Currently, the supply of the Russian army consists of a number of combined arms body armor. These products have been developed over the past several decades, and each new project has used the most modern technologies and materials. This consistent development has made it possible to create designs with high levels of protection and ergonomics.
From the late nineties
Until the beginning of the 2000s, the main body armor (BZ) of the Russian army was the 6B5 product in several modifications. In 1999, the 6B13, developed by NPF Tekhinkom, was put into service. In the future, mass production made such a BZ one of the main ones in the army. Despite the emergence of newer and more effective means of protection, 6B13 still remain in limited use.
BZ 6B13 was built according to the traditional scheme, but using modern materials. The vest completely covered the user's torso and protected the neck. fasteners were provided with the ability to adjust for height and volume. The chest and back sections of the vest were made on the basis of fabric armor packages. On the chest there was one pocket-cover for the armor plate, on the back - two. In the original version, 6B13 was equipped with ceramic-composite plates "Granit-4", which provided protection of class 4.

The fabric elements of the 6B13 product provided all-round protection from light low-speed fragments; the area of such protection is up to 55 sq. dm, depending on the size of the vehicle. Chest elements "Granit-4" were produced in sizes from 7 to 9 sq. Dm. Dorsal - up to 8, 5 sq. Dm in total. The total weight of the vest reached 11 kg.
As production and operation continued, improved versions of body armor were proposed. Reinforced armor elements were developed that correspond to the 5th and 6th class of protection. Product 6B13M retained the standard elements, but received covers with MOLLE / UMTBS slings.
Modular principle
In 2003, the BZ 6B23 developed by NPP "KlASS" was adopted for service. This body armor quickly enough replaced a number of outdated samples and became one of the main products of its class in our army. In general, this status has been preserved to this day.

Improved ergonomics and modular approach to the formation of protection became a characteristic feature of the new vest. In the basic modification 6B23, such a bulletproof vest uses fabric elements based on 30 layers of TSVM-2 material. They are located on the chest, back and sides. The 6B23-1 configuration provides for the installation of a chest steel armor plate, and 6B23-2 uses a ceramic element "Granite-4M" on the chest and steel on the back. Fabric blocks provide class 2 protection - against pistol bullets; steel and ceramic - 3 and 4 classes. The total area of the 6B23 vest reaches 48 sq. Dm. Of these, 8 sq. In. Each fall on the thoracic and dorsal elements. Weight, depending on the panels used, from 4 to 10, 2 kg.
Strengthening protection
In 2010, the serial production of 6B43 type BZhs developed by Tekhinkom started. When creating this product, the modular principle was again used with the possibility of obtaining different levels of protection. In addition, measures were taken to increase the protected area: the vest received shoulder pads, giving it a characteristic look.
In the basic configuration, 6B43 includes chest, back and side sections, made in the form of a single product. They can be joined by shoulder pads and a groin apron. The textile vest contains protective blocks made of Rusar fabric, corresponding to the 1st class. Chest, two back and two side ceramic panels of the "Granite" series of class 5 can also be installed in the corresponding pockets.

Depending on the size, BZ 6B43 in a complete set can have a total protection area of up to 69.5 sq. Dm. Of these, up to 30 sq. In. Is accounted for by ceramic or fabric elements. Body armor weight without armor - 4.5 kg. The product with chest and back panels weighs 9 kg, and the complete set gains 15 kg.
To date, 6B43 has managed to gain widespread distribution and become one of the main domestic body armor. It is these products that can most often be observed on military personnel working in hot spots or dangerous areas.
Bullet-proof vest for "Warrior"
The composition of the new military equipment (BEV) "Ratnik" includes several means of protection of different classes. So, a combat protective kit (BZK) 6B49 was created in the form of a jumpsuit or a set of jacket and trousers with flexible fabric protection. UPC can withstand hit by shrapnel and pistol bullets. Also BEV "Ratnik" includes a helmet 6B47 and a modern body armor 6B45.

BZ 6B45 in its architecture as a whole repeats the previous products, however, it has a number of design and technological differences. The chest, dorsal and lateral sections, as well as the neck protection are preserved. Shoulders and apron are not included in the basic configuration. Cloth armor packages provide class 1 protection. Ceramic-composite elements "Granite-5" are protected by class 5A. The total area of the body armor is 45 sq. Dm, of which at least 25.5 sq. Dm falls on the armor elements. The weight of the product with ceramic protection is 8, 7 kg.
An assault version of the body armor was developed - 6B45-1. It features shoulder pads and an apron with bulletproof protection, additional shock absorbers and reinforced ceramic panels. In this case, the elements "Granite-6", corresponding to the 6th class, are used. The BZh is also produced with a buoyancy kit 6B45-2.
Development trends
The modern history of domestic combined arms body armor dates back to the early eighties, when the 6B2 product was created and adopted. In just a few years, new models appeared with various differences and advantages. The process of modernizing existing samples and creating new ones does not stop until now and leads to new interesting results.

Over the past decades, various architecture options have been proposed and implemented in different designs, as well as new materials have been introduced. At the same time, a number of major trends were observed. So, BZh 6B2 of the early eighties protected a person by means of a woven block made of aramid fiber (for the first time in domestic practice) and with the help of titanium plates.
In the future, this scheme was retained, and in the nineties, BZ appeared with ceramic-composite elements, which combined a higher level of protection and less weight. The combined structure with fabric and ceramic armor elements is actively used in modern designs, however, they use modern materials with improved characteristics. The most advanced armor panels for the DB provide protection against armor-piercing rifle bullets - although they are distinguished by their large mass and high cost.
In parallel with the protection materials, the ergonomics of the products were improved. Also, in addition to the chest and back sections, new protection elements were introduced - collars, shoulder pads, side sections and aprons of various designs. These elements made it possible to increase the protection area without unacceptable weight gain.

It is known about the continuation of work to improve the existing designs of body armor and to create new ones. Promising materials with reduced weight and increased strength are being developed and tested. It is possible to change the approach to the protection architecture. In particular, the idea of a protective overalls with armored elements on the maximum area can be developed.
It is expected that bulletproof vests and other products based on new technologies and materials will be included in the promising BEV "Sotnik". It is not known what its elements will be and how they will differ from modern products. But in terms of their main characteristics, they will certainly surpass the existing means of protection.