoloid element in Russia. Invasion, battles, storming of cities - all this happened. There was tribute, tithes, new campaigns, fires and looting. But there was no "Mongol" army and no "Mongol" empire. Since in the forest-steppe zone of Eurasia, including the lands from the Northern Black Sea region, the Northern Caucasus, from the Dnieper, Don and Volga to Altai and Sayan Mountains, for several millennia there is no real power, no people, except for the late Rus-Siberians and the powerful Scythian-Siberian world (heir the traditions of the Aryans and Great Scythia, which stopped the invasion of the Persian armies of kings Darius and Cyrus) did not exist. It was a truly powerful force - with a multi-thousand-year cultural, state, industrial and military tradition. Hundreds of clans united by language, traditions, and a single pagan faith. Only the Rus of the Scythian-Siberian world could create a huge continental empire, again unite the northern civilization from the borders of China to the Dnieper.

Northern Caucasians have more than once created kingdoms in China, gave the Celestial Empire ruling dynasties, elites, guards and officials. But it must be remembered that one or two generations and the Russians in China became Chinese. Mongoloid features of the dominant. A similar story happened in the 20th century. Many thousands of Russians fled to China during the Revolution and Civil War. Harbin was a Russian city. But quite a bit of time has passed, in historical terms, and only gravestones and several cultural and historical monuments have remained from the large Russian community. At the same time, the Russians were not exterminated. It's just that their children and grandchildren became Chinese. Another interesting example is India. There, the Aryans who came from the territory of modern Russia, and who were carriers of the common northern tradition for us, created closed caste-varnas and in many ways were able to preserve, preserve themselves. It is not surprising that the Hindus from the modern higher castes - the Brahman priests and Kshatriya warriors, are genetically, anthropologically the same Rus as the Russians. And the faith and traditions of the Hindus are the same as those of the Aryan-Rus 4 thousand years ago, or the Rus of the times of Oleg the Prophet and Svyatoslav (like the rite of cremation).

In a campaign to the west, the Scythian-Siberian Rus defeated and subjugated their relatives in Central Asia, which was also previously part of Great Scythia, and although the local population was already Islamized, the Turkic and Mongoloid element had not yet become predominant. Also, the Tatars of the Urals and the Volga region, Alans and Polovtsians were included in the army (they were also the wreckage of the Great Scythia and the super-ethnos). Moreover, the Tatars were still pagans then, and the Turkic group not so long ago separated from the common language family and had almost no Mongoloid admixture (unlike the Crimean Tatars). Thus, the "Tatar-Mongol" invasion was the invasion of the Scythian-Siberian pagan Rus, who drew the Pagan Tatars, Polovtsians, Alans, and the inhabitants of Central Asia (descendants of the Scythian Rus) into their campaign. That is, it was war between the pagan Rus of Asia and the Christian Rus of the fragmented Vladimir-Suzdal and Kievan Rus. The war between the two passionate cores of the super-ethnos of the Rus and the Russian civilization, the heir to the great northern tradition of Great Scythia. The tales about the "Mongols" were invented by the enemies of the Russian superethnos and Russia. It was the Scythian-Siberian Rus who created the great "Mongol" empire, the Russian-Horde empire.

The Horde Empire (from the Russian word for "clan") began to degenerate and degrade from the constantly growing and total Islamization, and the influx of a huge number of Arabs into the Golden (White) Horde. Islamization and became the main cause of intra-elite strife and the collapse of the empire. The history of the Horde Empire was rewritten in their own interests by Muslim and Catholic authors. The Rus of Ryazan and Novgorod and the Rus-Horde had a common anthropological, cultural and linguistic origin, and so were parts of a single superethnos and a single northern tradition-civilization. At first, they were distinguished by their faith and way of life, as well as by the difference in socio-political development: the Rus-Christians of Russia overcame the generic stage of development, had a "developed" feudalism; The Horde Rus were at the stage of tribal, "military" democracy. Therefore, later, when the center of government shifted to Moscow, most of the Horde people easily became Russian, without introducing any "Mongol" signs into the Russian people. At the same time, the Islamization of the Russians and Tatars of the Horde led to the division of the superethnos; it cut off the Islamized Eurasian part from it, except for those "Tatars" who adopted Orthodoxy by many thousands and went into the service of the Moscow sovereign.

Naturally, in Rome and in the West they tried to distort and hide the true history of the Russian superethnos and the Russian-Horde Empire, the so-called. "Tartaria", which was subject to most of the continent. In the West, they invented the "Mongol" invasion and the "Mongol" empire. The historians of the Romanovs (and the Germans were the first to write the official “history of Russia”) supported this myth, since Westernized Petersburg sought to join the family of “enlightened and civilized” Europe and did not want to continue the tradition of the Northern Eurasian Empire and the Horde-“Tartaria”. They tried to bury the many-thousand-year history of Russian civilization and the super-ethnos of the Russians. However, she left so many traces that the truth immediately began to make its way. Already Lomonosov, Tatishchev, Lyubavsky, Ilovaisky and many other researchers found that the history of the Rus-Russians does not correspond to the generally accepted "classical" version.

