So, let's summarize the interim results for the supply of aviation equipment for the first 7 months of 2013 in the RF Air Force. The numbers for the aircraft are rather weak reflecting what will happen at the end of the year. The reason is in the traditional December deliveries, for example, in December 2012, the Air Force delivered new 18 aircraft out of 35 … However, some trends are already visible.

Su-34 was the first to be spotted aircraft w / n 34 in Akhtubinsk on May 6, 2013. Then, according to the press release and photographs of the spotters, 3 more new aircraft were seen from w / n 28, 29 and 30. They were transferred to Voronezh on July 9, 2013. NAPO this year completes the supply of equipment under the contract dated December 2012 for the production of 32 aircraft (21 have already been delivered). There is a second contract for 92 cars from March 1, 2012.

Su-30SM w / n 54 is the first and so far the only aircraft of this type delivered. First seen on May 6, 2013 in Akhtubinsk. The general contract dated March 23, 2012 for 30 vehicles (3 delivered) and there is a second contract for another 30 vehicles dated December 19, 2012.

The Yak-130 was transferred to the Borisoglebsk training center (airbase) 2 batches of three aircraft each. The first batch with w / n 46, 47 and 48 was overtaken on June 19, 2013, the second in July 2013 (50, 53 in the photo and one more did not hit the spotters). The contract dated December 8, 2011 for the supply of 55 aircraft (21 have already been delivered) is being fulfilled.

An-140-100 13A007 for the Russian Air Force carried out its first flight on February 19, 2013, handed over to the customer on April 5, 2013. Work is underway under the second contract dated May 2011 for 9 aircraft (2 delivered), there is another contract dated April 2013 for 3 aircraft.

L-410UVP-E20 for the Russian Air Force, an aircraft marked OK-JDC on June 26, 2013 arrived in Nizhny Novgorod for a further flight to Chkalovsky. The aircraft marked OK-JDD arrived on July 9, 2013 in Nizhny Novgorod, then made a further flight at the place of deployment in Chkalovsky.

Tu-154, the last production aircraft Tu-154M with registration RA-85042, was handed over to the RF Ministry of Defense on February 19, 2013.
Repair and modernization of aircraft:

Su-24 Hephaestus, in May the last batch was transferred to the Central Military District. This was published on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on May 28, 2013, stating that all the Su-24 Central Military District underwent Hephaestus modernization - 11757774 @ egNews

8 new Su-25SM3 w / n 01, 07, 08, 10 - others cannot be distinguished in the video dated February 25, 2013, spotted at the Primorsko-Akhtarsk base. Another 2 Su-25SM3s were also transferred to the Southern Military District, according to the official release on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of February 15, 10 modernized Su-25SM3s were transferred to the Southern Military District - htm? id = 11634819 @ egNews

An-124-100 registration RA-82030, since 2011 has been under repair and revision at Aviastar. In April 2013, the Russian Air Force was transferred to the 224 squadron.

An-22 registration RA-09341 until 2011 was mothballed, then transferred to 308 ARZ in Ivanovo, where the COVR took place. Returned to the Air Force on March 31, 2013.

IL-76MD registration RA-76746 February 16, 2013 flew from 360 ARZ at the place of service. It should be especially noted that this board was restored from firewood in a sludge!

IL-22VKP (IL-22M11RT) at the 20th aircraft repair plant, overhaul and modernization of the RF-90786 (USSR-75898) board was carried out. The updated Il-22 received new communication equipment and on-board computers for headquarters officers. The most important change is the radio relay station, which sends and receives information in digital format. Thanks to this station, the aircraft became compatible with the automated command and control systems Zarya, Metronome, Sozvezdiye-25. Transfer to the Air Force on 05 July 2013.

Mi-28N transfer of 2 boards to the ZVO ferry on March 26, 2013 (possibly white 01 and 02), also fly around 6 pieces for a new squadron at the factory airfield in Rostov, numbers from 210 to 215 are blue. Several Mi-28Ns of the latest construction were also recorded without w / n. Photographed board 03 white.

Ka-52 helicopters built in 2012 and 2013, assembled by Rostvertol in 2013 - w / n 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 53, 54, 55, 56 red in Korenovsk, where the squadron was formed in 12 cars. Deliveries to Chernigovka - 01, 02, 21, 22, 23, 24, 38 yellow in gray color (all 8 Ka-52s recorded in 2012 were in camouflage).

Mi-8AMTSh in Chernigovka 8 was recorded from unnumbered, but most likely the delivery of 12 units per ab, because some of them cannot be distinguished w / n 41, 48, 49, 53, 56, 58, 61, 92 deliveries January-February 2013 …

Mi-8MTV5 delivery of two vehicles to Tver in February 2013, w / n 84 and 85 yellow. At least 4 more sides were filmed with spotters already in gray camouflage, at factory airfields, but without w / n.

Mi-26 factory 32-05 first flight on April 24, 2013 - the car received w / n white 53, factory 32-06 first flight on July 26, 2013, until it was painted and handed over.

Ansat-U helicopters with w / n numbers 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 yellow to the Syzran center on March 20, 2013.

Ka-226.80 delivered 5 units, with w / n 51, 66, 64 red and two more helicopters in the photo in the hangar, where w / n from March 20, 2013 is not visible. Another Ka-226 for the Air Force flew in April at the factory airfield, in a gray color but without w / n. Perhaps he was also tested at the SMU to confirm the characteristics of the updated anti-icing system in Naryan-Mar on May 11, 2013.
Repair and modernization of helicopters:

Mi-26 series 28-08, w / n 04 yellow with gray edging, the first flight in the old color on December 21, 2012, revision and delivery to the RF Air Force on February 03, 2013. Major overhaul has been carried out since 2011.
So far, at least 15 new aircraft for the Air Force have been built, at least 14 have been modernized or repaired (many of them are firewood), at least 47 helicopters have been built and 1 has undergone major overhaul. According to plans this year, the Air Force should receive 66 aircraft of new construction.