Among the traces of the ancient empire is the fact that up to the 16th - 17th centuries, and sometimes in the 18th century, the entire territory of continental Eurasia in Western Europe was called the Great Scythia (Sarmatia) from old memory, which was synonymous with the names "Great Tartary" and Russia … Historians of that time identified the ancient Scythians-Sarmatians and contemporary Russians, believing that the entire steppe Eurasia, as before, was inhabited by one people. In the Golden and other horde states, which occupied in the XIII - XVI centuries. the entire steppe zone of the East European Plain, Central Asia and southern Siberia, the basis of the population was the Scythians-Sarmatians-Alans-Russes. This was the opinion not only of the authors who used written sources, but also of the travelers who themselves saw the "Great Scythia - Tartaria".

Julius Pomponius Let, a 15th century Roman humanist, traveled to Scythia; visited Poland, near the Dnieper, at the mouth of the Don, described the customs and manners of the "Scythians". He mentioned Russian braga, honey, how the “Scythians”, sitting at oak tables, proclaim toasts in honor of the guests, wrote down several “Scythian” words that turned out to be Slavic. He believed that "Scythia" stretches far to the east and borders on India, wrote about the "Khan of the Asian Scythians". In the eyes of the author, the Scythians look Russian and the territory of their settlement includes not only the lands of the Russian-Lithuanian and Moscow states, but also others, which are ruled by the khans and stretch far to the east. And from the sources of the XIV - XVI centuries. we can learn that Siberia was then inhabited not by "Mongol-Tatars", but by white people, surprisingly similar to the ancient Scythians and modern Russians.

It is also worth remembering that the names Chemuchin (Temuchin), Batu, Berkei, Sebedai-Subudey, Guess, Mamai, Chagat (d) ai, Boro (n) dai, etc. are not “Mongolian” names. These are also the names of the super-ethnos of the Rus, only not Orthodox, but pagan. Most of the Horde's subjects were Rus-Russians. Fierce internecine wars between the Rus were commonplace for those times. Moscow fought a war with the Russians of Ryazan, Tver, Novgorod and the Horde for the unification of the country. Reality is tragic, more tragic than it is customary to imagine. There were no terrible "Mongols". Russians fought with Russians. Thus, the "Tatar" Murzas and khans with thousands of detachments constantly switched to the service of the Grand Dukes of Vladimir and Moscow, Russian-Lithuanian. These transitions were accompanied by marriage and inclusion in the elite of the Russian state. As a result, the Moscow aristocracy was formed from "Tatar" by a third. There was integration into the new state of the once united empire. At the same time, the Russian people and the Moscow aristocracy have no signs of "Mongoloid".

In the middle of the XIV century. the elite of the Horde converted to Islam. At the same time, the bulk of the population of the horde-clans retained the pagan tradition. In particular, in the "Tale of the Mamayev Massacre", a Russian written monument of the 15th century, the gods worshiped by the "Tatars" are mentioned. Among them are Perun and Khors. Islam has not yet become the mainstream religion. The Islamization of the Horde led to a series of violent internecine wars, the collapse of the empire. Moscow has become a new center of attraction for civilization and a super-ethnos. For a century and a half, this new center was able to restore the main core of the empire. The first Russian tsar-emperor was Ivan the Terrible, heir to the ancient empire of Rurikovich and the Russian-Horde empire. During his reign, Russia turned to the south - to the Caucasus and the Caspian, and to the southeast, to Kazan and Siberia. With one blow, they returned the entire Volga region, opened the way beyond the Urals and began reunification with Siberia. The indigenous population of the great steppe, the descendants of the ancient Scythians, Sarmatians, Polovtsians, "Mongols", returned under the rule of their national center. At the same time, the "Scythians" - "Cossacks" simultaneously became the shock vanguard of the Russian civilization and the super-ethnos, quickly returning and developing the ancestral lands of northern civilization - Eurasia.

Thus, under Ivan Vasilievich the Terrible, the core of the “Great Scythia”, the Russian Empire, was restored. Ancient authors knew the same country and people. It stretched from the Black (Russian) and Baltic seas to the borders of Japan, China and India. That is, Russia in the 16th - 19th centuries. did not conquer foreign lands, but returned their own. The West, on the other hand, faced with powerful resistance from Russia and the Horde, and then the Russian Empire, led by Moscow, was forced to look for new lands for seizures and plunder. This is how the "Great Geographical Discoveries" began.
